Saturday, June 22, 2013

Tips on How to Overcome Gastritis

Gastritis is not a disease on its own but a symptom of abnormal digestion. It is characterized by inflammation or irritation of the lining of the stomach. It affects millions of people worldwide. It can be divided into 3 categories: (1) erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis (2) non erosive and nonspecific gastritis (3) specific gastritis indicative of a disorder.

Gastritis can be due to a number of causes including excessive alcohol consumption, prolonged use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also known as NSAIDs, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, or bacterial infection. Commonly, the bacterium that causes the inflammation of gastritis is the same as that which causes most stomach ulcers. Sometimes gastritis can develop after major surgery, burns, traumatic injury.

Symptoms of gastritis include abdominal discomfort, pain, bloating or gas, irritation, headache, general malaise, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Aside the use of medications, there are ways to combat gastritis by selective food inclusions or eliminations.

Positive actions to overcome gastritis include the following:

1. Limit or where possible eliminate your intake of simple sugar (sweet, fruit, and milk), flour, caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, spicy foods and tomato products. These foods irritate the stomach lining, increase the production of stomach acid and weaken the sphincter at the end of the esophagus causing the extra acid to move up the esophagus.

2. Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. It gives the stomach the necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals.

3. Eating a light or soft diet provides a lot of assistance. Cessation of smoking and relaxation therapy can also help. Eating a diet high in fiber may not only cut your risk of developing gastritis and ulcers in half, but fiber-rich foods may also speed the healing of ulcers. Vegetables are particularly protective sources of fiber and seem to reduce the amount of inflammation in the lining of the stomach.

4. Take a long term daily dose of Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000 mg to reduce and subsequently eliminate inflammation.

5. A daily dose of a multi vitamins and minerals tablet to assist in digestive health.

Treating Digestive Disorders With Chiropractic Care

Americans spend billions of dollars on over-the-counter and prescription medication hoping to relieve digestive problems. Their symptoms can come in the form of constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and other common complaints of a digestive nature. Untreated, digestive disorders may affect one's quality of life, immune system, social well-being, and job productivity. On the other hand, the side-effects of steroid medications and other drugs used to treat digestive problems are very hard on the body.

While the symptoms of digestive disorders are bothersome, there are ways to address the underlying factors that contribute to the problem without the use of drugs. Research offers evidence that chiropractic care, for example, can be very effective in treating digestive conditions.

What Chiropractic Care Can Do for Your Digestive Disorder
The nervous system is responsible for controlling digestive function. It does so from several different parts of the body. The vagus nerve, for example, travels from the brain stem to the atlas bone, energizing the digestive organs and inciting the digestive process. The sympathetic nerves of the thoracic and lumbar region, and the sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers, are responsible for the pace of digestion.

Spinal misalignment in these spinal regions may affect the proper functioning of the bowel and the neurological process as a whole. Chiropractic doctors seek to isolate the exact location of spinal misalignments (also known as subluxations). The adjustment is performed in order to realign the impaired regions, and recover proper nerve supply to the affected organs.

Chiropractic care recognizes the body's natural ability to heal itself. As such, its approach to restoring ailments is based on addressing organ function, so that it can perform optimally without the aid of drugs.

Various studies have illustrated the effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating patients with digestive conditions. One study showed how infants with infrequent bowel syndrome receiving chiropractic care experienced almost immediate improvement after sessions.

Another comprehensive study established a link between spinal misalignments and the occurrence of Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease results in inflammation along the small intestine, affecting any part of the digestive tract. In addition to pain, this inflammation results in frequent emptying of the intestines and diarrhea.

The prevailing theory around the cause of Crohn's disease is that the immune system is acting in response to a virus or bacterium. Traditional treatment for Crohn's disease involves the use of corticosteroids to address the inflammation. However, the side-effects of corticosteroids can be serious, possibly prompting greater vulnerability to infection. Drugs that suppress the immune system are also used. Researchers of the study sought to look for treatment options that boosted the immune system (as opposed to suppressing it) in a way that did not rely on the use of drugs.

Another study revealed the link between spinal misalignments and a wide range of conditions including ulcerative colitis, asthma, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel disorder. It showed that correcting those displacements caused improvement (and sometimes complete remission) of symptoms of Crohn's disease. Research findings also point to another attendant benefit of chiropractic care. Not only is there improvement of digestive disorders following chiropractic care but also an overall improvement of patients' quality of life.

Contact a Chiropractor for a Thorough Assessment of Your Digestive Condition
Chiropractors adjust misalignments of the spine that interfere with nerve function. These problems can be painlessly corrected. Once the misalignment is treated, the troublesome symptoms will likely go away as well.

Chiropractic care can benefit those suffering from digestive disorders by restoring the digestive processes' natural rhythm. In addition to spinal manipulation, your chiropractor may also employ the use of nutritional counseling as part of his or her practice. Vitamin and mineral supplements, healing herbs, as well as other complementary approaches may also be suggested. In an effort to address the patient as a whole, chiropractic doctors seek for ways to encourage wellness in a holistic manner.

Autoimmune Diseases and Some Important Immunological Disorders

The auto-immune diseases result from immunologically mediated tissue destruction where the antigens involved are autologous. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of auto-immune diseases.

Forbidden clone theory: All the clones which react with self antigens are destroyed during intra-uterine life but such a clone may be generated by somatic mutation in later life.

Sequestrated antigen theory: Antigens exposed to lymphoid system during intra-uterine life are recognized as self. But some tissues (e.g, lens, thyroid, CNS) are anatomically sequestered or guarded from the lymphocytes. In adult life, when such antigens are exposed the immune system reacts against them.

Suppressor cell (TS) deficiency: Small quantities of thyroglobulin (and other auto-antigens) are seen in circulation even in normal persons, but they are below the threshold level for immuno-stimulation. The suppressor cells also inhibit sensitization. In persons with deficient TS activity, inappropriate immune reactions are produced.

genetic effect: Auto-immune diseases show a familial distribution and female preponderance. Many of them are associated with particular HLA types. These suggest that genetic predisposition may play a role in their pathogenesis.

Modified antigenic structure: Normal tissues may be altered by micro-organisms, making them antigenic. Drugs such as methyl-DOPA may act as haptens combining with cellular proteins. These altered proteins can elicit immunological responses. Antibodies once produced will attack not only the hapten, but also the carrier molecules.

Cross reacting antibodies: Antibodies produced against exogenous antigens can cross react with tissue proteins e.g post-rabies vaccine encephalitis, and post-streptococcal rheumatic fever. In any given instance one or more of the above mechanisms may be operative.

Some Important immunological disorders

1. Organ specific diseases
a. Pernicious anemia: auto-antigen are Parietal cells of stomach (Diagnostic test- Immunoflourescence test) and Intrinsic factor (Neutralization test).
b. Ulcerative colitis: Auto-antigens are Lipopolysaccharides of mucous membrane of colon Immunoflourescence test)
c. Acute post-streptococcal Nephritis: Auto-antigen is the streptococcal antigen (Complement fixation test and Immunoflourescence test).
d. Sympathetic Pphthalmia: Auto-antigen is the Uveal protein Skin test).
e. Bullous pemphigoid: Auto-antigen is the basement membrane (Immunoflourescence tests).
f. Pemphigus Vulgaris; Auto-antigens are the Desmosomes (Immunoflourescence tests).
g. Thyrotoxicosis by LATS (Long acting thyroid stimulator): Cell surface receptor proteins (Bioassay).
h. Hashimoto's thyroiditis: Thyroglobulin microsomes (Passive hemagglutination and Complement fixation test).

2. Affecting two or more organ systems
a. Goodpasture's syndrome: Glomerular and lung basement membrane (Immunoflourescence test).
b. Auto-immune hemolytic anemia: Membrane proteins of RBC (Coomb's test).
c. Immune-thrombocytopenia: Platelet components (Demonstration of antibody)
d. Myasthenia gravis: Skeletal, heart and thymus myoid cells (Immunoflourescence tests).
e. Primary biliary cirrhosis: Liver and Kidney mitochondria (Immunoflourescence tests).
f. Rheumatic fever: Streptococcal antigen cross reacting with heart and joint tissues (Immunoflourescence).

3. systemic or generalized diseases
a. Rheumatoid arthritis: Immunoglobulins, especially IgG (Latex agglutination)
b. Sjogren's disease: Ductus mitochondria of glands (Immunoflourescence tests).
c. Systemic Lupus erythematosus: Nuclear DNA and nucleo-proteins (Immunofloresence tests).
d. Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma): Nuclear proteins (Immunoflorescence tests).

Blood in Bowel Movements

It can be a horrifying thing, to see blood in your bowel movements. The shock of seeing your own blood is bad enough, but to see it in such an unexpected place is even worse. However, there are several different things that can cause this to happen, and believe it or not, they are not life-threatening. They are short-lived conditions that are entirely treatable.

Terms for Bleeding

Terms used in diagnosis refer to the color of the stools. If the stools are black and like tar, they are melena. If they are bright red or maroon colored, it's called hematochezia. The rectum itself may not be bleeding, but it's called rectal bleeding because that's where the blood leaves the body.


While inflammation is the body's way of healing an injury, chronic or ongoing inflammation in the intestines or colon can cause its own problems. Proctitis is inflammation of the colon that, when it persists, can weaken the lining of the colon. If you have ulcers in your colon, they can cause proctitis. This will cause blood in bowel movements, and you need to see a doctor. While this condition is easily treatable, if allowed to continue untreated, the lining of the rectum could develop holes.


A fistulae is sort of like a tunnel. If you have a fistulae of the anus or rectum, it means there is an opening connecting that organ with the outside or with another organ. In other words, you've got a crack inside. It's actually another one of the inflammatory bowel diseases, as the one mentioned above. Proctitis, Crohn's disease, and colitis all can cause this condition. With fistulae of this sort, it is actually possible for bowels or urine to leak out of places they wouldn't normally. Pus from an infection and blood in bowel movements can be the result. While the bleeding itself is not an emergency situation, if your condition has reached this point, you are probably already under a doctor's care, anyway.

