Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Your Digestive System - a Ticking Time Bomb

Before digestion actually occurs, the smell of food or the thoughts about food when you are hungry is the signal to salivate. This moistens the mouth and makes it possible to swallow food.

Digestion occurs in four stages beginning with the mouth, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.


There are two actions that take place when you put food in your mouth. One is to start breaking down food by chewing. While you are chewing saliva further breaks down food because of the enzyme amylase. Not chewing your food enough causes strain on the stomach to break down larger chunks.


The stomach produces about 3 quarts of acid per day. This in combination with enzymes further breaks down the food. It is in the stomach that proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are processed for nutrient absorption. The hydrochloric acid also kills off viruses and bacteria.

Small Intestine

The pancreas, which releases enzymes, and the gallbladder, which releases bile salts, assist the small intestine in further breakdown. It is in the small intestine that most of the nutrient absorption takes place. Unfortunately, today's poor diets from over processed foods, pollutants in our agriculture and misinformation, has created a nation susceptible to poor health and disease. Long term poor diet results in the body literally starving for nutrients while we gain unwanted weight, fatigue and immune system difficulties.

Large Intestine

The large intestine takes the remaining mass and absorbs water, electrolytes and some left over nutrients. The indigestible mass remains until it can be excreted.

What Can Go Wrong

Most everyone has experienced diarrhea or constipation in their lives and someone who is in relatively good condition will find this to be temporary. Diarrhea is when the muscles in the intestines move the mass along too quickly and there is not enough time for the water to be absorbed in the system. This is why doctors get concerned about dehydration. The opposite is true for constipation where the waste moves along very slowly so the water gets absorbed and the waste hardens making it difficult to excrete.

There are several conditions that cause havoc in the intestines that can cause poor health.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS, is where the muscles in the colon are not working properly. This can cause constipation or diarrhea, bloating and cramping, a very uncomfortable condition.

Colitis is a chronic inflammation of the intestines where the top layer of lining of the intestinal wall can be damaged and ulcers occur. This causes diarrhea, abdominal pain and possible bleeding. Ulcerative Colitis can be difficult to diagnose because it is similar to IBS and Crohns disease.

Crohns disease mainly affects the small intestine but can affect any part of the digestive system including the mouth and stomach. This disease causes inflammation even deeper in the intestinal lining.

The stomach and esophagus are not immune to irritation. The esophagus can get inflamed from acid reflux or GERD. The acid from the stomach can move up to the esophagus and damage the lining. The stomach can experience ulcers which can be quite painful.

There are other digestive disorders that can make one's life miserable, but, there is hope for any of these conditions. Lifestyle changes and eating habits can do much to ease or reduce symptoms. The fuel you put in your body has everything to do with how efficiently your body runs. It is a well known fact that if you put bad gas in your car it will run poorly or not at all. The same holds true for a body. If you have spent years abusing your body by giving it bad fuel, it stands to reason that it will not function well. So what do you do?

Start by evaluating what you eat on a daily basis and keep notes. Get educated in health and nutrition. The grocery stores are full of canned and packaged processed foods. Processed foods are truly an enemy to good health. Some nutrition is taken out, preservatives put in to ensure shelf life, great for the shareholders who are happy with their profits but bad for proper health.

Next time you go to a grocery store try this little exercise. Avoid all the center aisles for food items. This means no canned or processed foods, only non food items such as toothpaste, paper towels etc. Do go to the meat dept. for all natural meats, (but do keep portions way down, you really don't need much more than 3 oz). Then go to the produce section for fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, preferably organic. This means actual cooking which may not be as convenient as processed foods, but by far much healthier. If you don't have time to cook daily, take a Sunday afternoon and prepare meals to place in the freezer.

Drink a lot of water! Just drink up all day long. You would be amazed at what drinking water can do for your health. (Note, the more dehydrated you are, the more pain you feel) Water is so important in flushing your system of toxins and waste. Your toilet will not flush without water and this is true for your body as well. Most Americans are semi dehydrated and don't know it. You can get some of your liquids from fruits and vegetables, teas etc., but not drinking water through out the day will make it tough on your entire body. Some times when you feel a bit hungry you may actually be thirsty. Drink a glass of water first. If your craving for food goes away then you know it was thirst.

Your body relies on the digestive system for your very survival. A malfunctioning system impairs water and nutrient absorption. It can go like this for a long time but at your own peril. *** Long term neglect can result in conditions such as GERD, IBS which includes chronic constipation, diarrhea, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitisor Celiac disease or even cancer.*** While you may enjoy the cookies, pies, cakes and fatty foods that you know are not good for you, you will pay later! No matter the state your body is currently in with regards to the digestive system, you can do something about it. So DO something about it! You'll live longer, lose weight and feel so much better.

The Importance of Amino Acids in Your Daily Regime

Amino Acids and Athletic Performance

There has been considerable research on the protein needs of athletes. Most experts and studies indicate that athletes who do endurance training or intense bodybuilding should consume up to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. High altitude athletes may need as much as 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram per day. This is up to twice the recommended daily allowance for protein for the average individual who does not exercise. Those athletes who under-eat protein can suffer from malnutrition or injuries during training exercises. More than the recommended amount for athletes does not help an athlete gain muscle mass, however. 

Anabolic Amino Acids

One speculated benefit of amino acid supplementation is that those hormones that stimulate growth hormones in the body, such as Ornithine and Arginine, will increase the muscle mass of the athlete, changing the body composition and causing increases in muscle size. This can be accomplished by altering the diet or increasing the amount of amino acid supplementation using amino acid supplements.  It is important to use a crystallized protein supplement and one that is NSF "Certified for Sport" so that this allows professional athletes to use the product without fear of become tested positive for illegal substances or anabolic steroids.  

Branched chain amino acids (BCAA), such as Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, generate energy for the body that is exercising and are called "ergogenic" amino acids. They reduce the exercise-caused degradation of protein and reduce muscle loss during intense exercise. Remember that the body will use muscle for energy if it ca not find energy anywhere else. By consuming these enzymes during intense activity, you increase your fat free muscle mass and increase the muscle to fat ratio. Secondly, BCAA enzymes are able to reduce exercise-induced fatigue. The enzymes are taken up by the muscles during exercise so that oxidative metabolism (metabolism using oxygen instead of muscle) takes place.

Eventually, the BCAA enzymes are used up during exercise and this triggers another amino acid, L-tryptophan, to increase and enter the brain. L-tryptophan induces a sudden psychological and physiological need to rest, signaling the time to stop exercising and is probably the cause of over-training syndrome, low energy, loss of periods, depression, appetite loss, weight loss, immunosuppression and poor performance in athletes who are overdoing it. BCCA supplements help reduce over training syndrome by reducing the ratio of BCCA to L-tryptophan.    

Glutamine also supports muscle growth and development. Researchers have found that glutamine provides fuel as well for white blood cells, preventing the immunosuppression seen in overt raining syndrome. 

Many professional athletes are turning to an all natural amino stack called gHP Sport. The main reason is because it's NSF "Certified For Sport" and they know they can take gHP Sport without fear of losing their career due to banned substances.

Amino Acids and Weight Loss

Some amino acids seem to be helpful against obesity by allowing the body to burn fat more efficiently and by suppressing the appetite. Obesity is considered a cofactor in clogged arteries, high blood pressure, diabetes and the increase in certain cancers. The particular amino acids implicated in weight loss are carnitine, phenylalanine and tryptophan. Science tells us that most overweight individuals do not eat the degree of calories required to explain their weight gain. They just tend to burn calories at a lower rate than thinner people and store the calories as fat.

A number of studies have indicated that genetics has a great deal to do with your weight. Identical twins tend to be more strikingly similar in weight than are fraternal twins. Fat storage in overweight individuals depends on the enzyme known as lipoprotein lipase (LPL).   Researchers believe that LPL determines the number of nutrient molecules that the fat cell takes up during storage. Repeated bouts of crash dieting actually cause weight gain because LPL is increased during the weight loss phase. The body adapts to the lower caloric intake and stores as much food intake as possible. 

Many researchers suggest that amino acid supplements may be helpful in weight loss programs. Carnitine transfers the fatty acids back out of the fat cell and makes it possible to burn them. This increases the body metabolic rate of the body and helps reduce muscle weakness in weight loss. Carnitine is made from Lysine and Methionine, which are both essential amino acids and we do not manufacture what we really need. Tryptophan, in addition, helps reduce the body from craving for carbohydrates and Phenylalanine decreases appetite by improving the amount of the neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, in the brain.    

Amino Acids and Aging

Amino acids can affect premature aging. In fact, amino acids are considered preferable over alpha-hydroxy treatments in skin aging because they do not photosensitize the skin and result in a lesser irritation of the skin than alpha-hydroxy treatments. Amino acids are applied to skin cells and help remove wrinkles, smooth the skin, exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. The appearance of photo-damage is reduced. 

Amino acids also help improve the internal aging process. For example, Arginine can help in reducing heart conditions, including clogged arteries. It is also a natural anticoagulant and may help reduce cholesterol levels. Leucine is also good for its anti-aging properties. It supports the body and the healing processing, reducing the aging process. Without enough Leucine, our body will not repair itself well. In addition, it is found to improve the appetite in those suffering from cancer. Cysteine plays an essential role in the anti-aging process because it helps us metabolize fats better. It has been shown to lessen the damage to the body due to alcohol and cigarettes. It is preventative against heart disease and cancer and boosts the immune system so you will get sick less often. There are several other amino acids that slow or reverse the aging process.  

Forms of Amino Acid Supplementation

Amino acids, as mentioned, come in food like meats, dairy, soy and legumes. Sometimes the diet is enough to provide us with enough amino acids. If not, however, amino acids must be given by supplementation. Some ways to supplement amino acids include protein shakes, some of which are not very tasty but are good for body builders who can simply chug them down with water or juice. They also come in tablets, caplets and in tincture forms through health food stores or on the Internet. Amino acids also come in crystallized form, making them highly soluble and pure in the management of the several conditions helped by amino acid supplementation. 

The Vitality of Amino Acids in Your Diet

Our diet provides us with all that we need in life. We thrive on carbohydrates, fatty acids and numerous types of proteins. Proteins make up the substance of our organs, glands, hair, nails, muscles and tendons and are vital to our existence. In fact, they make up the greatest part of our body weights. 

The proteins we create as a part of biological processes or that we eat as part of our diet are all made from amino acids. There are twenty standardized amino acids of which several are considered (essential) because the body cannot make them and they must be eaten. Besides being the important building blocks to structural proteins, amino acids help to make aspects of coenzymes, which help our bodies enzymes work. Amino acids are also part of the creation of heme (a vital blood protein).

Scientists and nutritionists are beginning to recognize the benefit of amino acids in the aging process, for athletes of all types and for women's health. For example, amino acids provide (myoproteins), which are muscle proteins that aid in building muscle mass and help athletes recover from being fatigued. They absorb quickly so that they can very easily be replenished when used up in sports activities.

The essential amino acids, required in our diet include the following:

·         Histidine
·         Isoleucine
·         Leucine
·         Lysine
·         Methionine
·         Phenylalanine
·         Threonine
·         Tryptophan
·         Valine

There are also numerous non essential amino acids that are considered so because our bodies can create the amino acids from an internal source of body elements. These include:

·         Alanine
·         Arginine
·         Aspartic acid
·         Cysteine/Cystine
·         Glutamic Acid
·         Glutamine
·         Glycine
·         Ornithine
·         Proline
·         Serine
·         Taurine
·         Tyrosine

The Importance of Several Amino Acids

The following amino acids have special importance when it comes to enhancing bodily functions. Some are considered essential amino acids while others are non-essential amino acids that are particularly important in amino acid supplements.


