Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hemorrhoids Relief Using Homeopathic Treatments

Homeopathic remedies are prescribed on the principal that in a planned dilution, 'like cures like'. Consequently a homeopathic remedy is one that should produce the same symptoms as that displayed by the patient. A minimum homeopathic dose is used to support the body's self-healing ability.

Apart from the symptoms of the disease, homeopaths use aspects of the patient's physical and psychological state in prescribing remedies. Homeopathic remedies are relatively inexpensive, with limited or no side effects, and offer the possibility of a natural cure for hemorrhoids.

The following are a few, of the wide variety, of products which may be used.

Aloe Vera (the medicinal aloe) can help relieve a painful and bleeding rectum. It has excellent astringent qualities and is usually combined with other ingredients, to make an outstanding soothing treatment for the skin. This can be used with great success on hemorrhoids (piles). The herb is used internally to combat most digestive problems, including constipation.

Whole honey bee (Apis Mellifica) may be used for treating the swollen, red, itching and burning symptoms of external hemorrhoids.

Calendula, most health food stores carry calendula soaps, oils, lotions, salves and creams. It has a long history of being used as a wound-healing and skin-soothing botanical. Homeopathic ointments are notable healing agents when applied to hemorrhoids. Calendula is useful for open wounds, wounds that will not heal and ulcers as it promotes healthy granulation and healing.

Stone Root (Collinsonia Canadensis), the roots, leaves and flowers of Collinsonia are used in herbal remedies for conditions such as hemorrhoids, varicose veins, benign prostatic hypertrophy and chronic laryngitis. It also has a long history of use as a remedy for dysentery, colitis, rectal pain and other disorders of the digestive system.

Graphites (Black Lead) are a wonderful, deep acting remedy prepared from mineral carbon. This remedy suits people with metabolic imbalances that may cause skin complaints, such as psoriasis and dry, cracked skin. Graphites help to relieve constipation, knotty stools, burning and itching hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Nitric Acid (Nitricum Acidum) is indicated for unremitting constipation, for fierce pains after bowel movements as well as hemorrhoids that have stopped bleeding but are very painful and protruding. Also if passing stools is very difficult and the hemorrhoids bleed easily.

Nux Vomica can be used for itching, painful hemorrhoids with a constricted sensation in the rectum and chronic constipation. Homeopaths may prescribe Nux vomica for a patient who is impatient, tense, and irritable or one who may have a tendency towards the use of stimulants, alcohol or drugs.

Paeonia Officinalis (Peony) is suitable for relieving anal itching, hemorrhoids, fissures, ulceration's of the anus and perineum and a burning sensation in the anus after bowel movements.

Pulsatilla is indicated for hemorrhoids with sharp stabbing pains. These hemorrhoids typically protrude. This is a very useful remedy for hemorrhoids that appear during pregnancy or around the time of the menstrual period.

Ratanhia, the symptoms are most important as an indicator for this remedy. These include, a cutting grinding pain in the rectum, the anus burning for hours after passing stool and a constricted anal feeling. There may also be severe constipation and protruding hemorrhoids.

Sulphur (Sublimed Sulphur) could be prescribed where the symptoms present as redness, itching and burning around the anus with protruding hemorrhoids accompanied by a feeling of fullness and pressure in the abdomen.

Although homeopathic substances listed in this article are generally not known to cause serious side effects, their effectiveness has not been proven by scientific research. Consumers should check labels carefully since a homeopathic product that is not correctly diluted could contain ingredients that cause allergic reactions, side effects or interactions. It is always advisable to discuss any new treatment program with your health care practitioner.

Valerie McKen - Expert Author

Symptoms Of Ulcerative Colitis - What To Look For

When the large intestine or colon becomes inflamed, it is known as ulcerative colitis. The colon is part of the excretory system where the waste material is stored before expulsion through the rectum and anus. The inner lining of the colon gets inflamed and ulcerated in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis. This often leads to symptoms which can include rectal bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Cohn's disease is a similar condition with inflammation of the intestines. Both these diseases together are referred to as IBD or Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, and they affect anywhere from half to two million people in the US alone. They are found equally in men and women, and they manifest during the adolescence period or early adulthood. Sometimes, IBD also begins during childhood. It is not very clear as to what really causes ulcerative colitis. There is no evidence to suggest that the disease is contagious or is caused by an infection.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

Diarrhea and rectal bleeding are the most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis. However, there are a number of other symptoms as well, depending on the extent to which the rectum and the colon are inflamed and the intensity of inflammation. Symptoms are typically mild when only the rectum and a small adjoining portion of the colon are inflamed.

Based on the extent and the location of inflammation, ulcerative colitis is classified into different types. When the inflammation is confined to the rectum alone, it is known as ulcerative proctitis. Intermittent mild bleeding of the rectum might be the only symptom for people suffering from ulcerative proctitis. When the rectal inflammation is more severe, patients may experience rectal pain and sometimes a sudden urgency to defecate.

When the sigmoid colon which is a short colon segment connected to the rectum is inflamed along with the rectum, the condition is known as Proctosigmoiditis. The symptoms of this condition are very similar to that of ulcerative proctitis. In some cases, patients might also experience cramps and bloody diarrhea.

When the rectum and the left colon which consists of the sigmoid colon and the descending colon are inflamed, it is known as left-sided colitis. Weight loss, abdominal cramps, left-sided abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea are the main symptoms of left-sided colitis.

When the right, transverse, and left colon along with the rectum are inflamed, the condition is called Pan colitis or universal colitis. The symptoms include those of left-sided colitis, as well as fever, night sweats and fatigue. Generally, pan colitis is more difficult to treat than colitis that is more restricted to one region.

A severe but rare form of pan colitis is Fulminate colitis where patients become very ill and suffer from dehydration, prolonged diarrhea with bleeding, severe abdominal pain and sometimes even shock.

Ulcerative colitis most often stays within the same region, but in some rare cases can also spread to other regions of the colon.

Suffering From GERD? Try Using Aloe Vera

GERD or Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease is an illness that attacks the esophagus and triggers recurrent heart burns. A victim of GERD experiences severe heart burns due to the acid that is present in the stomach rising up to the esophagus and burning its lining. Victims of GERD find that their uneasiness becomes worse when they lie down. There are numerous drugs that are available in the medical field today to treat GERD. But most of these medications can exhaust the system of its required nutrients. Aloe Vera is one of the most accepted and a natural cure for this illness as it is completely free from adverse effects.

Aloe Vera works by coating the stomach lining and functions as a digestive demulcent or soothing agent. Hence having a pill of Aloe Vera everyday will go a long way in helping your digestive system to function properly and reduce your symptoms of GERD. Following a nutritious and healthy diet along with this natural medication will also help to improve your condition. Acidic and carbonated drinks, milk and alcohol can all trigger off GERD symptoms and so avoiding these kinds of foods will also help to control the disease.

Aloe can either be bought as a gel or juice from a health food store. Another alternative is to buy Aloeride which is a capsule form of Aloe Vera. Never stop using this pill even if you get relief from your GERD indications as you need to consume Aloeride for quite a long period to get maximum benefit from this pill. Aloe-Vera is a natural healer that has antibacterial, anti viral, anti inflammatory and anti parasidic characteristics. It has the ability to alleviate and alkalize the system which serves as a great respite for victims of heartburn, ulcers, intestinal and digestive problems.

Colonoscopy Examination For Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable bowel syndrome is a functional disorder of the bowel. Usually it is characterized by abdominal pain, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation and changes in bowel habits.

Diagnosing IBS is not that simple. No specific laboratory exam can be used to detect it. So what doctors usually do is that the run a series of medical examinations to rule out other gastrointestinal diseases and one of these medical examinations is colonoscopy.

Colonoscopy is a type of endoscopic examination that targets the large intestine and some parts of the small bowel. It allows a doctor to see the inner lining of the large bowel. A fiber optic camera or CCD camera fitted on a flexible tube called a colonoscope is inserted into the anus.

Colonoscopy is not only for visualization of the inner lining of the large bowel. The doctor performing the procedure may also be able to do a biopsy or if there is a presence of lesions, he can also remove them. Colonoscopy may also be used to remove polyps that are not larger than 1 millimeter in size.

There is some confusion regarding colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy and people usually make the mistake of interchanging the two. While they both do more or less have the same function, they are actually different.

Colonoscopy is indicated for patients who are experiencing gastrointestinal hemorrhage, suspicion of malignancy or in the case of irritable bowel syndrome, sudden changes in bowel habits.

Sometimes, colonoscopy is also indicated to geriatric patients who have an unexplainable sudden drop of hematocrit even if there is no presence of blood in the stool.

What is the Best Natural Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's and Colitis

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the two inflammatory bowel diseases of Crohn's and Colitis (IBD) share some of the same symptoms: pain, cramping, bloating, urgency, gas, even anxiety and depression. And, of course, a change in bowel habits. So is there one natural treatment that is best for all three of them?

Before answering that question, it will help to look at the differences between IBS and IBD.

First of all, as its name reveals, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a syndrome rather than a disease. Even though IBS can be extremely painful and debilitating, the bowel itself is not damaged. Diagnostic tests typically show no sign of disease or inflammation. However, people with IBS have usually experienced some kind of trauma, whether physical or emotional. We'll look at why this is important to choosing the best natural treatment later in the article.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease shows definite injury to the digestive tract. Inflammation is a sign that something is wrong in the body. With Colitis, the inflammation is usually confined to the colon and rectum, while in Crohn's Disease, the inflammation can spread all the way up the intestines to the stomach and sometimes to the esophagus and mouth.

Conventional medicine seems to be better at diagnosing IBS and IBD than treating it, and believes the cause of IBS, Crohn's and Colitis is unknown. There is no single drug or surgery that has proven to be the final answer for these health problems.

The most helpful treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn's and Colitis takes the whole person into account. This approach recognizes that your digestive system is affected by food, stress, chemical toxins, your lifestyle habits, your emotional background, and your own natural ability to heal.

In fact, trauma researchers, including Robert Scaer MD and David Berceli PhD, have clearly linked IBS and trauma. It's no secret that many war veterans have Irritable Bowel Syndrome. These people suffer from stored trauma reactions that have not been fully processed through the mind and body systems.

But plenty of civilians experience trauma as well. It can be from physical causes such as a car accident, house fire, or breaking your leg while skiing. Or from emotional causes like bullying, verbal abuse, or neglect. Or combination of both, as when people go through a plane crash or natural disaster.

Trauma can be dealt with in a fairly short period of time (weeks rather than years) with methods including Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique簧 which is a highly effective form of acupressure tapping, Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing, or David Berceli's Trauma Release Exercises. Dr Scaer believes that unreleased trauma is the primary cause of IBS. Once the trauma is cleared, the body is no longer triggered to react with irritable bowel symptoms.

While people with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis may have emotional or physical trauma factors, it's vital to look at diet and exposure to chemical toxins. Removing wheat, sugar and other grains from the diet or using Elaine Gottschall's Specific Carbohydrate Diet is extremely helpful for these two inflammatory bowel diseases.

In his book, Dangerous Grains, Dr James Braly links gluten cereal grains to both IBD and IBS (along with a shocking list of other health problems), although not everyone with Irritable Bowel Syndrome is grain-sensitive. It's important to find out if you are, as some people with IBS can tolerate grains and some can't.

So what is the best natural treatment for IBS, Crohn's and Colitis? A combination of dealing with stress and trauma, choosing the right diet, and getting toxic chemicals out of the home environment can make the healing difference.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Dark Green Poop - What Are the Top 5 Causes of Dark Green Poop?

