Saturday, May 25, 2013

Boswellia - An Anti-Inflammatory Herb

Boswellia (standardized to contain 55% Boswellic Acid) (Boswellia serrata) (leaf): Boswellia, also known as boswellin or "Indian frankincense," comes from the tree Boswellia serrata, that grows in the dry hills of India. For centuries, traditional Indian healers have taken advantage of the anti-inflammatory properties of the tree bark's gummy resin, called salai guggal. Modern preparations made from a purified extract of this resin and packaged in pill or cream form are used to reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike conventional NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen - the accepted treatments for joint inflammation - boswellia doesn't seem to cause stomach irritation. It also may be effective for back pain and certain chronic intestinal disorders.

Health Benefits: Research has identified specific active anti-inflammatory ingredients in this herb, which are commonly referred to as boswellic acids. In animal studies, these acids have been shown to reduce inflammation significantly in several ways. Boswellic acids deter inflammatory white cells from infiltrating damaged tissue. They improve blood flow to the joints. They also block chemical reactions that set the stage for inflammation to occur in chronic intestinal disorders such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Boswellia may help to ease symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Boswellia can be taken internally as well as applied topically to affected joints to relieve inflammation associated with these joint disorders. This may lessen morning stiffness and increase joint mobility.

In a study of 175 patients with rheumatic disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, 122 participants experienced reduced stiffness and inflammation two to four weeks after starting on a boswellia regimen. Boswellia's anti-inflammatory properties can help to reduce aching and stiffness, especially when associated with low back pain. Although research indicates that boswellia is best taken orally for this purpose, creams appear to be soothing as well. Boswellia also appears to reduce the inflammation associated with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, both painful intestinal disorders. It seems to accomplish this without the risk of further gut irritation associated with many conventional pain relievers. In a 1997 study of ulcerative colitis sufferers, 82% of those who took boswellia extract (350 mg three times daily) experienced a complete remission of their disease.

An Overview of Abdominal Pain

We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from abdominal pain at least once in his life. Abdominal pain may be of different types, caused by a number of causes, which range from simple to life threatening conditions. Irrespective of the cause and the severity, it is troublesome for the sufferers and the caregivers, and hence forces them to go for a medical consultation.

Abdomen is the part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis, which is separated from the thorax by a diaphragm and from the true pelvis by an imaginary plane. Anteriorly the anterior abdominal wall supports it and posteriorly, the spine and back muscles. Skin, superficial fascia, deep fascia, muscles, layers of fascia (Fascia transversalis), extra peritoneal connective tissue and the outer layer of peritoneum form the anterior abdominal wall. The abdominal cavity extends upwards in to the concavity of diaphragm and downwards in to the pelvic cavity. Since there is overlapping by the ribs in the upper part and pelvic bones in the lower part, the exact size of the abdominal cavity is masked.

The abdomen contains digestive organs like stomach, small intestine, large intestine, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, and uro-genital organs like kidneys, ureters, bladder, fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. It also contains organs like spleen, adrenal glands, mesenteric lymph nodes, blood vessels and lymphatic vessels etc. Ligaments formed by peritoneal tissue attach these organs and keep them in position. The peritoneum is a large serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity and has got two layers. The outer layer is called parietal peritoneum and it covers the inner surface of the abdominal wall and the inner layer is called visceral peritoneum, which covers the organs and restricts their mobility. These two layers of peritoneum are connected by omentum and mesentery through which the organs get blood supply and nerve supply. The cavity formed by the two layers of peritoneum is a potential space, called peritoneal cavity, which is moistened by a serous fluid to avoid friction of abdominal contents.

Types of abdominal pain:

Depending upon the origin, there can be different types of abdominal pains.

1. Visceral pain (Splanchnic pain): This is caused by stimulation of visceral nerves by a noxious agent, which may be living organisms, toxins, mechanical stimuli like stretching, excessive muscular contraction or an ischaemia. Visceral pain is dull in nature and is poorly localized and felt in the midline.

2. Parietal pain: This is also called somatic pain. Here, some noxious agents stimulate the parietal peritoneum causing a sharp and localized pain. This type of pain is worse by movements.

3. Referred pain: Here the pain, though originating in other sites, is felt in the abdomen due to common nerve supply. Example: Conditions like pleurisy, pericarditis, torsion of testes etc. cause pain in abdominal region due to supply of nerves having the same root value (Spinal segments).

It has already been mentioned that abdominal pain is agonizing for the affected person and his family members irrespective of its cause and severity. Intensity of pain may not always indicate the seriousness of the condition because severe pain can be from mild conditions like indigestion and flatulency, where as mild pain may be present in life threatening conditions like perforation, cancer etc. Hence proper diagnosis and management is very essential.

Modes of presentation of abdominal pain:

1. Acute abdominal pain: Here, the pain is sudden with a rapid onset and short course, which may be due to severe or mild lesions. The term 'acute abdomen' is used in conditions wherein the patient complains of acute abdominal symptoms that suggest a disease, which definitely or possibly threatens life and may or may not demand urgent surgical interference. Acute pain may be colicky or non colicky in nature.

2. Chronic abdominal pain: Here the pain is long lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering. The complaints persist for a long time with fluctuations in the intensity of symptoms.

3. Sub acute abdominal pain: As the name indicates the duration of pain lies between acute and chronic conditions.

4. Acute exacerbation: In this state, a person having chronic symptoms comes with sudden onset of symptoms that simulate an acute condition. In such cases the patient or the bystanders give the history of chronic sufferings.

Causes of abdominal pain:

The etiology of abdominal pain can be discussed under the following headings.

A. Pain due to lesions in the abdomen: Example: Gastritis, Duodenitis, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, Pancreatitis, Intestinal obstruction, Renal colic, Cholecystitis, Gall stones with obstruction, Peptic ulcer, Intestinal perforation, Non ulcer dyspepsia, Food allergy, Hepatitis, Liver abscess, Mesenteric lymphadenitis, Inflammatory bowel diseases (Ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease), Dysentery, Cancer of the gastro intestinal tract (GIT), Abdominal TB, Abdominal migraine, Acute regional ileitis, etc.

B. Pain due to metabolic and general problems: Example: Poisoning, Renal failure, Diabetes, Thyroid problems, Hyper parathyroidism, Porphyria, Drugs, Lead colic, Black widow spider bite, Blood diseases, Malaria, Leukemia, Peri arteritis nodosa, Hereditary angioedema, Cystic fibrosis.

C. Pain due to lesions outside the abdomen (Referred pains & neuralgic pains): Here the pain is referred from other sites due to common innervations. Example: Pneumonia, Heart attack, Sub acute bacterial endocarditis, Torsion of testes etc. Pains as a result of some neurogenic lesions are also included in this category. Example: Herpes zoster, Spinal nerve root pains, Tabes dorsalis, TB spine, Abdominal epilepsy, etc.

D. Functional pain: Here, the pain comes without any lesions, mostly due to some psychological causes. Example: Panic disorder, School stress, Somatisation disorder, History of sexual abuse, Irritable bowel syndrome.

E. Pain due to lesions in the urinary tract: Both upper and lower urinary tract lesions cause abdominal pain. Example: Urinary tract infection, Cystitis, Pyelonephritis, Urinary retention, Renal colic, Ureteric colic.

F. Pain due to gynecological and obstetrical problems: Even though the gynecological organs are situated in the pelvis, most of the lesions present with pain in lower abdomen. Example: Menstrual colic, Ruptured ectopic gestation, Acute salpingitis, Endometriosis, Endometritis, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Torsion of polyp, Pelvic abscess, IUCD pain, Puerperal infection.

G. Causes in children: In children there are some common causes, which are worth mentioning. Example: Babies colic, Lactose intolerance, Milk allergy, Intussusception, Volvolus, Torsion of testes, Accidental swallowing, Streptococcal throat infection, Congenital megacolon, Overfeeding, Food allergy, Aerophagy.

H. Non specific abdominal pain: Here, no immediate cause is found even after history taking and investigations.
In about 35 to 40% of cases of abdominal pain, the cause may not be identified easily and hence treated symptomatically. But, if the pain persists along with the appearance of other signs and symptoms that indicate the underlying cause, it should be identified as early as possible to manage the case properly.

Provisional disease diagnosis:

Here the probable condition causing abdominal pain is diagnosed by considering the history, signs and symptoms along with other clinical findings.

Lab investigations:

This includes several diagnostic procedures that can help for the final disease diagnosis. The choice of investigation depends upon the signs and symptoms that indicate a probable condition. The suitable investigation helps to reach a final diagnosis.

Example: Routine blood, Routine urine, Blood biochemistry, Stool examination, X-ray Barium x-ray Ultrasonography, Endoscopy of GIT, CT scan, MRI scan, Gastric acid secretion studies, Laperoscopy, Mucosal biopsy, ECG, Excretory urography, ERCP, IVP, Exploratory laparotomy etc are some useful investigations.

Final disease diagnosis:

After doing necessary investigations, the disease or the condition causing abdominal pain is diagnosed by correlating with the clinical findings and the history of the patient. In case of a diagnostic dilemma, a team of doctors are involved in the diagnosis and management.

The Do's and Don'ts of an Effective Diet For Colitis

Whilst there appears little connection between a poor quality diet and the diagnosis of colitis, diet does have a significant role to play during both periods of flare up and remission. Through careful awareness of the effects of diet on the bowel, a sufferer can still enjoy a varied diet for colitis whilst in remission and another for periods of attack that will not compound the symptoms.

It is often the case that as soon as people hear about the medical condition of colitis they immediately conclude that a sufferer's diet will have to change beyond recognition and that all fibre should be eliminated. They view fibre as the last food group that a sufferer should inflict on their ulcerated large colon. This common misunderstanding could not be further from reality as it should be recognised that there are actually two distinct types of fibre.