Lysine is one of the essential amino acids so we need it in our diet. It is essential in the processes of growth and cholesterol reduction. It is an amino acid which is vital to the making of connective tissues in our body like cartilage, tendons and skin. Without enough lysine in the diet, people get kidney stones and a variety of other disorders. Athletes who work out a great deal are at risk for lysine deficiency. Lysine comes to our diet through protein and most protein comes from meat and dairy sources. This means that vegetarians can also suffer from lysine deficiency as are those who eat diets high in cereals and baked goods.

What is Lysine used for?  

Lysine has therapeutic uses as well. For example, lysine supplements are helpful in managing herpes diseases like shingles. It can also reduce the frequency of herpes breakouts. In addition, lysine helps calcium absorption in the diet so that individuals with osteoporosis can take lysine supplements to help strengthen bones. It is the L-lysine form that works the best on the body. 


Arginine is considered a non-essential amino acid but it is vital for bodily functions. For men, it improves blood flow to the penis in order attain an erection and enhances sperm count. It also slows the growth of cancer cells because it improves the body's immune system. It increases muscle mass and reduces the amount of body fat, resulting in weight loss. By releasing the growth hormone of the body, Arginine leads to the best muscle growth and maximum tissue repair in the event of injury. Like lysine, Arginine comprises a major portion of collagen and connective tissue. This makes it good for treating arthritic and connective tissue diseases. Arginine can also be converted to glucose and its storage product, glycogen, if needed.  

Why Do People Use Arginine?

Heart Disease: Arginine creates nitric acid which improves blood flow to major body organs, including the brain, the legs and the heart. 

Erectile Dysfunction: Nitric acid is very important in the attainment of an erection. The muscles of the penis relax, allowing blood to flow in at the time of an erection. It must be taken regularly in order to work.

Wound Healing: Arginine helps form another amino acid, Proline, that is vital for the synthesis of collagen (connective tissue).

Where can I find Arginine?

If you take an amino acid supplement, you are already covered. If not, the amino acid can be found in animal protein, dairy products, soy products and some plant proteins. One can become short on Arginine if there are infections, burns or other injuries and one may need to take a supplement to make the deficiency up.


Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid that, along with Arginine and Carnitine, is vital for the healthy functioning of the immune system. It helps the liver regenerate itself in case of injury and helps insulin function as a muscle-building hormone. Ornithine is created by the amino acid, Arginine, which is metabolized during urea (a part of urine) production. Ornithine is highly conducive to the production of growth hormone. As mentioned before, growth hormone builds muscle mass. It also improves insulin production. There are beneficial effects of Ornithine in those who have had major surgery, serious infections, cancer, major trauma or burn injuries. Using Ornithine helped to improve the appetite, quality of life and weight gain in those who took it following these illnesses. Finally, Ornithine has been shown to help those with severe liver disease, such that the disease is affecting their brain.

Where is Ornithine Found?

Amino acids generally come from the same sources, predominately in meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. The recommended daily allowance is five grams per day. Deficiencies in Ornithine are rare but can occur during growth spurts, pregnancy, malnutrition or following severe traumatic injuries. 


Glutamine is the most prominent amino acid found in our muscles and it helps to make muscles grow. People who have been bedridden for a long time would benefit from glutamine to build up muscle mass. It also improves the function of the brain and helps with digestive diseases. It helps reduce fatigue and has been found to be helpful in treating brain diseases like dementia and schizophrenia. The body's immune system is highly dependent on the presence of glutamine. It is considered non-essential but in conditions when the body really needs it, the production of it is insufficient and you need it in your diet. Conditions needing extra glutamine include severe injuries, surgeries, prolonged stress, and infections.

Importance of Glutamine

  • Glutamine is used to heal the body from injuries, from major to minor ones. It responds to the elevated cortisol levels present in times of bodily stress. Glutamine enhances the healing process, including those from cuts or severe burns. 

  • Glutamine is used also to treat inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. It appears that glutamine heals the internal tissue in these conditions. 

  • Glutamine helps AIDS patients who have muscle loss to gain muscle back, along with other nutrients. 

  • Athletes who train heavily will reduce their stores of glutamine and benefit from having glutamine supplements. The athlete recovers from injury better, as well. 

  • Cancer patients have low levels of glutamine and require supplementation in order to improve their malnourished state.   Glutamine can also heal the lining of the intestines during chemotherapy. 

Sources of Glutamine

The best dietary sources of glutamine include proteins from animals and plants, including beef, fish, poultry and port, dairy products, raw spinach, raw cabbage and raw parsley.


Glycine is notable for its ability to prevent muscle degeneration and it improves the storage of sugar in the body. It allows the glucose of the body to turn into energy, making it useful for athletes needing that extra boost. It is used in the repairing of damaged body tissues and promotes healing following injury. It is a non-essential amino acid; meaning that the body is capable of producing it itself but one can still suffer from deficiency in times of need. Glycine has recently been shown by research to work with antioxidants in the management of cancer. It has been shown to be effective against melanoma (skin cancer), by blocking the formation of blood vessels inside the tumor. 

Glycine is vital to the construction of DNA and RNA, the building blocks and information storage of the body. By boosting the body's creatine content, it helps to build our muscle mass. Glycine is not only found in muscle; it is found in skin and other types of connective tissue as well. It keeps the skin firm and flexible as well.     

Glycine is important for the function of the nervous system. It puts a stop to the parts of the brain that cause seizures, hyperactivity and bipolar depression. Glycine can be changed into another neurotransmitter, serine, which may be beneficial to the management of schizophrenia. It improves memory retrieval and helps those with sleeping disorders, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease and even jet lag.

What are the sources of Glycine?

Glycine is found in high protein foods like fish meat, beans, dairy products and by medical supplement. 


Leucine is an essential amino acid that combines with Isoleucine and Valine in order to maximize muscle, bone and skin healing. It provides the body with energy and helps regulate the blood sugar in the body. It is a fat-burning amino acid and burns the deeper layers of fat in the abdomen and in other areas. Leucine is particularly able to convert itself to glucose (sugar) very quickly, making it excellent for the prevention of muscle loss. For athletes, it prevents the using up of muscle mass for energy so that muscle is built up during body building and other strenuous activities. Thos suffering from injuries or major surgery may wish to speed healing by taking a Leucine supplement. 

Deficiencies of Leucine

Without Leucine, one can suffer from symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, irritability and confusion. Remember, Leucine is not created by the body and must be gotten from the diet.

Sources of Leucine in the Diet

Leucine can be gotten from any meat or fish source, as well as from brown rice, beans, dairy, soy flour and whole wheat. Those who exercise a great deal but do not have the best diet may wish to consider Leucine supplements in order to prevent muscle loss and low blood sugar.  Because Leucine is used along with Isoleucine and Valine, they should be taken in combination. 


Isoleucine is an essential amino acid that is particularly helpful in making the bodys hemoglobin (a blood component).   It also regulates the blood sugar and enhances energy. For athletes, Isoleucine is vital in the quick repair of muscle, bone and skin, following injury. Athletic endurance is improved, making it an important supplement for body builders and other athletes. It is one of three branched chained amino acids (along with Leucine and Valine) and all protect and promote recovery of muscles during and after exercise. It has not been found that deficiencies of Isoleucine causes fatigue, dizziness, headaches, depression, irritability and confusion.

How can I Obtain Isoleucine?

As an essential amino acid, Isoleucine cannot be manufactured by the body itself and must be ingested. Excellent dietary sources include seeds, any type of meat, fish, nuts, eggs, dairy, lentils, soy protein and peas. Those who exercise a lot or are body builders should consider Isoleucine supplementation. As with Leucine, Isoleucine should be taken together with Leucine and Valine. They work together to do their important jobs. 


Valine is an essential amino acid that is used in combination with Leucine and Isoleucine to improve body tissue repair and for the proper maintenance of the balance of nitrogen in the body. It is also helpful in treating diseases of the liver and gallbladder, including the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy (a liver-related brain condition), and is felt to calm ones emotional state. In fact, Valine is felt to be necessary for proper mental and emotional function. 

Valine is one of three branched chain amino acids (like Leucine and Isoleucine). Together, they regulate the blood sugar and give the body an extra boost of energy. When one exercises, there can be cannibalization of muscle to use as energy. Valine and its cohorts stop this process and instead promote muscle increase by providing glucose as an energy source for the body. 

How can I Obtain Valine?

As Valine is an essential amino acid, you must get it through your diet or through supplementation, along with Leucine and Isoleucine.   Good dietary sources of Valine include meat products, fish, dairy products, mushrooms, soy proteins sources and peanuts. Valine deficiency is possible in those with poor or restricted diets. Valine supplementation should be considered in those who are exercising a great deal, eat a low protein diet or are trying to build up their muscles. Always take Valine with Leucine and Isoleucine, as they work together. 

Thank you for reading this article. If you would like to add Amino Acids to your diet OR if you are already taking Amino Acids and would like to experience the only patented stack of Amino Acids in the world, risk free, go to:

Ulcerative Colitis Diets - Food Combining

Foods fall into the 3 categories:

Fruits which should be eaten separately.

Proteins (nuts, seeds, beans, meat, fish, poultry) and starches (grains, pasta, breads, cereal, rice, carrots)


Most people can eat a variety of foods without it causing health problems but if you do suffer then "Great Taste No Pain" may be the answer.

A lot of people do not know about the differences between proteins, starches and fats so as a result often consume more starch than protein, as starches tend to be more filling and satisfying.

Combining of protein and starch can be beneficial.

Sherry Brescia a Natural Health Researcher has created a FREE white paper. She had not heard of food combination until she was told about it while having an evening meal. She was told that common food combinations can spell big health problems, especially for people prone to digestive issues. She had suffered and had tried everything, all the tests, drugs, pills and medical advice and purely by chance found the solution.

After following the food combining diet she suffered no symptoms after years of suffering.

She states that no longer did she suffer from the usual digestive problems of cramps, bloated stomach, excessive gas, acid reflux or constipation.

She thinks by eating the "Great Taste No Pain Way" you could change your life for ever.

Sherry had no negative side effects to endure. The enhanced digestion made her feel more satisfied with her meals. Since following the food combining plan she has never looked back.

Bowel Obstruction Symptoms 101 - How to Deal With a Bowel Obstruction

Do you have problems with bowel obstruction symptoms? Doubtful about what exactly bowel obstruction is...or how to deal with it? Allow me to share an inside look at this distressing ailment and what can be done to relieve the symptoms of a bowel obstruction.

How Digestive system Works

Each and every organ associated with the human digestive function works all together in unison to take in, assimilate and excrete unwanted nutrients introduced into the body through the mouth as food.

When food is consumed, it passes through an intricate digestive system before it gets discharged from the body in the form of toxic waste matter, also referred to as feces.

The colon and also intestines are solely responsible for assimilating the final bit of essential nutrients in the unused part of food waste, to discharge the rest. Whenever the colon is not functioning effectively, people may experience bowel obstruction symptoms.

What exactly are the Signs and symptoms?

Typical indicators are discomfort and bloating of the belly, nausea and vomiting, virtually no gas passing via the rectum, bowel irregularity, diarrhea and frequently blood might be detected in the feces. (However these are all signs and symptoms which can also stem from ulcerative colitis, therefore finding out whether an obstruction exists or if the indicators develop from ulcerative colitis is extremely vital.)

The Role of Daily diet?

All these complications, and other bowel connected troubles, are usually attributable to an unhealthy diet. A diet rich in fiber and water consumption is vital to avert these and other complications connected with the bowels. When these signs and symptoms exist, you should seek medical attention, especially when there is blood contained in the stools.

Will a Detox Help?

To try to fix symptoms which are not serious enough to seek medical attention can often be treated through a colon cleanse. When detoxifying the bowel lots of built-up toxins might be expeled from the body which can cause a few of the earlier mentioned symptoms to cease.