Dark green poop does not imply that you are suffering from some internal infection but if your poop is accompanied with stomach ailments such as gas, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or bloating of the stomach, then you need to undergo a natural colon cleanse procedure. Listed below are top 5 causes behind your dark green bowel movements:

o The biggest reason for the abrupt change in the color of your bowel movements is the excessive consumption of green leafy vegetables. If you are consuming green veggies such as broccoli and spinach on a regular basis, your bowel may change its color naturally.

o Secondly, if you are consuming excessive quantities of breakfast cereals, red beans, red meat and spinach, you may suffer from dark green bowel movements. The reason why this happens is because they contain excessive amounts of iron, which in turn darkens the color of your stool as it cannot be fully absorbed by your intestinal tract.

o Thirdly, if you are consuming foods that use coloring agents, such as sherbet, drink flavorings and popsicles, you may once again suffer from dark green bowel movements.

o One of the main reasons behind your dark green poop is adverse side effects to numerous medications. In fact, excessive use of laxatives and antibiotics is also considered harmful for the body. Food poisoning could also be a major cause.

o Last but not the least, a few chronic abdominal diseases such as the irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, malabsorbtion of nutrients and a sudden overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the human colon can also change the color of your poop.

A Natural Solution

While dark green poop may not be a serious ailment, if it persists and brings with it chronic abdominal ailments such as abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, gas and indigestion, you need to cleanse your infected colon using a natural colon cleanse supplement. A colon cleanse supplement which is made from herbs has the ability to flush out blocked fecal matter, plaques as well as parasites from within your intestinal tract. This also gets rid of your dark green bowel movements permanently.

I used a natural colon cleansing supplement to get rid of my green bowel movements. In fact, it also helped me cure my chronic abdominal ailments with ease and allowed me to loose 32 pounds of body fat. For better results, I combined it with an acai berry supplement.

What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?

There has been a growing hype about the use of probiotic supplements around the globe because of their effectiveness in promoting the fitness and wellness of the users. Basically, probiotics are live microorganisms that resemble the qualities of live and beneficial microorganisms which thrive in the human gut. Probiotics are considered as friendly and good bacteria. According to the World Health Organization, probiotics are live microorganisms which can either be a virus, bacteria or fungi, that provide a number of health benefits to the host when taken in adequate amount only. Scientists believe that probiotics are helpful in keeping healthy people healthy. So what are the benefits of probiotics?

Many health professional strongly recommend probiotic therapy in treating a number of illness such as vaginal infection, urinary infection in women and in delaying allergies among children. Probiotic therapy is also beneficial in lessening the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

When there is an imbalance between the amount of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract, probiotic play a major role in alleviating the discomforts which the imbalance can bring about. Inappropriate intake of antibiotics can kill good and bad bacteria in the gut which can lead to a number of side effects such as diarrhea, cramping and gas. Many people take probiotics to offset these adverse effects. Probiotics can also help in improving the symptoms of lactose intolerance which is characterized by the absence of enzyme that digests milk.

Probiotics suppress the growth of fungi, yeasts, disease-causing bacteria and parasites that trigger the onset of infectious diarrhea, skin infection, stomach infection, irritable bowel syndrome, tooth decay, periodontal disease, infection caused by Helicobacter pylori, vaginal infection, and respiratory infections. Probiotics are even known to be effective in eliminating parasites and viruses that can trigger illness.

Results of scientific researches show that probiotics enhance the immune system of an individual. Probiotics produce a mildly acidic environment which is unfavorable for disease-causing bacteria to thrive into. They also stimulate the production of antibodies such as B-lymphocyte that helps the body fight against different kinds of infection. Furthermore, probiotics stimulate the body's natural capacity to produce alpha-interferon that regulates the body's immune response.

These beneficial microorganisms also play a major role in helping the patients cope with the adverse side effects of antibiotics and in reducing the risk of developing cancer. Probiotics are considered to be effective in easing the symptoms of certain medical conditions such as hypertension, elevated blood cholesterol level, weak immune system, oral health, necrotizing enterocolitis and kidney stones.

Other benefits of probiotics include treatment of urinary tract infection, diarrhea caused by rotavirus, and pouchitis that may require surgery in order to remove the colon. These microorganisms are also beneficial in reducing the recurrence of bladder cancer, in treating an intestinal infection triggered by Clostridium difficile and in preventing the recurrence of atopic dermatitis or eczema among children.

Probiotics also break down hydrocarbons into quantities which can be absorbed by the human digestive tract. This can improve cellular growth and development and at the same time provide additional nutrition for the human body. These microorganisms are also responsible in cleaning the digestive tract and in getting rid of any unwanted substance and accumulated decay out of the body.

Furthermore, probiotics significantly increase the availability of essential vitamins and minerals in the body such as Vitamin K, fatty acids, lactase, Vitamin B and calcium. Probiotics are even capable of strengthening the immune system which reduces the risk of an individual to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies and systemic candida.

Written by: Julia

Diverticulitis Diets - Natural Vegetable and Fruit Juices

If you are suffering from diverticulitis symptoms, you certainly don't want to be eating a lot of food and especially not processed foods. You need to check into some diverticulitis diets. Ones with lots of homemade vegetable and fruit juices is a smart choice, or if need be add some juices to the diet, like making your own carrot, papaya, cantaloupe or watermelon juice, which are all well known for there digestive enzymes, or you can even mix and match them.

You can find a diet for diverticulitis which can and will help all digestive problems. My holistic journey started back in the early 1980's with a natural colon cleansing product that I tried for about 6-8 weeks and boy did it work. Next I purchased a juicer called the champion juicer and I have personally known the benefits for many years.

It changed my life in and astounding way. Not to mention weight control, overall feeling more healthy and energetic.

I have been using a juice man junior juicer for quite some time now and you can buy several different juice machines for under a hundred dollars these days. Cutting back on your fiber intake during flare ups will reduce bowel movements, there by reducing inflammation, irritation and possible infection.

As for diverticulitis diets, carrot juice is practically a miracle food in most nutritionists opinions, lettuce, potatoes, beets, celery can all be eaten or juiced for part of a correct diet for diverticulitis. Prunes, prune juice, cabbage and many dried fruits and nuts are some of the foods to avoid during an attack. Lots of healthy fluids are needed including water, and stay away from fruits and vegetables that may be to acidic.

You should begin to slowly add a proper high fiber diet back in as soon as your feeling well and moving away from any previously bad eating habits that contributed to the signs and symptoms. This will also help to prevent any and all future health problems as well. Be sure though to continue any of the new healthy habits you picked up along the way.

There are actually some very good diverticulitis diets and books on digestive problems available online.

Ingredients To Watch Out For In Breast Enlargement Pills

A lot of women may have already read about ads promoting natural breast enlargement pills. And perhaps many women are searching for alternatives to surgical breast enlargement methods. Natural breast enlargement supplements normally rely on herbs and ingredients that enhance the natural growth of estrogen.

These estrogens are not the same as the estrogen prescribed by doctors. It may be important to remark that some natural breast enlargement methods do not show a quick outcome immediately. However, users should not be distraught and give up taking them if they don't see any outcome within a day or two, since non-surgical methods do take time for any effect to quickly show or manifest.

Common Ingredients Found In Many Enhancement Supplements

Many breast enlargement pills and products promote themselves as incorporating the wonders and health benefits of herbal ingredients. Although using herbal additives is a good thing, some people may experience getting adverse allergic reactions to a specific herbal component. It would be best for women to first check out a supplement's ingredients, and consult with their health care specialists before taking any pill or product. Here are some of the ingredients that are commonly found in most enhancement products.

- Blessed Thistle. This herb is believed to stimulate the production of stomach acid, so it can cause mild irritation of the digestive tract lining. People who experience gastrointestinal reflux disease, ulcers, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome should not take this additive.

- Fenugreek. Though there is an unverified claim that women in harems were fed fenugreek seeds to increase their breast size, no studies fully confirm that this herb can result in breast enlargement.

- Dong Quai. This Chinese herb is primarily used to relieve menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, reduce menstrual cramps, and regulate menstrual cycles.

- Fennel Seed. The seed has been used for centuries as both food and medicine. It was used traditionally to increase the flow of breast milk in nursing women, enhance libido, and increase menstrual flow.

Properly Follow Product Guidelines Set By Manufacturer

A good point of advice for women hoping to achieve new breast growth by taking natural breast enhancement pills is to properly follow the guidelines that have been given by the product's manufacturer.

This would mean that, for example, if they say take two pills in the morning and two pills at night, then women need to do just that. No cheating and taking them intermittently or at the wrong time of day would be beneficial to women. Taking a breast enhancement product incorrectly or in the wrong dose will certainly render disappointing results, and this practice can even render money back guarantees that the company has offered, to be voided.

To top the safety regimen for women taking breast enlargement products, it would be worth remembering that what works wonders for one woman may not produce the same results for another person. As with anything else, every person will experience different results with different products, since people usually have a different and unique body chemistry.

Sometimes breast enhancement pills manufacturers do not tell you that you should adhere to some lifestyle guidelines in order for their product to take effect and actually induce additional breast tissu growth after your body's natural mechanisms have shut off the breast growth cycle. - Breast Enlargement Pill

Acupuncture - Effective Tips for Treating IBS, IBD and Digestive Disorders

If you live in Boston and suffer from IBS or IBD, you are not alone. Digestive conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affect millions of Americans every year and in the case of IBS, is the second leading cause of missed school or work. Chinese medicine and acupuncture is very helpful in allowing patients with IBS or IBD to lead pain free and stress free lives. Despite their similar monikers, there are some very important differences between these conditions.

IBS is a purely functional gastrointestinal disorder. What this means is that based on Western medical theory, there is no known anatomical, biochemical or infectious cause. The syndrome categorization indicates that the diagnosis is based on a group of symptoms that typically occur together. The primary symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. The discomfort is often triggered by eating and relieved once the individual has had a bowel movement. One of the best places to find out more information about IBS is on the website of the Internal Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders.

IBD includes Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis and is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the mucus membranes of the digestive tract. In the case of Crohn's Disease, the inflammation develops across the entire tissue of the tract and while it typically affects the distal ileum of the small intestine and the colon, can occur at any point along the digestive tract. Ulcerative Colitis involves inflammation of only the outer layer of mucous membrane in the colon. The symptoms of IBD tend to be more serious and if untreated, can lead to hospitalization. They typically include an increased urgency to defecate, blood or mucus present in stools, constant diarrhea and abdominal cramping. Due to the loss of blood, particular attention must be paid to the patient to ensure their wellbeing. Diagnosis is made based on visual confirmation of ulceration during a colonoscopy or through x-ray. An excellent source for information about IBD, Crohn's and Colitis is at the website for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America.

Western treatment of these gastrointestinal conditions ranges from dietary or lifestyle changes to permanent medication to surgery in the case of severe IBD. Stress is often a major player in the flaring of symptoms although there is no known cause of either IBS or IBD at this point. From a Chinese medicine standpoint, these gastrointestinal diseases fall primarily under the realm of a spleen dysfunction. The spleen is the organ in Chinese medicine theory that is responsible for the transforming and transporting of the food we eat; a fancy way of saying that it is the major player in digestion and assimilation of food's nutrients into the body. When the spleen is dysfunctional in any way, this leads to gastrointestinal difficulties such as the symptoms of IBS or IBD. The fact that stress plays a large role in the severity of the symptoms also indicates that the function of the liver is either impaired or overwhelming the digestive capabilities of the spleen. The liver is responsible for the smooth movement of the Qi, or energy, in the body and when the movement is erratic or blocked, it can have effects throughout our systems.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture seeks to tonify and strengthen the spleen through nourishing acupoints and herbal remedies while relaxing the liver to promote the smooth flow of Qi through the body. In addition, other symptoms are addressed through treatment aimed at stopping any bleeding the gut, reducing inflammation, eliminating gas and bloating and restoring regular bowel movements.

Chinese medicine and acupuncture can give you an extra tool to use to relieve the symptoms of IBS or IBD but there are some simple things that you can do to improve your quality of life and management of your condition.