Torn Anal Opening

This is usually caused by constipation. Physical exertion during a bowel movement can cause spasms in the sphincter. Considering that you have 2 of these muscles, the spasms can be quite painful. The inner and outer sphincters must be relaxed for the bowel movement to take place. If you're constipated, the spasms of the sphincters can cause cracking, which will induce bleeding. This can be eased by increased water consumption and a healthier diet with a little more fiber. Anti-inflammatory medicines can ease the swelling and pain, as well.

Rectal Prolapse

Usually affecting older women, it's when the rectum falls partially out of the anus. It's caused by weak muscles and ligaments, and from a fallen pelvic floor. Often, surgery is the only treatment.


The most common cause of blood in bowel movements is hemorrhoids-both inner and outer. These can be treated topically, or removed through surgerya and with Colon Cleanse Tablets.

Natural Cures For Colitis - Causes and Symptoms

When there is an inflammation in the colon then this condition is termed as colitis. Autoimmune reactions, poor blood supply, and also infections are some of the major causes of colitis. Colon is a long muscular tube and pushes the food which is undigested towards the anus for natural elimination as bowel movement. It is the colon which is responsible for collection and storage of the waste products of digestion. The location of the colon is in abdominal cavity.

Various parts of the colon are cecum, ascending colon, transverse, descending colon, the sigmoid, the rectum and the anus. There are numerous layers in the wall of the colon. The layer which wraps the outside is known as smooth muscle. It squeezes the undigested food through the length of the colon. Mucosa is the inner layer which helps in solidifying the feces. An inflammation of the colon occurs in the mucosal layer which is responsible for the symptoms of colitis.

An infection and the variety of illness cause the inflammation of the colon. Most common causes of the colitis are - infectious colitis, ischemic colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, microscopic colitis and chemical colitis.

Usually according to the type of colitis the symptoms of the colitis will occur. Abdominal pain and diarrhea are its common symptoms. There are some other symptoms also.

1. A constant feeling of having bowel movement. It is also called Tenesmus.

2. Constant pain

3. Inflammation, infection, chills and fever.

4. In the bowel movement there may be the presence of blood.

5. Abdominal pain occurs in waves which causes diarrhea.

Various types of natural cures are available to cure colitis.

1. Best way to control colitis is to shift on liquid diet. Diet plays an important role in curing colitis. Fluid diet is best for colitis as it allows the colon to rest and nothing is passed into the colon to be processed as stool.

2. Intake of excess water is very necessary to cure colitis. With each diarrheal bowel movement an individual loses a significant amount of fluid. So adequate fluid should be taken to maintain the balance otherwise it will lead to dehydration and an individual will suffer from the problem of abdominal pain and cramping.

3. Try to avoid the food which causes allergies as it is also one of the important causes which result into colitis. Especially take care before using milk and dairy products, chocolate, corn, wheat, gluten etc.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Best Home Remedies for Cystic Acne

Cystic acne is different from other forms of acne in that it is severely inflamed acne. Cysts are the most serious type of acne and are painful pus-filled pockets under the skin. The causes of cystic acne are generally overactive oil glands, dead skin cells within the hair follicle and the acne causing bacteria, propionibacteria acne. When the follicle wall erupts deep in the skin, the nearby area is infected causing serious lesions.

Cystic acne is one symptom of Acne Vulgaris, the other is the nodule. Nodules are large hard bumps under the skin's surface. These nodules are painful and often leave scarring behind. Cysts and nodules are the type of acne that nodulocystic acne is responsible for producing. But, all is not lost; science had developed several ways to deal with cystic acne.

Previous acne remedies included benzoyle peroxide, salicylic acid and topical treatment Retin-a. Accutane is twenty-four times as effective as these previous treatments. But, all of these treatments offer some relief. To add to these treatments are several additional steps: draining large pimples and cysts by a doctor; applying prescription antibiotic gels, creams and lotions; applying prescription retinoids; applying azelaic acid; taking prescription oral antibiotics; and taking prescription oral retinoids like Accutane. Accutane is expensive and most often used as a last resort for treating acne because of its serious side effects. For women, oral contraceptives may be prescribed because of the recurrence of acne at the onset of menstruation.

Acne remedies could be any one of the above or any combination of the above treatments. To correct the scarring left behind by acne there are several methods of reducing and removing the scars. One way to remove the scarring is with collagen injections to smooth out the skin by plumping up the skin beneath the scars. Another way is with dermabrasion which uses a whirling wire brush to remove scar tissue. Yet another way is to resurface with a laser, which uses a laser to burn away scar tissue. And finally, the scar tissue is with chemabrasion, the use of chemicals to peel away layers of the skin.

The treatment of severe acne takes a minimum of six to eight weeks to treat. Sometimes the treatment will cause the condition to worsen before it gets better. The side effects for Accutane are pretty severe: inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Currently, there are several lawsuits with the plaintiffs filing suit for those very reasons.

Natural acne remedies include one chemical-free, organic product called Lerosett by Gunilla of Sweden. It comes in a clay treatment and a moisturizer. Bare Minerals and Olay both carry a skin care line that treats acne without harsh chemicals. Whether you need strong chemicals to treat your acne or can get the results you want from natural acne remedies, you have a choice of treatments and as long as you are willing to give them time to work, you should see results within a two month period.

Vitamins For Ulcer

In the past people suffering from peptic ulcers were restricted from taking small amount of bland food and milk regularly. Researches however showed that this in no way helps in decreasing the recurrence of ulcers. However, a diet rich of fibers may minimize the chances of developing ulcers, and will help in fast healing of the existing ones. In particular, fiber found in fruits, vegetables are very protective, and with vitamin contained in most of these foods, the benefits are increased.

There are some evidences that show that exercise helps in reducing the risk of ulcers in some people. In a study in 2000, it was found that although exercise is helpful for men but it has null effect on ulcer development in women. Stress relief programs are not known to have an impact on ulcer healing. However, they have other health benefits that are useful.

Treat Ulcer with Vitamin A
When it comes to ulcers, the main role of Vitamin A is to protect the lining of the stomach so that the sore, if in case it developed already, won't get worse. Vitamin A also allows for the speedy healing of the affected areas of the small intestines. Patients suffering from peptic ulcer are advised to take foods rich in Vitamin A and dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables.

Doctors would normally recommend peptic ulcer patients an initial dosage of 25,000 IU of Vitamin A daily for an entire week. Then the dosage is reduced to just 10,000 IU everyday for maintenance. However, pregnant women or those who want to get pregnant are advised not to take more than 5,000 IU of Vitamin A daily.

Vitamin C can help Ulcer
Vitamin C works favorably for the patients of peptic ulcer because it directly inhibits the growth the very bacteria that cause the disease. Also, if the H. pylori bacteria were abundant, it would directly impair the body's absorption of Vitamin C. When this happens, the patient has higher risks of developing stomach cancers from the condition that merely started as peptic ulcer.

The normal dosage of Vitamin C for peptic ulcer patients is 1,000 mg taken twice a day. Because Vitamin C could induce diarrhea, the dosage can also be taken in a buffered form.

A hormone found in the brain that has a role in sleep is known as Melatonin. Researchers have found that the hormone might have properties that will help in preventing ulcers along with reduction in acid secretion and an improvement in blood flow. Until now, it is not known if it will benefit people with peptic ulcers but it might well do so. However, high doses of Melatonin have adverse affects like mental impairment, severe headache and nightmares.

In the past anti acids were the drugs that were preferred for ulcers but now it has been replaced with proton pump inhibitors. There are natural alternatives that work really well to heal ulcer and can be used with other prescribed drugs. Researchers claim Deglycrrhizinated licorice {DGL) as a good complement to the therapeutic measures recommended by your health care professional. DGL works positively by addressing the underlying factors causing ulcers rather than trying to hide the symptoms. DGL works by promoting the natural defense mechanism that is already present in our body to fight against ulcers. Other drugs that are also beneficial in curing ulcer carry some side effects along with them but DGL has no side effect.

Therefore, although there is no sure cure for ulcers but choices available for getting rid of it are many and a proper treatment will see you through. The patient must consult the doctor for proper treatment and correct guidance. If the patient reaches at the early stage, ulcers can be easily cured with fewer complications.

Colitis Causing Irritation

When there is constant or sharp irritation in the lining of the colon then the problem occurred is called as colitis. It mainly occurs in the large intestine or bowel. The main problem caused can be the causing of ulcer which leads to the swelling with pain which can be occurred in the top most coating in the intestine. Ulcerative colitis doesn't affect the small intestine and ileum which is the inferior part can be infected by it.

It is a kind of challenging bowel illness which can cause irritation in the colon and the small intestine.

Identification of this problem is not an easy job because all the indications which can be comparable with the intestines can be causing internal chaos and also one more type of illness which is known as Crohn's sickness. Crohn's sickness is diverse from other because it leads with causing irritation is the inner part of the intestines and also it can also make it impression in other parts of the digestive system like abdomen, mouth small intestine, and esophagus.

Reasons of Colitis: -

i. The main reason can be the problem in the genes and the disease can be more expanded if a parent or a child is suffering from this illness. According to scientists, the main reason behind this can be the hereditary structure which can be the most casual cost. All it the investigations had to be carried out then weakness can be cause in the body of a person.

There is still some doubt regarding the cause of the problem is irregularities in the impervious system. There is still some confusion in the minds of the doctors whether they can be the cause of this kind of illness or not. The main thinking of the doctors is that the main cause can be the handling the pressure or going on a dieting which are the most frequent cause in causing the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's infection.

ii. Some of the causes can be the surroundings of a person like the factors like pollution. From this reason the microorganisms of the body can be effected and hence lead to the sickness of the body. So it is preferred to stay in bacteria free surroundings.