It is very important to immediately begin a diet program which is loaded with fiber, or take fiber supplements to avoid blockages, bowel irregularity as well as other irritable bowel problems. Consuming plenty of water is a vital element to regaining proper colon help.

Healthy Inside

As the colon and intestines are in charge of keeping impurities out of our bodies it is advisable to care for their particular needs, even if this suggests a person must alter their lifestyle and dietary habits.

The body will feel much better when the colon and intestines are cleaned out on a regular basis and cared for regularly by way of healthy diet and exercise. Bowel obstruction symptoms can virtually disappear when a well-balanced diet and a good cleansing has been put into practice.

People who had to endure unhealthy bowel obstruction symptoms will experience a better quality of life when the organs are handled appropriately, it may also extend an individual's life expectancy.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet Plan For Those With Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome

Inflammatory bowel diseases include both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both of these are inflammation of the intestines. They lead to inflammation of the intestines, ulcers, bleeding of the intestines; the commonest symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain fever, fatigue and cramping.

Diet and nutrition are very important parts of the recovery process. This prevents malnutrition and rapid and severe weight loss. The dietary recommendations for ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome are the following:

• Drink plenty of fluids 8-10 servings on a daily basis. This is vital to keep the body hydrated and prevent constipation.

• Your dietitian will suggest a daily multivitamin -mineral supplement to make up for the lost nutrients.

• You must have a high fiber diet. Some patients like to have steamed vegetables better than eating them raw.

• When there is flare up, eat a low fiber, low residue diet. So that bowel gets rest and the symptoms are minimal.

• Do not take foods with lactose like diary if you have lactose intolerance. You can use lactase enzymes.

• During flare ups, you have to continue nourishing your body. Eat frequently small meals. You can take a high protein diet that will give you relief from IBD. You can take the pre-digested nutritional drink that the dietitian recommends.

• Minimize the intake of caffeine, alcohol,

• Avoid gas producing foods like cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts, onions, carbonated drinks foods with high fat content causes diarrhea and gas in such patients.

It is vital to manage irritable bowel syndrome with healthy lifestyle habits and a diet plan which is rich in nutrients. This is crucial as IBS can lead to severe dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and loosing of essential nutrients. This can lead to anemia, fatigue.

Diet plan of ulcerative colitis should be rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats. This diet will give you energy. Your diet must have poultry, fish vegetables, margarine and oils. If you are a vegetarian you can have soy products.

How Can Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Obstruct With Digestion?

The diet nutrition of patients with Crohn's disease are indeed utilized frequently. People with the disease often think that diet can be utilized as a treatment. Regrettably, this way of overcoming the disease can be thought as too crude and will absolutely not get the nod of medical experts. Diet can have some effects in the symptoms and treatment of the disease, and may also affect the inflammatory process that is taking place in the body. Although it has a role to play its effect is not a major issue in the inflammatory process.

Since Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are ailments on the digestive tract, it's normal that numerous questions arise concerning proper diet and nutrition of people with the ailment. If however you unfortunately acquire the disease which is also called as Inflammatory Bowel Disease, your concentration might shift to diet that may play a role in lowering symptoms and fosters treatment.

When swelling takes place in the small intestine, and this makes digestion of foods not very effective and nutrients absorbed from the food taken will be reduced. The nutrients along with the undigested bile salts, can find their way to the large intestine which may vary in magnitude, depending on the degree of inflammation on the small intestine. This is perhaps one of the causes why people with the ailment may eventually become malnourished. Adding to the woes perhaps is the lack of appetite the patient will endure and experience. Additionally, undigested foods that go through the large intestine may hinder water storage in the body, even though the colon is not affected. Hence, the large intestine will get inflamed too, and this will lead to diarrhea which makes the disease even more formidable.

On the other hand, the ulcerative colitis, only the colon is damaged and inflamed, whilst the small intestine continues to do it functions normally. Since the inflamed colon does not process water appropriately in the body, diarrhea can be stern.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Causes and Symptoms of Colitis - A Guide

Ulcerative colitis is a relentless disorder that is epitomized by persistent incidents of abdominal discomfort, high temperatures, shivering and prolific dysentery. It is a continual, inflammatory bowel disorder in which the interior coating of the large intestine (the colon or the bowel) and rectum turn out to be painful.
Ulcerative colitis may possibly be attributable to an assortment of infections over and above a shortage of blood supply and certain autoimmune responses.

The colon, often also known as the large intestine accumulates and amasses the residues after digestion has occurred. The large intestine also functions as the route or conduit through which this residual matter moves towards the rectum to be thrown out of the body. As a result of ulcerative colitis the inner layer of this passage gets irritated. There is no specific cause of ulcerative colitis. The most common risk factors attributable to this disorder may be atypical attack of the immune response on the intestines. Smoking also has been found to cause this ailment. Environmental aspects like nourishment and a variety of infections may also cause colitis.

Crohn's disease is another type of colitis. It is an inflammatory ailment of the bowel and the intestines which mostly distresses many regions of the GI tract - starting with the mouth to the rectum. This is manifested in a wide variety of symptoms. It generally causes abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, queasiness and loss of weight. It may also bring about indications such as skin inflammation, arthritis, and irritation of the eyes, fatigue and loss of focus.

Crohn's disease is classified as an autoimmune disease, which means that the body's own immune response besets the GI tract, causing inflammation. There isn't any identified basis for the disease as such. Infectivity, family history, heredity, nutrition, various immunological aspects, measles, certain vaccines, and even psychosomatic factors may have a role to play in crohn's disease.

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a fairly common colitis that affects numerous people. On the whole, people with IBS have a markedly vulnerable GI tract. Irritable bowel syndrome can have varied medical manifestations. The warning signs may vary from dysentery, to lack of bowel movement, to abdominal spasms to the urge to visit the washroom as soon as food is eaten. All these indications are an expression of the very same disease. Experts have found the major sources of irritable bowel syndrome to be improper digestion of the food that is eaten and to a certain extent, the stress that most people experience these days.

In conclusion, a lot of people suffer from the various forms of colitis. Knowing some of the symptoms and causes associated with these may be useful to people.

Natural Remedies - Key to Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease

There are various natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. These natural solutions could prove to be effective in alleviating pain, cramps, bloating and diarrhea.

More and more patients suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are now going the natural way to bring their situation under control. Natural solutions are mainly preferred to avoid the side effects caused by conventional medicines. Natural remedies are known for their safety and you feel in greater control without any worry about surgery. You also need not worry about the nutritional value while resorting to natural methods. Natural treatments are also beneficial to keep a check on irritable bowel syndrome.

When conventional methods of treatment are not helping in healing ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, then alternative medicine or natural therapy may be resorted to. However it is always advisable to take the opinion of your physician before doing so because any wrong move could further aggravate your condition. Most doctors also advise natural supplements to be taken along with conventional medicine and not as a replacement.

Some commonly referred natural solutions for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease includes peppermint oil, Boswellia, probiotics, psyllium and elm. Other vitamin and mineral supplements for colitis and Crohn's include omega-3 fatty acids, garlic and ginger. Probiotics is extensively used, as they are known to benefit the intestinal tract. If you have an inflammation in the intestinal region, then probiotics helps fight the infection. Similarly, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome may also be contained with probiotics.

Capsaicin is used as a natural remedy for pain. It also helps bring down diarrhea, cramps and bloating. The lemonade detox diet is a very old therapy which uses mineral water, maple syrup, pepper and lemon. This diet is supposed to improve your digestive system, liver and bile ducts. Aloe Vera has a calming effect and is used as a natural ingredient for the symptoms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. But it has to be taken in mild quantity else may aggravate diarrhea.

Peppermint oil is supposed to reduce abdominal pain and bloating. It is also said to have properties that help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Fish oils, which contain omega-3 fatty acids, are believed to be a natural solution for colitis and Crohn's. Ginger and peppermint has shown to reduce some symptoms of colitis and Crohn's. Certain teas, which use these ingredients, have proven to be beneficial. They are also quick remedies to ease bloating and cramps.

Ulcerative Disease and Crohn's Disease Diet

After being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, the first question you ask your physician is "is there is there a cure for it?" He would probably tell you that there is no cure, but treatment (medications, surgery, etc.). These therapies, however, do not work for everyone. In fact, they can lead to complications in some patients. If you are one of those Crohn's or ulcerative colitis victims, do not be depressed; it exists diets and natural remedies that can effectively make your life less miserable.

It is, however, important to avoid all foods that trigger the symptoms of those diseases. Whenever it is possible, reduce the consumption of fatty food (fish oil and flax oil are, however, highly recommended): milk (and milk products), and fiber supplements; these products increase your stool volume and irritate the inflamed intestines. Both Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis are chronic diseases; your diet must be healthy and non-irritating consisting mostly of natural products. These medical conditions may cause deficiencies in protein, vitamins (A, folic acid, B12, C, D, E and K) and certain minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and selenium), an increase of these substances is highly recommended. Along with diet, certain herbs can also be taken:

German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) - German Chamomile has antispasmodic and analgesic properties. This plant has long been used in natural medicine against insomnia, digestion difficult (painful digestive spasms), and in the treatment of functional gastrointestinal disorders: diarrhea, stomach ulcers. German Chamomile is also used effectively in treating dyspepsia, swelling, flatulence, and more. No adverse effects have been reported.

Boswell (Boswellia serrata) - In traditional medicine, Boswell is used to treat fever, rheumatism, asthma and gastrointestinal problems. In addition, Boswell is shown to reduce inflammation of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune conditions by blocking the lethal pro-inflammatory enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). This remedy can be taken in capsule or tablet, three times per day; no negative effects have been reported.

Probiotics - Probiotics are non-pathogenic living microorganisms involved in the proper functioning of the digestive system. Lactobacillus acidophilus acidophilus is one of the Probiotics; it is beneficial for the health of the intestinal flora. Without these small organisms, intestinal flora can be infected by many disorders such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. You can buy probiotic dietary supplements on the internet or in any health store.

Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP) - this is the most effective supplement you can use to fight digestive disorders including ulcerative colitis disease and Crohn's disease. It has anti-inflammatory property, it regulate normal functioning of your intestine to prevent both diarrhea and constipation; it repairs the protective mucosa lining throughout the digestive system; it ensures healthy intestinal flora, and much more.

However, it is not easy to take all these supplements separately in a daily basis; you need an herbal remedy that combines all of them plus other ingredients. Our herbal remedies are safe and all natural made of Certified Organically Grown plants. They are 100% safe for children and adults of all ages and may be taken in conjunction with prescription medications with no incident of side effects. To get complete relief from ulcerative colitis and other digestive disorders, visit vitalfoodstore.com, or click on the link in resource box below.