1) Decrease your stress levels. Since stress seems to have a large impact of the gastrointestinal health, the best thing you can do is remove yourself from stressful situations if at all possible. By using breathing or meditation techniques, you can decrease the harmful effects of stress and affect the symptoms of digestive diseases. There have even been references to hypnosis and mantra usage to relieve stress levels in people that suffer from IBS or IBD.

2) Exercise. This one could be piggybacked on the previous tip because exercising helps decrease stress levels in the body. Yoga is particularly helpful because many of the poses and motions involve twisting movements that actually massage the intestines and promote increased blood flow to the gut.

3) Dietary changes. This is often one of the hardest to make and stick to but there is very little doubt that diet does have an effect on gastrointestinal diseases. The main problem is that there is no diet that works for everyone. Track what you eat and your symptoms in a food log and you should be able to gradually form a picture of what your food triggers might be. Some basic recommendations include removing refined sugars, alcohol, and difficult to digest foods like nuts or seeds from your diet. The sugar and alcohol can cause inflammation in the system while the difficult to digest foods can tax an already fragile system.

4) Herbal remedies. A good acupuncture friend of mine says, "chamomile, chamomile, chamomile" whenever we talk about digestive disorders. Chamomile is thought to ease the nerves, reduce inflammation and relieve abdominal cramping. Another herb, turmeric, is also often used to decrease the damage caused by inflammation. A high quality probiotic can be helpful in decreasing the abdominal discomfort from bloating and gas.

5) Talk about it. Find a support group to join and discuss your condition with others who are going through the same thing. This can be invaluable in a world where bowel movements and the effects they have on one's life and perception of themselves are rarely discussed. In addition, having a supportive group of people sharing what therapies work for them, trusted doctors they like and hints or tips about living with these conditions can create an excellent environment for real physical and emotional healing to take place. You can find support groups in your area by looking at the website of the aforementioned foundations for IBS and IBD.

Digestive diseases like IBS and IBD can take a toll on your emotional state as well as your physical condition. While there hasn't been a specific cause or cure identified yet for them, there are numerous options out there for care. Chinese medicine and acupuncture are merely two of them but their emphasis on natural wellness and whole body balance might be just what you need to help you deal with your gastrointestinal illness.

If you would like further information about acupuncture or Chinese medicine and its treatment of Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis, I have some research articles available to share. Please contact me for them.

Tiredness - The Hidden Colitis Symptom

When faced with the onset of a colitis attack for the first time or a relapse of the symptoms, the sufferer will have to endure the expected colitis symptoms of diarrhoea, passing of blood and abdominal pain. Yet there is a hidden symptom which can have a huge effect on the sufferer's daily experience and their prospects of a quicker and successful passage into remission.

It can be a problem for those newly diagnosed with colitis that they do not appreciate the effects of tiredness that this disease creates and this should not be dismissed lightly. There is a requirement for it to be included in the sufferer's anticipation of what the daily experiences will be like during the period of a colitis attack. It is wrong to think that, as there will be diarrhoea and abdominal pain, it can be likened to a stomach bug. That the sufferer will feel a little tired and a little rest will assist in recovery.

The degree of tiredness that is created during a colitis attack can be quite overwhelming in some cases. There will be a need to go to the toilet and at the height of a severe attack this could mean every hour. When totalled, the visits to the toilet over a twenty four hour period can be well over a dozen, and that will include during the night, resulting in an interrupted sleep pattern. Whilst it can be hard to imagine, the effort required just going to the toilet during the period of a colitis attack is tiring. The effort required can be great and coupled with the resulted pain that occurs every time the bowel is opened, it is not difficult to realise that this period of time can be very debilitating.

By factoring in having to go to the toilet many times during the day and night, the ever present pain, particularly when on the toilet, the lack of quality sleep plus the reduced intake of food due to a loss of appetite, they all contribute to an overall feeling of not just tiredness, but acute tiredness. And the more tired the sufferer becomes, the less they will be able to both physically and mentally defend themselves against the attack and the longer it is going to be for them to make a recovery when the symptoms are brought under control and start to fade.

To effectively counteract tiredness, it is vital that the sufferer accepts that the usual daily routines and activities will have to most likely stop entirely. In fact, a sensible course of action is for their usual life to be put on hold and all available energies used to defend themselves against what can be a physically and mentally brutal attack. By adopting successful colitis management techniques, they can discover how to conserve energy, reduce the amount of pain being experienced and try and ensure that the hidden symptom of tiredness does not hinder their progress through the colitis attack and back into remission mode.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Monitor Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer often exhibits the same symptoms as other colon conditions. Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, and peptic ulcer disease show the same symptoms of colon cancer: red or dark blood in stools, changes in bowel habits, narrow stools, diarrhea or constipation, unexplainable weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, and anemia. In order to observe your symptoms better, it is also important to read up on other colon diseases.

The disease can be present for many years before symptoms of colon cancer even show. This is why the best thing to do to watch out for colon cancer is to undergo regular screenings, preferably those that entail fecal blood testing and colonoscopy.

Symptoms of colon cancer vary according to where the tumor is located. Because the right colon is spacious, tumors in the right colon can grow to large sizes before they even cause symptoms of colon cancer. As tumors have a tendency to bleed, cancers on the right colon cause iron deficiency anemia because of the slow, unnoticed loss of blood over a long period of time. It is all the more unnoticeable because the stool travels through the colon longer, so whatever blood is in the stool dries up and even becomes invisible. Iron deficiency anemia, in turn, results in fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath for patients.

On the other hand, the left colon is narrower than the right colon. Cancers of the left colon are more likely to cause partial or complete bowel obstruction. This type of cancer causes the following symptoms of colon cancer: diarrhea, constipation, narrow stools, abdominal pains, cramps, and bloating. If there is bright red blood in the stool, this can also mean that there is a cancerous growth near the end of the left colon or the rectum.
Go and see your doctor if you develop any of the following symptoms of colon cancer mentioned above. However, don't panic just yet. As mentioned, some of the symptoms can be indicative of another colon disease altogether. For example, while blood in your stool may be one of the symptoms of colon cancer, it may also come from hemorrhoids or minor tears in your anus. If you are constipated as a result of not drinking enough water and not taking in sufficient fiber, tough stools may scratch your rectal wall.

Additionally, certain foods, such as beets and red licorice, can cause your stools to turn red, while iron supplements and some anti-diarrhea medications often make stools black. However, it is still a good idea to visit your doctor at any sign of blood or other changes in your stools and bowel movement. After all, early detection based on symptoms of colon cancer usually result in complete cures.

Below is a complete list of the top symptoms of colon cancer. It will do no harm to visit your doctor as soon as you feel two or more of the following:

* Major change in your toilet habits, whether you move your bowels more or less

* Blood in your fecal matter, bright red or dried

* Stools that are thinner than usual

* Unexplainable dramatic weight loss

* Stomach pains, cramping or bloating

* Unexplainable fatigue

* Always feeling like you need to move your bowels

* Constant nausea and vomiting

* Iron deficiency anemia

* Abdominal pain, which is a rare symptom of colon cancer, and may exhibit itself as mere tenderness in the abdomen.

Colorectal Cancer - Types, Symptoms and Treatments

Cancer that begins in the colon is called colon cancer, and the cancer that begins in the rectum is called rectal cancer. Cancers affecting either of these organs also may be called colorectal cancer. It is a disease which malignant (cancer) cells first form in the tissues of the colon. Colorectal cancer occurs in rectum or the large intestine. This type of cancer occurs when abnormal tissues grow on the inner walls of the colon and rectum. These abnormal tissues commonly present in the form of polyps. Polyps grow as a projection of tissue away from the colon wall, remaining connected to the colon wall of a thin stalk. Their shape is similar that of a mushroom. Polyps are fairly common, especially in older people. The vast majority of polyps are not cancerous. However, some polyps will eventually become cancerous. Unchecked, a cancerous polyp gives rise to a tumor, which grows in size until it penetrates to bowel wall and involves adjacent organs and lymph nodes through the process known as metastasis.


In general, colorectal cancers tend to be slow growing, gradually enlarging and eventually penetrating the bowel wall. When they do spread, it is usually through invasion of nearby lymph nodes. On the right side of the colon near the cecum, cancers usually grow into the space within the colon. They can become large enough to be painful and are likely to cause bleeding. In these cases anemia from chronic blood loss is often the first sign and is why a stool test for occult, or hidden, blood is important.

Most polyps and cancers appear on the left side of the colon. In the left or descending colon, where the channel is narrow, the cancer usually grows around the colon wall and encircles it. Left-sided cancer typically constricts the bowel channel, causing partial blockage.


Symptoms may include:

• Diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, fatigue.
• Going to the toilet more often.
• A feeling that the bowel does not empty properly after a bowel movement.
• Pain and bloating in the abdomen.
• Blood in stools.
• Inexplicable weight loss.
• A lump in the tummy.
• Unexplained iron deficiency in men, or in women after the menopause.


• Alcohol.
• Polyps.
• Diabetes.
• Age and gender.
• High cholesterol diet.
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
• Genetics.
• Lack of exercise.
• Smoking.
• Obesity.
• Numerous adenomatous polyps develop in the colon, ultimately leading to cancer.
• A family history of this cancer.
• Drug effects.


A person with colorectal cancer will be diagnosed in following ways:

• It is found on a routine screening test.
• Symptoms lead a person to the doctor, and tests to find the cause of the symptoms reveal colorectal cancer.


Treatments may include following options, alone or in combination:

• Surgery - Surgical options include:

1. Bowel resection: This operation involves cutting into the abdomen to reach the area of the colon or rectum that is affected by the cancer. The surgeon cuts out the cancer as well as the parts of the colon or rectum that are next to it. Then the two healthy ends of the colon or rectum are sewn back together.

2. Liver resection: In this operation the surgeon cuts out the cancer that has spread to the liver and also cuts out parts of the liver that are next to the cancer. Up to half of your liver can be removed as long as the rest is healthy. If the cancer in your liver is too large to remove with surgery, you may be given chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. If the tumor becomes small enough, it can be removed with surgery.

3. Lung, adrenal, or ovarian resection, depending on where the cancer has spread.
If the cancer that has returned to the intestine is large, more of the colon or rectum may have to be removed.

• Chemotherapy:-

Chemotherapy may be recommended before surgery in some cases, even if metastatic disease appears confined to the liver. Chemotherapy after surgery can prolong survival for people whose cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes. The way the chemotherapy is given depends on the type and stage of the cancer being treated. If surgical removal of the liver metastases is successful, additional chemotherapy is usually recommended after surgery.

• Radiation therapy:-

Radiotherapy is not used routinely in this cancer, as it could lead to radiation enteritis, and it is difficult to target specific positions of the colon. It is more common for radiation to be used in rectal cancer, since the rectum does not move as much as the colon and is thus easier to target. If the therapy is given before surgery, radiation may reduce tumor size. This can improve the chances that the tumor will be removed successfully. Radiation before surgery also appears to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back after treatment.

• Targeted therapy:- The therapy is a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells without harming normal cells. Monoclonal antibody therapy is a type of targeted therapy used in treatment of it.

• Immunotherapy: This therapy enhances the body's immune system and increases the likelihood that the cancer cells will be killed.

• Monoclonal antibodies:- These antibodies are proteins produced in a laboratory that can identify a cancer cell for destruction or prevent the tumor cell from dividing.

• Gene therapy:- This therapy involves altering genetic material. Either a new gene is introduced to enhance the ability of the body to kill cancer cells or a gene is administrated directly to the cancer cells, causing them to die. Getting the gene to the right cells in the body is a major challenge. The treatment is still experimental and in its early stages of development.