The two types of fibre have differing effects on someone diagnosed with colitis. Soluble fibre is in fact helpful for colitis and should be encouraged in its use as it is broken down and digested in the large colon. The result of this is the production of soft stools and has the benefit of not producing the type of particles that can adhere to the wall of the large colon and ultimately cause inflammation. Included in the variety of soluble fibre that a colitis sufferer can eat are fruits such as apples and pears plus root vegetables including potatoes and carrots. Just remember that they must all be peeled to avoid the problematic fibre in the skins. Oat bran can be eaten such as porridge plus the use of white rice in savoury dishes.

In complete contrast to this, insoluble fibre can have the unfortunate affect of inflaming colitis and thus steps should be taken to avoid it if possible. The difference is that this type of fibre passes through the entire digestive tract without being digested. The result of this is that there is a tendency for it to adhere to the wall of the large colon. This can have the effect of irritating it and thus increase the chance of aggravating the ulceration. This is particularly important to avoid during the period of a flare up. A high fibre diet is made up of insolubles and includes the peel of fruits and vegetables plus broccoli, cabbage and sweet corn. You should be aware that wheat bran which is found in wholemeal bread and several breakfast cereals should be avoided.

Another beneficial food group to include in a diet for colitis is fish oils especially from oily fish such as sardines. It is acknowledged that fish oil has a beneficial effect in reducing inflammation generally plus also it is a soluble foodstuff that easily passes through the bowel. It should be noted that eating actual fish rather than fish oil supplements will be far more beneficial to the colitis sufferer.

Plus also, another factor in a diet for colitis that should be examined is the amount of consumption of dairy products such as milk, cream and cheese. Whilst it is not essential to eliminate this food group from the diet, it is well advised to lower present consumption to reduce the chance of the build up of lactose in the colon, which unfortunately has the effect of encouraging the production of unhelpful bacteria that can result in inflammation.

It should be recognised that an effective diet for colitis does not necessarily suggest a heavily restricted choice. In fact, when in remission, the sufferer can enjoy a diet as close to normal as possible though this has to change when a flare up occurs. It is then that there has to be even more vigilance about what is eaten and the resultant effect it has on the bowel activity.

Crohn's Disease Treatment Options Disappointing to Some

According to studies and surveys performed by the National Institutes of Health, many patients are unhappy with conventional Crohns disease treatment and more than half seek alternatives. Crohns disease symptoms are difficult to live with and affect the quality of a person's life, so it is understandable that those who suffer from the condition would seek alternatives, when traditional therapies are ineffective or cause unwanted side effects.

Crohns disease treatment depends primarily on the severity of symptoms. Crohns disease symptoms may include abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. The primary Crohns disease symptoms may lead to complications including abscesses, ulceration of the deepest layers of the lining of the digestive tract or abnormal openings, called fistulas, in the intestine. There may be intestinal bleeding and that combined with recurrent diarrhea are Crohns disease symptoms that may lead to vitamin deficiencies, malnourishment and anemia.

Initially Crohns disease treatment may include an anti-diarrhea medication such as Imodium A-D, an over the counter product that is designed to stop diarrhea and reduce abdominal pain. When Crohns disease symptoms are moderate to mild, aminosalicylates or corticosteroids may be prescribed. If neither of these is effective or if stopping corticosteroids causes symptoms to return then Crohns disease treatment may include prescription medications that suppress the immune system.

The theory behind Crohns disease treatment plans to suppress the immune system stems from the fact that inflammation is present. Crohns and ulcerative colitis are known as inflammatory bowel diseases and the belief is that the immune system overreacts to bacteria that normally lives in the bowel and attacks it in the way that it would normally attack invading bacteria or infection. It is believed that Crohns disease symptoms may be caused by this dysfunction of the immune system, since inflammation is present, but not infection.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, are not normally included in Crohns disease treatment, because they have been linked in clinical studies to flare-ups and worsening of Crohns disease symptoms. Thus corticosteroids are the most common choice of Crohns disease treatment to control inflammation. Corticosteroids are not safe for long term Crohns disease treatment or for the treatment of any disease, because they have serious side effects including high blood pressure, osteoporosis and increased risk of infection. When used for extended periods of time, some people become steroid dependent, even though they become ineffective after long term use and Crohns disease symptoms return.

When a Crohns disease treatment plan includes medications to suppress the immune system and control inflammation in that way, there is a greater risk of infection. Obviously if the immune system is suppressed, it cannot fight infection effectively. In addition, there is a greater risk of cancer, because the immune system normally attacks and destroys abnormal cells that if left unchecked may eventually become cancer cells.

Aminosalicylates relieve Crohns disease symptoms in some cases, but cannot be used by certain people and may reduce white blood cell counts; once again, lowering a person's resistance to other infections and diseases by impairing the immune system. Prescription medications for Crohns disease treatment are obviously lacking, both in effectiveness and safety. Scientists continue to research new drugs for Crohns disease treatment.

When Crohns disease symptoms are severe, surgery may be recommended to remove the affected portions of the bowel. This choice for Crohns disease treatment is extreme and is understandably avoided by most patients. However, those who have had surgery no longer suffer from Crohns disease symptoms. There are numerous support groups both for people who are considering surgery for Crohns disease treatment and for those who have had surgery, since certain adjustments and lifestyle changes may be necessary at least initially. Most people who have had surgery for Crohns disease treatment report that they are able to lead normal lives and that the relief of Crohns disease symptoms has improved their quality of life.

A recent study (August, 2006) found that 52% of the time, Crohns disease treatment was inappropriate. This was a group of gastroenterologists, surgeons and general practitioners evaluating the prescribed Crohns disease treatment plans of their colleagues. For those who suffer from Crohns disease symptoms, this may be discouraging news. Many people choose self-treatment with aloe, slippery elm or other botanicals. While the effectiveness of these natural products has not been proven, there is evidence of traditional use as digestive aids, which suggests that they may be effective for Crohns disease treatment and the relief of Crohns disease symptoms.

Aloe, in particular, has been scientifically proven to be a natural anti-inflammatory. Many researchers, doctors and scientists believe that natural anti-inflammatories may be gentler to the body, safer overall and more effective, because they target several inflammatory responses; synthetic anti-inflammatories may target only one molecule. Natural anti-inflammatories do not hamper the immune system, as do prescription anti-inflammatories for Crohns disease treatment.

Relieving inflammation can relieve Crohns disease symptoms. While decisions about Crohns disease treatment are a personal choice, those who suffer from the disease should advise their doctor about natural products they are using, particularly when using prescription medications at the same time. Botanicals and herbals have been known to interact with prescription medications typically used in Crohns disease treatment. For more information about natural products that may be useful for the relief of Crohns disease symptoms, visit

Omega 3 Fish Oil - Head to Toe Benefits For Type 2 Diabetes!

Contrary to popular belief within diabetic circles... and even some physicians, most of the deaths of people with type 2 diabetes are caused by heart disease. As you may have seen in the news, fish oil is one of the best supplements for preventing heart disease.

One of the most well established connections between heart disease and type 2 diabetes is the fact that most diabetics have high triglyceride (fat) levels and low HDL (good cholesterol) levels. Eating sufficient levels of fish or taking fish oil supplements can have positive effects on both of these heart health indicators.

This doesn't mean that you should stop trying to control your blood sugar levels and just eat lots of fish. You still need to reduce carbohydrates and start exercising if you haven't already. But eating fish two times a week is a good addition to your diabetic diet, and if you don't particularly like the taste of fish, you can find omega-3 fish oil supplements just about anywhere.

Reduce Fats and Increase Good Cholesterol:

Studies show type 2 diabetics can increase their good cholesterol levels and reduce triglycerides in their bloodstream simply by taking omega-3 fish oil supplements. The results for people in the pre-diabetes stage show that those who consumed enough fish oil either through eating fish or taking supplements, lowered their risk of progressing to a diagnosis of full-blown type 2 diabetes.

The American Heart Association wholeheartedly endorses the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, the technical name for the contents of fish oil. In fact, the Heart Association recommends eating at least two meals of fish every week. The omega-3 fatty acids we need are found in two forms, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).

While you can acquire omega-3's in the form of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) from other sources, such as flaxseed, walnuts, canola and soybean oils, these are not as good for your heart as the forms found in fish. The best types of fish for omega-3 fatty acids are:

  • sardines

  • albacore tuna

  • herring

  • mackerel

  • swordfish and

  • salmon.

Omega-3's - Head to Toe Benefits for Diabetics:

Cardiovascular research indicates that omega-3's can benefit everyone, even if you already have had a heart attack. Fish oils have also helped people who have joint problems from rheumatoid arthritis... a common affliction with type 2 diabetes.

The latest studies are focusing on how omega-3 fatty acids can help memory loss in people who have varying forms of dementia. Other diseases and conditions being researched in relation to the effectiveness of omega-3's include cancer, cystic fibrosis, transplant rejection, ulcerative colitis, lupus, Chrohn's disease, asthma, and schizophrenia, just to name a few.

What About Mercury?

Think that omega-3 recommendations without a discussion about mercury is a bit...fishy? So do I. Although women who are pregnant and children should stay away from fish with the highest mercury levels, there are always fish to eat with the lowest levels. These include salmon and canned tuna fish, among others. The US Food and Drug Administration recommends adding fish to your diet as well and says that the benefits far outweigh the negatives.

Omega-3's from Plants:

Type 2 diabetics sometimes have a harder time processing omega-3s which come from plants. However, these are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids as well, although they are high in ALA, the "less good" omega-3. The best plant based omega-3 sources are:

  • flaxseed oil

  • canola oil

  • tofu

  • soybeans

  • pecans

  • walnuts, and even

  • dark green vegetables such as broccoli or spinach

Omega-3's really fit into an eating plan which is aimed at increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of diabetic complications which includes heart disease.