Four Explosive Diarrhea Causes People Should Know About

Suffering through diarrhea after eating something the stomach doesn't agree with is an all too common experience for some folks. But everyone, from all walks of life, is susceptible to developing the condition. Diarrhea is essentially described as having more than three loose, watery stools per day. It is the number one cause of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Plus, it has been listed as the precursor to over 1.5 million deaths for kids under five, and 1.1 million deaths for those 5 and above. Explosive diarrhea is an exacerbation of this condition wherein loose stools are forcefully expelled from the body acutely and may be accompanied by rectal bleeding. So far, there are four known explosive diarrhea causes, and they will be further discussed in the following sections.

a. Malabsorption. This refers to the body's lack of capacity to absorb and metabolize certain nutrients from the food that had been consumed. Lactose-intolerance is a popular example of this, and a person's inability to use up certain sugars can lead to foul-smelling explosive diarrhea. Malabsorption problems can be brought by a number of genetic abnormalities or physical deformities, and it can be quite serious, since it can lead to malnutrition. If such is the case, those affected must consult a physician, so that they can get regular medical treatment and follow a prescribed diet.

b. Medication. Sometimes, the drugs you take in can change your metabolism and bowel habits, giving way to diarrhea after eating or even at random occasions. After taking antibiotics, for example, you might experience successive bouts of diarrhea, since it is one of the reliable ways the body can get rid of the bacteria. Cancer medication has also been known to have a similar adverse effect. When this happens, it is essential that you inform your physician, so that adequate after care is applied. After all, as mentioned earlier, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance may ensue.

c. Infection. In line with the previous premise, explosive diarrhea can also occur before the intervention of medication. Certain viruses, parasites, and bacteria - like Salmonella, E. Coli, Clostridium difficile, Shigella, Giardia lamblia and Campulobacter - can irritate the bowel, which in turn, causes irregularities in defecation. This is likely one of the most common triggers, since they are typically contracted by drinking and eating contaminated rations, but, they are also the simplest to resolve. Physicians usually just recommend a medication regimen composed of antibiotic, antiparasitic and antiviral drugs to combat the source.

d. Bowel Disease. As the last of the known explosive diarrhea causes, one can directly assume that this is the most difficult to reverse. Ailments like colon cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome typically stay with you for a long time. But with patient symptom management, you don't have to fear the condition getting the best of you.

Diarrhea is not only an uncomfortable and embarrassing disorder. It is also quite deadly. So, if you are unfortunate enough to be experiencing it, it will be best that you get medical treatment right away, before the symptom develops to more aggressive forms.

Colitis Symptoms - Eating Like an Ascetic Monk

Colitis is somewhat of a broad term encompassing a number of digestive ailments and causes. Some of these are more severe and debilitating than others, some can even require surgery. The one thing in common between all of them is that the colon is inflamed and agitated to the point that it sends you into misery.

Mitigation of the problem often involves taking drugs and eating anything that... well, seems bland. You're not eating all that bland food because you're seeking the glory of god, you just want a little peace. You have probably also noticed that the food you are eating doesn't really matter in the scope of reducing your colitis symptoms. It may help a bit, but ultimately the colitis symptoms are still there.

Food Combining - Shelve the Monk Cookbooks

There is a method of food combining that involves having an alkaline balanced body. If you mix foods that require alkaline digestive enzymes and acid digestive enzymes, you will run into problems. Normally this would be fine, but if you have colitis symptoms it is something you want to avoid.

You can break foods down into 3 groups:

  • Type A - which can break down easily in your stomach.

  • Type B - which need alkaline digestive enzymes.

  • Type C - those are the foods that require the big guns in your stomach to it break down, namely hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Mixing type A and B foods are fine to do, as well as type A and C. If you mix B and C together, you will have problems.

Eating any food you want can be done, you just need to know the method in order to do an end run around your colitis symptoms. In fact doing this can conceivably still your colitis and give you more energy.

How Do You Know If You Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

There are many forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), with the main ones including Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Whilst they are all different, the main symptoms remain almost the same. They all involve the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and they are basically caused by an abnormal response in the body's immune system.

The immune system is there to protect our bodies against foreign objects and disease. Unfortunately, when a person suffers from this bowel disorder, their immune system can mistake anything; including food and other helpful materials found in the digestive system, as a threat. It tries to protect the body by attacking the cells within the immune system and white blood cells go to the lining of the intestines and cause the inflammation. That is when the symptoms of the condition can be felt. The condition can occur at any age, but it most commonly affects people aged 15-30.

So, how do you know if you have Inflammatory Bowel Disease? Look for the symptoms.

What are the Symptoms of IBD?

There are a number of common symptoms that a person with IBD will suffer with. These include abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea, bright red blood in the stools and vomiting. It is not uncommon for loss of appetite to occur and for you to feel increasingly drowsy.

Every person will experience differing levels of the symptoms. Some people may only experience slight discomfort every now and again, whilst others could develop frequent intestinal ulcers and inflamed joints or even eye problems.

If you suffer from Ulcerative Colitis, it only affects the large intestine. Crohn's Disease can affect any part of the intestines, but typically, it affects the lower small intestine.

Diagnosis of the Condition

In order to detect IBD, doctors will usually carry out a Colonoscopy. This includes a small camera being inserted into the anus so that the doctor can get a better idea of what is going on inside your intestines. A biopsy can be done during this procedure and foreign lesions can be removed if necessary.

However before that is given, the doctor will give you an initial consultation. You will have to provide your medical history details and discuss any medications that you may be taking. If this illness is suspected, blood tests may be given to see whether there is any inflammation within the body. You will also be required to give a stool sample.

Whilst a Colonoscopy is the most common test used to diagnose the condition, an upper endoscopy may also be given. This checks the stomach and the upper small intestine for any ulcers or bleeding. You may also be given a Barium Study that involves you drinking a thick white solution known as Barium. This solution shows up white on an X-Ray and the doctor will see exactly what is going on within the intestines.

Overall IBD is more serious than IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The symptoms can be particularly painful and uncomfortable. If you do notice that you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above then you should consult your doctor straight away.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Colon Cancer Symptoms - Changes In Stool Or Blood In Stool

Colon cancer symptoms may not be present in many cases. However, if symptoms are seen they can include a variety of changes in the stool or bowel habits (i.e. diarrhea, constipation). Colon cancer also known as Colorectal Cancer, is a malignant (cancerous) tumor growth found in a portion of the large intestine, which is a common cancer site.

Colon Cancer Symptoms And Causes

In many cases of colon cancer no symptoms will be apparent in the early stages of the disease. Later symptoms may develop such as:

  • Bloody or black, tarry stools

  • Abdominal pain or cramps

  • Diarrhea or constipation or narrow stool

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Anemia

Most cases begin as benign (non-cancerous) polyps, which slowly become cancerous. The cause of colon (or colorectal) cancer is not well understood but risk factors include being over the age of 60, eating a diet low in fiber and high in fat and red meat, being of African American or eastern European descent, a prior diagnosis of cancer elsewhere in the body or colorectal polyps, the presence of an inflammatory bowel disease (i.e. Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), a family history of colon cancer, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.

Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the United States. However, a complete cure is often possible with an early diagnosis.

Colon Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment

Observation of the aforementioned symptoms may lead to a diagnosis but many times the condition is detected through a routine physical exam. Early detection kits may be available for those at high risk, which can detect blood in the stool (available at most pharmacies).

If symptoms have appeared, a physical examination, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, or barium x-rays of the large intestine may be performed to make a definitive diagnosis. Blood tests may be taken to check for anemia and a fecal occult blood test (FOBT) may be ordered to detect small amounts of blood in the stool, which could indicate colon cancer.

Treatment will depend on how much the cancer has progressed and if it has spread to other areas of the body. Surgery to remove the cancer cells is often performed. Surgery may result in a need for a colostomy, which is a diversion of the bowel through an opening in the abdominal wall. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be prescribed as well to destroy cancerous tissues.

Prognosis improves with early detection and treatment.

Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms 101 - How Do I Get Rid of Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms?

Ulcerative colitis symptoms represent a broad array of physical problems and can actually be affected by many aspects including diet, genes, age and mental attitude. It is often associated with ulcerative colitis but can even be linked to other intestinal ailments.

If you're suffering from ulcerative colitis symptoms, and doubtful about what they are or how to take care of them, here are a few helpful tips to understanding this painful disease and what you could possibly do to get back to healthy life.

What is Ulcerative Colitis?

Ulcerative colitis is a swelling of the large intestine that may many times be a persistent situation. The exact factor for the problem is not known but many studies are being performed on the genetics linked to the problem.

There are a number of ulcerative colitis symptoms such as rectal bleeding, acute pain and diarrhea. Some sufferers may only have the rectal bleeding symptom while some with more severe inflammation may even feel urgency to relieve themselves and even pain when they use the bathroom.


Once diagnosed, there are various treatment solutions, depending on the acuteness. Patients may be prescribed medicines in order to treat the problem.

The medications should help reduce the risks attached to the problem and strengthen the patient's overall well being. (Medications include anti-inflammatory agents and combination that suppress the body's immune system so as to decrease inflammation.)


Surgery may also be recommended for patients. If a patient does not improve with medications, has a long-standing condition, or has suffered for several years with no improvement, surgery may be the best choice.

Standard surgical treatments include extracting the entire colon and the rectum. Stool can be collected in a bag. In recent times, however, surgeries have been developed in order to make it easy for stools to pass through the anus again, making it much less disturbing.

Diet and Ulcerative Colitis

Many patients think that special diets could help ease their pain and suffering. To date, however, no single diet has been identified to slow the development of the problem to a concluding basis. (Although I've observed, as an ulcerative colitis patient, that diets can control the pain.)

You should, of course, start eating a well-balanced, healthy diet and restrict saturated fats to risk flare-ups. Some patients may be sensitive to various food items; constant tryout of which foods cause which reaction is helpful and very important.


Research is ongoing on the disease so as to find prescription drugs with more positive impacts and fewer unwanted effects. Surgical developments are also being made. In the future, adults with bowel problems may even be able to receive vaccine shots to aid their trouble. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

Facts and Important Uses For Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe Vera heals burns, scalds, relieves sunburn, treats minor wounds. As a healing plant, aloe is something of a celebrity. Across America, the spiky plant sits on untold numbers of kitchen windowsills, just waiting. Waiting for what? A spattered bit of grease, a careless moment at the oven, and the inner gel of the aloe leaves gets called into service as a burn salve. Even scientists take advantage of this simple home remedy.

Most household burns and scalds, and many other minor mishaps, occur in the kitchen. With an aloe plant close by, it's easy to snip off one the thick, fleshy leaves, slit it open and squeeze the clear gel onto the injury. "Aloe gel dries into a natural bandage, It also promotes healing and helps keep burns from becoming infected." Aloe has a long history as a healer. Around 1500 BC, the ancient Egyptians began using aloe as a powerful laxative and a treatment for skin problems. When Alexander the Great conquered Egypt, he learned that an island off Somalia teemed with aloes. He immediately seized it to guarantee a supply of the wound treatment for his troops, while keeping the herb from his enemies. Arab traders carried aloe from Spain to Asia around the sixth century. Traditional Indian Ayurvedic doctors and Chinese physicians quickly adopted it as a laxative and skin treatment. American pioneers used aloe gel to treat wounds, burns, hemorrhoids and rashes.

Scientific validation of aloe's wound-healing power dates from the 1930s, when radiologists noticed that aloe gel scooped straight from the cut leaves of the plant hastened the healing of x-ray burns. Since then, many studies have confirmed the herb's ability to promote healing of cuts, frostbite and first- and second-degree burns.

"Aloe contains allantoin, a substance that speeds wound healing," says Alan R. Gaby, M.D., a Baltimore physician who practices nutritional and natural medicine and is president of the American Holistic Medical Association.

One chemical in this herb - aloe-emodin - "has anti-tumor activity," according to James A. Duke, Ph.D., a botanist retired from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and author of The CRC Handbook of Medicinal Herbs. Aloe is not currently used to treat cancer, but one day it might be. And some derivatives of aloe are also being studies for both anti-AIDS and anti-cancer potential.

How To Use Aloe Vera

Before applying aloe to burns of cuts, wash thoroughly with soap and water. For minor burns, scalds, sunburns or cuts, select a lower (older) leaf, cut off several inches and slice it lengthwise. Scoop out the gel, apply it liberally to the affected area and allow it to dry. (The injured aloe leaf quickly closes its own wound. Periodic leaf-snipping does not harm the plant.)

Aloe gel is safe for external use by anyone who does not develop an allergic reaction. If your skin shows signs of redness or irritation after using aloe, discontinue use.

Even if you have a brown thumb, you can grow aloes. They need little water and no care other than good drainage and a temperature above 40 degrees F. They prefer sun but tolerate shade, and they don't mind poor soil. Aloes produce offshoots, which may be removed and replanted when they are a few inches tall. Simply uproot or un pot the plant, work the soil gently to separate the offshoot and return the parent plant to its bed or pot.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet - Will Changing the Way You Eat Help?