Cancer of the colon and rectum is common. The risk for development of colorectal cancer in patients with ulcerative colitis appears to depend on the duration of disease, the severity of disease, family history of it. Most importantly, patients need to be educated about the risk of developing colorectal cancer. Recent advances have allowed colorectal cancer screening guidelines to be refined. They have also suggested the improvement in quality and application of testing tools. Decreases in both colorectal cancer occurrence and mortality have already occurred and are considered attributable to screening efforts.

Acid Reflux Disease - When It's Not Just Heartburn Anymore

Acid reflux is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease and no matter what you call it, this one is a real pain!

Persistent, frequent heartburn occurring more than twice a week and often lasting two hours or more can be an early indicator of something more serious than simple heartburn. It could be acid reflux. Characterized by the abnormal reflux of the stomach's gastric contents backwards into the esophagus resulting in a burning in the chest a throat. Left untreated the chronic symptoms of this disease can lead to erosion of the delicate esophageal tissues.

A temporary relaxation of or an abnormal closing of the lower esophageal sphincter, LES, allows the back flow or regurgitation of stomach acids back into the esophagus causing the characteristic heartburn associated with acid reflux.

A burning or general soreness in the throat, chest pain, a burning sensation in the chest, hoarseness, difficulty or painful swallowing, nausea, vomiting, pain in the ears, an acidic taste in the mouth, the sensation of fluid arising from the throat back into the mouth, bad breath and a chronic cough or tickle in the throat are all frequently reported symptoms.

It is important to remember that someone suffering with heartburn does not necessarily have acid reflux disease. Heartburn is often the result of a heavy meal or even an overly fatty or acidic meal. Heartburn occurs infrequently and may simply be just that... heartburn... and not the more serious condition. Persistent, frequent heartburn occurring more often than twice per week may be a sign that acid reflux is the culprit and not just your run-of-the-mill heartburn. Heartburn unrelieved by traditional methods and occurring more frequently than usual should be evaluated by a physician or healthcare provider for a proper assessment and diagnosis.

Left untreated it can lead to esophagitis, an erosion of the lining of the esophagus, or tooth decay from the constant exposure of the teeth to gastric acid. There are many treatment options available for acid reflux disease... you don't have to live with the pain anymore!

Stomach Ulcer Basics

Affecting millions of Americans each year, a stomach ulcer is a raw, open area in the normal lining of the stomach. Stomach ulcers get their particular name depending on the exact location of the ulcer. For example, a duodenal or peptic ulcer is a stomach ulcer found in the first foot of small intestines past the stomach. A gastric ulcer in located inside the stomach itself. Although duodenal or peptic ulcers are almost always benign, it is important to remember that gastric or stomach ulcers can be malignant. Close medical management is critical.

A protective layer of mucus producing cells prevent the stomach from being destroyed by normal digestive juices and stomach acids. However, when there is a break in that protective layer trouble can occur. A stomach ulcer occurs when the gastric or intestinal mucosal lining of the stomach is destroyed by hydrochloric acid, an acid which is normally present in the digestive juices of the stomach.

Another cause of ulcers, particularly gastric and duodenal ulcers, can be a bacterial infection known as Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. The helicobacter pylori bacterium may be transmitted from person to person through contaminated food and water and is treated with antibiotics.

One of the major symptoms of a stomach ulcer is pain, more specifically pain that feels much like a gnawing or burning pain in the middle upper abdomen often occurring some two to three hours after a meal. Often this pain is mistaken for heartburn or even hunger. Pain from a stomach ulcer may awaken you at night and may be relieved with food or milk.

Stomach ulcers are treated with prescription strength medications designed to reduce stomach acid, to protect the stomach lining and to treat the H. pylori bacteria, if it is present.

There are several medications that are commonly used to treat stomach ulcers. If the intent is to reduce stomach acid, then your physician may prescribe medications such as H2-Receptor antagonists like Nizatidine (Axid®), Cimetidine (Tagamet®), Ranitidine (Zantac®), or Famotidine (Pepcid®). Also used to reduce stomach acids are medications called Proton pump inhibitors. These types of medications include Omeprazole (Prilosec®), Esomeprazole (Nexium®), Lansoprazole (Prevacid®), or Pantoprazole (Pantoloc®). Medications used to protect the lining of the stomach include over-the-counter medications such as Rolaids or Tums or medications such as sucralfate, which forms a protective barrier over the site of the ulcer to help it to heal.

Stomach ulcers are certainly painful and can lead to additional complications such as bleeding. They require aggressive treatment directed by your healthcare provider in order to resolve the current ulcer and attempt to prevent future recurrences.

Colitis Symptoms and the Use of Meditation

Those diagnosed with colitis should be aware of and utilise available methods and practices to reduce the occurrence and strength of colitis symptoms, particularly when it can be identified that stress has been a contributory factor. One stress reducing method that should be considered is meditation as it is easy to implement and has wider health benefits.

The exercise of meditation is in reference to the specific state where both the body and mind are conscious, yet are relaxed and focused. The purpose is to achieve a state of both physical and mental calmness to purposely remove stressful, negative thoughts and influences and calming the state of the mind. In a sense it cleanses the mind and allows the uninterrupted focus on one particular thought. Some people require total silence in order to achieve this mental state where all sounds, however small are required to be blocked out. Often this can be very difficult to achieve yet with practice, the mind can be trained to close out any background noise.

In order to undertake effective meditation, you require adopting a comfortable position though it does not have to be the stereotypical straight backed cross leg pose associated with meditation. As long as you are relaxed and comfortable, the mind will be able to focus more easily. Additionally, there is associated with meditation some ritualistic humming. This is used as a means of concentration, to help the person with the same aim of focusing the mind. Again it is not essential that such an action is adhered to. People have different ways of focusing, just as long as the method adopted achieves an intense state of mind focus.

For sufferers of colitis, the occurrence of stress can often bring on symptoms and techniques to reduce these by creating the aura of both physical and mental calmness should be utilised. The process of meditation creates this very state with the added bonus of the requirement to focus on one object. Consider the large colon to be the centre of this focus. While doing this you should be aware of any tension within the large colon and on your body as a whole. Now mentally visualise the release of this tension. Start to imagine the inflammation reducing as the stress and tension floats away. You should feel the release of this and you should find yourself in a refreshed state when your session has ended.

If this action can be incorporated into a daily routine, this will not only be rejuvenating for your mind and body but may also reduce the likelihood of colitis symptoms appearing due to a build up of stress that has no mechanism of release. This should be used as part of effective management to reduce the impact that colitis has yet it is only one method for the reduction of stress in colitis sufferers.

Ulcerative Colitis Symptoms - Do You Have Them?

If you are experiencing any form of abdominal pain or chronic diarrhea, wondering whether these represent ulcerative colitis symptoms is perfectly normal. In fact the condition is quite common and your diagnosis may well be correct. Read on to confirm whether your ulcerative colitis symptoms are real or imagined, and then learn what you can do to relieve your discomfort.

Ulcerative colitis represents an inflammation of the colon which can be mild or quite severe. In the latter case the inflammation can lead to ulcers which represent "sores" on the wall of your colon. This means you may experience intense cramping, as well as blood or mucus in your stool. Rectal bleeding may be another symptom, but this can also be due to other causes (such as hemorrhoids). The presence of recurring abdominal pain, sometimes in response to certain foods you may have eaten, may represent true ulcerative colitis symptoms.

The key word here is recurring. You may well be misled into thinking you have a colitis problem when, in fact, you are suffering from unhygienic cooking practices. Under-cooked meat, for example, can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain, as can insufficiently cooked eggs that harbor salmonella bacteria. These forms of food poisoning cause problems for a few days, but then usually disappear. A real case of ulcerative colitis will persistently give you problems. Fatigue, fever, and night sweats are also common symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Left untreated, the condition may develop to the point where surgery is necessary to remove a portion of the damaged colon.

Consulting with a physical to determine whether you do have ulcerative colitis is not something you should put off when you suspect it might be the cause of your discomfort. Find out early, so that you can properly decide on a course of action. It goes without saying that you cannot effectively remedy the situation if you have mis diagnosed the condition!

So what are the causes of ulcerative colitis? Surprising, for such a common affliction, the root causes of colitis are not known. Or at the very least, they are widely debated. Some believe that the immune system overreacts to the presence of intestinal bacteria. Others believe that the condition is largely hereditary, since it often manifests itself before the age of 30. These two views are not inconsistent with each other. But other physicians and holistic practitioners believe diet plays the dominant role in ulcerative colitis.

If the last group is correct, it is good news. Why? Because prescription medications for ulcerative colitis tend to put the condition into remission, without curing it. The pain typically returns at a later time, and you are back to the place you were before. But if diet is responsible for the cause of your colitis, well, you can easily effect a change there, and very possibly reverse the effects of your colitis.

Not only could this be good news, but it also makes a lot of sense. Your intestinal tract in the place where you process foods. If you are putting in low quality material that aggravates the fine chemical and bacteriological balance that has been achieved after half a billion years of evolution, you have to expect there are going to be some problems. Sorting the good foods from the bad ones just makes a whole lot of sense when it comes to considering the possible causes of your ulcerative colitis symptoms.

So what part of your diet may be responsible for your abdominal aggravation? What foods can you cut from your diet (or add to it) to improve your intestinal health?

The truth is that ulcerative colitis diets represent a large topic which cannot be covered in any useful sense in the remainder of this article. But resources for addressing the issue are available. You will not be surprised to hear that some of the more unique foods of the twenty-first century appear high on the list of suspect consumables: processed sugars, deep fried fast foods, and modern ingredients like olean. But also on the list are foods that we have consumed for centuries, but not in the quantities available to us today: white rice, salt, and coffee.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Chron's Disease

Crohn's disease is often confused with other inflammatory bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis, thus making it difficult to diagnose. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. Crohn's disease is characterized by an inflammatory reaction throughout the entire thickness of the colon and bowel wall. This inflammation can penetrate deeply into the affected organ, causing pain and diarrhea.

Symptoms associated with Crohn's disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, rectal bleeding (which may lead to anemia), weight loss, malabsorption syndrome and nutritional deficiencies. The onset of Crohn's disease is typically between the ages of fourteen and thirty. Cases of this disorder tend to be 2-4 times more common in Caucasian whites than non-Caucasian, and 4 times more common in Jews than non-Jews.

Crohn's disease is typically experienced as flair-up, with attacks occurring every few months to every few years. Over time, if the disease is active, bowel function can gradually deteriorate, with the risk of cancer increasing by 20 fold.

Scientists believe that chronic imbalances in the intestinal flora set off a chain of events that, in the end, damages the intestinal mucosa. This theory is strongly supported by the parallel in the number of cases of Crohn's and other inflammatory bowel disorders and use of antibiotics over the last 50 years. In turn, it has also been found that the incidence of Crohn's disease is higher in cultures consuming a "western diet", while it is virtually non-existent in cultures consuming a more primitive diet. Studies also reveal that patients with Crohn's disease were found to be individuals who habitually ate, prior to the onset of symptoms, more refined sugar, less raw fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber when compared to their healthy counterparts.

While the exact causes of Crohn's disease is still unclear, there is much that can be done to lessen symptoms and even put this disorder into remission. The goal for treatment of this disorder is to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies and relieve symptoms such as pain, diarrhea and rectal bleeding.

Recommendations for Wellness

1) An elimination diet, such as Gottschall's Specific Carbohydrate Diet have been shown to reduce the symptoms experienced within 3 - 12 weeks.

2) Avoid sugar, both white sugars, and the sugars contained in white flower, white rice etc.

3) Keep a food/flair-up journal. Identify foods you are eating, or your emotional state just before and during a "flair-up". In time, you may find a pattern forming

4) To reduce intestinal inflammation and begin the healing process, try products such as UltraInflamx - by Metagenics, Robert's formula - by Phytophamric, or aloe vera juice.