Salt Rooms Vs. Salt Caves

Artificial Salt Rooms are popping up around the country. They are an inexpensive way of giving the public a "taste of what real salt therapy" is all about. These artificial salt rooms are constructed by placing a metal grid on the wall and then mixing sea salt with artificial resins and applying the mixture to the wall by hand until all the spaces are covered. Some salt rooms use this method on their ceilings as well. The floor is covered in loose sea salt.

The room has a "sterile white" appearance. To soften this appearance many salt rooms place Himalayan Salt Lamps around the room. Some of the materials used for the construction of the room could become breeding grounds for bacteria.

Keeping this in mind, manufacturers of Halo-generators recommend that after each 45 minute session the room be treated with an ultra violet light to destroy any bacteria in the room.

Salt is introduced into the environment through the use of a machine called a Halo-generator. The Halo-generator has numerous metal blades which grinds and blows crushed salt up into the air, at a continual high speed, with an audible sound. This method of distributing sodium chloride salt particle aerosol (about 0.3 -0.5 microns) can accommodate a room up to 300 square feet.

The construction of a salt cave is very different.

Salt caves are built with tons of imported large salt rocks, natural resins, wood and water features that create a natural micro climate, totally free of bacteria. This sterile environment filled with negative ions helps to relax and modulate the nervous system, freeing the body from the stresses of external stimuli and initiating healing and rebalancing.

Salt Caves do not use halo- generators or other mechanical or artificial means of "spraying salt". Salt oxidizes mechanical parts, which then spray unhealthy oxides into the environment. The salt in a cave regenerates and grows because the water features found within the cave feed the micro climate with a salt saturated solution known as sole (pronounced so-LAY). This is the same solution which is found in the primal oceans and in embryonic fluid.

This unique microclimate is enriched with 84 trace micro-elements, the same elements found within the human body. They are absorbed by the human organism in a natural way through respiration and one's pores. As these elements are inhaled and absorbed into the body, the body's PH is leveled and returns to the healthy state of homeostasis. Water and salt are the essence of life. The result: the body and mind are in perfect balance and you feel relaxed, rejuvenated and energized.

Research and studies have demonstrated the beneficial value of the microclimate of salt caves in shielding our bodies against viral infections, in balancing our immune system, in the enhancement of sport performance & in the following disorders:

(1) respiratory infections: upper respiratory system, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, obstructive pneumonia
(2) Cardiovascular diseases: hypotension, circulatory insufficiency, post-infarct period
(3) Immune system diseases: thyroid gland etc.
(4) Gastrointestinal diseases: large intestine inflammation, Crohn's disease, spastic colon & ulcerative colitis, constipation, malabsorption, gastritis, stomach & duodenal ulcer
(5) Skin diseases: acne, dermatitis, allergies, psoriasis, delay in skin aging, wrinkle removal
(6) Nervous system disorders: chronic fatigue, panic attacks, migraine, improvement in ability to concentrate.

Disorders of metabolism: obesity treatment

As a drug-free treatment for asthma, bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and sinusitis salt caves focus on the source of the problem rather than just suppressing the symptoms like medication does. It is a drug-free solution that is free from side-effects.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Dangers of Diarrhea

Vomiting and Diarrhea sometimes have the same causes. It is mainly because of the bacteria in our stomach that causes intestinal inflammation. But the more common of these two is diarrhea. This is not a painful condition but it should not also be taken for granted. It is a recurrent losing of watery stools from one's body. There are commonly known two descriptions of diarrhea. These are the acute and chronic diarrhea. When we say acute diarrhea it mostly last for a week. It is also one of the causes of death in some countries. The other one is the chronic diarrhea which is not like the acute diarrhea, this is more likely to last longer that the acute one. It can also be fatal especially to children.

Virus and bacteria are the common reasons and causes of diarrhea both acute and chronic. Let us first see what the usual causes of acute diarrhea are. Aside from viruses and bacteria which we know are the common causes of diarrhea, too much intake of alcohol and coffee are also other reasons for having an acute diarrhea. High anxiety level is also a factor of experiencing this kind of diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea is a more serious condition than the acute diarrhea because this is persistent. It means that this kind of diarrhea is continual and constant. Alcohol and coffee intakes are also reasons for this one but more seriously, diabetes and ulcer can cause chronic diarrhea. So if you or any of us is diabetic or have an ulcerative colitis, then you are also prone to chronic diarrhea.

Symptoms of diarrhea are determinable. Victims of diarrhea more often to experienced flushing out watery tools and experienced normal or even severe stomachache. Diarrhea can also be detected when one is having an abdominal pain and is frequently vomiting. Sometimes because of the several abdominal pains, blood in stools can also be detected. Diarrhea is somewhat a condition that should be taken seriously. That is why treatments should be known.

For a simple diarrhea problem, it will likely to be just within a week. Drinking of plenty of fluid especially water can help a person to re-hydrate because diarrhea can cause dehydration. Medicines and painkillers can is also advisable but not in all situation and all ages.

It is important to learn how to prevent, or maybe just lower the risk of diarrhea. Frequent hand washing is very important since everywhere you go and everything you touch, bacteria is always present. We should also be cautious in what we are eating because most common source of diarrhea is from the bacteria which came from the food that we intake everyday.

Living With Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis, or "UC" is a chronic and possibly debilitating disease. Symptoms include cramping in the abdominal area and frequent, loose bowel movements. When the problems first begin, it is often thought to be caused by influenza. Around half of a million individuals in the U.S. are experiencing symptoms of ulcerative colitis. It is typically found in people between the ages of 15 and 25, and in people over the age of fifty. UC affects more women than it does men.

The Causes of Ulcerative Colitis

Research has not been able to pinpoint a specific cause for this condition. One issue that is common to many who have the disease is immune deficiency; however, whether the immunity issues cause the disease or the disease causes the immunity deficiency has yet to be determined. Another theory is that stress and eating habits are the cause of the problem. As this has not been proven, it is still just a theory.

Ten to twenty five percent of people diagnosed with this have a close relative who has UC or has suffered from other digestive disorders. Some research shows a connection between infection or food sensitivity that is also related to genetics.

Managing Ulcerative Colitis

Proper management consists of regular visits to the doctor and sticking to a healthy diet plan. Nutrition is of great importance when it comes to battling this chronic disorder.

The Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis

When symptoms are moderate or severe, UC is most often treated with medication before considering other measures. Drugs may include pain killers and diarrhea medications for cases that are considered mild, and antibiotics for cases that are advanced. Cyclosporine and azathioprine (or "6-MP") is the most common prescribed medication.

When these treatments do not have an effect, the next consideration is surgery. Bowel resection surgery consists of removing the damaged parts of the intestine. Fortunately, most patients are able to control the problem with the proper medications.

Prognosis over the Long-Term

Although prospects may seem grim, most of those with UC are able to lead normal, active lives and the newly-diagnosed should strive to stay optimistic. The most important factors involved in dealing with ulcerative colitis are a healthy diet and equally healthy outlook.

Patients can stay prepared for symptom attacks by keeping an extra pair of underwear and toilet tissue close at hand. Many people use pill organizers and calendars to remind them to take their medication.

Can Green Tea Cure Ulcerative Colitis and Other GI Tract Diseases?

Symptoms of GI tract diseases such ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome can be effectively managed through regular consumption of green tea.

Gastrointestinal diseases comprise of a gamut of debilitating conditions that can affect any part of the digestive system. Among the many GI tract diseases, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome are some of the more serious ones. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are characterized by the presence of inflammation in the digestive tract that leads to ulceration. No inflammation occurs in irritable bowel syndrome which is characterized predominantly by abnormal bowel movements. Symptomatically, all the three lead to improper bowel movements although the former two can cause more severe symptoms such as anemia, rectal bleeding, fever and joint pains.

Research has found that diet plays an important role in controlling ulcerative colitis and other GI tract diseases. Among the many dietary agents, green tea is one that has received considerable scientific attention. Many studies have shown that it has powerful antioxidant activity owing to the presence of tannins such as catechins. These compounds are also said to be responsible for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies suggest that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea were responsible for the reduced levels of inflammation markers in subjects suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Scientific evidence also exists proving the benefits of green tea in controlling irritable bowel syndrome. Bacterial infection is said to be one of the causes of this syndrome. As an antimicrobial agent, it can be postulated that green tea can prevent bacterial infection in the colon thus decreasing the risk for irritable bowel syndrome. It has been observed that this beverage exerts a protective effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa thus preventing damage and hastening the healing process. Both these are essential in restoring the normal functioning of the bowel in case of irritable bowel syndrome. Moreover since it contains no fiber, the chances of it further irritating the bowel is totally avoided.

Thus, green tea can be said to have preventive and curative properties in GI tract diseases. Green tea consumption gains an edge over the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs that are usually administered in case of colitis and Crohn's disease since it practically elicits no side effects. Its typical taste is liked by many and hence it is certainly not one among the bitter pills to be swallowed! So, if you suffer from any GI tract disease such as ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome, get your packet of green tea today and manage them effectively.

Stress and Progesterone Cream

Stress has always been an unavoidable part of life. Whether positive or negative, stress is the body's reaction to a situation that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment or response. The human body is designed to react to occasional times of stress by releasing epinephrine (a hormone and neurotransmitter known as adrenaline) and cortisol (a corticosteroid hormone) to help you spring into action and conquer the situation at hand. When the source of stress has passed, adrenaline quickly returns to normal levels. However, unless time is taken to rest and restore following a stressful event, cortisol levels tend to remain elevated.

Unfortunately, stress has become chronic in today's world. For many people, constant, unrelenting stress is the norm rather than the exception. The ever-increasing demands that come with managing our personal lives, family's lives and our careers, bombard us with seemingly never ending "to-do" lists. Even when our exhausting tasks are complete, concerns about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the rising unemployment rate, the economy and our personal financial security loom ever-present causing subtle yet profound stress. When chronic stress continually forces the adrenal glands to sustain elevated cortisol levels, a cause and effect loop of mental, emotional and physical health challenges ensue.