Anyone who has Colitis knows in spite of what the Doctors tell us that Diet has a huge effect on our symptoms. Eating the wrong foods can make symptoms get much worse and may even trigger a full blown flare up. I've done loads of research in to diet, read loads of books and tried many different ways of eating in order to recover from my Colitis fully. The best type of diet I have found is a type of Paleolithic eating plan, which is basically eating in the same way as our hunter gatherer ancestors did. We evolved and thrived as humans over millions of years being hunter gatherers, and it is only in the last 10,000 years that our diet has changed.

Benefits of Paleolithic Eating

o It is how you are designed to eat, perfected over millions of years of evolution.

o It is highly nutritious and covers all major dietary components.

o A Paleo diet has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory diet.

o People with autoimmune diseases have been shown to get much better when they eat a Paleo diet.

o Your weight will naturally normalize to a healthy level for you.

o Insulin response is normalized and so you don't get energy dips in the day.

o It makes you feel great! Mood is improved and Energy levels are more even.

So how do you eat like Paleolithic Man did? Well its remarkably simple and easy to do. You can basically eat everything except for any Refined Sugar, Dairy, Grains, Beans or Potatoes. Thats the basics of it. When I first started eating in this way it helped my symptoms enormously, especially with wind bloating and stomach cramps. It also had a positive effect on my stool consistency and I now only need to go once a day. There are some additional adjustments to the basic Paleo diet which help even more for people with autoimmune diseases like Colitis. They are avoiding eggs, tomatoes and peppers.

SoZo Nutritional Beverage - The Most Powerful Natural Anti-Oxidant On the Planet

SoZo® Nutritional Beverage

The Most Powerful Natural Anti-Inflammatory on the Planet!

What Is SoZo?

SoZo® is a polyphenol-rich food supplement beverage that has been scientifically designed to incorporate a full spectrum of the most antioxidant-laden fruit and vegetable whole food powders and extracts available in the world today. SoZo is a hand-picked combination of well-studied freeze dried whole foods, fruit and vegetable concentrates, and effective TargeTested™ patented ingredients.

All raw materials for the SoZo formula are obtained from our partner VDF FutureCeuticals. VDF FutureCeuticals provides a wide spectrum of fruit-, vegetable-, bean-, and grain-based ingredients that are rich in a variety of antioxidants and other phytochemicals. Their product lines focuses on items with scientifically proven benefits. Many of their newest nutraceuticals products are patented, proprietary and unique. VDF FutureCeuticals methods of raw material selection, concentration and drying assure that all products have maximum levels of nutrients and are only the highest quality. Their in-house processing, testing laboratories and state-of-the-art quality control assure that each bottle of SoZo contains the promised product quality.

Each of the individual products that make up the SoZo formula has under gone TargeTesting™ by FutureCeuticals.

The foundation of the SoZo® formulation is CoffeeBerry® which at 15,000 ORAC/gram value is the most powerful fruit ever tested by the USDA. CoffeeBerry® is a patented product owned by FutherCeuticals and can only be obtained from them. SoZo has an exclusive licensing agreement with FutherCeuticals for the use of CoffeeBerry® in the beverage market. You could combine the ORAC values of the Blue Berry, the Acai Berry and the Maqui Berry and the CoffeeBerry® would still be over 10 times more powerful

What Are TargeTest™

TargeTest™ is a method of laboratory testing created by FutherCeuticals to facilitate rational product development. The test examines the effects of dietary supplements on target enzymes and markers in the blood. Research has shown that activity of these markers can have effect on chronic health conditions.

· Past research has linked enzymes in human blood to common health concerns.

· TargeTest™ measures the activity of these enzymes.

· The first step is an ex vivo measurement. This step measures effects of an ingredient on human serum. Finger blood is usually sufficient for this testing.

· If the ex vivo test shows a positive result, testing moves to the second step.

· Second step involves acute in vivo human clinical case studies for two hours after ingestion of food material.

· TargeTest™ is a cost-effective and reliable form of testing that can help differentiate ingredients and finished formulation. TargeTest™ can help eliminate wasted research assets by rapidly identifying product functionality. Screening results confirm bioavailability and efficacy in people.

TargeTests™ Results on SoZo Components


Activates: Phase II Proteins (P2P)

Phase II Activators found in certain edible plants have a significant impact on health by helping to combat the damage of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can trigger inflammation, a condition that can contribute the development of chronic diseases.

· Exercise, poor diet, muscle stress and environment can induce complex signals in the body that produce oxidative stress.

· Oxidative stress triggers inflammation and pain. Long term inflammation can lead to many chronic diseases, especially as the body ages. Inflammation suppresses Phase II Activators levels.

· Researchers have found that consuming selected fruits and vegetables can boost Phase II Activators in the body.

· Phase II Activators work to counteract the complex signals that create oxidative stress. Traditional pain killers can temporarily block the body's ability to send the signals that trigger inflammation. Phase II Activators more completely and more naturally inhibit this activity.

· Research has shown that Phase II Activators prevent harmful enzymes that cause inflammation.

· Phase II Activation can promote reduced inflammation, improved heart health and protection from certain types of cancers.

VitaGrape® VitaBerry® CoffeeBerry®

Activates: Paraoxonase 1 (PON1)

PON1 is a human blood enzyme associated with maintenance of healthy HDL levels and reduction of oxLDL cholesterol activity. Healthy HDL levels have been associated with decreased risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Elevated oxLDL levels have been associated with an increased risk for the development of cardiovascular diseases. PON1 activation could be a potential strategy for heart health management.

· HDL levels decrease and oxLDL levels increase as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, genetics or irregularities in the body's natural cholesterol transportation process.

· Cardiovascular disease can develop as a result of decreased levels of HDL and an accumulation of oxLDL.

· Published research has reported that activation of PON1 can improve lipid metabolism, an important factor in the onset of cardiovascular disease.

· Studies have shown PON1 activation results in elevated HDL serum levels. It is also known that PON1 activation leads to a reduction in accumulation of lipoperoxides in LDL particles. In other words PON1 inhibits the accumulation of oxLDL.

Food materials that can activate PON1 in humans can help maintain healthy HDL levels and reduce harmful oxLDL activity. PON1 activation in humans can help maintain healthy HDL levels and reduce harmful oxLDL activity. PON1 activation could be useful in the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system.

VitaBerry® CoffeeBerry®

Activates: Quinone Reductase (QR)

Quinone Reductase (QR) is an enzyme that fights cellular damage caused by toxic compounds in the body. Cell damage from these compounds increases susceptibility to chronic diseases and other certain types of cancer. QR activity is an important indicator of Phase II Activation. Phase II Activation significantly impacts healthy cells by inhibiting the damage of oxidative stress.

· Toxic compounds called quinones enter the body through food.

· Quinones cause the damage and eventual destruction of cells. This damage increases risk of chronic diseases.

· Researchers have identified over 60 active compounds that induce Phase II Activators. One plant compound, sulforaphane, is especially important in activating QR, a potent Phase II Activator.

QR activation can help protect cells in the body from damage by free radicals. Consuming fruits and vegetables that are rich in QR activators can help maintain healthy levels of QR

· VitaGranate® VitaGrape®

Inhibits: Soluble Epoxide (sEH)

Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase (sEH) is a blood enzyme that is responsible for conversion of acids important in maintaining renal vascular function to harmful acids that are attributed to many inflammatory disorders. sEH inhibition could affect hypertension and inflammation and combat the damage of hypertension on healthy arteries.

· Certain acids in the body called epoxyeicosatrienoic (EET) have anti-hypertensive and anti-inflammatory properties. They are important in maintaining renal vascular function.

· sEH converts EET acids into harmful dihydroxyeicosatrienoic (DHET)

· DHET acids have been attributed to many inflammatory disorders including adult respiratory distress syndrome.

· Research has shown that certain foods affect sEH inhibition. sEH inhibition could be a treatment possibility for inflammation-related health concerns.

sEH inhibition could affect heart health, blood pressure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and carcinogenesis.


Inhibits: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (AEC)

Angiotensin converting enzymes (ACE) inhibitors are heart medications (or food) that widen or dilate your blood vessels to improve the amount of blood your heart pumps and lower blood pressure. ACE inhibitors also increase blood flow, which helps to decrease the amount of work your heart has to do.

· ACE inhibitors are critical in the treatment of heart failure. They can prevent further wreaking of the heart and prolong your life.

· When given after a heart attack, some ACE inhibitors can prevent some of the damage to the heart and improve the survival rate of heart attack patients.

· Some ACE inhibitors have been found to slow the process that leads to kidney damage in many type 2 diabetics.

· In high risk individuals, ACE inhibitors have been shown to decrease the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

· Research has shown that certain fruits can act as an ACE inhibitor.

CoffeeBerry® VitaBerry+® VitaGrape®

Inhibits: Elastase

Elastase is an enzyme that destroys a number of proteins, including elastin, an elastic substance that supports the structure of organs and tissue. Elastin is an elastic fiber that together with collagen, determines the properties of connective tissue. High Elastase levels have been associated with disorders such as Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

· Elastase destroys proteins, including elastin.

· The destruction of elastin leads to tissue damage. Elastin is a fiber that supports the structural framework of tissue.

· Tissue damage caused by Elastase plays a role in skin aging, arterial stiffness as artery walls lose elasticity.

· Food that can inhibit Elastase in the body could be useful in the treatment of Elastase-related health conditions.

· Elastase inhibition has been associated with improved skin elasticity, heart health, flexibility of arterial walls, management of COPD and Ulcerative Colitis.

FruiteX B®

FruiteX B® is a unique mineral carbohydrate molecule found in fruits and vegetables (chemically known as calcium fructoborate), represents a significant breakthrough for individuals concerned about bone and joint health, vitality and healthy aging.

FruiteX B® is the world's only food-form source of borates-mineral carbohydrates containing traces of the element boron. These plant based sugars and sugar-alcohols are considered by scientist to be essential for maintenance of healthy levels of serum calcium, magnesium, vitamin D, DHEA, estrogen and testosterone.

Double- Blind Placebo-Controlled Study

· 79% of participants reported significant increases in joint comfort and flexibility.

· Vitamin D deficient participants showed a 19.6% increase in of serum vitamin D3.

· Vitamin D deficient men exhibited a 29% increase in serum testosterone and a 56% in serum DHEA

· CRPs showed a reduction of 37%

· Perhaps the best testament to the product's appeal, subjects in the FruiteX B® group unanimously requested additional product at the end of the study.

What Is the strength of each of these components?

"SoZo lists the individual ingredients in our Proprietary Blend but not the amounts. All the weights of a specific ingredient in the blend are at levels that equal or exceed the manufactures suggested amount per day for maximum results. I will go further in regards to CoffeeBerry® and say that it does exceed 350mgs per 3oz serving of the highest grade of CoffeeBerry® available."

CoffeeBerry Forte® *

143% increase in Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Clinical Trial

BDNF is a protein active in the brain and central and peripheral nervous system with a critical role in neuron development, maintenance, and repair and in protecting against neuron-degeneration. BDNF is important for a variety of processes, including learning, memory, alertness, mood, controlling body weight, and controlling energy metabolism.