5) Flax seed or fish oils (Omega 3 Oils) have been known to greatly reduce the inflammatory process. If you find you have a hard time digesting them, try freezing the gel caps before taking them.

6) Extra vitamins and minerals are important at this time, especially if you are not absorbing nutrients correctly. Incorporate a liquid meal replacement (one that is loaded with vitamins, minerals and protein, and low on sugar!) into your diet as well as taking a high quality vitamin and minerals supplement. Try to find one that is in a gel casing or capsule.

7) Find a good mineral supplement such as Alfalfa, barley greens, liquid chlorophyll or colloidal minerals. Many of these come in a powdered form that you can mix with water or juice.

8) Because of blood loss due to rectal bleeding, and the anemia associated with it, incorporation of additional iron is important. Look to find an herbal iron alternative, especially one that comes in liquid form for better/easier assimilation. If you decide to look to a single herb, Yellow Dock would be my choice. (Consult with your health care provider before introducing additional iron into your diet.)

9) Starting a program of re-inoculating the intestinal tract with Friendly Bacteria, namely lactoacidopholis can enhance recovery and restore bowel function to normal.

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Treatment for Helicobacter Pylori Peptic Ulcer

The purpose of the treatment that your doctor recommends in case you have a peptic ulcer caused by H. Pylori is to destroy the bacteria, to lower the quantity of acid from your stomach and duodenum and to preserve the lining of your stomach and duodenum.

Antibiotic treatment will kill the bacteria if taken for 2 weeks in combination of two drugs. Some of the most efficient antibiotic drugs are: Metronidazole, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin. Also, one of the antibiotic drugs might be switched with bismuth salicylate which coats and soothes the stomach, protecting it from the damaging effects of acid.

In order to reduce the level of acid in your stomach, the doctor will prescribe you: H2-Receptor antagonists (Famotidine, Cimetidine, Nizatidine, and Ranitidine) and inhibitors of the proton pump (Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, and Pantoprazole). By decreasing the quantity of acid, the stomach and duodenum will not be injured any more by it, and the pain will be reduced.

For protecting the line of your stomach and duodenum, you will receive antacids like TUMS and ROLAIDS that will preserve the lining from the acid's action.

Treatment must be followed exactly as the doctor has prescribed it. Also, smoking and drinking alcohol and coffee must be eliminated or at least reduced. Stress is also a factor that contributes to the extent of ulcer, so you should avoid getting stressed. Some herbs and even acupuncture can be helpful.

Also, a diet is recommended to be followed. Cranberries, apples, onions kill the H. Pylori; fruits and vegetable that are rich in fiber are also good for you. Try to see what kind of aliments are causing you discomfort after eating them and then reduce them from your diet. Another rule is not to eat within two hour of bedtime. Also, if you have a cold avoid using aspirin because it will only injure your stomach more.

There are some rare cases when treatment is not effective and other measures must be applied. Surgery is a solution for treating peptic ulcers but only the doctor will be able to pronounce whether you need a surgery or not.

Treating ulcer from its beginnings is essential for your life. Left untreated ulcer can give you anemia (the blood has a lack of blood cells and can not transport oxygen properly) and perforation, meaning that the ulcer injures your stomach until it goes through its wall. Also, hemorrhages can appear and even death.

Do You Really Need Supplemental Omega 3?

The following informational article will show you why you, and everyone else you know, should be consuming a high grade Omega 3 fish oil supplement daily. You are going to learn the difference between the "stuff" you purchase off the shelf in supermarkets, and health food stores and the high quality product you should be purchasing from a reputable source such as Wellness International. To help you understand what follows, remember that Omega 3 fatty acids are actually made up of two principal forms, both of which play essential roles in our body. One is DHA and the other is EPA. Lets get started.

1. Heart...Cardiovascular health...Decreased risk of heart attack by 20-40%...Cardiac Arrhythmias and sudden death (especially immediately following heart attacks) are markedly diminished by 20-40% [Studied by Dr. Leaf of Harvard Medical School]... Decreased risk of repeat Heart Attacks. (The American Heart Association). Omega 3 has been show to reduce the rate of Fatal Arrhythmias by as much as 30%. Diminish intra-arterial plaque build up in the coronary (heart) arteries. Has been administered I.V. to patients to control & abort, cardiac arrhythmias after an acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)

2. Brain...

-Helps prevent dementia in general and Alzheimer's Disease in particular
-Helps prevent Parkinsonism
-May be helpful in the Treatment of Parkinsonism.
-Helps with cognitive functioning.
-Helps prevent cognitive impairment in the elderly
-Improves IQ in children.
-Helps prevent Autism, ADD/ADHD when Omega 3 is taken by pregnant mother.
-Omega 3 has been used to treat Traumatic Brain Injury and Traumatic Spinal Cord injured patients with excellent results.
-Useful in the treatment of ADD/ADHD. (ADD/ADHD children generally have much lower levels of -Omega 3 in their blood than their normal peers)
-May reduce the amount of brain damage after a Stroke

3. Eyes...

Helps prevent Macular Degeneration. "Increasing the intake of dietary omega-3 from fish oil sources, helps prevent the onset of age related macular degeneration". (Archives of Ophthalmology).

The Retina of the eye is lined by a membrane that requires Omega-3, DHA long chain fatty acids for normal functioning. In the absence of adequate amounts of DHA Omega-3, with advancing age, macular degeneration is the result.

-Helps prevent the development of poor night vision
-Helps maintain healthy visual acuity in all ages
-Provides better eyesight in children when taken by pregnant mother.
-Overall, at all ages, promotes retinal and visual health.
-Eating Yellow & Orange colored Fruit as well as dark green leafy vegetables which contain certain Carotenoids (Lutein & Zeaxanthin). In addition zinc oxide 80 mg., copper oxide 2 mg., vitamin C 500 mg., vitamin E 400 IU, beta carotene 15 mg. are also helpful.

4. Migraine...

Helps prevent migraine headaches

5. Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, other auto-immune & inflammatory conditions & diseases. Studies have shown that after treatment with as little as 3000 mg./day (3 gms.) of high quality Omega 3, over a 12-15 week period, over 75% of patients are able to discontinue all prescription drugs including pain medications, with almost complete relief from symptoms, such as pain, morning stiffness, joint swelling, etc.

6. Joints... Helps maintain joint health. See # 5

7. Skin... Helps control eczema, acne...Psoriasis...Helps prevent sun damage ... Beneficial for those with dry skin, dandruff, nail health.

8. Menstrual Cramps...Reduces Menstrual Cramps by as much as 70%, due to its anti-inflammatory and anti striated muscle contractile properties

9. Pregnancy...

Helps Mother Carry to term by reducing the inflammatory response and muscle contractions caused by excessive Omega-6

-Promotes Healthy Fetal Brain & Retinal Development
-Decreases the incidence of Post-partum Depression. During pregnancy, the fetus preferentially uses up the mother's supply of Omega-3 (unless she replenishes it through supplementation) to use for the proper development of the fetal brain, nervous system, retina and other vital organs. -Breast feeding further depletes the mother of vital Omega-3. The result is depressed mood resulting in post-partum depression.
-Decreases incidence of ADD/ADHD, Autism.
-Increases Intellectual Capacity of newborn, proven by extensive clinical trials
-Promotes healthy visual acuity in the newborn by promoting Healthy Retinal Development

10. Fetus...Improves vision & Mental Capacity of newborn. May help prevent the development of Autism, ADD/ADHD. Children who are breast fed (and therefore receive more Omega 3) score higher on both cognitive and visual testing, even more so in those women who take Omega 3 supplementation during pregnancy [Note: baby formula does not contain Omega 3].

11. Blood pressure ... Stabilizes & modestly reduces BP

12. Stabilizes heart rhythm ... Anti-Arrhythmic actions, especially in post-MI arrhythmias. Lowers the incidence of fatal post-MI arrhythmias.

13. Anti-carcinogenic ... Colon, Breast, Prostate. Improves outcomes in patients treated with chemotherapy and reduces unpleasant side effects from chemotherapy. Several scientific studies have demonstrated the resolution of metastatic breast cancer in liver and bone in patients given high doses of Omega 3.

14. Decreases Triglycerides & Cholesterol. Increases good HDL cholesterol & decreases bad LDL cholesterol

15. Anorexia Nervosa... Helpful as and adjunct in the treatment of A.N.

16. Obesity... Useful in the prevention & treatment of Obesity through its effect on mitigating Insulin resistance and Omega-3 long chain fatty acids promote Thermogenesis, which means that the body uses more energy to burn the same number of calories resulting in the promotion of weight loss through increased heat production

17. ADD/ADHD ... Helpful in treatment of both ADD/ADHD, especially in children with distractibility, poor concentration, memory difficulties & dyslexia. Decreased amounts of Omega-3 causes decreased levels of an important neurotransmitter, Dopamine, which contributes to the development of ADD/ADHD. Increasing the level of Omega -3 significantly increases the brain's level of Dopamine which reverses the negative effects of dopamine deficiency which has been shown to be a causative factor in ADD/ADHD (Dr. Barry Sears). Increasing the intake of Omega-3 Improves behavior, increases Concentration & Focus, decreases impulsive behavior and hyperactivity, increases reading, spelling and math skills, and leads to better language development.

18. Triglycerides & Cholesterol ... Lowers both, especially Triglycerides, increases HDL (the good) cholesterol, lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol

19. Depression and Mood ... (EPA, Omega 3)

-Promotes emotional well being
-Helps counteract mood swings and Depressive & Anxiety states.
-Found beneficial in patients suffering from Schizophrenia,
-Helpful in patients with Bipolar Disease (Manic Depressive states).
-Harvard Medical School clinical trials & the NIH studies have shown that decreased levels of -Omega 3 lead to decreased levels of Serotonin leading to increased incidences of various forms of depression.
-Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are precursors to and actually increase the production of Serotonin (The Happy Hormone) in the brain relieving depression and increasing & balancing mood & your sense of well being. (Andrew Stoll, MD ... Professor of Neuropsychiatry ... Harvard Medical School and author of "The Omega 3 Connection").

20. Allergies ... Beneficial for those suffering from various allergies

21. Sleep problems ... Beneficial for sleep problems

22. Vascular Health ... Beneficial to the health of your blood vessels. Helps prevent the build up of plaque that causes heart attacks and strokes & peripheral vascular disease resulting in leg pains (claudication) and eventual amputations. Actually capable of reducing plaque build up in your arteries by promoting HDL over LDL.

23. Inflammatory Bowel Disease ... Due to the potent anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 it is helpful in Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn's Disease as an adjunct to prescription medications, including steroids.

24. Parkinsonism ... Helps prevent the development & progression of Parkinsonism.

25. Anti-platelet Properties ... Similar to aspirin, although not as long lasting, Omega-3 makes platelets less sticky and therefore less likely to cause clots in the blood vessels. This is a beneficial effect. Aspirin may be taken concomitantly with Omega-3 without untoward side effects.

26. Antioxidants & Omega-3 ... Adding antioxidants to omega 3 is beneficial because the antioxidants retard the breakdown of the omega 3 making their beneficial effect last longer... a good thing.

27. Anticarcinogenic ... Omega-3 has been shown to retard the development of certain cancers such as breast, stomach, intestinal, prostate. Women with high levels of Omega-3 in one study were found to be 60% less likely to develop breast cancer than controls. Omega-3 supplementation renders chemotherapy more effective and less toxic. Studies have documented actual regression of metastatic breast cancer to bone, liver, etc.