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease - Facts and Details

Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are both Inflammatory Bowel Diseases affecting the bowel and colon. The common symptoms of these diseases are weight loss, severe abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea, and fatigue.

Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are typically Inflammatory Bowel Diseases or IBD that is found among a lot of Americans. The basic symptoms of such disease are abdominal pain, total exhaustion, loss of weight and bloody diarrhoea resulting in anaemia. All this usually affect the colon and bowel and also result in irritable bowel syndrome.

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) mostly attacks the mucosa and sub mucosa present in the large intestine. It occurs normally in young adults starting from the age of 10 right up to 19 or 20 years old, irrespective of sex. Although the exact cause of this disease is not known, it is mostly attributed to infectious, immunologic, nutritional and psychogenic related conditions and both physical and emotional factors put together create such a disorder. Stress can be a major factor in worsening the state of the illness. The presence of this disease may also be influenced by genes and environmental elements.

Ulcerative Colitis is usually indicated by frequent diarrhoea. In acute cases, bloody diarrhoea is noticed which is triggered due to severe pain and cramps in the abdominal region. This could also result in swelling of the abdomen. These conditions may turn you anaemic and pale. The reduced intake of food and irritable bowel syndrome may bring down the water level and electrolytes in the body. Fever, weight loss, anorexia and vomiting are the other features of this bowel disease.

Crohn's Disease is more or less similar to UC. In fact there are so many similarities between the two that sometimes it becomes difficult to differentiate between the two diseases. The main difference however is that Crohn's doesn't attack the rectum unlike UC. The other big difference is that while UC affects only the mucosa and sub mucosa of the intestinal region, Crohn's affects the muscularis propria as well in addition to the other two. Crohn's Disease typically causes fistulas and strictures while UC results in deadly megacolon and if left untreated can even lead to colonic carcinoma. Due to constant inflammation and regeneration of the colonic wall, there appears a thickening of the bowel wall in the case of Crohn's. In the case of UC though, the ulcerations made by the intestinal tract causes deep recesses or notches creating a pseudopolyps kind of appearance.

However, an X-Ray can help differentiate between the two inflammatory bowel diseases. Although both are IBD's causing irritable bowel syndrome, the manner of treating ulcerative colitis is different from that of treating Crohn's Disease even if some drugs used are the same. While diet plays a major role in Crohn's, UC doesn't seem to be affected much by diet.

Genetics of Food Allergy and Intolerance

Can genetics explain if you are allergic to some pollens or foods?

White blood cell patterns determined genetically and designated as HLA DQ and DR genes have been identified with an increased risk of pollen, dust, latex, and food allergies. The intriguing part of this story is that there is an advantage to knowing your HLA DR and DQ type when evaluating your risk for pollen allergies and their associated food allergies or cross reactions.

Genetics of Food Reactions and Allergies

As I explain in more detail in my articles on the genetics of gluten sensitivity, we all have proteins on the surface of our cells that are genetically determined. These patterns are easily detectable by testing cells from blood or from the mouth obtained by a Q-tip type swab. Specific patterns have been associated with increased risk for autoimmune conditions, gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

HLA DQ Genetics and Celiac or Gluten Sensitivity

HLA DQ2 is present in more than 90% of people who have celiac disease while HLADQ8 is present in most of the rest, though not all people with celiac have been found to have DQ2 and/or DQ8.

DQ and DR Genetic Patterns Associated with Food and Pollen Allergies or Sensitivities?

Now it appears certain DQ or DR patterns are associated with food and pollen allergies as well. As the Food Doc, I continue to search the literature for more information about genetic links to food allergy and intolerance. My search has led to me to a couple of interesting articles in the unusual area of oral allergy syndrome (OAS). The relationship between seasonal and perennial nasal allergies and food allergies is certainly well established but not generally known by most doctors or patients. It appears that some of us need to avoid eating certain foods if we have hay fever or allergies, especially during the hay fever season. This problem also appears to be inherited.

Research Documents Genetic Association With Certain Food and Pollen Allergies

Boehncke, et al. from the University of Frankfurt reported in 1998 that certain white blood cell types known HLA class II genotypes or HLA DQ and DR genetic patterns were found more frequently in people with certain pollen associated food allergies. HLA-DQB1*0301 is present in more people with grass pollen allergy. Those with HLA-DRB1*08, an inherited white blood cell protein pattern linked with a grass pollen allergy, have six times the increased risk of peanut allergy. Those who have inherited the HLA-DRB1*12 white blood cell pattern are 13 times higher at risk for carrot allergy.

Tree Pollen Allergy to Birch Tree Pollen Appears to be Worst

Birch pollen associated hazel nut allergy is linked to HLA-DRB1*01, DQA1*0101, and DQB1*0501. Hazel nut, almond, walnut and apple are the most common food allergies associated with birch tree pollen. Allergies to those foods are commonly associated with birch tree pollen in other studies.

Weed Allergies Also Associated With Food Reactions

In 2004, Wang et al. from China published that the inherited white blood cell type DQA1*0302 is found in more people with Artemisia pollen-induced allergic rhinitis, hay fever due to Mugwort or Sagebrush weeds. Mugwort allergy is associated with several food allergies including apple, celery, hazelnut, pistachio, lettuce, almond, peanut, and carrots.

Where to Get Genetic Testing

There are three commercial labs that I am aware of that offer full HLA DQ typing. They are Quest Laboratories, The Laboratory at Bonfils in Denver, and Enterolab. Bonfils runs the Enterolab genetic tests. Enterolab offers the test run on samples of cells obtained from a Q-tip swab of the mouth. The test can be obtained directly from Enterolab without a doctor's order though it is not covered by insurance. It however is very reasonable from a genetic testing standpoint at $149. Bonfils also does the DQ typing on cells obtained from blood samples sent to them from other labs.

The Future of Genetic Testing in Pollen and Food Allergies

In the future such testing should be very helpful in evaluating suspected food allergies, intolerance and pollen allergies. In the meantime those of us interested in this interesting story anxiously await more research findings in this exciting area. Dr. Fine, founder of Enterolab, has previously published the HLA DQ patterns associated with microscopic colitis. He has found that microscopic changes in the colon or large intestine are similar if not identical to what is seen in the small intestine in celiac disease. Several articles now document that a gluten free diet works in many people with microscopic, lymphocytic and collagenous colitis. It also helps many with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

A finding of intraepithelial lymphocytosis in the distal small intestine (terminal ileum) is associated with an increased incidence of celiac disease in the proximal small intestine. Now, adding to the intrigue, are these articles linking certain inherited white blood cell protein gene patterns to pollen allergy and food allergy cross reactions that are well recognized but rarely pursued clinically. Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS), also called the "burning mouth syndrome", occurs in many people but frequently goes undiagnosed. Symptoms include burning, painful and/or itching sensation of mouth or throat with or without swelling that occurs almost immediately after eating certain foods. The foods causing these reactions are commonly associated with pollen, latex or dust allergies.

Unusual Association of Pollen Allergies and Mouth Burning or Food Reactions

This unusual association of tree, grass, and weed pollens, latex and house dust mite allergies to food reactions, though well documented in the medical literature, is not commonly recognized by doctors or patients. The OAS literature contains numerous reports of food allergy or intolerance reactions that are associated with specific pollen, dust, mold or latex allergies. One of the best examples is ragweed pollen allergy. It is associated with a higher risk of food allergy or intolerance to only a few foods. These include foods in the gourd family (cucumbers and melons) and bananas. On other the hand, Birch tree pollen allergy is associated with sensitivity to many foods. The list includes those foods in the Rosacea family (apples, pears), tree nut family (hazelnut, almond, walnut), potatoes, and carrots. Reactions include classic allergic reactions such as skin rashes (atopic dermatitis, hives), wheezing (asthma), runny nose (allergic rhinitis), as well as the burning mouth OAS symptoms and other food intolerance symptoms.

If You Suspect Food Allergy, Intolerance or Sensitivity Get Evaluated By an Expert

Individuals who suspect food allergy or intolerance are encouraged to review the food-pollen connection and undergo appropriate evaluations for food allergy, intolerance and sensitivity. Food sensitivity includes gluten sensitivity and cow's milk (casein) protein sensitivity. Food intolerance includes lactose intolerance. Food allergies are separate and distinct from either food sensitivity or food intolerance.

Consider Getting Genetic Testing or Asking Your Doctor to Test You

This new information about the link of white blood cell protein patterns, HLA DQ types, suggests that we should consider having genetic testing done. After an adequate evaluation,

Establish a Baseline Symptom Score and Start a Food Symptom Diet Diary

I encourage everyone to establish a baseline symptom score. A detailed food symptom diary before a trial of elimination diet is also extremely helpful. An elimination diet that excludes major food lectins (dairy, grain, legumes, and nightshades) and any foods from the pollen list that one is allergic is recommended before accepting diagnoses of IBS, fibromyalgia, unexplained neuropathy or headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Any symptoms not readily explained or improved with other diagnoses and treatment should be considered to be possibly due to a food reaction until proven otherwise.

Selected Bibliography

Boehncke, et al. Clin Exp Allergy. 1998 Apr;28 (4):434-41.

Fine KD et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Aug;95(8):1974-82.

Wang et al. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Feb; 130(2): 192-197.

Rectal Bleeding - Causes and Symptoms

You may observe that you have got some rectal bleeding and may get worried over this abnormal symptom. In most situations, rectal bleeding is not serious and is in fact a common occurrence that can be corrected. However, in certain cases, rectal bleeding can be more serious if it points to early signs of a malignant condition. Consulting your doctor about it is a good idea.

Rectal bleeding is also known as hematochezia, and it alludes to the passage of bright red blood or maroon-coloured blood, with or without clots, from the rectum. If your rectal bleeding is low grade and self-limited, you probably do not require hospitalisations or urgent intervention. Some, however, are more serious.