Without periods of relaxation to counterbalance the body's chemical response to stress, disease is inevitable. Numerous emotional and physical health conditions have been linked to stress including weight gain, depression, anxiety, heart attacks, stroke, hypertension and immune system disturbances. Stress affects the skin (rashes, hives and dermatitis), the gastrointestinal system (GERD, peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis) and contributes to degenerative neurological disorders. Not only does stress aggravate any existing health condition, more and more research is showing that it may actually be the originating cause.

Stress and the Immune System

Long-term stress weakens the immune system and prevents the proliferation of disease fighting killer cells. When chronically stressed, the immune cells are literally being bathed in molecules that are essentially telling them to stop fighting. You see, the brain and the immune system are intimately linked and capable of reciprocal communication. When cortisol levels remain elevated, the brain sends a message that the immune response is no longer needed, causing it to shut down. Therefore, in situations of chronic stress your immune system is less able to respond to bacteria or virus infections and disease in general.

Stress Management

Learning to reduce and manage the stress in your life is essential and begins by identifying your stressors and observing your mental and physical reactions to them. How you react to stressful situations is determined by how you perceive them. Modifying your thoughts and perceptions can change a life of stress and discomfort to one of challenge and excitement. Simply bringing your focus to your successes and achievements can empower you with the confidence you need to handle and overcome stressful times more gracefully.

Stress management techniques can activate your body's relaxation response, creating a calm, relaxed state. These include meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, listening to soothing music, journaling and positive imagery. Moderate exercise and dietary improvements are also helpful. Stress depletes your body of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients so be sure to eat fresh vegetables, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds and protein. While chronic stress often results in insomnia, getting plenty of restorative sleep is among the most important steps in relieving the damaging effects of elevated cortisol levels in the body.

Stress and Women's Hormone Health

Women, with their inherent tendency to care for others while neglecting their own needs, are especially prone to the harmful effects of stress. They are particularly vulnerable during perimenopause and menopause when changing hormones have already begun to impact the adrenal glands, an intricate part of the endocrine system. Most women who experience the uncomfortable emotional and physical symptoms of "the change" have previously experienced times of prolonged emotional and/or physical stress. Progesterone, a calming hormone, helps ease your response to stress. Unfortunately, most women are severely lacking in progesterone.

Cortisol literally "steals" progesterone from the adrenal glands. If your adrenals are continually releasing cortisol into the bloodstream, your body will take any available progesterone and divert it to meet that demand. Because cortisol and progesterone compete for common receptors in the cells, cortisol impairs progesterone activity and interferes with the action of other important female hormones too. Cortisol, testosterone and estrogen are all made from progesterone. If too much progesterone gets diverted by cortisol, there isn't enough to make the testosterone needed for a woman's sexual response, etc. creating a domino effect of troublesome symptoms.

Progesterone is essential for hormonal balance yet it is increasingly deficient in women of all ages. Progesterone is the only hormone that converts into other vital hormones as needed to create a balancing effect on the entire endocrine system. It reduces your risk of osteoporosis, converts fat into energy, metabolizes glucose, and performs many other vital cell functions. Common symptoms of insufficient progesterone levels include an inability to cope with stress, depression, weight gain, insomnia, low libido, heavy and prolonged menstrual cycles, compromised thyroid and adrenal function and a host of potentially serious health conditions.

Progesterone Options

Natural progesterone is identical to the human progesterone molecule produced by your body. Although its name sounds similar, progesterone is quite different from progestin which is found in prescription medications like hormone replacement therapy (HRT), birth control pills and other pharmaceutical hormone drugs. Unlike these synthetic, risk-laden chemicals, natural progesterone boasts many positive health benefits while remaining free of side effects. Using a progesterone cream that is free of any endocrine disrupting chemicals or additives is essential.

Organic Excellence Progesterone Cream

According to the world renowned Dr. John Lee, the most effective method of restoring progesterone levels is with the proper supplementation of trans-dermal (topical) natural progesterone. Organic Excellence Progesterone Creams are formulated to the specifications outlined in Dr. Lee's best-selling book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" and contain approximately 500 mg. of natural USP progesterone per ounce.

Recommended by many doctors, Organic Excellence Progesterone Cream is a safe and effective way to promote hormonal balance. It nurtures the adrenal glands and the entire endocrine system and has a very calming effect on your nervous system. Organic Excellence is the only company that formulates its natural progesterone creams in a 100% chemical-free base and certified organic herbs. Free of animal products, genetically modified ingredients, fragrances, and artificial colors, Organic Excellence never utilizes animal testing.

Whether you're experiencing the effects of chronic stress, PMS, perimenopause or menopause, Organic Excellence has two natural progesterone creams designed to meet your specific needs. One without phytoestrogens (for PMS and/or perimenopause) and one with phytoestrogens (for those in menopause and beyond). Each is available in either a 2 oz. jar or a 3 oz. metered dose pump. Most women notice a positive result soon after beginning the Organic Excellence Progesterone Cream.

Men and Natural Progesterone Cream

Men also benefit from natural progesterone cream. As with women, the male body produces less progesterone with age. This creates an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone resulting in an excess of estrogen. An increase in estrogen levels is linked to prostate cancer, which is becoming more prevalent among men over 50. Studies indicate that regular application of progesterone cream has shown a decrease in the level of prostate specific antigen in men and stops the progress of lesions related to this disease.

Yes, stress is and always will be an unavoidable part of life. But, by utilizing Organic Excellence Progesterone Cream, a healthy diet, moderate exercise and simple stress management techniques, you can easily avoid the body's harsh chemical reaction to stress, restore your jangled nerves and enjoy calm and balance in your life once again.

Ulcerative Colitis in Dogs: Natural Help With Probiotics

Many families have pets that are loved and cared for like children. They provide unconditional love just by being there. There is sweetness in coming home to be met by our favorite furry friends. Most are cats and dogs; a few are horses, or farm animals; some are exotic like birds and reptiles. Nevertheless they fill an important part of our lives.

There are many similarities between humans and other animals. As humans, we have more advanced thought processes and we have levels of consciousness beyond other mammals. Animals on the other hand, have highly developed senses of instinct. However, we are all still mammals. This is especially true of our digestive systems.

A number of years ago, I spoke at a break out session for physicians and other health professionals in Kentucky, the land of beautiful horses grazing in blue grass. One of the physicians asked if I used only human strains of probiotics in my formulation. With a smile, I reminded him that our bodies are mammals just like our four footed furry friends. They can struggle with diseases just like we do, in fact they can get ulcerative colitis (UC) too.

Here's my first experience with UC and a puppy. I arrived at my hairdressers for my quarterly haircut and styling to find her sobbing about her puppy, a 10-week-old bulldog. He was bleeding out of the rectum; the vet had diagnosed ulcerative colitis and recommended putting the dog to sleep. Certainly I had empathy but I was scheduled for a haircut and could only imagine what I might look like when we were done, given her emotional state of mind.

As she talked about the puppy, I realized that my research in probiotics could give relief from symptoms in humans, why not animals. After all, I had helped my friend's Springer Spaniel. I offered to return home and fix my natural treatment for her puppy provided I got the best haircut she had ever done. So we began and true to her word, I got a great style.

When I returned, I spoke to her about Carlie, the springer spaniel with "hot spots" and how it cleared up overnight with these special probiotics. I showed her the little kit and gave her explicit directions. Several days later we spoke by phone. Her puppy was doing well; there was no more blood, the vet suggested waiting until symptoms returned. I suggested that she speak with her vet about a low allergy dog food of lamb and rice. It's been nine years since that day. My hairdresser still cuts my hair and her dog is alive, well and absolutely darling.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet Recommendations

If you are searching for information about an effective ulcerative colitis diet, you may find yourself very confused. There is no diet for ulcerative colitis that is agreed upon by all healthcare professionals. Most eating plans that are advertised as an ulcerative colitis diet were designed by those who suffer from the disease or those who love them. One man who sells a cookbook for his ulcerative colitis diet plan says that he was told by a doctor of "oriental medicine" (his words, not mine) that he should eat no meat, no fish, no egg yolks, no fruits and no nuts. While another diet for ulcerative colitis control, developed by a doctor and a biochemist recommends meat, fish, eggs, fruits and nuts. It may be wise and most effective to design your own ulcerative colitis diet, taking into account any known food allergies or sensitivities.

A symptoms and food diary may be helpful to use as you are designing your diet for ulcerative colitis control. Try to note not only what you ate, but what you drank. While there is little agreement about what foods should be included in an ulcerative colitis diet, there are certain products (like caffeine, alcohol, high fiber cereals, some fruits and some fruit juices) that are known to have a laxative effect, cause cramping and diarrhea, even in people who do not have an inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis. Diet is important. A healthy diet is important for overall good health and sense of well being. For those who suffer from ulcerative colitis, diet is particularly important.

Chronic diarrhea may lead to malnutrition, weight loss, weakness and dehydration. For these reasons a diet for ulcerative colitis control should be well-balanced, with adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates and good fats. Including vitamin supplements, particularly D, B12 and iron is recommended.

Simple sugars and artificial sweeteners cause flare ups in some people. No matter what your food preferences, it is important when designing your ulcerative colitis diet to be honest with yourself. It may be hard to give up sodas, coffee, candy and muffins, but your goal should be to control your symptoms. Ulcerative colitis is considered a chronic disease that has a tendency to go into remission and then flare up again over time. Mild to moderate symptoms may be controlled with an ulcerative colitis diet, supplements, herbs and medications, but severe ulcerative colitis can only be cured with surgery. Since cases rarely begin as severe, keeping your symptoms under control decreases the likelihood that surgery will be necessary.