28. Diabetes Mellitus/Type 2 ... Dr. Andrew Stoll, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy, at Harvard Medical School, has conducted studies demonstrating that "a deficit of Omega-3 polyunsaturated Fatty Acids may contribute to a condition known as Insulin Resistance." Insulin Resistance means that the body's endogenous insulin cannot function normally and therefore the blood sugar levels can become abnormally elevated. He further concluded that "supplementation with Omega-3 Fatty acids may decrease Insulin Resistance allowing the body's natural insulin to better regulate the blood sugar level helping to normalize it keeping the blood sugar level at or near normal levels in diabetic patients." This beneficial effect is also seen in non-diabetics.

29. Diabetes Mellitus/Type 1 ... Omega-3 may help prevent and/or stabilize Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.

30. Asthma ... Omega-3 may diminish or eliminate the symptoms of Asthma.

31. Blood Pressure ... It has been universally proven that Omega-3 moderately, but significantly lowers blood pressure.

32. Immune System ... Omega-3 has been shown to bolster the Immune System by partially blocking the action of Omega-6.

33. Weight Loss ... According to Dr. Connie Guttersen, Omega 3: 1) Stimulates thermogenesis(fat burning) by increasing the body's metabolic rate. 2) Blocks fat storage. 3) Helps prevent the formation of an excess number of fat cells. 4) Encourages a quick burn of calories before they can be deposited as fat. 5) Helps your body absorb healthy nutrients to give you more nutritional benefit without the need to eat excessively.

34. Skeletal System (Bones) ... Omega-3 + Calcium = Healthy Bones. The Omega-3 long chain essential fatty acids are critical to bone health. Omega-3 is necessary for the absorption & deposition into bones of certain minerals such as Calcium. If we do not get enough Omega-3 we cannot effectively absorb calcium and subsequently deposit calcium into our bones, leading to a condition called Osteoporosis of thinning of the bones. (Vanderhaeghe & Karst authors of "Healthy Fats for Life").

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who needs to take Omega-3 Supplements?

A. Everyone

Q. At what age should I start taking Omega-3?

A. Before you're born (in utero) up until you're 99

Q. Who says?

A. The World Health Organization, the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, the American Rheumatologic Association & others

Q. Why do I need Omega -3?

A. The body cannot manufacture omega-3. The average American diet is overly rich in Omega-6 which in excessive quantities, such as is found in the average American diet, is actually toxic to your body and promotes over activity of the immune system which in turn promotes such conditions as Auto-Immune diseases such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, etc.

Q. Why can't I just eat more fish?

A. Most fish contain impurities that are bad for you. It would be nearly impossible to eat enough fish to equal the amount of EPA & DHA found in Wellness International's 88% pure, high potency Omega 3 capsules, and eating that much fish would bring the risk of toxicity from the impurities carried by the fish flesh.

Q. What impurities are there in fish?

A. Toxins such as Mercury, Lead, PCB's, dioxin, just to name a few.

Q. Don't all Omega-3 products contain lots of impurities?

A. Most low end, inexpensive Omega-3 products and some not so inexpensive OTC products do.

Q. Which Omega-3 products don't?

A. Winomeg-3, distributed by Wellness International, has the lowest percentage of impurities of any in the world due to the processes which the Norwegian supplier puts our product through. In fact, the level of impurities in Winomeg-3 are negligible to non-existent. No other Omega-3 product comes close to the pharmaceutical grade purity standards which Wellness International's does. The company which produces Winomeg-3 has standards of purity which are 50% higher than those mandated by the European Pharmacopoeia and the Norwegian Medicinal Standards.

Q. Isn't flaxseed oil an alternative for Omega-3 derived from fish sources?

A. No, definitely not. Flaxseed oil contains ALA which is converted poorly, slowly and inefficiently into Omega-3 and therefore is a poor substitute for marine derived Omega-3. Due to the poor absorbability of flaxseed, it is an excellent product for those suffering from chronic constipation, because it provides roughage to the large intestine (colon). Most importantly, the Human Brain, which is 60% fat, depends on the form of Omega-3 which is only derived from Fish Sources and not from plant sources which contain ALA.

Q. How much Winomeg-3 should I take daily?

A. Two gel caps of Winomeg 3 per day is the standard dose, but one could increase this to 6-8 per day with no fear of adverse side effects. Doses even higher have been used in certain circumstances, such as in patients with brain trauma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.

Q. I take prescription medications. Are there any medications that react with Omega-3?

A. Overall you may take Omega-3 supplements with any other prescription & non-prescription medications. A recent study of patients taking low dose aspirin showed no increase bleeding tendency when taking Omega-3 with the aspirin. The only possible precaution is if you are taking an anticoagulant such as Coumadin®. Although no interactions have ever been reported you should always discuss taking supplements with your health care provider.

Q. How is it possible that Omega-3 can be so beneficial for all of these different conditions?

A. Omega 3 is an essential ingredient in all of the cells in your body and the reason why it has all of these beneficial effects is that all of the walls of the cells in your body, are made up of polyunsaturated long chain fatty acids (Omega-3). When the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is out of balance, your body suffers because all of your cells suffer, causing them not to function properly. The average American diet is overly rich in Omega 6 fatty acids, causing the cell membrane to contain a disproportionate amount of Omega 6. When this happens, your cells do not function properly. By putting your body back in balance by taking Omega 3, you correct the cellular composition of all your cells, improving all parts of your body thereby benefiting all parts of your body and you then feel better and most importantly, your body functions better.

Q. What are EPA & DHA in regard to Omega-3.

A. DHA & EPA are both members of the Omega-3 long chain, polyunsaturated fatty acid family of compounds. EPA is responsible for maintaining healthy eye, retina, cardiovascular health and is responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3. EPA also helps regulate hormonal function and balance, immune system function, nervous system health, helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol and prostaglandins. EPA may be the more potent and important of the two main components of Omega-3, although DHA is one of the main building blocks of the Brain and the Retina, which is why it is so extremely important to the developing fetus.

Q. What is the difference between the Triglyceride-form & the Ethyl-Ester form of Fish Oil? Which is better?

A. The Ethyl-Ester form, which is a perfectly natural form, is markedly superior because: The Ethyl-Ester form is absorbed better The Ethyl-Ester form is a natural form of Omega-3 and is utilized in the body better & more efficiently. The Ethyl-Ester form helps the body resist oxidative metabolism (an antioxidant behavior...which is good). The Ethyl-Ester form does not carry with it Saturated Fats (which are bad for the body) like the triglyceride form does. The bioavailability of the Ethyl-Ester form is superior to the triglyceride form. The WinOmeg-3 Ethyl-Ester form contains minimal amounts to no amounts (2% or less) of saturated fat compared to the triglyceride form which normally contains up to 40% of saturated fat.

Q. What are the side effects of Omega-3?

A. There are no known side effects of this natural product. The Inuit (Eskimos) of all ages, ingest on average up to 19 grams of Omega-3 a day and have no adverse side effects from this dosage. This is equal to over 12 WinOmeg-3 gelcaps/day. The usual recommended dose of WinOmeg-3 is 3 grams (2 gel-caps) per day. Supervised medical treatments, of patients with Manic Depression, with 16.9 grams of Omega 3 per day have shown no evidence of side effects.

Q. Should I be taking antioxidants with my Omega-3?

A. A good antioxidant preparation such as PhytoVite® and/or COQ 10, would be suggested because antioxidants inhibit the chemicals that destroy Omega-3 thereby helping keep the Omega-3 active in your system longer thereby prolonging the beneficial effects.

Q. Why should I choose Winomeg-3 over all other omega-3 products?

A. Winomeg-3 has the following characteristics, which others do not have: (Dr. Stoll, Harvard University, in his book, recommends exactly these characteristics when choosing an Omega-3 product).

1. Pharmaceutical Grade
2. Produced in a Licensed Pharmaceutical Facility
3. Produced under the highest standards of purity that go far beyond those set by various European & American governing bodies.
4. Licensed by the FDA to be able to produce Pharmaceutical Grade Prescription strength Omega-3
5. Produced from exceptional raw materials consisting only of arctic cold water non-predatory fish (anchovies, herring & sardines) naturally high in the Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA & DHA, harvested from cold arctic waters and very low in environmental pollutants.
6. Exceptional Purity. 85-88% pure. All known pollutants are reduced below detectable levels
7. Highly concentrated. Because it is highly concentrated, this minimizes the number of gel caps you have to take on a daily basis in order to get the maximum benefit.
8. High EPA to DHA Ratio. It has been scientifically determined that the EPA to DHA ratio should be at least 3-4 to 1, which is what is contained in WinOmeg-3.
9. Low amounts of Omega 6. Omega 6 is a needed and necessary ingredient in normal diets. However, the amount should be very small compared to Omega 3, which is exactly how the WinOmeg 3 product is formulated.
10. Molecular Distillation. The best omega 3 products are all processed under molecular distillation, which is how WinOmeg-3 is produced.
11. Exceptional Freshness. No fishy smell when you open the bottle, or fishy aftertaste (no "fish burps") because the WinOmeg 3 product is Oxygen Free (because of a special process wherein the product is encapsulated under Nitrogen). Oxidized fish oil should not be ingested due to rancidity, spoilage and loss of potency. Vitamin E is added to our WinOmeg-3 as an antioxidant to ensure freshness.
12. Cholesterol Free, Triglyceride Free & Saturated Fat Free. Other commonly found omega 3 products contain all three of these harmful elements and are definitely not recommended for human consumption.

Q. How does WinOmeg 3 compare to other products that I can get at my local supermarket, health food store, etc.?

A. Compared to other Omega 3 products on the market our product is at least 88% (or more) pure. The majority of other products range from 25% to 62% pure. In our Omega 3 you get Omega 3 and Vitamin E for its antioxidant properties which helps keep our product rancid free. What you don't get in our WinOmeg 3 and you will get in most other products is:

1. Magnesium
2. PCB's
3. Heavy metals
4. Lead
5. Arsenic
6. Pesticides
7. Saturated fats
8. Trans fats
9. Mold
10. Artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners
11. Assorted "mystery" fillers
12. A strong, rancid oxidized fishy odor and taste (fish burps)

Do You Have an Autoimmune Disease?

How can i manage my life now that I have been diagnosed with autoimmune disease?. Although there is no cure, you can treat your symptoms and learn to manage your disease, so you can still enjoy life. It is important, though, to see a doctor who specializes in these types of diseases.

Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the body's immune system reacts against itself and produces antibodies to attack its own healthy cells and tissue. Autoimmune disorders can be directed mainly at one part of the body, such as the thyroid gland or the pancreas, or they can spread widely throughout the body, as in the case of diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus.


Symptoms vary depending on which autoimmune disease you have, the most common that is shared among the autoimmune disorders are joint pain and fatigue.

RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) joint pain, joint deformities, muscle pain, weakness, fatigue, and weight loss.

MS(multiple sclerosis) numbness and tingling in the extremeties, difficulty with balance and coordination, problems with walking or speaking, tremors, and even paralysis.

Lupus - joint pain, swelling, skin rashes, fatigue, sensitivity to sun, purple fingers or toes from cold or stress, and swelling in the legs or around the eyes.

Type1 Diabetes elevated blood sugar, fatigue, increased thirst and urination, nausea, vomiting, increased appetite, and weight loss

Graves Disease(overactive thyroid) insomnia, irritability, unexplained weight loss, weakness, bulging eyes,shaky hands, brittle hair.

Hashimotos Thyroiditis (under-active) tiredness, cold sensitivity, weight gain, weakness, tough skin, constipation, and depression

Ulcerative Colitis - diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, rectal bleeding, skin lesions, and joint pain.

Who is at risk?

Autoimmune diseases tend to run in families, with women more likely than men to develop an autoimmune disorder.


There is no cure however with treatment you can still lead a full life. Treatments depend on which autoimmune disorders you have but range from antiinflamatories, insulin, and synthetic thyroid pills.

How do I know if I have an autoimmune disease?

If you suspect you may have an autoimmune disorder the doctor will likely start out conducting a physical exam and taking your personal and family medical history. Test may be run to rule out other conditions.