Serious cases can occur in two situations. If you experience severe rectal bleeding and suffer from severe volume of blood loss and especially where anaemia is indicated, you would need hospitalisation. Or if you are severely ill due to some other conditions and you start to develop
rectal bleeding. In both these situations, you would need immediate medical attention.

Symptoms of rectal bleeding or hematochezia are obvious enough. You may observe toilet paper after wiping to be streaked with red blood or with pinkish stains. Or there may actually be fresh red blood oozing out of the rectum. But it is not as easy to distinguish the cause, whether it is something benign or malignant.

Causes of rectal bleeding can be many. Tears ripped in the rectal lining or infections affecting the rectum can cause hematochezia. Haemorrhoids are a frequent cause, when the swollen veins break. Polyps, which are lumps of tissue bulging out from the rectal lining, can also undergo bleeding. So will cancer. Diagnosis is therefore recommended so that early identification of possible colorectal cancer can take place.

Age is a significant risk factor in colon cancer. Polyps in the family history and ulcerative colitis that have persisted in the individual for over ten years also increase to a significant degree the chances of colorectal cancer. The physician will also watch for other signs like anaemia and sudden weight losses which will corroborate other observations.

However, if you experience rectal bleeding along with anal symptoms, like soreness and itching, changes in bowel habits, the chances that the bleeding is due to malignancy are less. You are likely to see symptoms like blood staining the toilet paper in anorectal causes.

Cases of bleeding ulcers must be referred to the doctor urgently since rectal bleeding will be massive. If your bleeding is caused by polyps, your doctor may recommend that you have them removed. Alternatively, if removal is not done, you should watch your diet to reduce any inflammation effects. If haemorrhoids are the probable cause of rectal bleeding, then consider incorporating more fiber into your diet.

Unfortunately, only a small proportion of patients seek medical advice for their rectal bleeding. Most people are too shy to let their doctors know. To find out if your rectal bleeding is serious or not, you really ought to see the doctor. During your visit, ensure that you give complete information on drugs and herbal medications that you have been taking. Such details are important in determining what may be causing your rectal bleeding.

A Brief Overview of Mouth Ulcers Causes

A mouth ulcer is either an open sore, developed on the inner side of the mouth or a laceration in the mucous membrane of the mouth. Mostly they have a small and round appearance. They can cause serious pain and can really impede you oral activities. Their two main types are aphthous ulcers (canker sores) and cold sores. Whenever you are experiencing any of the above mentioned types, certain foods like pepper can really generate severe pain. Usually they come in crops of three or four and can generally last for a few days or even a week. A number of individuals experience them regularly, while others may just dig up the occasional ulcer once in a year.

Amongst the various reasons of this problem, one of the biggest is emotional stress. When you are feeling any type of stress, you are more prone to have an oral ulcer. So if you want yourself to remain away from this trouble, you do have to make yourself stress-free.

With regards to diet and nutrition, there are more than a few reasons, mainly if recurring mouth ulcers are a difficulty. A number of people can be anemic i.e. lacking sufficient iron or folic acid. Perhaps, Zinc insufficiency is one of the major nutritional grounds. So, Zinc lozenges can be considered as very suitable, particularly if there aren't any dental issues. There are a good number of patients, suffering with recurring ulcers, having food allergies or hypersensitivities. So if you notice to have an allergic relationship with any food stuff, then you have to minimize its usage for your long term benefit.

The second leading reason of this problem is the unintentional damage to your gums, tongue or inner cheek lining. For instance eating hot foods, mistakenly biting cheek lining or tongue, a pointed broken tooth and badly-fitting dentures may all be contributory factors.

For some women, they are more expected to occur before their menstrual period. This perhaps suggests that hormones like estrogen and progesterone have a strong effect in this domain. In addition, a decline in the stress hormone "Cortisol" can well be involved. This is for the reason that Cortisol is one of the most vital anti-inflammatory bodily hormones formed by the adrenal gland in stressful conditions. After constant stress, Cortisol becomes exhausted which can leave the individual more susceptible to inflammatory conditions like mouth ulcers.

Another reason you may develop this discomfort is that you have a basic medical condition such as Celiac disease, Ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Now, if you do have such an underlying medical state for which you are consuming a pharmaceutical drug, then this might be the reason for it. A good number of pharmaceutical drugs induce a burning sensation in the mouth and digestive path, particularly if taken incorrectly. So consult your doctor if you are taking a pharmaceutical drug and believe this to be the only reason of your problem. Although, these types of reasons of mouth ulceration are very rare, but if your problem is not departing, you should necessarily consult your medical doctor.

Chemicals like alcohol or aspirin that come in direct contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth may cause necrosis (pre-mature loss of living tissues), forming an ulcerated surface. Similarly, Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), one of the key components of most toothpaste, has been found to have an involvement in increased occurrence of this oral disorder.

It is quite frequent for smokers to have multiple oral ulcers within a week of smoking cessation. The time duration varies from individual to individual and may range from a month to even a year.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Interesting Facts About Peptic Ulcers

The peptic ulcer damages the lining of either the stomach or the duodenum.The symptoms of indigestion caused by peptic ulcers may harm a person by a severe pain.They can be treated with medicines, but without treatment serious complications may appear.There are two kinds of peptic ulcers: one is gastric and the other one is duodenal ulcer.The diameter of peptic ulcers is between 1-2cm,which seems with a mouth ulcers.

One to ten people at some point in their lives are affected by the duodenal ulcers, especially younger men.Stomach ulcers are more common. The peptic ulcer may be acute or chronic.One of acute ulcers may heal without any long term consequences. On the other hand chronic ulcers are deeper and they causes symptoms leaving a scar even they heal.The stomach contains acid which helps to protect the body from infection.The stomach and duodenum has its lining covered in mucus which protects it from acid.When the stomach produces excess acid an ulcer may appear.

There are some factors which leads to the apearance of the peptic ulcer like: infection with bacteria called Helicobacter Pylori; certain medicines like aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen and diclofenac;smoking and alcohol.In many cases the majority of people have abdominal pain, below the chest bone,but there are also people without symptoms.In the case of gastric ulcer a sharp pain may occur soon after eating, and the pain caused by the duodenal ulcer is relieved by eating or by drinking milk. Other unpleasant symptoms of the peptic ulcer are belching, general discomfort in the stomach,loss of appetite,nausea, vomiting, loss of weight.

Nowadays there are many tests that deals with the detection if there is any infection with H. pylori, needed in the diagnosis of the gastric or duodenal ulcers or even for stomach cancer.Through several methods we may see if a person has or has not peptic ulcer. One of these methods can be realized by breath or by blood test to observe the presence of H. pylori. Another method is the one with a given substance to swallow called barium, which appears white on X-rays.The X-rays may show the presence of an ulcer.The gastroscopy is another method which uses a tube called endoscop with a fibre-optic cable; the last one being passed through the mouth and into the stomach.

If any person accuse such kind of pains should immediately consult a doctor.

All That You Wanted To Know About Colon Cleansing Side Effects

All of us are know about the benefits of colon cleansing. But another fact which we may not be aware of is that side effects also tend to occur while using the colon cleansing methods. It is important to understand what the normal side effects are and what the serious side effects are.

Colon cleansing side effects tend to occur even when you use herbs in order to clean the colon. The main reason for these adverse effect is the herb which is a part of these herbal colon cleansing products. These herbs only possess the properties which help in the relief of constipation besides enhancing the cleansing of colon. The adverse effect which tend to occur while using them include drowsiness as well as fatigue while a detoxification is in progress. Other common adverse effect include nausea, bloating as well as loss of appetite. And in case the herbal cleansing product contains the herb Senna, then the product should not be consumed for more than a week. Usually, urine discoloration also tends to occur while consuming Senna.

Colon cleansing side effects include chronic diarrhea also which can be dangerous. This is because it results in the loss of electrolytes like potassium. This loss can even be life-threatening. And in case of long term mineral loss, there can be even more severe effects like cardiac arrests, and kidney failures leading to death.

In case of overuse of Senna, it can lead to over-dependency. This means that the colon would lose its natural ability to defecate. Thus it is advisable to consult a doctor prior to taking Senna. This should also be done in case you suffer from any inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis. Senna tends to affect the body in a way that the colon will not be able to absorb water. This can lead to dehydration as well as electrolyte imbalance.

Thus, pregnant, nursing women as well as children should not take Senna. Similarly, the herb Cascada Sagrada also produces similar adverse effect. It is not advisable to consume it for more than a week. In case of mothers who are breastfeeding, Cascada Sagrada gets excreted along with the breast milk.

Certain herbs can trigger off an allergic reaction. The allergic symptoms would include lip swelling, tongue as well as face swelling, besides difficulty in breathing and hives. In such a case, it is best to stop consuming the product immediately as well as seek prompt medical attention. But generally, Senna as well as Cascada Sagrada is tolerated quite well by the general population.
Colon hydrotherapy can also be dangerous in case it is administered by personnel who are not trained well-enough.

Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are both inflammatory bowel diseases which can be painful and debilitating, and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. Common symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, blood in the stool, ulcers, reduced appetite and weight loss, and fistula or abscess. Heredity and an abnormal immune system are believed to be the common causes of these conditions. Risk factors for these conditions are: an age from 20 to 30, white race, a family history, urban place of residence, and a history of smoking or of having used Isotretinoin. The difference between the two diseases is that ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of the large intestine and rectum in continuous stretches; whereas Crohn's disease occurs in patches anywhere in the digestive tract, and often spreads deep into the layers of the tissues.

Since the system of Ayurveda classifies most diseases predominantly based on the symptoms, it categorizes both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in the disease called 'Pravaahika', and hence these two conditions have been clubbed here together for a common overview of their Ayurvedic treatment. Treatment is aimed at correcting the basic pathology of the diseases, controlling symptoms, preventing or reducing complications and boosting the immune system of the body.