One thing to consider when designing your ulcerative colitis diet is stress and anxiety. While stress and anxiety are not believed to cause ulcerative colitis, it is believed that they can aggravate the condition. Many people who suffer from ulcerative colitis also suffer from anxiety. It may be that the condition causes people to be more anxious, never knowing when they may have to find a bathroom, always worrying about a flare up, etc. Symptoms of anxiety include rapid pulse, trembling, shaking, sweating and nausea or abdominal distress. If you experience symptoms of anxiety, in addition to symptoms of ulcerative colitis, diet considerations are similar, but there are other suggestions. These include eating smaller meals more frequently, chewing thoroughly and eating slowly.

Salt and preservatives are known to put additional stress on the body. These should be excluded or at least restricted from a healthy ulcerative colitis diet, particularly when symptoms of stress and anxiety are present. When designing your diet for ulcerative colitis control, try to include less pre-packaged foods which are full of salt and preservatives.

One more consideration for an ulcerative colitis diet is meat selection. Most companies that raise poultry, cattle and pigs for human consumption include hormones in the animal's diets. While there is no conclusive evidence that these hormones are harmful to humans, many people believe that they can put additional stress on the human body, because they increase stress on the animal's bodies. When you are selecting meat and fish for your ulcerative colitis diet, try to select products that do not contain hormones. For example, wild salmon, free range chicken and other organic products are better choices for a diet for ulcerative colitis control than pork and beef.

The lack of agreement about an effective ulcerative colitis diet probably stems from the fact that people have different food sensitivities and allergies. For example, a person who is lactose intolerant can not follow a diet that contains numerous milk products. One who is allergic to legumes can not follow a diet that relies heavily on legumes for protein. If you do not know if you are allergic to any foods, it may be wise to visit an allergy specialist. Sometimes food allergies develop over time, so foods that you were able to eat at one time with no adverse reactions may, at a later date, cause symptoms to flare up.

All of this may seem overwhelming and even depressing, but you may be encouraged to know that many people have found an ulcerative colitis diet that works well for them. For other suggestions about diet for ulcerative colitis control, from people just like you, you may want to visit a colitis support group. There are several on the web and your doctor may be able to recommend groups in your area. For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems, visit

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Chronic Diarrhea - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Diarrhea that lasts for more than two weeks is called chronic diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea may prove to be a nuisance for an otherwise healthy person; however, it may represent a life-threatening illness for someone with a compromised immune system. Common causes for this condition includes infections, disorders or previous surgery of the intestinal tract, food intolerance, medications, hyperthyroidism, reduced blood flow to the intestines, altered immune function and hereditary disorders.

The Ayurvedic treatment of chronic diarrhea is aimed at providing symptomatic relief and treating the known cause. Infections of the intestinal tract can be treated using medicines like Panchamrut-Parpati, Ras-Parpati and Kutaj-Parpati. Parasitic infections can be treated using Vidang (Embilia ribes), Nimba (Azadirachta indica), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Bahava (Cassia fistula) and Sukshma-Triphala. Viral infections can be treated using medicines like Bhumiamalaki (Phyllanthus niruri), Yashtimadhuk (Glycerrhiza glabra), Bhrungraj (Eclipta Alba) and Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum).

Food intolerance can be treated using medicines like Shankh-Vati, Trikatu (Three pungent herbs), Agnitundi-Vati and Pippalyarishta. Disorders of the pancreas can be treated using medicines like Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Behada (Terminalia bellerica), Yashtimadhuk, Saariva (Hemidesmus indicus) and Usheer (Vetiveria zizanioidis). Inflammation of the intestines can be treated using medicines like Kamdudha-Ras, Praval-Panchamrut, Bilva-Avaleha, Yashtimadhuk, Praval, Bilva (Aegle Marmelos), Musta (Cyperus rotundus) and Kutaj (Holarrhina antidysentrica). Chronic diarrhea resulting from previous surgery or radiation of the abdomen can be treated using medicines like Shankh-Vati, Agnitundi-Vati, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Vishwa (Zinziber officinalis) and Pippali (Piper longum). Reduced blood flow to the intestines can be treated using medicines like Tapyadi-Loh, Ekang-Veer-Ras and Abhrak-Bhasma. An altered immune function resulting in chronic diarrhea can be treated using medicines like Suvarna-Malini-Vasant, Loh-Parpati and Suvarna-Parpati.

Curd, buttermilk and pomegranate juice are specially recommended for both acute and chronic diarrhea. It is important to maintain adequate hygiene and use safe drinking water.

Probiotics Effect Health in Positive Ways But Are There Side Effects?

Beware the Possibility of Probiotics Side Effects!

You are looking to supplement your diet with probiotics but want to check whether there are any side effects first? This is a wise decision as so much of what we consume today has effects on our bodies.

What are probiotics?

Before we answer the question of probiotics side effects, we need to understand what probiotic bacteria is and its role in normal body function. It is with this understanding that we have the context we need to answer the question effectively.

Probiotics are living microorganisms (typically in the form of bacteria) that are similar to those found naturally in the human gut. They are often referred to as "good bacteria" because of the positive role they play in the process of digestion. They can be found in many foods or can be acquired from health shops as a dietary supplement. Many alternative health practitioners recommend probiotics as complementary medicine.

Probiotics are often consumed to treat and prevent certain ailments and to promote good overall health and well being. These include such illnesses as infectious diarrhea, excessive gas, stomach bloating, inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Chron's disease), infections in female body regions, skin infections, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), stomach and respiratory infections and tooth decay - amongst others.

Probiotics should not be confused with prebiotics (no digestible food ingredients that selectively stimulate the growth and/or activity of beneficial microorganisms already in people's colons). However, a when probiotics and prebiotics are combined in one's diet, together, their relationship is complementary.

A quick note on Antibiotics

Antibiotics are used to kill "bad bacteria" but their use does not discriminate so they also kill the "good bacteria". So many people use probiotics to counteract the negative effect of antibiotics. Essentially they are used to replace probiotics after a course of antibiotics has been completed.

So, what are the side effects?

Historically, people have consumed live microorganisms without too many side effects. There have not been sufficient studies undertaken to comprehensively test probiotics effects on the body. However, they are generally considered to be safe.

Probiotics effects some people adversely and when it happens, it tend to be mild and digestive related e.g. excess gas or bloating). More serious probiotics effects have been identified in a few people. Some experts hypothesize that probiotics could cause infections in people with underlying health conditions. They could also over stimulate the immune system. Overall though, there is little evidence of any significant side effects in most people. If you experience these symptoms after taking a probiotic supplement, we suggest you stop taking them and consult your doctor.

Where to find good quality probiotic supplements

Probiotics can be found naturally in some foods or they can be taken as dietary supplements. There are many places where reviews have been conducted on different probiotics supplements in the market. Check out the links below for more information on this.


Probiotics are consumed to prevent some diseases and to promote good overall health and well being. They have been consumed in diets for many years. Although few comprehensive studies have been carried out on probiotics side effects, there would seem to be very few and in most cases these occur in people with an existing condition. If you are in any doubt, consult your doctor first.

Ulcerative Colitis Support Groups

For you or someone you care for, ulcerative colitis can be a frustrating disease to deal with. You may be interested in an ulcerative colitis support group. Sometimes it is helpful just to know that you are not alone and that there are other people who care. For ulcerative colitis sufferers, discussing symptoms, tests and treatment options may cause embarrassment. But an ulcerative colitis support group is made up of people who have had the same or similar experiences.

Chronic disease can lead to depression and/or anxiety. Many doctors who care for ulcerative colitis patients advise counseling and/or an ulcerative colitis support group. If your physician or your family member's physician does not have information concerning support, you can find it on the web. Some people resist the idea of counseling or an ulcerative colitis support group, but both can be very helpful. Even just chatting with others who care for ulcerative colitis patients can be helpful. And, if you have had the disease for some time, you may be able to offer insight to those who are newly diagnosed. The following are just a few of the many programs you may find interesting and helpful.

The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) is a non-profit organization that provides education about care for ulcerative colitis, funds research studies, holds an ulcerative colitis support group for patients and their families and sponsors activities for members. The CCFA currently has over 50,000 members and 40 chapters nationwide. At their website, you can learn more about the disease and connect with a local ulcerative colitis support group or learn about current research, options for medications and care for ulcerative colitis. The website address is

If you live in New Zealand, there is the Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis Support Group (CCSG). The CCSG provides advice, information and educational material about care for ulcerative colitis. It is the largest group in New Zealand. They offer newsletters, a specialist library and a community contact service among other things. There website address is

There is the Crohns Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Support Group Australia, which offers members a forum for on-line discussion, games, recipes, information about care for ulcerative colitis and a support site for those who have had surgery or will need surgery. It is a very nice site and has live chat. That website address is

Most healthcare professionals believe that support groups are important for anyone who suffers from any chronic disease, as well as their family members. Finding an ulcerative colitis support group could decrease the likelihood that you will become depressed and may decrease anxiety. While anxiety is not believed to cause the disease, it is believed to aggravate symptoms. It also may be helpful to learn about different treatment options and methods of care for ulcerative colitis patients.

For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive disorders, visit

What is the Difference Between IBS and IBD?

IBS is the acronym for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, while IBD is the abbreviated form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. IBD might lead to serious chronic ailments like Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). Often people tend to confuse IBS with IBD as IBS symptoms are in many ways similar to that of IBD. Also both IBS and IBD are diseases that affect the digestive system. But IBD is much more serious than IBS with grave consequences. IBS is not a very serious gastrointestinal disorder but IBD ruptures the bowel linings and causes intestinal ulcers.