There is no definitive diagnostic test for autoimmune disorders for the most part. Blood tests, x-rays, ct scans, or MRI's may help in determining some of the autoimmune disorders.

Should I see a doctor and when?

If you experience any of the symptoms of an autoimmune disorders it is wise to see the doctor as soon as possible. Putting it off only runs the risk of having symptoms worsen or do permanent damage to your body.

Fish Oil: The Essential Body Supplement

Benefits of Fish Oil

Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel have fats that can produce fish oil. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids which are recommended by health-care professionals to be included in a individual's diet. Omega-3 acids are mainly docosahexaenoic acid or DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA. Omega- fatty acids are essential in cell building. It is important to get them from our diet since the body cannot produce this kind of acid. Research showed that Omega- 3 plays a significant role in brain and fetal development during pregnancy and infancy. Fish oil are believed and proven to provide numerous health benefits. Aside from this, there are also a lot of advantages by taking oil supplements.

Fish oil can:

• Improve brain development and memory. There are studies showing that DHA actually plays a major role in brain functions. Low levels of DHA can increase the risk of having Alzheimer's disease. Intake of fish oil during pregnancy is also recommended. According to a research conducted by the University of Western Australia showed that pregnant women who ingest fish oil supplement actually give birth to babies with better hand and eye coordination, better in speech and better cognitive development at the age of two and a half.

Aside from Alzheimer's disease, fish can also help in reducing the risk of other mental illnesses like depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children, dyspraxia, bipolar disorder and dyslexia.

• Reduce the risk of hear attack. Even if the DHA and EPA are fatty acids, they can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It helps in preventing blood clots in the heart. So aside from heart attacks,It is also important in reducing risks of coronary heart disease.

• Reduce the risk of cancer. Researches have shown that fish oil can help in reducing risks of developing breast, prostate and colon cancer. They stop the growth of cancerous cells and inhibit its growth. For postmenopausal women, those who consume more Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and mackerel or fish oil supplements are less likely to develop breast cancer.

• Reduce the effects or helping patients deal with lupus, arthritis, colitis and asthma. Its natural anti-inflammatory capabilities can reduce pain brought by inflammatory arthritis and gastritis.

• Help a lot during pregnancy. Not only does Omega-3 fatty acids and helps in he fetal brain development, it can also reduce the risk of giving early or premature birth, post-partum depression for mothers, allergic reactions among babies an low- birth weight. Not only does it helps in pregnancy, there are preliminary researches showing fish oil to aid in getting pregnant or fertility.

• Help improve the body overall. Fish oil can help in producing serotonin, the happy hormones. Happiness can help a lot of people deal with stress and other emotional issues which can totally improve a person's emotional and mental disposition. They can also revitalize and rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, weight loss and improve eyesight. It is even said that fish oil can reduce acne and make your hair a lot better.The oil is very important in building a better you. But doctors and experts suggest in taking pharmaceutical grade oil supplements. The problem with eating too much fish can actually lead to mercury contamination.So, ask yourself, are you getting enough oil in your body? If not, then it is time to start making sure that you do that.

Fish oil can:

• Improve brain development and memory. There are studies showing that DHA actually plays a major role in brain functions. Low levels of DHA can increase the risk of having Alzheimer's disease. Intake f fish oil during pregnancy is also recommended. According to a research conducted by the University of Western Australia showed that pregnant women who ingest fish oil supplement actually give birth to babies with better hand and eye coordination, better in speech and better cognitive development at the age of two and a half.

Aside from Alzheimer's disease, fish oil can also help in reducing the risk of other mental illnesses like depression, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children, dyspraxia, bipolar disorder and dyslexia. There are studies showing that the lack polyunsaturated fatty acids can contribute to this disorder. This can also be the reason behind dyslexia. There were studies conducted among children, they were given fish oil supplements for the period of three months. These children showed significant improvements in behaviour, reading and spelling. They were also able to focus and concentrate more.

There were studies that showed that Omega-3 fatty acids had the same effects as Prozac which is a known anti-depressant. Studies showed that countries with high fish consumption have lower rates of depression. Aside from that, pregnant women and those who have just given birth who include fish in their diet regularly have lower risk of experiencing postpartum depression.

If you have decided to take the supplements to address these mental problems for yourself or for your kids or relatives, then it would be best to consult a doctor first. You would have to know how much you are going to take. Just like any vitamins or anything, when taken in excess it can have bad effects.Too much of the supplement can also cause some serious problems like oxidative stress. Some doctors would recommend taking Vitamin C along with the fish oil supplement. This would actually balance the nutrients that you are getting.Fish oil has amazing effects on our health and body, we just have to remember to keep it balanced with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle. One of the reasons why people take these supplements is due to the various health benefits that they offer.It has long been known to contain essential fatty acids that are known to be very beneficial in maintaining one's good health. Here are some of those benefits.

Heart Disease One of the more common benefits that fish oil is known to offer people involves heart health. Various studies through the years have shown that the long chain omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish oil may help reduce the risk of heart diseases in humans. These essential fatty acids may also help lower LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream ad therefore help reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Not only that, omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil are also known to increase the levels of HDL, or good, cholesterol.

Prevent Inflammation One of the more beneficial properties of omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil is their anti-inflammatory effects on the body.It can be also used to prevent or reduce the inflammation of the tissues. Regular consumption of fish oil has been known to help those people who are suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases.It has also been known to be effective in treating certain gastrointestinal disorders as well as ulcerative colitis and inflammatory bowel disease.Arthritis Treatment Due to its good anti-inflammatory properties, fish oil is a good supplement that can help ease the pain brought about by arthritis and's supplements can help reduce the use of NSAID's or Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs for treating such conditions. In osteoarthritis, fish oils prove helpful in trying to reduce the functions of certain enzymes that may destroy or damage cartilage tissues in the body.

Weight Loss Fish oil also proves beneficial for those people who are trying to lose weight. It sees that taking oil supplements may help a lot during the weight loss process. It has been known to improve the efficiency of exercise in trying to lose weight. Studies have shown that people who were given fish oil as part of their diet seem to lose weight more when exercising than those people under the same program but were not given fish oil in their diet.

Eye Disorders Another benefit that many experts have extolled on fish oil involves the treatment of certain eye disorders. Consuming it on a regular basis seems to help people avoid the effects of age related macular degeneration. More studies are being undertaken in order to prove further just how effective fish oil can be in trying to help people maintain good eye health.Skin Health Another known benefit associated with fish oil consumption is skin health.It is also known to contain nutrients that can help change dry and poorly maintained skin look shiny and glowing.It has also been known to be effective in treating other skin conditions such as eczema, skin lesions and rashes.It can be applied topically on the skin to help relieve the effects of psoriasis. Regular intake can also help retain moisture in the skin.

Your Ultimate Defense Against Silent Inflammation:

Silent inflammation has been linked to heart disease, cancer and dementia. It is a condition that occurs when the body's natural immune response goes awry. Silent inflammation is an inflammation without pain and it can continue undetected for years, continually assaulting your heart, arteries and even the brain - without you noticing it.According to Dr. Barry Sears, author of bestselling books "The Zone," high carbohydrate diet is the culprit to this kind of health situation. In his boos "The Anti-inflammation Zone," he had proposed taking supplements of high dose, ultra-refined fish oil as the best armor against inflammation.

The Japanese manage to maintain a state of wellness and away from silent inflammation by consuming copious amounts of fish. However, according to a research, the massive amounts of fish does not ensure them enough intake of omega-3 fatty acids or fish oil. Fish oil is ultimately the healthiest fat around because it has profiund anti-inflammatory properties. It has no long-term side effects and can even make you smarter.

The reason why high-dose fish oil is so effective is because it reduces arachodonic acid (AA) which is the building block of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids. By taking it within 30 days,it will increase your levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Fish oil is the only dietary supplement that is supported by robust clinical studes by treating chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, immunological and inflammatory diseases, and neurological conditions like attention deficit disorder, depression, multiple sclerosis, and different types of dementia.However, taking oil fish as defenses to silent inflammation has a drawback, it might lead you to contamination. So in taking fish oil as dietary supplement, Dr. Barry Sears cautioned to ensure that its ultra-refined and use the SIP as guidance for exact dosage. On a scale of 1 to 10 for supplements, Dr. Sears give high-dose fish oil a 12. The EPA found in fish oil partially inhibits the activity of the delta-5 desaturase enzyme that makes AA.

This represents the primary anti-inflammatory effect of fish oil, he adds. To achieve a significant impact on AA production, a person must provide a lot of EPA. A high-dose fish oil, especially rich in EPA will likely lead you to success in reducing silent inflammation as reflected in the reduction of the AA/EPA ratio. The ratio can be measured by SIP.

The public and the mainstream medicine are starting to accept the importance of insulin control to well-being. Now is the perfect time to bring to public's attention the role of eicosanoids and the way high-dose it can manipulate them. Dr. Barry Sears that the role of fish oil in medical practice because it tells us that medical care is based primarily on the food we eat, not the drugs we take.Recent genetic research is forcing scientists to evaluate the value of fish oil in the evolution of modern humANS. It was genetic scientists who initiated the theory that consumption of high-dose fish oil was the reason why humans have the power to conquer the earth. A proper combination of insulin and high-dose pharmaceutical-grade of the oil may be the true miracle cure for the 21st century.It is so effective that having this dietary supplement is like having a miracle drug that has the perfect balance between eicosanoids with totally zero side effects.

• Reduce the risk of hear attack. Even if the DHA and EPA are fatty acids, they can reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. It helps in preventing blood clots in the heart. So aside from heart attacks, fish oil is also important in reducing risks of coronary heart disease.

• Reduce the risk of cancer. Researches have shown that can it will help in reducing risks of developing breast, prostate and colon cancer. They stop the growth of cancerous cells and inhibit its growth. For postmenopausal women, those who consume more Omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and mackerel or fish oil supplements are less likely to develop breast cancer.

• Reduce the effects or helping patients deal with lupus, arthritis, colitis and asthma. Its natural anti-inflammatory capabilities can reduce pain brought by inflammatory arthritis and gastritis.

• Help a lot during pregnancy. Not only does Omega-3 fatty acids and It helps in the fetal brain development, it can also reduce the risk of giving early or premature birth, post-partum depression for mothers, allergic reactions among babies an low- birth weight. Not only does it helps in pregnancy, there are preliminary researches showing fish oil to aid in getting pregnant or fertility.

• Help improve the body overall. The oil can help in producing serotonin, the happy hormones. Happiness can help a lot of people deal with stress and other emotional issues which can totally improve a person's emotional and mental disposition. They can also revitalize and rejuvenate skin, reduce wrinkles, weight loss and improve eyesight. It is even said that fish oil can reduce acne and make your hair a lot better.Fish is very important in building a better you. But doctors and experts suggest in taking pharmaceutical grade of oil supplements. The problem with eating too much fish can actually lead to mercury contamination.So, ask yourself, are you getting enough fish oil in your body? If not, then it is time to start making sure that you do.

Fish Oil Effects That You Can Avoid: There has been a lot of buzz about fish oil and its benefits. Researches and studies have proved the numerous health benefits that fish oil can give. But every coin has two sides. So, is it possible for something beneficial like fish oil, to have bad effects, as well? Yes, it is possible.

If you have fish oil capsules or liquid at home, then you would have to make sure that it would not be exposed to heat, light and oxygen. When exposed for too long,it would get oxidized and would get bad. Once the oil gets bad, it would lose its nutritional value. Aside from that, bad fish oil and fatty acids are said to contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases.Minor side effects of fish oil would include a fishy aftertaste, diarrhea, and fishy burps. Some would report nose bleeding as a side effect of fish oil intake. Aside from this, you would have to be conscious with vitamin A, E and D. Accumulated or large doses of these vitamins can eventually lead to poisoning.There are also serious side effects of fish oil. If these side effects happen to you, it is best to consult a health care professional. You would have to stop taking fish oil supplements or it could mean other serious ailments.