Treatment for the main symptoms includes medicines like Kutaj-Ghan-Vati, Kutaj-Parpati, Panchamrut-Parpati, Bilva-Avaleha, Sanjeevani-Vati, Bhallatak-Parpati, Jatiphaladi-Churna, Bol-Parpati and Bol-Baddha-Ras. Herbal medicines useful in these conditions are: Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), Bilva (Aegle marmelos), Udumbar (Ficus glomerata), Hing (Ferula narthex), Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Naagkeshar (Messua ferrea) and Bhallatak (Semicarpus anacardium).

In order to prevent bleeding, medicines like Praval-Bhasma, Naagkeshar, Sphatik-Bhasma and Laxa (Purified wax) are used. Castor oil has been given prime importance in the treatment of these conditions; and therefore, products containing this medicine such as Gandharva-Haritaki and Sinhnaad-Guggulu are used along with other medicines. Refractory patients who do not respond satisfactorily are given a course of a special medicated enema known as 'Pichha-Basti' which consists of milk, boiled with medicines like Moch-Ras (Salmalia malabarica).

In order to reduce the intestinal inflammation and prevent complications like abscess and fistula, medicines like Kamdudha-Ras, Chandrakala-Ras, Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Patol (Tricosanthe dioica) and Haridra (Curcuma longa) are used in high doses for prolonged periods. Medicines like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi) and Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) are used to reduce stress. Suvarna-Parpati, Suvarna-Malini-Vasant and Panchamrut-Parpati are used to boost the immune system of the body and also to reduce the inflammation in the intestines.

It is important to note that adequate life style changes need to be made to adjust to these chronic conditions. Appropriate modifications are required in the diet, and adequate relaxation techniques need to be adopted. Butter-milk and pomegranate juice are specially recommended in both these conditions. Because of the potential for serious complications, all such patients should maintain a long term follow-up with a Gastroenterologist.

Ulcerative Colitis And Abnormalities In The Immune System

Many patients suffering from ulcerative colitis have been observed to have abnormalities of the immune system. However, it is not known if these abnormalities are a cause or are a result of this type of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease. Many doctors opine that in case of ulcerative colitis the immune system reacts abnormally to bacteria present in the digestive tract leading to an inflammatory and ulcerative condition.

Inflammation in case of ulcerative colitis resulting from an abnormally functioning immune system leads to the formation of sores called as ulcers in the inner lining of the colon and rectum. These ulcers form in areas where the epithelial cells lining the colon and rectum have been lysed due to inflammation. These dead cells then bleed and produce pus that in turn leads to an infectious condition. Inflammation also increases the urge to clear the large intestines thus causing bleeding diarrhea.

Since inflammation is a major cause for ulceration in ulcerative colitis, the disease is also termed as inflammatory bowel syndrome. If the inflammation occurs deeper within the walls of the intestines and also occurs in other parts of the digestive tract including mouth, esophagus, stomach and small intestines then the same condition is termed as Crohn's disease.

As a result of inflammation, patients might also suffer from other inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, eye inflammation, liver diseases and osteoporosis. Although the exact reason as to why symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome occur outside the colon is not known, it is postulated that inflammation caused by the immune system might be the predominant reason.

Other causes of ulcerative colitis have been outlined as stressful lifestyles, emotional problems and allergies to certain types of foods. These three are also known to lead to inflammatory conditions. No wonder then that people suffering from any one, two or all three of these are more prone to suffer from Crohn's disease.

In consonance with the fact that ulcerative colitis appears to be caused by inflammatory reactions, its treatment also involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs such as corticosteroids and immunomodulators. Being a systemic problem involving the immune system rather than just the colon, there is also a chance for contracting cancer if it is left untreated. Therefore, timely treatment of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease is mandatory not only to relieve oneself of its unbearable symptoms but also to overcome the risk of suffering from cancer.

Thus, those suffering from ulcerative colitis might also have immune system abnormalities that in fact might cause the inflammatory condition.

Glyconutrients - Given the Proper Nutrition the Body Can Heal Itself Naturally

We are sharing a "glyconutrient truth" that will allow you to reclaim your health. Most who read this will probably reject, condemn, or scoff at this new reality, but that is o.k.. As a society, we have been programmed to trust the medical community and the drugs they prescribe to heal us. We seek, want, and expect an immediate relief for all of our ills and ailments, and look to doctors to fix and cure us. There is no real medical or miracle cure, except for the understanding that with the proper nutrition our body can heal itself. God designed our body to be able to heal itself. We are his children and as children we can again feel and be invincible, even if sick or hurt, provided we are given the proper diet and nutrition. To obtain the best nutrients and healing ingredients, it seems logical to acquire them directly from nature, and that is the case.

Back in the early 1980s, there was a study involving AIDs patients who responded well to a nonprescriptive natural substance from the plant Aloe Vera. On review, curious chemists studied the plant and extracted an active ingredient from the leaf of the plant Aloe Vera called Mannose, a vital member of a class of necessary sugars or glyconutrients. At the cellular level, this sugar molecule combined with proteins to form glycoproteins. It is known that glycoproteins are critical to defense, repair, healing and balance at the cellular or molecular biochemistry level. Do you remember being told to have an Aloe Vera plant in your house to treat burns? When cooking, one simply had to break off a leaf and apply the sticky gel to the burn area for relief.

Think of all the many patients, friends, or unfortunately family members with advanced AIDs, terminal cancer, refractory ulcerative colitis, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other auto-immune deficiencies who have followed their physicians' orthodox treatment and have ultimately died from the regularly prescribed prescriptive medicines. Medicines or drugs actually mask the problem, suppress symptoms, or actually interfere with biochemistry and physiology. Real healing occurs as the body tries to correct itself at the cellular level through coded instructions located in the genes. On the other hand, many who have sought alternative managed treatment are finding better responses and improved health with the healing power of these glyconutrients. If you are discontent, uncomfortable, miserable, observant and/or are able to think "outside of the box," you will come to know and accept the "truth."

There are actually 200+ simple sugars, but only 8 of the sugars combine with lipids and proteins to allow and enable our cells to communicate to fight disease and to maintain our health. Glyconutrients is a new field and is just beginning to be understood in science, nutrition and medicine. As Allan C. Somersall, ph.D., M.D. in his book, The Healing Power of 8 Sugars, glyconutrients is the wellness solution for the 21st century." In fact, there are over 100 patents and 20,000 research papers being published now in this field of science. Interestingly, many doctors have not been trained or educated in the field of nutrition or glyconutrients. Just talking the other day to a nutritionist in a health food store, he talked about how his brother, an M.D., called him to ask how he should treat his high blood pressure, because the doctor did not want to use any high blood pressure medicine on himself. Does the doctor not want to take the medicine, because he knows all drugs are poisons or have other bad side effects? Some doctors prescribe medicine, because they are supporting the pharmaceutical drug cartel. The pharmaceutical companies is BIG business. The health care system is about one seventh of our economy. Do you think they want some cheap natural "pill" or plant food supplement to disrupt this industry?

Exactly, what are the eight necessary sugars or vital monosaccarides? They are:

  • Glucose

  • Galactose

  • Fucose

  • Mannose

  • Xylose

  • N-acetylglucosamine

  • N-acetylgalactosamine

  • N-acetylneuraminic acid

Now what if there could be an inexpensive nutritional supplement including all the known necessary sugars in a single complex and that was better than any Aloe Vera extract? Drs. McDaniel and McAnalley filed a worldwide "composition of matter" patents to do just that. They know that it is diet and nutrition that will prevent and cure diseases..."food can be your medicine." Ask yourself, why are so many individuals contracting immune system diseases or why are there so many children labelled ADD or ADHD? Perhaps, it is because the commercial foods that we buy today have processed out these glyconutrients and furthermore our commercial farm fields overtime are now lacking in rich nutrients. People are not getting the essential elements and nutrients needed for health and healing. We are nutritionally deficient and overweight Our cells cannot communicate with each other to fight off viruses like the N1H1 virus, bacteria, carcinogens and toxic chemicals, because our immune systems at the cellular level are broken. To strengthen and regulate the immune system, one needs a metabolic therapy using glyconutrients to improve one's diet.

This could be your answer to an affordable healthcare plan, and even better than Obama's Health Care Plan. Americans need to shift their paradigm from treating the "sick" which economically is impossible to do to maintaining a vibrant energetic wellness. It just makes sense.

  1. Improve your health and lifestyle

  2. Improve your immune system

  3. Improve your digestive function

  4. Improve your cognitive skills

  5. Improve your memory

  6. Improve your concentration

  7. Improve your mood

  8. Lose weight

  9. And reduce stress.

The Truth About Culturelle Probiotics

My Story

I bought Culturelle some years ago at the recommendation of a friend, who was giving this to her autistic son to treat his leaky gut syndrome. Costing approximately SGD40 for a 30 day supply, this product did not come cheap. But I decided to give it a try anyway, hoping that it would ease the digestive troubles I was experiencing at that time. To cut the long story short, I did find relief from my indigestion three days after taking Culturelle , but did not understand or appreciate why or what makes it so effective then.

Recently I became highly interested in the topic of probiotics and started doing research on Culturelle for some time. My relentless pursuit in the jungle of information that is the internet finally revealed some fascinating facts about this product.

What Places Culturelle Apart From Other Probiotics Supplement?

Culturelle is a probiotics supplement that contains the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (strain ATCC 53103), a bacterium that occurs naturally in the human digestive tract. This bacteria strain was discovered in 1985 by two Boston based scientists, Professors Sherwood Gorbach and Barry Goldin, who were looking for a strain that could satisfy the following stringent criteria:- 

1) The bacteria should be of human origin; 2) It must be capable of attaching to human intestinal lining 3) It must be capable of colonizing the gut to prevent competition from invading pathogens; 4) It can withstand stomach and bile acid in order to survive the journey from the stomach to the intestines; and 5) The strain should have health-promoting benefits in the human body 6) It needs to be safe for human consumption. LGG satisfies all of these criteria and is the best-studied and most extensively documented probiotic lactic-acid bacteria strain in the world. At present, Lactobacillus GG has the most extensive safety assessment record of any other probiotic strain. Few other strains in the Lactobacillus rhamnosus species have received this kind of scientific attention.