Low levels of BDNF have been associated with numerous deleterious conditions, including obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, depression, cardiovascular diseases, cognitive impairment, and Alzheimer's disease

FruiteX B®+ Resveratrol

59% reduction in C-Reactive Protein (CRP's)

65.5% reduction of pro-BNP

Clinical Trial

The CRP test is a general test to check for inflammation in the body. It is not a specific test. That means it can reveal that you have inflammation somewhere in your body, but cannot pinpoint the exact location. A positive test means you have inflammation in the body. This may be due to a variety of different conditions, including: Cancer, Connective tissue disease, Heart Attack, Infection, Inflammatory bowel disease, Lupus, Pneumococcal pneumonia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Tuberculosis

SoZo® Nutritional Beverage

Nutrition Journal Published Clinical Trial

40% reduction in 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ( IL-8)

IL-8 is a potent vasoconstrictor, and is considered a gold standard for measuring oxidative stress in vivo. Studies have shown that serum levels of this biomarker are raised under certain inflammatory conditions such as obesity, arthritic and cardiovascular diseases.

39% reduction in Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPP)

AOPPs are a product of plasma protein oxidation-especially oxidation of albumin. Because of its rapid response to changes, it is thought to be suitable for measuring short-term changes in oxidative stress. Serum levels are increased in subjects with inflammatory conditions such as ulcerative colitis and renal failure. Increased AOPP levels also correlate with cardiovascular disease markers-they may have a causal relationship in the development of atherosclerosis.

9% increase in Nitric Oxide (NO)

Nitric oxide works in the body as a vasodilator, increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. Those with atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension have been shown impaired nitric oxide pathways.

Crohn's Disease - Symptoms, Effects and Treatment

Up to two million people in the United States alone suffer from varying degrees of Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Here are some fact about this debilitating condition.

Crohn's Disease, named after the physician who first described it in 1932, is an inflammatory disease of the digestive system. Although normally causing ulceration in the small and large intestines, it can affect the digestive tract anywhere between mouth and anus. Ulcerative Colitis, however, is confined solely to the colon.

Both of these conditions are collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) - they are both chronic and there is no known cure. Both tend to have periods of inactivity (remission) and activity (relapse) and most often commence during early adulthood, though they can occur at any time in life. Both men and women are affected equally.

Although it is thought that Crohn's Disease may be caused by certain strains of bacteria this is by no means certain and the definite cause is still unknown. It is not thought that diet is responsible for the disease, although diet may affect the symptoms suffered by patients with the condition. It is known, however, that Crohn's Disease is not contagious.

Common symptoms of Crohn's Disease include weight loss, frequent diarrhea and abdominal pain. Less frequent symptoms include rectal pain and bleeding, fever, loss of appetite and night sweats.

The disease tends, in its early stages, to cause small erosions, called aphthous ulcers, to appear on the inner surface of the bowel. In time these become true ulcers as they grow deeper, by then causing scarring and stiffness of the bowel. Ultimately the bowel can become obstructed as the scarring narrows it further and further and deep ulcers can perforate the bowel wall. This can release gut bacteria into the body where infection of other organs or the body cavity itself can occur.

Another complication can be caused when a fistula forms. This is a channel between the intestine and another organ caused when the bowel ulcers tunnel into another organ. These can include bladder, skin, vagina and anus. These fistulas are one of the most distressing complications for anyone suffering from this condition. Crohn's Disease can also cause complications that may or may not be related to the intestine. Although bowel blockage and colon distension can occur, other areas affected can include the lower back, eyes, joints (arthritis), spine, liver and legs. Full discussion of these conditions is beyond the scope of this article.

The disease is often diagnosed by means of Barium X-ray studies performed after the patient has taken barium meal. There are several other methods of diagnosis and these include colonoscopy, CT scanning and video capsule endoscopy, where a small capsule containing a miniature video camera is swallowed. This the sends images to a receiver and thence to an analytical computer program, allowing a close study to be made of the bowel lining.

As there is no cure for Crohn's disease, treatment goals are to induce and maintain periods of remission, improve the patient's quality of life and to reduce the side-effects of medication. The anti-inflammatory medicines used for treating the disease are similar in many ways for those used in the treatment of arthritic conditions.

To summarise, Crohn's disease is a serious condition that has no known cure. It is therefore essential that anyone who has the common symptoms of the disease - severe chronic diarrhea, vomiting, fever and weight loss - consult a doctor at the earliest opportunity. Although this cannot halt the disease, early diagnosis will greatly improve the chances of the patient having a better quality of life than if the disease were to be left undiagnosed and untreated.

All the above information is given in good faith but does not pretend to replace the professional opinion of a qualified doctor or medical practitioner.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Good and Bad Foods for Stomach Ulcers

Not all foods are good for the stomach. When the stomach is suffering from ulcers, it is but wise to know what are the good and bad foods for stomach ulcers.

Ulcers are sores in the lining of the digestive tract. Types of ulcers are identified where they occur. Doudenal ulcers are ulcers in the duodenum. Ulcers in the stomach are known as gastric ulcers and ulcers in the esophagus are called esophageal ulcers.

What Causes Stomach Ulcers

There are various causes for stomach ulcers to occur but all are linked to food and proper hygiene. Before, most doctors believed that ulcers are mainly caused by stress and by eating too much acidic foods. But that all changed after a laboratory experiment discovered that a bacteria called H. pylori causes the infection in the digestive tract forming sores. Acidic foods and gastric juices can only aggravate the sores by burning the digestive tract walls.

Ulcers in the stomach are also caused by some anti-inflammatory medicines. These medications are what doctors usually give to patients with arthritis. These can be corrosive to the stomach lining, so if taken for a prolonged period of time, can increase the risk for ulcers. Naproxen, ibuprofen and aspirin are some of the known anti-inflammatory medicines that may trigger stomach ulcers.

How to Treat Ulcers

As mentioned earlier, stomach ulcers are mainly caused by an infection. So the primary recommendation that your doctor will give you will be to treat the sores by killing the bacteria first. This medication will last for 2 to 3 weeks or until there's no more trace of the bacteria in your stool. However, this treatment may not always be effective for people suffering from other diseases like diabetes and arthritis.

So to avoid any complication, why not treat stomach ulcers naturally?

The Bad Foods

Obviously, you wouldn't want to experience its symptoms. You don't want to feel the pain and see blood in your stool. Hence, you must avoid acidic foods that may trigger these symptoms. Alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods and high intake of sodium (or salt) can all contribute to this ailment. The first three increase the production of acids in the stomach while sodium can irritate its walls.

Sodium is not only contained in salt but most medicines and vitamin supplements contain sodium at a level unnecessary for our bodies. If you are taking some other medications, you must drink lots of fluids, especially pure water to help eliminate excessive sodium fast.

The Good Foods for Stomach Ulcers

Adding oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and halibut in your diet is very effective in treating ulcers naturally. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in high levels in oily fish, and studies show that Omega-3 increases the production of prostaglandins, a compound known to protect the walls of the digestive tract.

Antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables also help lower the risk of developing ulcers by protecting the lining of the stomach. They also help relieve symptoms when ulcers are already present. Dieticians recommend bananas, kiwi, apricots, raw cabbage juice, carrots and bell peppers.

Other good foods for stomach ulcers are almonds, whole grains, wheatgerm, cheddar cheese, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. These foods are good sources of amino acids, the building block of proteins which are proven to help repair damaged portions of the stomach lining.

IBD Diet for People With Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) such as Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis, is an inflammation of the intestines in the digestive system. These ailments cause the intestines to form ulcers and swellings, and scars. The most widespread symptoms of IBD are diarrhea, acute abdominal pain, cramping, fever and weariness. Diet and nutrition may play a vital role in IBD management to avoid becoming malnourished and severe weight loss.

Recommended IBD Diet for People with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis:

• Drinking eight (8) to ten (10) glasses to prevent dehydration and constipation.
• Your doctor or your trusted dietitian may propose a daily multivitamin-mineral supplement to replenish lost nutrients in the body whilst experiencing IBD disease.
• Have a food intake that is high in fiber when IBD is still manageable like grain products, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Cooking and steaming the vegetables before eating is more tolerable than eating them raw for most patients.
• During a disease flare, lower intake of high fiber foods and pursue a low fiber diet or even a low residue diet may give the bowel a rest and reduce symptoms.
• Refrain away from lactose-containing foods like as dairy products if you are lactose intolerance, or else, you may have lactase enzymes and lactase pretreated foods.
• It is essential to maintain nourishing your body even at some point of a disease flare. You may have small meals taken frequently in a day. Eating a diet that is high in protein such as lean meats, fish and eggs, may aid you alleviate symptoms of IBD. Your registered dietitian may give you pre-digested nutritional drinks (an elemental diet) to give your bowel a form of relaxation and recover lost nutrients to allow the body to recuperate.
• Reduce coffee, alcohol and sorbitol (a kind of sweetener usually used in making ice creams) as these may aggravate IBD symptoms.
• Reduce intake of foods that has high gas contents like those vegetables that belongs to the cabbage family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and brussels sprouts). Additionally, dried peas and lentils, onions, chives, and peppers, and even carbonated drinks should also be taken with limitations.
• Lower fat intake if a portion of the intestines has been removed by virtue of Crohn's surgery. High fat foods typically cause diarrhea and gas build up on the body.
• If the ileum in the small intestines has been resected, an injection of Vitamin B12 injection may be needed.
• According to some studies fish and flax seed oil may aid you manage IBD. Some also cites the part of prebiotics like psyllium in the treatment of the ailment. Alas, probiotics may also be useful in the recovery of the intestines from inflammation and damage.

Survivor Reveals How to Reduce Ulcerative Colitis Pain

If there is one aspect of a colitis attack that every sufferer regards with some apprehension it is the build up and at times the ferocity of the resultant abdominal pain. Even though other symptoms such as diarrhea which results in frequent trips to the toilet coupled with the appearance of blood, tiredness and a loss of appetite have to be endured, it is the associated abdominal pain that is the number one symptom to be concerned about.

Abdominal pain endured during a colitis attack is the result of inflammation of the large colon. The area that is affected becomes inflamed and will excrete both blood and bowel mucus. This in turn alters the frequency and consistency of the feces with the result being that the sufferer has to go to the toilet much more frequently and experience pain when emptying the bowel.

The abdominal pain is created in two different ways. Firstly, when matter within the colon is in contact with the inflammation this antagonizes it. At its very worst, the effect can be compared to using a food grater against an open wound. Secondly, the body's movement can create this pain as the affected part of the colon will move and force contact with more of the colon.

An easy and effective method of reducing the pain is to try and eliminate all unnecessary body movement. This will entail accepting that the daily routines of life are put on hold. When experiencing a full relapse, there is little point in trying to do anything other than rest and eliminate movement as the consequences will be to inflame the symptoms unnecessarily. Laying down flat in bed is one of the most effective methods of reducing the pain. Movement is eliminated and as the colon is therefore still, its walls will not be coming into contact with each other. This position will also help reduce the movement of the bloodied diarrhea within the colon so as to reduce its likelihood of coming into contact with the inflammation, thus less pain.

When symptoms are at their worst, a sufferer maybe faced with the prospect of every time that they move they will have to get to the toilet. This indicates severe inflammation and will result in pain when emptying the bowels. A doctor may prescribe steroid foam to be administered directly onto the inflamed area in order to ensure the medication is concentrated where it is required most.

Whilst trying to eradicate movement is particularly important in the quest to reduce abdominal pain, the colitis sufferer should also attempt to be proactive in not unerringly planting the seeds for avoidable instances of the pain to occur. As an example, the role of diet is also very important when experiencing a relapse and through effective colitis management techniques, the sufferer can attempt to mitigate the chances of increasing ulcerative colitis pain unnecessarily.

Diarrhoea and Vomiting (D&V) - Some Common Causative Agents and Their Management (Part 2)

Diarrhoea and Vomiting (D&V) - Some Common Causative Agents and Their Management (Part 2)

Travellers Diarrhoea (TD):

This is classically defined as passage of three or more unformed stools within a 24 hour period during or shortly after a period of foreign travel.

It is frequently encountered by individuals travelling to developing countries although no country is exempt in our modern day 'jet age'.


Most common cause of TD is the ingestion of faecally contaminated food or water.

