Sunday, July 7, 2013

Best Health - Common Symptoms of External Hemorrhoids and Ways to Treat It

In the world, constipation symptoms arose about 1-2% of the general population. Sometimes constipation can be cured by itself or simply because of some changes of human intake each day, but constipation can also be part of a disease or disorder arising in the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Constipation develops into chronic health problems. That's the fact we can find today. Unfortunately, at that time the patient no longer see that the main cause of which is actually the wrong living habits.

Each People has different bowel movements frequency, then you suffer from constipation when the frequency of bowel movements is longer than usual, and usually accompanied by symptoms of abdominal bloating and pain on the bottom, and when constipation has lasted longer and was not treated properly, it will arise symptoms of headache, decreased appetite, abdominal discomfort and can affect your lifestyle and daily activities.
Diseases or abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract, among others:

1. Intestinal obstruction due to disturbed nerve function.

Constipation symptoms are followed by severe abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting, can also be followed by bowel movement on the surface of the stomach and may be palpable abdominal mass. This condition can be suffered suddenly or slowly depending on the severity of the blockage. This situation is a dangerous situation and you should get to the hospital.

2. Diverticulitis that occurred due to the weakness of the intestinal wall.

Thus, by the strong contraction, occurs playback intestinal blockage so that folded and intestines, resulting in lower bowel movement stopped. In addition to constipation and other symptoms that appear are the lower left abdominal pain and palpable mass in the area, nausea, gas exhaust, and mild fever. Constipation is usually caused by diverticulitis are acute / sudden and is a state that can threaten lives, so we recommend you immediately to the nearest hospital.

3. Mesenteric artery ischemia that make bloody intestine.

Constipation appears suddenly with a failure to exhaust gas and remove feces, severe abdominal pain, vomiting and no appetite. This situation is a life-threatening situation, so you should immediately to the nearest hospital.

4. Irritable bowel syndrome.

Where indicated by changes in bowel habit associated with abdominal pain. The cause of this syndrome until now is unknown.

5. Ulcerative colitis.

Inflammation is accompanied by ulcers in the colon but then constipation symptoms are more frequent diarrhea.

6. Anal fissure or anal injuries on the hole.

Constipation occurs also due to avoid the pain that comes when a bowel movement. Apart from constipation, can be seen dripping blood from the anus while defecating.

7. Hirsch rung disease.

Congenital intestinal disease form has a very large size so even reach the capacity limit, resulting in decreased frequency of bowel movements.

Simple preventive steps that you can take including:

1. Try practicing the habit of defecating on a regular basis. The best time is one time a day, especially in the morning. Desire to defecate can be triggered by drinking a glass of water on the morning immediately. This will cause stimulation of the small intestine and bowel movements so large that dirt is pushed to rectum and eventually resulting desire to defecate.

2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day

3. Eat high-fiber foods such as vegetables, wheat, fruits, jelly, etc..

4. Regular exercise such as walking in the morning.

5. Get plenty of rest at least four hours a day

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