Pretty amazing, I would say. But I wasn't satisfied yet. Not until I see some real scientific data behind these claims. Below is what I uncovered....

LGG proves effective for acute and traveler's diarrhea

 o LGG is an effective form of treatment for diarrhea caused by the clostridium difficile bacteria. (a) This type of bacteria is also responsible for more serious intestinal disorders like colitis. In one study of 32 patients carried out in 1996 in Boston and Baltimore the LGG treatment success rate is a significant 94%.

o LGG also significantly reduced the duration of diarrhea in another study particularly in rotavirus-caused diarrhea.(b) Professor Gary Huffnagle, renowned author of "The Probiotics Revolution" also cited a study carried out at European medical centers on 287 children (ages 1 month to 3 years) that "the duration of the diarrhea was reduced by an impressive 13 hours.."(refer to page 128 of "The Probiotics Revolution")

 o The incidence of traveler's diarrhea is lower in people who consumes Lactobacillus GG .(c)

 LGG moderates milk-sensitivity

o LGG prevents inflammation in individuals sensitive to cow's milk.

o In a double-blind, crossover study, it was found that LGG eliminated inflammatory response in the milk-sensitive subjects to a significant degree. In non-sensitive subjects, LGG stimulated their immune system.(d)   LGG decreases the incidence of atopic eczema

o Lactobacillus GG has been clinically shown to prevent occurrence of atopic eczema in children.

o In a 6 months trial of 159 infants who are at risk of developing atopic eczema, it was found that infants administered LGG were only half as likely to develop the skin disorder compared to the placebo group during the first 2 years of life.(e)   o The protective effect of LGG continued to for at least 4 years.(f)

Other Proven Therapeutic Effects of Lactobacillus GG

o Reduce H.pylori antibiotics side effects. LGG significantly reduced sided effects such as bloating, diarrhea and metallic taste in the mouth while on triple therapy, the standard treatment for H. pyloric infections.(g)

o Anti-Tumor Effects.Lactobacillus GG was observed to slow down the development of colon tumors in rats on a high-fat diet.(h)

o Prevents relapse in ulcerative colitis patients.(i)

What Else Do I Like About This Product? A check at Culturelle's website shows that they guarantee 10 billion colony forming units (CFUs) of Lactobacillus GG at the time of use-the scientifically researched amount proven for beneficial clinical response. Most manufacturers only list the number of viable bacteria cells at the time of manufacture.

Another point worth mentioning here is that each capsule in Culturelle "is individually double-foil protected and nitrogen flushed to assure maximum potency and stability, as well as to act as an effective barrier against light, moisture, heat, and air."This makes it very convenient for travelling as well as people who have limited space in their refrigerator.

Culturelle is proven safe for infants and children and pregnant women. It has no known adverse interactions with medications.

What To Watch Out For....

Milk-sensitive people be aware

Although the scientific data I presented above claims that LGG is safe for milk-sensitive individuals, I personally feel there may still be potential for allergies since Culturelle contains trace level of casein and whey which are milk protein. A search on some review sites shows that a very small minority of users experience digestive disturbances and colon irritation when taking Culturelle. Well, I suppose nothing works perfectly well for everyone, since every human being has a unique makeup in their biochemistry.

You might to consider other brands like UAS Lab's Probioplus and Natren's Healthy Trinity which are good non-dairy options.

No one type of bacteria strain works for everything

Due to the huge amount of attention place on the LGG strain by the scientific community, it is easy to neglect the potential benefits other strains of bacteria may have on the human body. In the words of Professor Gary B. Huffnagle, a highly respected immunologist and microbiologist, "all members of a bacteria species share many microbiological and biochemical traits, and others might be just as beneficial as - or even superior to-the GG strain....Until all the information is in, variety is your best bet."

My Verdict

Overall, Culturelle is a good all-rounder at an affordable price, so I would give it a 4 1/2 out of 5 star rating. Despite its flaws, I would still purchase this once in a while to create a diverse probiotics colony in my gut. It would very likely be my first choice should I ever need to fight a bad bout of gastrointestinal infection.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Specific Carbohydrate Diet for People With Celiac Disease and Crohn's Disease

A type of the diet in the offing is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which is thoroughly tackled in the book Management of Celiac Disease by medical experts Dr. Sydney Valentine, Dr. Haas Gottschall and Dr. Merrill P. Haas. Dr. Sydney Haas. Dr. Haas Haas Gottschall who is pediatrician got interested in the diet of his patients with celiac disease. He discovered that there are specific carbohydrates that can be tolerated in some people, and from then on he went on to whip out the SCD as a cure for celiac disease.

A distressed mother who is searching for a cure for her daughter who is experiencing treatment-unresponsive ulcerative colitis stumbled upon Dr. Haas Gottschall. The girl followed the SCD and her health gradually improved. This was a remarkable development as it inspired Gottschall to study and research further on the SCD and then later, wrote and published the book entitled, Breaking The Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet, which contains comprehensive information and details about the SCD.

SCD a Useful Undertaking in Fighting Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Although it is not yet proven that SCD can fully treat IBD such as the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease and at the same time difficult to implement and follow, it can provide a big help for the patients. Any medical professional organization and patients advocacy associations don't support the SCD yet. Nonetheless, Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America are not throwing any words that it will not diminish the inflammation and an attempt to use the diet is unsafe.

The Principles Behind The SCD

The diet doesn't allow grains, lactose, and sugar. The main idea is the exclusion of complex carbohydrates from the diet. Only plain carbohydrates are permitted. The conjecture is that complex carbohydrates are food for the detrimental bacteria in the gut. If these bacteria are famished, they will not be able to reproduce and go on with stirring and creating gastrointestinal symptoms.

Moreover, complex carbohydrates are not easy to digest. The undigested carbohydrates are suspected to contribute to the furthering of harmful toxins in the gut. The toxins can aggravate gastrointestinal symptoms and the unfinished digestion of carbohydrates.

Canadians Living With Crohn's Disease Benefit From Using Medical Marijuana

Marijuana, cannabis, marijuana, pot, weed - no matter what it is called, marijuana has been demonized for years as being an evil drug. Despite positive research from institutes of study in many countries, medical marijuana (not to be confused with cannabis for recreational use) is still a matter of strong debate. Oddly enough, the debate is hottest not between the general citizens of a country, but between the medical community and the respective governments.

In places where using medical marijuana is legal, studies are ongoing and often produce results that surprise many in the medical community. Others feel the results only serve to enforce the belief that marijuana is not the demon plant propaganda has said it is.

Canadians and Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis (related to Crohn's disease) are serious problems for more over 170,000 Canadians. In fact, Canada has one of the highest rates of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the world. Sufferers may have persistent diarrhea, fever, cramping and abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. Many lose their appetite, which can cause unhealthy weight loss, while some are plagued by nausea and vomiting. Crohn's disease can affect the joints, liver, skin and eyes, as well, and commonly causes great fatigue.

Crohn's disease is chronic; periods of remission are mixed with periods of intense activeness. Unfortunately, the medical community has been unable to find the cause of this disease, although they believe it has to do with an overactive immune system, initially triggered by outside influences. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) states:

"Many scientists now believe that the interaction of an outside agent (such as a virus or bacterium) with the body's immune system may trigger the disease, or that such an agent may cause damage to the intestinal wall, initiating or accelerating the disease process."

They further state that, "Because there is no cure for Crohn's disease, the goal of medical treatment is to suppress the inflammatory response. This step accomplishes two important goals: It allows the intestinal tissue to heal and it also relieves the symptoms of fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Once the symptoms are brought under control (this is known as inducing remission), medical therapy is used to decrease the frequency of disease flares (this is known as maintaining remission, or maintenance)." - CCFA

Medicinal Therapy for Crohn's Disease

Much of the traditional medication (the medical therapy mentioned by CCFA) used to treat Crohn's disease includes a mixture of anti-inflammatory, antibodies, immune modifiers/suppressants and corticosteroids. Indeed, traditional medical treatments become a cornucopia of pharmaceutical concoctions.

As with most man-made medicinal products, each treatment also causes its own symptoms. For instance, the immunosuppressive medicines can cause nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Steroids also cause these symptoms, with the addition of anxiety and depression, as well as bone thinning, peptic ulcers and other issues with prolonged usage.

Mesalamine, an anti-inflammatory, can cause mild side effects like hair loss, headaches and itching. However, it can also cause severe side effects such as pancreatitis, blood disorders, fatigue and tremors. Kidney dysfunction and IBD-like symptoms are also possible.

Medical Marijuana for Canadian Crohn's Disease Sufferers

Thanks to a number of organizations, medical institutes and studies, Canada has relaxed the laws on medical marijuana. It is legal for Canadian Crohn's disease suffers to have a medical marijuana excemption with a written doctor's prescription.

Many studies have proven that medical marijuana helps as an anti-inflammatory. Users of medical marijuana for Crohn's disease found themselves able to reduce - if not eliminate - the need for steroid treatment and to reduce the immunosuppressive medications, as well as Mesalamine.

A study in 2005 by the University of Bath in England noted that "some extracts from cannabis, known as cannabinoids, closely resemble molecules that occur naturally in our body, and by developing treatments that target this system, we can help the body recover from some of the effects of these diseases." Although the University doesn't condone or support the use of medical marijuana, they are focusing on more research to narrow down the actual effects of cannabinoids on Crohn's disease.