A number of viral, parasitic and bacterial organisms can cause TD. Among the common enteroviruses which have been implicated include: Coxsackie, Polio and echoviruses while the common parasites include Entamoeba histolytica (Amoebiasis/Amoebic dysentery) and Giardia lamblia (Giardiasis) but the majority of cases are associated with bacteria, particularly the pathogen enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC).

Here is a list of the most common causes of TD:

(1)  Enterotoxigenic E.coli

(2)  Shigellosis spp. (bacillary dysentery)

(3)  Aeromonas spp.

(4)  Salmonella spp.(Already discussed in Part 1)

(5)  Non-Cholera Vibrio spp.

(6)  Camphylobacter  jejuni

(7)  Pleisonias Shigelloides


The bacterial organisms produce either a heat-labile or a heat-stable enterotoxin, causing marked secretory diarrhea and vomiting after 1- 2 days incubation.


(a) If diarrhea is associated with severe dehydration, intravenous fluid and electrolyte replacement is indicated.

This is of particular importance in the case of diarrhea associated with Vibrio.

(b)Antibiotics: These can be used to limit the duration of symptoms and prophylaxis may help to prevent the disease.

(c) In most cases the illness is usually mild and self-limiting after 3 - 4days. Most important supportive treatment is fluid and electrolyte replacement; either orally (if there is no vomiting) or intravenously if there is.

Campylobacter jejuni:

Aetiology and Pathogenesis:

This infection is basically a zoonosis (a disease of animals that may secondarily be transmitted to man). The organism inhabits the gut of cattle and poultry, the commonest source of infection being chicken or contaminated milk.

There is also an association with pet puppies.

Campylobacter infection is now the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in the U.K., even though most of the cases are sporadic.

The incubation period is 2-5days.

Clinical Features & Treatment:

Severe colicky abdominal pain which mimics surgical pathology at times ensues and is followed by nausea, vomiting and quite significant diarrhoea which may become blood stained as the illness progresses.

Majority of Campylobacter infections affect fit, young adults and are self-limiting after 4-7 days.

10-20% will have prolonged symptomatology warranting treatment with antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin or a macrolide, while another 1% of cases will develop bacteraemia and distant foci of infection.

Non-infectious Diarrhoea:

Among the common causative agents of non-infectious diarrhoea the following should be considered:

-      Drugs:These include purgatives (most common); antibiotics, and digoxin (rare).

-      Others:

Diverticulitis:- This occurs commonly.

Diabetes, thyrotoxicosis (rare)

Spastic colon / Nervous diarrhoea (common)

Malabsorption syndromes - especially following vagotomy (an operation to divide the Vagus nerve around the stomach area)

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Colonic carcinoma - at times manifests with spurious diarrhoea secondary to partial obstruction.

The Thyroid Adrenal Pancreas Connection

The Thyroid-Adrenal-Pancreas Axis

In addition to gastrointestinal and blood sugar disorders, adrenal gland dysfunction is the most commonly seen imbalance in today's society. Adrenal gland imbalances are also one of the major factors that cause thyroid hormone imbalance. Stress from work, relationships, electronics, poor diet choices such as consumption of refined carbohydrates and trans fats, infections, and environmental toxins all contribute to adrenal disorders.

The Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are about the size of a walnut and lie on top of the kidneys. The outer adrenal cortex comprises eighty percent of the gland and produces many hormones including cortisol and DHEA from cholesterol. Ninety percent of the cholesterol in the body is made by the liver and only ten percent comes from the diet. Cholesterol converts into the hormone pregnenolone in the adrenal cortex which then converts to cortisol, the stress hormone, or DHEA, the sex hormone source, immune enhancer and anabolic. Cortisol is our "fight or flight" stress hormone. Cortisol slows down digestion, suppresses immune function and raises blood sugar as a survival mechanism when we are under stress. The problem arises when this becomes chronic and over time, elevated cortisol will tear down your body. Cortisol is secreted on a circadian rhythm with highest production in the morning that slowly tapers off as the day progresses. Sleep is when our bodies repair and rejuvenate but high cortisol during sleep will prevent this from happening.

Hormones Secreted by the Adrenal Glands

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a precursor to estrogens, progesterone and testosterone. DHEA is extremely important for immune system function and anabolic (building up) processes in the body. DHEA levels begin to decline after age thirty-five but cortisol can remain elevated during continuing periods of stress. Low DHEA levels are also found in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis and of course, thyroid disorders.

Healthy adrenal glands are required for the conversion of inactive T4 into active T3.
When the adrenals have reached a state of fatigue, they are no longer producing sufficient cortisol or DHEA. This leaves individuals more susceptible to chronic diseases from an inability to compensate for the stresses they encounter on a daily basis. It is very important to treat the adrenal glands before commencing treatment of the thyroid. Increasing thyroid hormone production while the adrenals are in fatigue can overwhelm the adrenals and lead to further exhaustion. I have found that once the adrenal glands are healthy and the other related system/factors associated with thyroid imbalance are optimized, there is no need to treat the thyroid directly.

The inner medulla produces adrenalin and noradrenalin also known as norepinephrine and epinephrine. The cortex is under the control of hormones produced in the brain and the medulla is under the control of the nervous system.

Healthy adrenal glands are vital for women who are peri- and post-menopausal. The adrenal glands are responsible for producing the majority of sex hormones in a menopausal woman once the ovaries stop functioning. If the adrenal glands are fatigued and not ready for menopause, there will be an exaggeration of menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, weight gain, sleep problems, bone loss, mood swings, depression, anxiety, loss of sex drive and vaginal dryness. Healthy adrenals ensure an easy transition into menopause and beyond. A vast majority of the women I see in practice approach menopause with adrenal fatigue leading to severe menopausal symptoms and hormone dysfunction.

Aldosterone is produced by the cortex and causes sodium absorption and potassium excretion. Low salt diets and high water intake put a major stress on the adrenal glands to retain as much salt as possible as the blood becomes more diluted from the extra water intake. One of the easiest ways to maintain healthy adrenals is to consume a half- teaspoon of unrefined celtic sea salt every morning with a few glasses of water. It's important to consume half of your bodyweight in ounces of water every day but it must be balanced with salt to remove stress from the adrenal glands.

Cortisol is also produced by the cortex which increases blood sugar when it is low or if the body is under stress. Cortisol will cause glucose production in the liver or it will strip muscle tissue of protein to make glucose. Excess cortisol over long periods of time can increase the risk of diabetes due to prolonged blood sugar elevations.

Adrenaline produced by the adrenal medulla will also raise blood sugar if there is stress on the body. Adrenaline will also increase fat circulation so that it can be burned as energy. This is not a good scenario for someone who is sitting at a desk and under major stress. Large amounts of fat and sugar floating in the bloodstream should be utilized to run from a saber-toothed tiger which is our built-in survival mechanism. If there is no activity, the excess sugar will be converted into fat and stored mainly around the mid-section, hips and thighs.

The adrenal cortex communicates with the pituitary gland and hypothalamus in the brain. The hypothalamus reads the amount of circulating hormones and tells the pituitary to make hormones that directly tell the cortex to make hormones. This is called the HPA axis or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

All hormones are secreted on a circadian rhythm over a 24-hour period. Cortisol is especially representative of this rhythm as cortisol production is the highest in the early morning and then slowly tapers off as the day progresses. Cortisol levels are lowest at night so that the body can repair itself to the best of its ability. You lose two-thirds of your stored sugar while sleeping and cortisol production ensures balanced blood sugar during the night. If the adrenals are fatigued, you may have trouble staying asleep as the body will make adrenaline to raise blood sugar due to inadequate cortisol production which is enough to wake you up. If your adrenals are in overdrive with too much cortisol production, then you probably have trouble falling asleep. If you are a slow starter in the morning, your adrenals are probably fatigued and can't make adequate cortisol to raise blood sugar and get you going in the morning.

The adrenals will go through phases of adaptation to stress beginning with elevated cortisol due to the initial stress. In the second stage, the adrenals will begin to use sex hormone precursors to make cortisol and DHEA will drop. The final stage is adrenal exhaustion/fatigue when the adrenals can no longer produce cortisol and DHEA. If you have adrenal gland dysfunction you may have the following symptoms:

Can't fall asleep
Can't stay asleep
Salt or sugar cravings
Slow to start in the morning
Weakened immune system
Need to eat to relieve fatigue
Irritable before meals
Shaky or lightheaded if meals are missed
Blurred vision
Crave caffeine or cigarettes
Feeling full or bloated
Varicose veins

Remember that the hormone aldosterone made in the adrenal cortex regulates blood volume through sodium retention and potassium excretion. If you have the following symptoms you have low aldosterone levels indicating adrenal gland dysfunction:

Craving salt
Fluid retention in the arms and legs
Pupils do not stay constricted when exposed to light
Rough or sandpaper tongue
Excessive urination - up to 15-20 times/day
Excessive sweating even without activity

Your natural physician will order a salivary hormone profile to measure cortisol production at four different times throughout the day. This allows your physician to observe adrenal gland dysfunction during all parts of the day and will dictate the type of treatment you will receive. Symptoms cannot adequately diagnose if the adrenals are in fatigue or if they are hyperfunctioning. This is why testing is so vital to properly assess adrenal gland function. In addition, it gives a baseline to compare to follow-up testing so treatment can be adjusted accordingly.

Blood sugar is intricately related to adrenal gland function and vice versa. Chronically elevated cortisol levels from adrenal stress will cause insulin receptor insensitivity. This basically means that when insulin binds to cell receptors to allow glucose (blood sugar) entry into the cell, the receptors may not respond which leaves sugar floating in the blood stream. Remember that excess sugar will be converted into fat and stored mainly around the abdomen, hips and thighs. This also puts extra stress on the pancreas to make more insulin to deal with the excess blood sugar which increases the risk of diabetes. As discussed earlier, cortisol is very important for blood sugar stability.

Hypoglycemia is a condition in which there is inadequate cortisol to raise blood sugar into the normal range. We usually see adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia together. Hypoglycemics develop symptoms of low blood sugar and need to eat something to normalize blood sugar levels. They may feel shaky, irritable, light-headed, fatigued or may crave sugar because their adrenal glands cannot raise blood sugar into the normal range. Once hypoglycemics rejuvenate their adrenal glands, the symptoms will subside. It's important for hypoglycemics to eat frequently throughout the day and not skip meals. Each meal should be a combination of protein, carbohydrates and fats as a low-carb meal or too many carbs will further throw off blood sugar levels.

You may ask which comes first - adrenal dysfunction or blood sugar dysfunction? It doesn't matter because when one starts to become imbalanced so goes the other. This is also important to understand in treatment because both aspects should be addressed at the same time for optimal results.

So how does all this relate to optimal thyroid function? In the chapter on thyroid hormone physiology, we discussed the enzyme that converts inactive T4 (thyroxine) into active T3 (triiodothyronine). Remember that 93 percent of the hormone produced by the thyroid is inactive T4 until it is activated mainly in the liver by an enzyme. Cortisol directly inhibits this enzyme (5'-deiodinase) which converts inactive T4 into active T3. This in part can lead to low T3 levels. In addition, elevated cortisol will cause thyroid hormone receptor insensitivity meaning that even if T3 levels are adequate, they may not be able to bind normally to receptor sites. Cortisol will also increase the production of reverse T3 which is inactive. Cortisol can also lower the levels of protein that binds to thyroid hormone so it can circulate in a stable structure. Iodine, as you know from a previous chapter, is extremely vital to thyroid health but high levels of cortisol will increase the excretion of iodide from the kidney. And finally, elevated cortisol will inhibit TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) production by disrupting hypothalamic-pituitary feedback leading to suboptimal TSH production in the range of 1.0-1.5. Has your physician adequately assessed your adrenals before treatment? It is very irresponsible for any physician to treat thyroid hormone dysfunction without thoroughly assessing adrenal gland physiology and of course, blood sugar.