As diarrhea, cramping, and abdominal pain are evident in both IBS and IBD, those cannot be used to pinpoint the exact disease. Laboratory tests and the endoscopic results are successfully able to discriminate between the two. The lab results would clearly show that inflammations have occurred in the stool and blood in case of IBD. IBS patients would not show any abnormalities in those tests. Also, in IBD there is a distinctive swelling of the intestinal lining while in IBS the lining would appear normal.

Discomfort in the bowel region, vomiting, fever can be all considered as common IBS symptoms. Many people even after coming out from the lavatory feel that their bowels have not been completely evacuated. Abdominal distention is another common symptom associated with IBS. The exact reason due to which IBS is caused has not yet been identified. But medical practitioners all over the world believe that a close gastrointestinal connection is definitely present. Problems with a person's weak immunity or gut flora can also lead to IBS. IBS is alternatively called 'spastic colon', but that is not totally accurate. When the nerves in the intestinal linings become oversensitive, a person needs to be cautious about IBS.

For the purpose of digestion, the guts need to be in constant notion (peristalsis). Normal human beings are not able to make out this constant churning that occurs inside the gut. But in case of people suffering from IBS, since the nerves are hypersensitive, these normal movements also cause lot of uneasiness. Even though IBS symptoms tend to stay for the entire life of the person, the disease can be kept under control with dietary and lifestyle changes. But IBD calls for more serious and drastic measures. Some IBD symptoms are quite different from the IBS symptoms. Weight loss, oral ulcers, bloody stool, fever, skin rashes, and joint pains are not evident in IBS but are characteristic indicators of IBD.

IBD can cause immense pain in the abdomen and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum might occur. Crohn's disease causes ulcers in both the small and the large intestines. If diarrhea is caused due to IBS, doctors prescribe anti-diarrheic medicines. Diet treatment for IBS would focus on consumption of fibrous foods and avoidance of coffee and alcoholic beverages. Anti-inflammatory drugs have to be prescribed for IBD patients to alleviate inflammation in the rectum. IBD has several other forms like lymphocytic colitis, diversion colitis, etc. Hence in spite of the similarities existent between IBS and IBD symptoms there are many differences too.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids - 10 Million People Can Get Well

Statistics Can be Useful

A whopping 13 million out of 298 million people in the US had hemorrhoids in 2006, that's a prevalence rate of 4.4%. Medical researchers have, without fail recorded a whole million new cases of hemorrhoids yearly. Nonetheless, a lot of people ignore the symptoms of hemorrhoids resulting in disproportionately few consulting a doctor for medical treatment, with guesstimates ranging from half to three million per annum. Strangely, 10 million people pay little attention to the symptoms! Although the direct death toll from hemorrhoids is very low, at less than 20 deaths per 100,000, that is certainly no reason to be unconcerned.

First, the dictum of more haste less speed does not apply but the converse is true for hemorrhoids treatment and healing; take action. Prompt action translating to the probability of total recovery is a superb reason to take action. Having hemorrhoids may be the best news of all, as the other likely causes may necessitate long-running medical care or be life-threatening.

Life-endangering - True or False?

Symptoms of hemorrhoids, principally blood in stool or bowel movement bleeding, can be almost identical to a whole array of other medical conditions. It is no falsehood. Alarming results can arise from a few of these maladies.

The colon and rectum are the organs where these other illnesses primarily crop up. In the colon, the other 7 main infirmities are colorectal cancer, colon polyp, diverticulosis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, intestinal ischemia and peptic ulcer. There are 4 other predominant afflictions in the rectum, namely anal fissures, anorectal fistulae, proctitis and rectal prolapse.

Complications from SOME of these other malaises can imperil life. In this case, following the majority of 10 million people in ignoring the symptoms of hemorrhoids can have severe results. A very practical rule is suitable; see a doctor if bleeding drags on over a week. Once hemorrhoids are diagnosed, the symptoms elaborated below will appear as well.

Hemorrhoids, Haemorrhoids, Hemroids or Piles - Different Names, Same Symptoms

Hemorrhoids (US spelling), haemorrhoids (UK spelling), hemroids (possible mis-spelling) and piles are the same infirmity, all being words derived from haimorrhoos which means flowing with blood in Greek. More familiarly known all over the world is the name piles, believed to be derived from the Latin word pila meaning ball. "The common people call them piles, the aristocracy call them haemorrhoids, the French call them figs - what does it matter so long as you can cure them?" said Ardene, a 14th century English surgeon.

Before moving on to other symptoms of hemorrhoids, we must know the various medical names that denote a line demarcating the end of the rectum and the beginning of the anal canal. Known variously as the pectinate line or dentate line or anal verge or anorectal junction, this line separates internal (in the rectum) and external (on the anus) hemorrhoids. These dissimilar names matter less to the hemorrhoid sufferer than the fact that they demarcate the dearth of pain nerve endings in the rectum and a profusion of them in the anal region. In comparison, therefore, external hemorrhoids may cause extreme pain whilst internal hemorrhoids may be painless. This pain factor alone plays a critical part when choices are made with regard to treatment, be it mainstream medicine or alternative remedies.

Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids - Internal

Rectal bleeding, cited above as blood in stool or bowel movement bleeding, is the most frequent symptom of internal hemorrhoids. Blood may drip into the toilet bowl, toilet paper may be coloured red and stools gleam with blood.

Bulging movements of internal hemorrhoids during defecation clearly demonstrate the presence of hemorrhoids. Medical researchers classify bulging internal hemorrhoids according to 4 stages of prolapse or protrusion:

- a first-degree internal hemorrhoid bulges into the anal canal;
- a second-degree hemorrhoid bulges from the anus, then automatically retracts itself;
- a third-degree hemorrhoid bulges from the anus and must be physically pushed back in;
- a fourth-degree hemorrhoid bulges out from the anus permanently.

Typically not painful (as internal hemorrhoids form above the dentate line) but the larger ones can prolapse and be painfully squeezed by the anal sphincter muscles that control the anal opening. Deprived of blood supply, strangulated hemorrhoids may form and endanger surrounding tissues; a situation warranting urgent medical treatment.

Itchiness, skin irritation, anal lumps, rectal lumps and the uncomfortable urge to pass stools just after cleaning up from bowel motion are other normal symptoms of internal hemorrhoids. Where the hemorrhoid is extremely huge and near the anus, the sensation of unfinished bowel motion is greatly boosted.

Symptoms Of External Hemorrhoids

Anal pain is the differentiating feature between internal and external hemorrhoids as the latter manifest outside the pectinate line where there are many pain nerve receptors. Thrombosis, the formation of blood clots or thrombuses, tend to accompany external hemorrhoids leading to interference of blood flow in the circulatory system. Detrimental inflammation of the whole anal and rectal regions can result from the thrombosed hemorrhoid.

Due to the recurrent irritation that they cause, external hemorrhoids are hard to ignore whereas the lack of overt symptoms often lead to internal hemorrhoids going undetected. Whilst it is natural to clean the anal region when afflicted by hemorrhoids, a vicious recurring cycle of hemorrhoid recurrence can set in if the anal region is excessively cleaned.

Joining The 10 Million Ignoring The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids?

Are you in the 10 million majority? Recognition of a problem is the first step to its solution. So it is with hemorrhoids. Occasionally, it can be serious and warrants medical attention. But commonly, the treatment is fairly straightforward. Apart from regular medical methods, there are also alternative solutions like the H Miracle that promises a natural and permanent answer.

Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) May Be Misdiagnosed Or Be Undiagnosed Colitis

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Microscopic Colitis Symptoms Overlap

Symptoms of IBS and microscopic colitis overlap. In a group of biopsy proven microscopic colitis patients, there is noted that up to half have symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Microscopic colitis is diagnosed only by biopsies of the colon even when it appears normal. Symptom-based criteria for diagnosing IBS are not specific enough to rule out microscopic colitis. Some people with IBS have Mastocytic Enterocolitis, a newly recognized form of microscopic colitis characterized by increased numbers of mast cells in the intestinal lining. These cells can only be seen when special stains are applied to intestinal biopsies, a maneuver, not usually done by most pathologists or requested by most doctors performing intestinal biopsies.


Patients suspected to have irritable bowel syndrome should undergo biopsies of the colon. This is absolutely necessary to exclude the possibility that they could have one of several forms of microscopic colitis. The diagnosis of microscopic colitis is made when biopsies of the colon have an increase in infection fighting or immune cells or deposits of excess collagen connective tissue in the lining of the digestive tract. In the most common form of microscopic colitis seen without special stains, excess lymphocyte white blood cells, or so called "intraepithelial lymphocytosis", seen under the microscope. This microscopic finding is present when the colon looks normal on the surface. Many doctors don't biopsy the colon when it looks normal despite obtaining a history of diarrhea from the patient. Microscopic colitis is a known treatable cause of diarrhea, bloating, gas and abdominal pain that can only be diagnosed by colon biopsies. In many patients who do get biopsies, special stains are not ordered when the standard stains fail to reveal an abnormality. However, under special stains, excess mast cells may be seen and a diagnosis of a treatable form of IBS known as mastocytic enterocolitis is missed.


Blood tests should be done to screen for Celiac disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Without these blood tests and intestinal biopsies, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease and various forms of colitis especially microscopic colitis are frequently missed.


Microscopic irritation or inflammation of the intestine can be patchy. Therefore, anyone undergoing colonoscopy or upper endoscopy with symptoms, especially diarrhea, bloating, gas or abdominal pain, should have multiple intestinal biopsies. Inflammation that is the cause of these symptoms is often only seen microscopically and may be patchy. However, once a diagnosis is made treatment with medications and/or diet is often effective.