For actual Crohn's disease sufferers, however, the evidence is overwhelming. A pilot study by the Society of Cannabis Clinicians, reported at the International Association for Cannabis as Medicine with the following results:

"For all signs and symptoms [of Crohn's disease] evaluated in the study, the patients described marked improvements with the use of cannabis. Beneficial effects were reported for appetite, pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, activity, and depression. Patients also reported that cannabis use resulted in weight gain, fewer stools per day and fewer flare-ups of less severity."

Medical marijuana has been used to increase appetite, decrease depression, anxiety, vomiting and weight loss, as well as used as a pain suppressant for many individuals with other diseases. Multiple sclerosis, chronic pain sufferers and cancer patients have all found these benefits with the use of medical marijuana. Therefore, it is no surprise that cannabis is also being used by Canadians who suffer from Crohn's disease for the same symptoms.

Controlling Crohn's Disease - The Natural Way

The wrong foods come in many forms. To avoid them, one should follow the Crohn's disease diet. For more outside information from the program's information, the following books are excellent sources for facts on Crohn's nutrition: Breaking the Vicious Cycle, How to Cook for Crohn's and Colitis, and The Acid Alkaline Balance.

Having Crohn's nutrition is for the purpose of ensuring "happy" bacteria in the intestines. Symptoms of "unhappy" bacteria are quite obvious, and may include immediate bathroom need and usage, which may or may not be during the day, stomach discomfort, highly odorous bowel movements such as flatulent-which is of course subjective, but will give a hint to the "flatulent-letter-outer"-loose stool, an excess amount of usage of the bathroom, and consecutive bathroom usage within minutes.

One reason why "wrong" foods encourage bathroom usage is due to high residue found in such foods that go against Crohn's nutrition. These residues are much like lube in the intestines, which will allow bowel movements "too easily" to occur. So, Crohn's nutrition lowers such lubing, which would cause pain, discomfort, and so on.

Simple carbohydrates are bad for everyone; they break down into simple sugars; bacteria love simple sugars. When bacteria eats such an excess of sugars in these forms, they multiply in a rapid amount, messing with the natural balance in one's stomach, intestines, etc. Bacteria in such numbers is unhealthy for anyone, but especially for the sensitive, such as those needing the Crohn's disease diet.

It should be first noted what one's stool really is-mostly bacteria. It's true. Stool is made up of fiber that has passed through the system, other "unneeded" parts of the consumed, dead red blood cells, which is what gives the stool its brownish color, and bacteria, which not only makes up plenty of the stool but helps bind it. Crohn's nutrition helps police the balance by keeping the order as well as encouraging a better one, which is the healthy goal of the Crohn's diet.

So, "bad" foods encourage an unhealthy balance in bacteria. This is primarily what happens with people sensitive to milk-when such people eat or drink dairy, the bacteria in those peoples' systems multiply so rapidly that the body cannot contain it and must expel them, via either stool that has not had the time to harden and give further nutrients in the large intestine and therefore is diarrhea, or by vomiting. Crohn's nutrition discourages such situations; the Crohn's disease diet helps irradiate such quick expulsions of bacteria because the body will have a healthy balance.

Diet Management In Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is a type of irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease that is characterized by ulceration of the inner lining of the large intestines. Its symptoms include abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and dysentery. Ulcerative colitis is a serious medical condition that needs immediate treatment as it can lead to several life-threatening complications.

Although many doctors opine that diet does not factor in as a cause for ulcerative colitis, the condition is certainly exacerbated by several types of foods which are hence best avoided. Therefore, good knowledge regarding foods that must be avoided and those that can be eaten in case of this type of irritable bowel syndrome goes a long way in enabling successful dietary management of this condition.

Foods that must be included in the diet to help manage flare-ups in case of ulcerative colitis are good quality proteins from non-vegetarian sources, carbohydrates and fats in moderate amounts. Fruits and vegetables must be easily digestible and fruits in particular, can be boiled or baked. Dairy products are a must as they help to reduce the propensity of the ulcers. Adequate consumption of water is mandatory as it helps to solve many digestive problems related to Crohn's disease. Physicians might also prescribe certain nutritional supplements such as vitamin B, D and iron to make up for any dietary deficiencies or loss due to lowered intestinal absorption.

Foods that must be avoided to overcome flare-ups in Crohn's disease are those that cause flatulence such as cabbage, caffeine, carbonated drinks, beans etc. Hot, spicy and greasy foods, highly fibrous foods, sugar, sweeteners and processed foods containing food additives must be curtailed as these increase the intensity of the symptoms. Also avoid heavy meals; instead opt for frequent, small meals to stave of hunger pangs that exacerbate ulcerative conditions.

Although, correct dietary practices might not help to completely cure irritable bowel syndrome, they definitely act as adjunct therapy in controlling the symptoms associated with this condition. With the right dietary management, controlling IBS is possible, although medications and in case of severity surgery might be necessary.

Thus, dietary management of crohn's disease involves avoidance of spicy, greasy, highly fibrous and processed foods, whereas, consumption of fresh foods and a balanced diet is recommended. Therefore, those suffering from ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome can take heart from the fact that dietary management can help curtail some of the unbearable symptoms of this condition.

Hence, flare-ups in ulcerative colitis can be managed via sound dietary practices that revolve around eating fresh and balanced meals.

A Good Diet Makes a Happy Gall Bladder

Fat and water are always insoluble unless substance is added. In our body system there is an essential factor to absorb and digest fats. We need bile to breakdown fats. Bile is secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder until we need to use them. If the bile contains too much cholesterol, bile salts, or bilirubin it can cause gall stones.

Gall stones is a disorder of the gall bladder and the bile ducts. It occurs frequently associated with eating a high fat diet, refined carbohydrates and low-fiber foods.

Some groups of people who are at risk of having gallstones are those who are obese, people with high blood cholesterol level, women who take contraceptive pills, people with crohn's disease (inflammation of ileum, large intestine or any part of the digestive system), and ulcerative colitis (superficial inflammation of the large intestine).

If a person suffers from a gall bladder, avoid eating highly saturated fats found in pork meat, bacon, salami, sausages, ribs and some dairy products such as milk and cheese. Fried, processed foods, eggs, citrus fruits, chocolates, carbonated soda and coffee should also be avoided. Tofu and soy milk is one of the best alternatives for meat and fatty foods.

Since diet is one of the major causes of developing gall bladder disease, we must learn not to eat inappropriate foods. To avoid eating excess fats, try to cook your foods at home. Always trim off all visible fats from meat or chicken, don't fry rather bake, boil, grill, or steam them. Remove poultry skin before or after cooking. Choose the breast part rather than picking the wings or the skinny part of the chicken.

We can use some alternatives in choosing what kind of foods to prepare and consider the way we cook it. For meat and fatty foods, we can choose tofu ad soy milk. We can also serve jellies, lite custard, boiled sweets, wine gums, jelly babies, marshmallows to replace chocolates, cakes, toffees etc.

Fresh fruits are highly recommended and it's important to eat fibrous foods. Check out your list of low- fiber foods and replace them with barley, popcorn, corn, brown rice, grain breads, buns, muffins, bagels, apricots, dates, prunes and raisin, berries, orange, apple with skin, avocado, kiwi, mango, pear, broccoli, spinach dark green leafy vegetables, peas, beans, nuts and beans.

Eat lots of vegetable and avoid frying in butter, margarine or oil. Drink at least two liters of water a day. Olive oil is a healthy fat because it contains monounsaturated fat, but it is still high in fat. So use it sparingly.

Many guidelines and lists of good foods are easy to follow. Always remember anything we take in excess will end up in bad condition. So it is important to eat smaller meals but taken frequently throughout the day.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Role of Parasite Infections in Chronic Disease

While it is common knowledge that parasites can give us gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea and vomiting, few people appreciate the connection between these microbes and chronic disease outside the digestive tract such as arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma, skin disorders and depression.

Parasites are able to produce downstream symptoms outside the GI tract by way of

1) direct injury to the gut lining,

2) releasing toxic by-products into the body, and

3) migration from the intestinal tract into the general circulation to other parts of the body.

Gut lining injury

Some parasites directly invade the lining of the intestines. For instance tapeworms and roundworms attach themselves to the lining of the small intestine, resulting in intestinal bleeding which leads to loss of nutrients. Other types of parasites provoke allergic reactions that lead to inflammation of the gut lining. Both contribute to leaky gut syndrome, a condition whereby the pores of the intestinal lining are opened too wide, allowing undigested food particles, environmental toxins and pathogens to enter the bloodstream. These foreign invaders overload our liver and also accumulate in our organs, muscles, lymphatic system and nervous system, creating a wide variety of disease conditions like arthritis, asthma, eczema, and chronic fatigue and memory loss.

Toxic By-products

Like all living organisms, parasites secrete waste products. These parasite wastes add on to their hosts' toxic load and become stressors to our immune system.


Parasites are capable of migrating from the intestines to organs, joints and muscles. Cryptostrongylus pulmoni, a type of lung worm discovered by Dr Larry Klapow, had shown up in the sputum of 40% of his CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) patients. Another type of parasite known as E.histolytica had been found to migrate to the liver and is capable of causing weight loss and insomnia. In some cases of ulcerative colitis, elimination of this parasite resolves the condition.

Research Findings

A study reported in the Journal of Nutritional Medicine revealed that out of over 400 chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS) patients in New York, an incredible 93 per cent had some form of parasitic infestation. Dr Leo Galland reported that 80% of CFIS patients showed significant improvement of fatigue after receiving treatment for infection by a type of parasite known as Blastocystis hominis.

Many doctors and other health professionals now believe that we may be seriously underestimating parasites as contributors to chronic disease. Fortunately, with the right herbal and nutritional supplements, we can enjoy good health once again.

Kelly Hoffman - Expert Author

9 Secrets Why Aloe Vera is Good For You

Aloe Vera is a popular plant that is used for many medicinal purposes. It is originally discovered in North Africa and grows in arid climate. There are many uses for this amazing plant and is used for thousands of years by the Egyptians. If you can, try to grow the plant in your backyard so that you have a fresh supply of it when you need it.