Fish is said to increase the risk of bleeding, especially gastrointestinal bleeding. So if you would notice red blood on your stool and vomiting blood, the consult a health care professional immediately. Serious effects could also include hemorrhagic stroke or bleeding in the brain. Common symptoms would include vision and speech changes, numbness or loss of strength in the limbs and frequent and painful headaches.If you have diabetes, then it would also be better to check with your doctor if taking fish oil supplements is safe. Taking fish oil supplements can sometimes result to hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. Be watchful or conscious of allergic reactions. Symptoms that you are allergic with oil supplements which includes rashes, itching, swelling, wheezing and difficulty in breathing or swallowing.

To avoid the minor side effects, you can take the oil supplement along with your meal. This would get rid of the aftertaste and make it easier to digest. It is less likely for you to experience abdominal or stomach pain. There are few who keep their supplements refrigerated. It is said that keeping them frozen or cold would help lessen gastrointestinal problems or side-effects.

Too much is always not good. The problem is we do not how much is too much. There is maximum amount that an individual should take. But there is a recommended amount, for male it is 1600 mg while women are recommended to have 1100 mg.As mentioned, we should be cautious with Vitamin A,E, and D overdose. How do we deal with this?Read the labels. Know what kind of supplement you are taking. You have to know if the oil supplements you are taking exceed the recommended level. To avoid an overdose of Vitamin A and D, avoid using fish oil that includes the internal organs like liver.

Fish oil is something that can very essential in improving our physical and mental health as long as it is taken in recommended doses and amounts. Let us remember that fish oil is not a magic pill that would immediately remove us of any ailments and pains. It's effects can be gradually noticed over time.

How Fish Oil Can Benefit Your Health:

Oil are extracted fats from fish, a concentrated solution of omega-3 EFAs. It is the best source of omega-3 EFAs. You could add more omega-3 EFAs to your diet in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The richest plant sources of ALA are the leaves and seeds of the perilla plants common in North America, Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam.

Green plants and algae also contain ALA as well as linseed oil. However, fats or oil from fish is considered the most important dietary source of omega-3 EFAs because it has concentrated amounts of the ALA derivatives EPA and DHA. These two nutrients are found almost exclusively in seafood.

Eating fish on a regular basis has its own risk as you are can never be sure if the fish you are eating has no toxins on it such as mercury and PCBs. During the manufacture of fish oils, toxins are eliminated. The supplements are meticulously purified to remove heavy metals such as mercury, lead, PCBs and other toxins as well as to reduce the incidence of rancidity and improve the taste and quality of the fish.These makes fish as safe and effective food supplement. A 1-gram fish oil capsule contains about 180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA. An intake of three 1-gram capsules would provide 0.9 gram (900 mg) of EPA and DHA. This means it comply the daily dosage recommended by the American Heart Association. However, you should always bear in mind that fish oil supplements are basically dietary supplements, not drugs.Studies shows that many people are getting too much of the wrong kinds of fats found in animals (saturated fats) and vegetables (polyunsaturated fats), and need the fish oil to "balance" the family of fat nutrients. Intake of the wrong kinds of fats should be lowered to total 20 to 30 percent of daily calorie serving while fats found in the oils of certain fish should be appreciably increased.

Fish oil prevents and/or alleviates heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and migraine, headaches, may be protective against cancer, immune deficiency diseases, kidney disease and others.It also have two special nutrients that protect the heart and arteries, reduce pain, inflammation and swelling, and protect cell membranes. Omega-3 EFAs found in oily fishes are believed to be essential for the healthy development of brain, retina, and nervous tissue among fetus and infant.During pregnancy these fatty acids are transferred from the mother's tissues to the fetus. However, the FDA has strict guidelines on eating fish during pregnancy because of the possibility of mercury or other toxic substances that may contain in fishes and the best solution is to take fish oil as food supplement

Over the past 30 years more than 7,000 scientific studies have provided evidence supporting the effectiveness of fish oil and omega-3 EFAs in the prevention and treatment of our most common diseases. Hundreds of clinical trials support the efficacy of fish oil's omega-3 essential fatty acids in preventing, mitigating, and remedying an incredible range of health conditions. Some scientific and medical communities however are resisting to these facts and still support pharmacological treatment.

As a traditional dietary supplement that encourages good health,it is a preventive medicine but as a natural alternative to NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other pharmacological and medical treatments, it is complementary medicine.With all the undergoing studies to prove its affectivity, fish is on the threshold of crossing over into traditional Western medicine.

How Fish Oil Can Cure Inflammation:

Inflammation occurs as our body's natural protective response to fend off any outside aggressors and to begin the process of healing. Its effect on our tissues usually involves pain, heat and redness. However, there are some cases that this outward effect is not visible.

Inflammation is a double-edges sword; its effect can be helpful or harmful depending on the circumstances. When an inflammation is in chronic state, devastating consequences are likely to happen like arthritis, heart disease or stroke. It usually happens when the cause of inflammation is continually reintroduced or if the acute inflammatory response is not able to eliminate it. This situation is very likely to happen nowadays because of our exposure to implausible amounts of toxins.

Some of these toxins can be avoided like poor food choices, smoking, and prolonged sun exposure. While some things arise from things from things we don't have control like genetics, accidents and pollution. Inasmuch as there are factors you can't help being exposed to unnecessary and harmful factors detrimental to your good health, you can also take food supplements effective in strengthening your body against the sometimes lethal effect of inflammation. The most effective food supplement according to recent studies happens to be fish oil.

The prevalence of destructive or chronic inflammation among Western countries makes it imperative for many specialists to deal with preventive measures. The reason behind this is that the Western population is more exposed to stress, obesity and poor health in general. Many pharmacological anti-inflammatory drugs offer reduction of inflammation, however, long-term medication have potentially lethal side effects.

So what is your safest option if you have inflammation? Research on alternative medicines revealed that certain dietary supplements can help reduce levels of pro-inflammatory factors, with significantly lower side effects. One of these dietary supplements is the essential fatty acids or EFAs.

Essential fatty acids are necessary for various aspects of normal physiology like: mediating immune response, regulating bodily secretions and their viscosity, dilating and constricting blood vessels, regulating collateral circulation, directing endocrine hormones to their target cells, regulating smooth muscles and autonomic reflexes, being primary constituents of cell membranes, regulating the rate of cell division, maintaining the fluidity and rigidity of cellular membranes, regulating the flow of substances into and out from cells, transporting oxygen from red blood cells to the tissues, maintaining proper kidney function and fluid balance, keeping saturated fats mobile in the bloodstream, preventing blood clots, mediating the release of inflammatory eicosanoids that may trigger allergic conditions, and regulating nerve transmission and communication. (Source: Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-inflammatory by Joseph C. Maroon and Jeffrey Bost, 2006, page 39).

For this reason, it is very important for over-all health to have a regular intake of foods rich in omega-6 or omega-3 EFAs. The omega-3 pathway, activated by trauma, injury, or chemical stimulus, is the process of converting the omega-3 EFAs found in the cell membranes to various eicosanoids. If the omega-3 EFA components of the cell membranes become dominant, an anti-inflammatory state can result, with preventive health benefits.

Fish is the best source of the omega-3 essential fatty acids. But why fish oil, you might ask? The needed nutrients can also be found in green plants; algae (phytoplankton); leaves and seeds of the perilla plants; and linseed oil but fish oil is considered the most important dietary source of omega-3 EFAs because it contains concentrated amounts of the ALA derivatives with APA and DHA.

The two mentioned nutrients can almost exclusively found in seafood. Fish contains high amount of EPA and DHA because they are at the top of food chain based on algae, a single-marine organism that manufactures huge amount of EPA and DHA.

Surprising Benefits Of Using Fish Oil:

The known benefits of fish oil are not just limited to the more common conditions. Of course, many people have already known how using fish oil may help improve skin health and reduce the risk of heart disease. But there are also surprising benefits that it seem to offer to those who regularly consume them. Here are just some of them.

Depression And Anxiety People may not be aware of it, but fish seems to help put people in a good mood. In fact, many studies have shown that fish oil may be beneficial in trying to help treat depression and anxiety in people. Thanks to the omega 3 fatty acids contained in fish, it seems a good means to relieve anxiety, depression, stress and sadness in people.

Fish seems to have good mood stabilizing properties that make them quite interesting as a treatment for depression and other related conditions. Evidence suggests that countries where oily fish such as salmon is regularly eaten also seem to have low incidence of depression. Similar studies involving prisoners have also shown that having them on a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids resulted in a significant drop in homicide rates. Although more studies may be needed in order for such findings to be conclusive, it already shows some good evidences of the other surprising benefits of fish oil.

Cancer Fighter It may seem quite surprising enough that fish oil may also benefit patients with certain forms of cancer. Preliminary studies have shown that fish oil may be useful in trying to delay the weight loss in people suffering from pancreatic cancer. Still further research may be needed to solidify this claim as well as how oily fish may affect certain types of cancers.

Type II Diabetes Some studies also have shown positive findings on the effect of fish oil in Type II diabetes. Since people suffering from this form of diabetes are also prone to developing diseases such as coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and stroke, medical experts believe that taking fish oil supplements may also help in trying to reduce such risks in diabetics. Some studies have already shown that fish oil may also be effective in lowering triglyceride levels in people with diabetes.

Pregnancy Fish oil might also be able to help women bear healthier children. Taking the oil supplements may help pregnant women ensure the healthy development of their child while still in the womb. The DHA found in fish oil is known to help babies undergo healthy eye and brain development. Pregnant women who are also taking the oil supplements run fewer risks of having premature births, miscarriage or delivering babies with low birth weights. As an added benefit, pregnant women who regularly take fish oil supplements run lesser risks of getting into depression following the baby's delivery.

Fertility Fish oil supplements may also help in improving fertility. In a study done on male boars, those who were fed with a diet rich in fish oils were able to show better sperm quality. After ejaculation, the sperm from the boars fed with fish oil seem to resist the effects of lipid peroxidative attacks in the female boar genital tract, giving the sperm higher chances of conception.

The Benefits of Fish Oil Supplements: The benefits of fish oil supplements should not be outweighed the need to understand how these supplements should work or provide essential nutrients for the human body.

Although it is a general notion for nutrition experts to insist on regular food as the common and most basic source of vitamins and minerals important for the human body, oil supplements, be it in liquid or solid form, are needed to ensure a holistic enrichment and nourishment for the body.

Fish oil supplementation is ideally beneficial by providing for what the regular or daily diet may not provide, it can also be a preventive measure against diseases and illnesses.

Essentially, fish supplements are meant to complement a diet, not as a substitute for it, as what many believe to be the case. Since plant foods still contain many nutrients, among them phytochemicals, that still cannot be substituted or generated through synthetic means.

Why the need for fish oil supplements? Take for instance these circumstances;

Infants that are being breast-fed need to have their regular source of iron, especially when they reach their four to six months, since breast milk only provides little iron. This is where iron supplementation comes in with baby milk formula or alternative sources like fortified cereal meals or baby food.

Children also need fluoride supplementation to strengthen teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Pregnant women need multivitamin-mineral supplementation, to ensure that their nutrient levels are met for the development of the fetus inside the womb. Among those that need supplementation are increased levels of folate to prevent birth defects, as well as increased amounts of vitamins like B6.

You Gotta Love Fish Oil

One has gotta love fish oil. If you think that I'm kidding then go pick it up. Those who shun fishes like mackerel, tuna and salmon due to some personal and at times even weird preferences might have second thoughts, by going for fresh fish which has oil in them for vit. B6 supplement for your good health to come up.