The earliest intestinal biopsy findings of Celiac disease and microscopic colitis is increased number of lymphocytes per 100 epithelial (intestinal lining) cells. In the colon intraepithelial lymphocytosis is considered diagnostic for microscopic colitis if 20 or more lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells are found. Interestingly the criteria for abnormal intraepithelial lymphocytosis in Celiac disease has more recently been reduced from 40 IELs per 100 utilized for nearly thirty years to 30 per 100. Even more recent studies have indicated that this should be reduced further to 20-25 per 100 because it is noted that early gluten injury occurs with lower levels of lymphocytes in the intestinal lining and is associated with a favorable response to gluten free diet. Microscopic colitis frequently responds favorably to a gluten-free diet.


Numerous patients have come to me with a diagnosis of IBS for years who I have confirmed to have Celiac disease, microscopic colitis or non-celiac gluten sensitivity. These patients typically respond dramatically to a gluten free diet even in the absence of a diagnosis of Celiac disease. Several of my patients have both Celiac disease and a form of microscopic colitis such as lymphocytic or collagenous colitis.


People often experience years of unnecessary suffering due to delays in diagnosis of Celiac disease, microscopic colitis, Mastocytic Enterocolitis, Crohn's disease, and food intolerance. Many developed preventable secondary complications such as osteoporosis, infertility, iron deficiency or autoimmune diseases. Most live for years with pain, stomach pains, and diarrhea under the false conclusion that they have IBS. Frustation occurs when you are told there is little to nothing that can be done besides taking anti-diarrhea and anti-spasm medications combined with a high fiber diet and fiber supplements. Yet, most note they are no better or even worse with increased fiber. If you have complained to your doctor that such agents seem to cause more severe bloating, gas, diarrhea and abdominal pain you are often scoffed at or told you are not being compliant. Little did you or your doctor know that increasing fiber intake can make you worse if you are gluten intolerant.


Don't accept a diagnosis of IBS without adequate diagnostic testing or consideration of a trial of gluten free diet. Before accepting IBS learn more about the various forms of colitis, Celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, Crohn's disease and altered gut flora and be your own advocate when you visit your doctor.

Best Colon Cleanser For Stomach Pain

sensitive digestion can have a massive impact on ones life. The pain it causes can effect well being not to mention the emotional distress it can cause from family and friends being impatient and not understanding the impact it is having on your health. Furthermore, for some being told that the pain is all in your head after medical tests have ruled out serious conditions like cancer or ulcerative colitis can be insulting and cause further distress.

As most of digestion occurs in the small intestine, the colon is responsible for the removal of waste. Colon cleansing is helpful in the removal of any excess waste that is present in the colon and is said to alleviate a lot of diseases and prevent the onset of cancer.

There are various symptoms that may occur from colon obstruction and sensitive digestion, therefore different treatments will be more effective for different situations. For example, if you suffer from occasional constipation then a colon cleanser might be the best solution. If you are one who suffers more from diarrhea, then a colon control treatment may be the best option.

Other effective treatments for the best alleviation of stomach pain may be to implement lifestyle changes such as increasing the fiber and water intake in one diet. Furthermore, increasing the intake of colored fruit and vegetables which strengthen the immune system. This is a more natural solution and there are less risks that can occur in comparison to a colon cleanse. However this method may take time for results to be seen and if the pain is too strong, perhaps a colon cleanse may be the best option for you.

The best and most effective first step that can be taken to reduce stomach pain is to alter your diet. The best treatment for sensitive digestion should be properly researched. Make sure that the procedures are safe and consult a doctor before going through with a colon cleanse.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Adrenal Fatigue Testing

Exhaustion and weariness is one of the popular and the most frequent rants among all the adult patients. If you have the symptoms such as the following: tiredness, frequent influenza, fearfulness, allergies, arthritis, anxiety, depression, reduced memory and difficulties in concentrating on one topic, insomnia maybe, or the fact that you are always worn-out, you could very well be suffering from a the infamous case of adrenal fatigue.

The General Symptoms

The Adrenal fatigue has a wide variety of non-specific yet often unbearable symptoms. The beginning of this disease is often sluggish and sinister. Patients are told and often forced to believe that they are stressed and need to learn to just relax more. Indeed, it is a known knowledge that stress kills to a great extent.

But, the ultimate question is how does it kill? And, what are the solutions offered to address it? Allergy and sensitivities to dietary or ecological substances can act as a body weight that contributes eventually to the Adrenal Fatigue.

It is very important to do away with or reduce the end product of these so that we can restore a healthy adrenal function. The lab tests listed on this page may help you determine the following tests can tell you if you have adrenal fatigue or not.

Gastro Test

Gastrointestinal test is excellent for people suffering from upset stomach, ulcerative colitis, Chron's disease, along with irritable bowel syndrome. This test is especially made for detrimental pathogens such as yeast, parasites, worms and bacteria. It also tests for small intestinal and colon inflammation, pancreatic enzyme production, and food intolerances to soy, dairy, egg and gluten, which are all upsetting to your stomach.

Hair Analysis Testing.

This can tell you which are the minerals and vitamins your body really needs at the moment. Not only that but also this test may also tell you if you have toxic metals such as aluminum, lead, copper, or mercury. This is a helpful test for people with anxiety problems, ADHD, seizures, panic attacks, hyperactivity, sleep problems, even people working in the area of toxic metals, or those who simply want to know what minerals and vitamins does their body needs.

Environmental Testing

The test is called the test for environmental allergy test. It is a sensitive blood test that somewhat precisely detects direct hypersensitivity/allergy reactions to environmental allergens that take place in just minutes up to a few hours after your exposure. However, this does not involve any skin testing. There are no unfavorable reactions since the test is done to your blood.

Food Testing

This test is called Food allergy test. It is a series of sensitive blood tests which correctly perceives instant and delayed hypersensitivity/allergy reaction to food. The delayed reactions can happen within 12 hours to weeks subsequent to exposure. It's often the deferred type of reaction which is tough to take down for the reason that symptoms might not appear until a couple of hours or days after you've eaten the substance that you are allergic to. This kind of food allergy test is the only one that could give you this kind of information.

The ELISA/ACT LRA can gauge sensitivities to molds, medicines, additives, preservatives, spices, condiments and herbs as well as many other edible foods. A diverse combination of tests is available, enabling you to decide as few as forty food items or maybe as many as two hundred plus.

Colitis - Treatment for Irritation

Colitis is a sharp or constant irritation of the casing lining the colon - our large intestine or bowel. They cause swelling and painful, called ulcers, in the top coating of the inside layer of the large intestine. Ulcerative colitis hardly ever has an effect on the small intestine apart from for the inferior part, called the ileum.

It is a provocative bowel illness, the all-purpose name for illness that causes irritation in the small intestine and colon. It can be easier said than done to identify for the reason that their indications are comparable to additional intestinal chaos and to one more type of provocative bowel illness called Crohn's sickness. Crohn's sickness is different for the reason that it causes irritation deeper inside the intestinal partition and is able to take place in other division of the digestive system as well as the small intestine, mouth, esophagus, and abdomen.

Colitis Reasons

Genetics: For the reason that we're more probably to expand it, if we have a parent or sibling with the illness, scientists believe that hereditary structure may take part in a causal role. Investigating into which inherited metamorphosis might enhance vulnerability to this is continuing.

Even though there is a great deal of scientific confirmation that patients with provocative bowel sickness have irregularity of the impervious system, doctors do not know whether these irregularities are the source or a consequence of the sickness. Doctors consider that there is little foundation for the thought that Crohn's infection and ulcerative colitis is caused by pressure or go on a diet.

Surroundings: Quite a lot of environmental reasons, such as pollution, are alleged of activating this in people who have a hereditary vulnerability. On the other hand, no solitary issue has been constantly recognized to be the most important trigger. The microorganisms that usually live in the colon also have a significant role in the improvement of the sickness. This disease does not increase when elevating in a bacteria-free surroundings.

Contagious agents or ecological toxins: No solitary agent has been connected time after time with either form of provocative bowel sickness. Viruses have been description in tissue from populace with provocative bowel sickness; excluding there is no convincing confirmation.

Surgical procedure is essential in an urgent situation such as perforation, harsh bleeding, or poisonous mega colon, causing an individual to become sternly unwell with a lofty fever.

Abdominal Cramps and Diarrhea

Abdominal cramps and diarrhea are symptoms that may come with various diseases. These diseases include gastritis, food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome, parasitic infections, diverticulitis, and traveler's diarrhea. Diarrhea is a disease where a person suffers from abnormal bowel movements. A bowel movement would be considered abnormal if it occurs more than thrice in a day. Abdominal cramps are caused by spasms or muscle contractions.

It can be said that abdominal cramps and diarrhea tells us about the irritation that our colon or the digestive system faces for various reasons. It is often said that it is through diarrhea that our body frees itself from various unwanted substances. Bacterial infections can also trigger diarrhea.

In short, what we eat has lot to do with abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Eating of unhygienic or under prepared food items often causes food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastritis. People who have allergies from various foodstuffs can also suffer from diarrhea.

Apart from the above mentioned cases, abdominal cramps are seen in women who are undergoing their menopause. This is a period of their life cycle when they undergo some biological changes and that may cause the cramps on the muscles of the abdomen. Women who are having their period also suffer this kind of cramps.

Abdominal cramps can also signify infections of the colon. This is the reason that such cramps are one of the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. However, a patient of this disease also suffers from blood diarrhea.

Quite often a person suffering from diarrhea and abdominal cramp can also have feelings of nausea. There are antibiotics that can control these cramps and diarrhea. It is also very important that one should keep his body hydrated during diarrhea.

It is always better to be safe than sorry. Lead a hygienic and healthy life style and you will not suffer from abdominal cramps and diarrhea too often.

General Information on Gallbladder Disease

Bile is a substance made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder which helps the digestion of fat.
Where is the gallbladder situated?
The gallbladder is situated underside of the liver and releases bile after every meal especially the fatty ones.

Gallbladder disease affects mostly women.