Here are the many uses of this brilliant plant:

1. It accelerates healing rate. If you get a cut or a blister, apply this on top of the wound and you will notice that it will heal quickly.

2. Eating Aloe Vera will increase your blood glucose level if you have diabetes. However, it is best to consult a physician first before you try this.

3. Decreases lipid levels in your body and helps prevents cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and strokes.

4. Decreases inflammation and symptoms with people who are suffering from ulcerative colitis.

5. Treatment of some STD (sexually transmitted disease) like genital herpes.

6. As a skin and face moisturizer. If you have baby oil, apply a bit of the plant inside and this would help to moisturize the skin.

7. Give fast relief if you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome or heartburn.

8. Many of the soaps and shampoo have the extract of the plant in them. You can usually smell of it when you it on your body.

9. Strengthens your immune system and helps fights infections.

Why Do I Have Green Poop - Top 3 Causes of Green Bowel Movement and Reasons of Having Green Stool

One might suffer from green stools but there is actually nothing to worry in such a case. In fact, it is quite normal and the logic can also be explained at ease. In fact, there might be numerous reasons which acted as a catalyst to turn your stools into green color. For this you need to check out the points.

The top causes of Green Bowel Movement and reasons of having Green Stool:

* You might experience green bowel movements if you consume large quantities of green leafy vegetables like lettuce and broccoli.

* You might even experience this poop if you consume large quantities of processed foods which come colored in green such as Popsicles, sherbet and drink flavoring.

* Further, you might even suffer from it due to over consumption of iron. As the body won't absorb all the iron constituents it would excrete a certain amount as iron salts. Iron is basically found in breakfast cereals, beans, red meat, spinach etc.

Other Reasons

* Side Effects of Medication
* Ulcerative Colitis
* Food Poisoning
* Excessive use of Antibiotics and Laxatives
* Celiac disease
* Malabsorption
* Irregular bowel syndrome
* Due to overgrowth of bacteria
* Crohn's disease and infectious diarrhea.

Signs and Symptoms:

Green Bowel Movement does not necessarily mean that your internal system has been infected or you are suffering from any intestinal disorders. In fact, in most of the cases stool changes its color due to medications and the foods that you intake. But in case you start suffering from rectal pain, fever, diarrhea and weight loss then it means you need to consult a doctor without any second thoughts.

In order to avoid these problems it is recommended that one should opt for colon cleansing at least twice a year. This process is the latest buzz everywhere. Actually, this is for real as with the support of this method you can get rid of extra fats, constipation and irregular bowel movements at ease. Actually, if you undergo this process then your body gets rid of the unwanted toxins which have been layering your skin. With the support of this process you can get rid of the inner sludge and lead a healthy life at ease. In order to carry out this process you can check out the recipes of colon cleanse diet introduced by Oprah and Dr Oz.

Overcome Ulcerative Colitis And Regain Your Life

Ulcerative colitis is one of the diseases that fall under the Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Using medication to treat the inflammation is the most common treatment for this condition. In severe cases, surgery is used. With either option, a person can regain a more normal life.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a condition affecting the large and small intestines in the human body. The inner walls of the colon become inflamed or ulcerated in a person suffering from this condition and common symptoms displayed could include rectal bleeding, diarrhea, weight loss, bloating, gas, hard stools and abdominal pain. Both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are conditions that fall under IBS. They are however two different disorders and affect different parts of the intestines.

Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have common symptoms which makes it impossible to differentiate one from the other without proper medical evaluation. While the former affects only the inner lining of the colon, the latter affects all the layers. In addition, Crohn's disease can also affect the small intestine and other organs in the digestive tract while ulcerative colitis affects only the large intestine.

To deal with irritable bowel syndrome, the first stage in the treatment of ulcerative colitis is to diagnose it. Then depending on the severity of the disorder, a decision can be taken as to whether surgery or medication will be used to treat the condition. Usually surgery is done only as a last resort.

Ulcerative colitis does not have a cure. Treatment for this disorder is aimed at treating the inflammation to bring about remission in the patient. With the right medication, it is possible to keep this disorder under control by ensuring continued remission and minimizing side effects of the medication. With the right treatment, a person could regain and lead a more normal life. Common medications used are anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators.

Since surgery for ulcerative colitis involves removal of the large intestine, it is an option only if there is no other alternative available. Earlier a person suffering from severe irritable bowel syndrome would have the rectum and the colon removed. A small ileostomy or pouch would then be created using the small intestine and the abdominal wall, which would act as receptor for the stool. Earlier this pouch had to be emptied periodically using a tube. However, now a new technique has been developed that involves attaching the small intestine above the anus after removal of the large intestine so that stool can be passed directly from the small intestine through the anus using the normal route.

Therefore using either medication or surgery, patients suffering from ulcerative colitis can take control of their condition and lead a more normal life.

What Does Green Poop Mean? The Truth About Green Bowel Movements

Have you been thinking to yourself lately, "what does green poop mean?" Well, the good news is, even though you may suffer from odd colored stools, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should worry. As a matter of fact, it happens to be fairly normal and can be easily explained. There may be various reasons that acted as catalysts to turn your feces green in color. Here are several points you should take a look at.

The Main Causes and Reasons behind Green Stools

1. You may get green bowel movements if you eat copious amounts of green and leafy vegetables such as broccoli and lettuce.

2. You may even get green poop if you eat copious amounts of processed foods that have a green color such as drink flavoring, popsicles and sherbet.

3. Furthermore, you may suffer from green poop because of consuming too much iron. Since the human body will not absorb every iron constituent, you might excrete several amounts of the iron salt. In general, iron can be found within beans, breakfast cereals, spinach and red meat.

Other causes and reasons behind green poop might include medication side effects, food poisoning, ulcerative colitis, too much laxatives and antibiotics, celiac disease, irregular bowel syndrome, malabsorption, bacteria overgrowth, infectious diarrhea and Crohn's disease.

The Symptoms and Signs behind Green Poop

Green poop does not always mean a person's internal system is infected or that there are intestinal disorders in that person. As a matter of fact, the majority of color changes in poop can be attributed to medications and consumed foods. However, if you begin to suffer from fever, rectal pain, weight loss or diarrhea, you should consult your doctor at once.

To avoid such problems, it would be advisable to get your colon cleansed twice every year. This process is something that everybody has been putting to use in today's day and age since people can eliminate irregular bowel movements, additional fats and constipation through it. The body will even eliminate any unwanted toxins that might have layered into the skin, as well as inner sludge, to lead a healthier life with ease.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Leaky Gut Syndrome - Ulcerative Colitis And Other Associated Diseases

Leaky gut syndrome is associated with diseases such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome as all of them are linked to abnormal immune function. As its name suggests, the syndrome is characterized by increased intestinal permeability leading to an increase in the passage of substances from the intestines into the bloodstream.

Normally, intestinal cells are held tightly against each other. In case of leaky gut syndrome these cell junctions no longer remain tight increasing the permeability and allowing toxins, bacteria and allergens to leak into the bloodstream. In an effort to destroy these substances, the body produces immune reactions that cause inflammation. Such an inflammation occurring inside the large bowel leads to the formation of ulcers in which case the condition is termed as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. The irritation in the bowel as a result of abnormal cell permeability also causes abdominal distress and hampers normal bowel movements in which case the condition is termed as irritable bowel syndrome.

The major causes for leaky gut syndrome that is implicated in ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory diseases are suggested to be intestinal infections, poor dietary practices, chronic gluten exposure, stress, excessive consumption of inflammatory drugs and environmental contaminants. Symptoms include fatigue, anemia, improper bowel movements, abdominal distress, joint pains etc.

Altered intestinal permeability is by far the major objective for the treatment of this syndrome that is associated with ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory diseases. This objective is realized through nutritional supplements such as vitamin A, glutamine and zinc and through the use of herbs such as aloe, slippery elm, licorice etc. Stress management is also crucial in alleviating the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

One of the earliest signs of a leaky gut is the presence of lymphocytic enteritis that increases Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) which in turn increases the risk for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Therefore, treatment also includes the use to anti-TNF agents such as remicade and humira that are already proven to control inflammation in colitis and Crohn's disease.

Since prevention is always better than cure, it is better to prevent a leaky gut than seek a cure for it. Preventive measures in this case include proper dietary management through the use of fresh foods, balanced diets and regular meals and more importantly the use of probiotics that are said to not only prevent but also treat ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Symptoms of Anemia and How to Resolve Them Naturally

Symptoms of anemia normally include a pale skin and gums, with fatigue. It's caused by the lack of haemoglobin in your blood. Haemoglobin carries oxygen around your body. So if you are anemic, you're not getting enough oxygen delivered to your tissues.

No wonder you have no energy.

The cause of anemia can be wide, such as after a considerable blood loss, a poor diet, exposure to toxins, taking medication as well as a lack of production, or destruction, of blood cells.

The most common way to treat the symptoms of anemia, almost without thinking, is to flood your system with an isolated and synthetic form of iron.

And in many cases, this does give you some relief, in the short run.

But it's not getting at the cause, it's only treating the effect. And isolated and synthetic minerals have their own problems.

If the anemia is from a substantial blood loss, this will come good in time, once your body has replaced the lost blood.

If the anemia is caused by a bad diet, then the obvious thing to do is to start eating proper, nutrient dense food. A super food, supplement such as blue green algae, will also speed up the deficiency.

If your anemia is as a result of toxins, then this needs to be treated by a professional homeopath. But if you also take a blue green algae, this can eliminate toxins from your body.

If the anemia is caused by a lack of production, or a destruction of your blood cells, no amount of iron will help you. This is an imbalance in your body and professional help should be sought.

If your anemia is as a result of taking medication, then a homeopath will be able to help you here.

Homeopathy is a wonderful way of rebalancing your troubled body, of restoring peace within. Your symptoms of anemia, will disappear forever.