Regarding cortisol's effect on thyroid hormones, Werner and Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text, (8th edition), states: "Serum TSH, TBG (thyroid-binding protein), T4 and T3 concentrations are slightly decreased, albeit usually within the respective ranges of normal; serum free T4 values are normal."11

As discussed in our chapter on the liver, impaired detoxification can lead to abnormal thyroid function. Again, the adrenals come into play because elevated cortisol inhibits proper liver detoxification. It is sometimes necessary to support liver detoxification pathways while treating the adrenal glands and thyroid to optimize results and metabolize toxins, excess hormones and thyroid-disrupting chemicals. Signs of impaired liver detoxification include nausea, constipation, bloating, lack of response to treatment, acne, acne during menstrual cycle, medication sensitivity, and pale skin upon pressure.

There is also a powerful Adrenal-Gut connection as well. Elevated cortisol levels slowly eat away at the immune system that lines the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Cortisol also increases inflammation in the GI tract and prevents the cells that line the GI tract from regenerating which increases the risk of ulcers. This leads to increased infections from parasites, yeast, mold, fungi, viruses, and bacteria which further stresses the adrenal glands creating a vicious cycle. Leaky gut is another consequence of chronically elevated cortisol levels which is a condition in which gaps open in the intestinal barrier allowing undigested proteins and toxins to enter the bloodstream uninhibited. This puts a major stress on the body's immune system and can lead to immune dysfunction, adrenal stress, chronic fatigue and thyroid hormone imbalance.

Adrenals that are functioning at a low level tend to exhibit various symptoms and patterns. Adrenal-fatigued people usually have to run on caffeine and sugar throughout the day to keep going. They are dragging out of bed and say, "I need my coffee before I can do anything." This is a sad state because it indicates an extremely unhealthy individual who requires a legal drug just to function. These individuals crave sweets and crash many times throughout the day, especially in the afternoon, and need a "pick me up" such as another cup of coffee or something sweet. This further drives blood sugar and hormone imbalances leading to weight gain, insomnia, fatigue and an underactive thyroid gland. In addition, these people can usually fall asleep without problems but will wake up during the night. This happens because there is inadequate cortisol production to stabilize blood sugar so the adrenals release adrenaline instead which raises blood sugar but is also too stimulatory resulting in waking up and insomnia.

People with adrenal hyperfunctioning usually cannot fall asleep because there is too much cortisol production which has an excitatory effect on the nervous system. There are many possible causes of elevated cortisol that lead to too much cortisol production and eventually adrenal fatigue. The following cause adrenal stress:

  1. Anemia - red blood cells cannot deliver oxygen to body tissues

  2. Blood sugar imbalances

  3. Low cholesterol - statin medications such as Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor, etc.

  4. Infections

  5. Gums

  6. Urinary tract

  7. Gastrointestinal

  8. Mold, yeast or fungus

  9. Lyme Disease/Tick-Borne Infections

  10. Chronic virus

  11. Dehydration - especially in athletes or those who fly frequently (it is important to drink half of bodyweight in ounces of water every day)

  12. Poor dietary habits (skipping meals, high intake of simple carbohydrates, etc.)

  13. Eating foods you are sensitive/allergic to

  14. Leaky gut

  15. Liver detoxification issues

  16. Essential fatty acid deficiencies

  17. Not enough sleep

  18. Overexercise

  19. Emotional stressors (usually severe)

  20. Heavy metals

  21. Autoimmune adrenals

  22. Chronic use of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, Prozac, etc.)

  23. Chronic pain

  24. Environmental toxin exposures - damages mitochondria

  25. Surgical menopause

  26. Chronic tissue injury or inflammation (autoimmune condition)

It takes a great deal of time and effort to do the proper detective work to find out why someone is ill. The supplements covered here are meant to complement diet and lifestyle changes. In order for a treatment plan to be successful, it is very important that the following guidelines are adhered to without deviation.

Adrenal stimulants will disrupt your treatment plan and consist of the following:

Inadequate sleep
Eating sugar/simple carbohydrates
Caffeine and decaffeinated beverages
Food allergies
Trans fats (hydrogenated or partially-hydrogenated oils)
Artificial sweeteners
Excess exercise

As long as blood sugar levels are out of balance, it will be extremely difficult to restore proper adrenal function. Practice the following guidelines to ensure stable blood sugar levels:

  1. Always eat breakfast that includes more protein than carbohydrates

  2. Eat every two to three hours

  3. Snack on protein and fat such as nuts, eggs and seeds

  4. Do not drink juice - this includes ALL juices which are nothing more than plant sugar

  5. Consume protein at every meal

Blood sugar imbalances and a condition known as insulin resistance are major factors in optimizing thyroid and adrenal health. Insulin resistance basically means that insulin receptors are no longer able to respond to insulin. Insulin binds to receptors and allows blood sugar to enter cells. With insulin resistance, insulin's effects are negated leaving excess blood sugar. The following symptoms can indicate insulin resistance:

Sugar cravings
Abdominal obesity
High blood pressure
Inability to lose weight
Always feeling hungry
Fatigue after meals
Aches and pains all over
High cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides
Low HDL ("good" cholesterol)

Remember that impaired liver detoxification can significantly affect optimal thyroid hormone function. Elevated insulin levels will reduce glutathione levels inhibiting the liver's ability to detoxify. This will affect the conversion of inactive T4 into active T3, increase thyroid-disrupting chemicals and may lead to excess estrogen levels which inhibit thyroid hormone function.

Thyroid hormone's main function is to regulate metabolism through the burning of sugar, fat and protein. Insulin resistance prevents adequate sugar transport into the cell decreasing the available fuel for energy production. This puts an increased strain on the thyroid to make more hormone and can eventually lead to hypothyroidism.

We have already discussed the importance of adrenal gland function and its relationship to optimal thyroid health. The following supplements will help to correct adrenal gland dysfunction. It's very important to have the adrenal hormones cortisol and DHEA tested to ensure precise treatment. Adaptogens are compounds that help to normalize the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. They will help adrenals that are in a state of fatigue, high stress or a combination of both. The feedback loop of the HPA axis is key in balancing adrenal hormones, and adaptogens are vital in healing this process.

Supplements That Help Correct Adrenal Gland Dysfunction

Magnolia & Phellodendron
Magnolia is a tree native to the rain forests of China. Its bark has been used for a variety of medicinal purposes including the regulation of stress and anxiety. Phellodendron grows in northeastern China and Japan. Together, these extracts restore cortisol and DHEA production in the adrenal gland. They bind to stress hormone receptors promoting relaxation and feelings of well-being.

Perilla oil & MCTs
These essential oils have natural stress-reducing effects. Perilla oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which stimulate repair and are anti-inflammatory. MCTs reduce cell acids and help to produce energy in the cell's mitochondria. MCTs are easy to assimilate and metabolize which is extremely important for those with delicate stomachs and impaired absorption.

Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that is similar to panax ginseng. It has the ability to normalize adrenal stress syndromes. Stress responses can have many adverse affects on health and this herb will reduce these effects.

Eleutherococcus senticosus is an adaptogen that supports the HPA axis under times of stress as well as enhance athletic performance. Eleutherococcus will enhance physical work capacity as well as brain function when under stress.

Panax Ginseng
Panax ginseng is also known as Korean ginseng and is an adaptogen. Panax ginseng optimizes the functioning of the HPA axis. It has been shown to enhance physical performance, stamina and energy production. Panax ginseng will shift metabolism into a fat-burning state as opposed to a sugar-burning state due to an increase in oxygen availability for muscles.

Rhodiola is popular in traditional Eastern European and Asian medical systems. Rhodiola is an adaptogen that has been shown to enhance immune function and brain function. It also has antidepressant properties, protects the heart and protects against cancer. Rhodiola will prevent adrenaline roller coasters due to high stress.

Holy Basil
Holy basil is an adaptogen that reduces cortisol production from stress, supports blood sugar, has antihistamine properties, optimizes the functioning of the HPA axis, improves the integrity of the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier, improves immune function, and enhances athletic performance.

Pantethine is required for adrenal hormone production. However, it will not over-stimulate cortisol production under times of stress but has the opposite effect.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabara)
Licorice contains compounds that increase the half-life of cortisol which removes stress on the adrenal glands to produce more cortisol. It also has been shown to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation and also reduce/minimize allergic responses. Licorice is antibacterial and antiviral. Due to estrogen's negative effect on thyroid function, licorice is of great benefit because it helps normalize estrogen metabolism.

Pregnenolone is the "mother of all hormones" and is made from cholesterol in the adrenal gland. Pregnenolone converts into cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Pregnenolone is a powerful antioxidant and has been shown to boost mood, improve memory and optimize brain function.

DHEA is made by the adrenal glands and will convert into estrogen and testosterone. In men, it will mainly convert into estrogen and in women, DHEA will mainly convert into testosterone. DHEA has its own effects including resensitizing insulin receptors, boosting the immune system, preventing bone loss, enhancing memory and lowering cholesterol. When under stress, the body will make cortisol at the expense of DHEA.

Phosphatidylserine's greatest benefit is its ability to lower cortisol levels by optimizing the brain's relationship with the adrenal glands. After only ten days of high doses of PS, research has shown that excessive cortisol levels can be decreased in healthy men. PS has also been shown to enhance brain function and memory, decrease anxiety and depression, improve mood, and enhance metabolism. It is also an antioxidant. It is very difficult for the body to make PS as it requires many nutrients for production. Supplementation is vital for optimizing adrenal function so cortisol cannot have its negative effects on the body and the thyroid.

Supplements that Balance Blood Sugar

Blood sugar imbalances will greatly influence the ability of your thyroid to function optimally. The following supplements are vital in balancing blood sugar.

Huckleberry/Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus)
The extract from the leaves of this plant has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and has been used traditionally to treat diabetes.

Galega Officinalis (French lilac)
This plant has been utilized since the Middle Ages in the treatment of diabetes. French lilac lowers blood sugar by decreasing insulin resistance. Prescription medications for blood sugar control such as Metformin are derived from the active ingredients in French lilac.

Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre has been shown to regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. This herb will enhance the effects of insulin, reduce fasting blood sugar, decrease the need for insulin and help with insulin resistance. It will not cause a state of hypoglycemia, however.

Chromium stabilizes blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. It will also ensure optimal delivery of blood sugar into your cells. Deficiencies in this nutrient can lead to insulin resistance, high cholesterol and abnormalities in sugar's ability to bind to red blood cells.

Zinc's role in blood sugar management includes optimizing insulin metabolism, protecting insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas and improving insulin sensitivity which ensures optimal uptake of sugar into your cells.

Vanadium is very important for insulin resistance by improving transport of sugar into your cells due to its insulin-like effects on cell receptors.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA)
ALA is another important nutrient for insulin resistance and is also a strong antioxidant. ALA increases energy production by your cells, optimizes sugar metabolism and lowers lactic acid levels.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E should not be taken in its alpha tocopherol form. Mixed tocopherols including gamma and delta tocopherol are the preferred form of delivery. Vitamin E improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood fats, is a powerful antioxidant and lowers the so-called "bad" LDL cholesterol.

Biotin is important in supporting the liver's utilization of sugar. This nutrient will enhance insulin's effects as well as lower blood sugar levels after meals.

Entire books have been written on the king of minerals. Magnesium is involved in approximately 350 reactions in the body and deficiencies in our society are rampant. Magnesium deficiency will lead to insulin resistance and abnormal sugar metabolism. Magnesium appears to enhance insulin secretion by the pancreas.

L-carnitine is a di-peptide compound that shuttles fatty acids in the cell to be burned as energy. Carnitine has similar effects on blood sugar by supporting sugar transport into cells.