The symptoms are pain of different intensity, jaundice, nausea and fever. Gallbladder disease appears when solid stones are formed in the gallbladder from cholesterol, bile salts and calcium, they are of different sizes-gallstones, they are caused by cholesterol in high quantities which forms crystals.

What are gallstones?

Gallstones appear in people of all ages and the possibility of developing increases with age, obese people, Chrone's disease and ulcerative colitis, people with high cholesterol level in the blood, women that follow contraceptive medication and those with antecents of gallstones are more susceptible to develop gallbladder disease.

Patients may manifest no symptom at all, but when they do is due to chronic cholecystitis (biliary colic) which is a chronic inflammation of the gallbladder manifested with pains in the upper abdomen or in the right side below the ribs, pain which is worse and worse, the pain may spread in the shoulder and sometimes is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain is difficult to be distinguished from other diseases such as: kidney stones, back problems, pneumonia, gastric ulcer, heart pains. The attack is triggered by fatty foods and can last for two to three hours, after it comes to normal.

Acute cholecystitis (acute inflammation or infection of the gall bladder) is a condition manifested with pain and tenderness under the ribs on the right side, temperature lasting more than twelve hours. The pain is getting worse when moving and coughing. There may be gallstones or only the infection. It is treated with antibiotics and in urgent cases emergency surgery is required to remove the gallbladder.

Jaundice (yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of eyes)
Appears when the flow of bile from the liver is obstructed.
Fever and other serious symptoms are suggestive for the infection through the bile duct system. Urine is coloured in dark, the skin and eyes are coloured in yellow and the skin becomes itchy. There may also appear similar symptoms as in cholecystitis.
These symptoms may appear all or only some of them, but at least one will manifest.

Painful attacks are to be treated with painkillers. Keeping a low fat diet and placing something warm on the pain spot are also helpful methods. If you have gallbladder and no symptoms appear then no treatment is required, there are also many alternative treatments which can be applied, if they are not effective surgery is highly recommended.

Ulcerative Colitis - New Treatments Being Developed

Research into new ulcerative colitis treatments is currently being conducted in numerous universities and medical research facilities. The NIH (National Institutes of Health) in the United States reports that there are currently about 270 clinical studies underway or recently completed. More than 600,000 individuals in the U.S. alone - and millions more around the world - could benefit from drugs and therapies developed in these trials.

Approximately 300 ulcerative colitis patients die each year in the United States, so the mortality rate for this disorder is fairly low. Regardless, doctors consider it to be a serious digestive illness. It accounts for 80,000 hospitalizations every year, and doctors prescribe more than two million drugs for it annually.

This disease gets its name because inflammation causes ulcers to grow in the lining of the colon and intestines. These ulcers may produce pus and often bleed.

Medical researchers have not been able to develop any cures for ulcerative colitis. Certain medicines have been developed that alleviate pain from symptoms. These drugs may also reduce inflammation, slow down the progress of the disease, prevent complications, and replace blood and nutritional losses. Plus, these medications may help damaged tissues heal, prevent new flare ups, and lower the necessity of surgery in the future.

In choosing ulcerative colitis medications, your doctor will evaluate the progression of the disorder, the part of the colon that is affected, and any complications that may have developed.

If the disease is in the mild to moderate stage, the first choice of medications is usually aminosalicylates. Drugs called sulfasalazine or mesalamine are often the first choice in these situations. Aminosalicylates focus on reducing any current inflammation, promoting remission, and keeping the disease from becoming active again. Frequently, aminosalicylates are all you need to keep it in remission. Remission means you are not experiencing or suffering symptoms.

When aminosalicylates don't work well enough, corticosteroids are usually the next choice. The main purpose of corticosteroids is to eliminate inflammation, and they'll only be used as long as it takes to bring inflammation under control. As soon as there's no longer inflammation, your doctor will probably resume treatment with aminosalicylates.

When neither aminosalicylates nor corticosteroids bring about remission, your doctor will probably have to try other medications. Typically, such medicine would include immunomodulators, cyclosporine, and infliximab. These medications help reduce or eliminate inflammation by controlling how your immune system responds to your disorder.

Pregnant women with this condition should discuss medications with their doctor. Aminosalicylates and corticosteroids are generally considered to be safe for pregnant women, especially if the doctor believes the disease is more of a threat to the unborn child than any effects of the drugs. Several ulcerative colitis drugs are available that are formulated for use according to the stage of the pregnancy and the severity of symptoms.

Several recent research studies have revealed that the nicotine patch may actually help. But right now it's not really clear how long the benefits last or whether the patch can prevent flare ups. Not only that, but there can other harmful side effects from nicotine - including addiction. So most doctors will hesitate to try the nicotine patch before all other options have been found to be ineffective.

As mentioned above, there are literally hundreds of research studies and clinical trials in progress aimed at discovering new treatments and ulcerative colitis medications. Their efforts, we hope, will soon pay off with the development of new drugs and ulcerative colitis treatments - possibly even in an ulcerative colitis cure.

The Truth Behind Natural Treatment For Crohn's Disease

I have mentioned before that, in my desire to find treatment for Crohn's, I have previously turned to Western medicine, but high dose steroids were the only thing that had any sort of effect. When I would hear about natural ways to help Crohn's, I would immediately disallow the idea and state that it would not help me the slightest bit, and therefore I would not consider them as a possibility.

Besides, if Western medicine was not working very well, no matter how many drugs that my medical practitioner used on me in order to attempt to help my Crohn's and send it into remission, how would I get any better results from just reducing stress, changing my diet and may be some supplements?

To be honest, I did not think anything would work.

Looking back on it, the drugs I was taking would have left me with worse side effects than anything I experienced with the Crohn's, so that was a bad decision. As a result, I did start looking for natural methods in order to give myself the help I needed, due to the fact that Western medicine was starting to yield smaller and smaller dividends for me, and I wanted something that would not leave me with those side effects.

For the next few years, I looked in to natural treatments, not really gaining a whole lot of ground; keep in mind that this was not due to the lack of effectiveness of the therapies, I simply had to find the right way to help myself. In order to get my health to the place I wanted it to be, I had to spend a lot of time and do a lot of searching.

Since my doctor could do little to provide me assistance besides give me drugs that would put me at higher risk for osteoporosis, mess up my blood sugar, and thin my bones, I decided to seek other, more natural and effective answers for natural treatment for Crohn's, just to see if that would help me more. As I continued my quest to find the natural answer, I would get disheartened when I thought I had all the pieces put together only to find myself wrong.

I had to go through this a lot, but since the drugs were starting to give me a few problems, I pressed on, hoping to find some combination of natural methods that would work for me. Eventually, I started going for a natural diet of uncooked, unprocessed foods, and that seemed to start helping me immensely, giving me the results I was looking for. As I kept on this regimen, I could remain in remission without having to stay on medication.

Following this diet even returned me to a state of well-being that I hadn't experienced since before my time with Crohn's Disease. Despite my successes with this diet, I wanted to find more ways to help Crohn's naturally, perhaps out of obsession or a further need to feel better; either way, I found out a lot more about how to help this disease naturally, and I learned a lot.

Ever since I found success with natural treatment for Crohn's Disease, I started looking for other people who had found something that worked naturally, in order to learn all the possible methods that may work. What's more, I was able to gain a bit of information on the reasons why the therapies I was trying before did not work, allowing me to tell people what to avoid.

Perhaps you are in a similar situation, stumbling from method to method praying for something that works; I have the experience and the knowledge to help you find that perfect regimen. Those of you who want to begin your natural treatment for Crohn's should do your best to start the right regimen as soon as possible, to avoid all of that expensive and disheartening looking around for the best treatment.

If your Crohn's Disease is particularly affecting you, it is necessary to learn how to get into remission quickly, so you are not diminishing your quality of life any longer than necessary. It was not a joyride when I did it, and you should not have to experience that! With natural treatment for Crohn's, you will have a far easier time of it if you learn the most effective regimens right away, thus saving you time, money and discomfort; otherwise,you will be stumbling in the dark like I did for years on end.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis - Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are usually addressed together as irritable bowel syndrome because of the similarity of their symptoms and treatment.

A chronic pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and rectal bleeding are clear symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Another disease with similar symptoms is the Crohn's disease. Most medical journals together classify these diseases as the irritable bowel syndrome. These diseases can lead to weight loss and anemia as well. The Crohn's disease and the ulcerative colitis cause inflammation in the digestive tract and their symptoms are so similar that sometimes doctor's are unable to directly diagnose both at an early stage.

These two diseases are positively not caused due to any external infection and there is evidence that they are autoimmune disorders. This means that the body's own defense or immune mechanism starts acting against the digestive process and ulcers or small pus cells get formed and in acute ulcerative colitis perceptible rectal bleeding is noticed. The process of diagnosis normally involves a stool examination and also a colonoscopy which will establish the ulcerations. The cause of the disease is not known till date and the only alleviation from the symptoms is possible through medication. Usually anti-inflammatory drugs are administered to restore good health in the patients.

The aim of the medical practitioners is to limit the inflammatory response. As there is rectal bleeding in ulcerative colitis, oral iron therapy and even blood transfusion in rare cases may be needed. When the colon is affected there is discomfort. Normally pan colitis or universal colitis is a condition that involves the inflammation of the entire colon. This is an unhealthy condition to deal with and caregivers of the patients as well as the patients themselves get easily depressed and disillusioned by their state. Crohn's disease can also affect the liver, the joints, the lungs and even the kidneys at some time.

At this time it is known that both crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are rampant in Canada and many Canadians are known to be affected by the disease. They are often treated with Cannabis or medical marijuana. The irritable bowel syndrome caused by either crown's disease or ulcerative colitis can cause fever and vomiting as well as pain in the abdomen and rectum. The simplistic symptoms of these two ailments are easy to ignore, however an early diagnosis can save the pain and the disillusionment that comes from a chronic lifetime ailment.