Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tips in Preparing For a Colonoscopy

You finally made the decision to get a colonoscopy. Good job! Whether it is due to the abdominal pains, rectal bleeding, your age, or having a family history of colon disease, this procedure is an excellent way to find out if your colon is in good working order. The following are useful things you can do whilst preparing for a colonoscopy:

1. Since you will not be able to drive after the exam, make preparations for a close friend or relative to take you to and from the clinic. it would make no sense for you to drive there since you can't drive after the screening. Since you will be sedated during the procedure, you want someone who will be able to help you afterward.

2. Provide the doctor with a detailed report of your medical history, explicitly stating all the medicines you have taken in the past as this will determine the amount of sedatives you will need during the operation as well as painkillers. This is especially important if you have been taking blood thinners or insulin, as the process usually starts with an injection in a blood vein. Additionally, it is advisable that a week before this screening, all dosages of aspirin products must be stopped. Other supplements including iron must also be paused.

3. There should be lots of intake of fluids about a week before the exam. Refrain from milk, acidic or citrus juices such as orange juice. Other liquids such as coffee, tea, fruit juices and water are okay. If you are taking this screening test in the summer and feel the need for a popsicle a few days before the exam, you can have one but be sure to check that it has no cream or frozen fruit.

4. As your doctor will also prescribe a special drink for you, be sure to get your daily intake of this so as to aid in the process of elimination of fecal matter, making the colonoscopy much easier for both you and the doctor. Try drinking it cold after being refrigerated as it tastes a lot better this way.

This goes hand in hand with staying away from solid foods on the day of your test as well as the day before. Stick to foods like soup, porridge and mash potatoes for example. It is also advisable that you stop drinking water on the day of your exam as your colon needs to be empty for a perfect examination.

5. Pack a bag with an extra change of clothes on the day of your exam in case of any unpreventable accidents that might occur.

These steps provide a sure way for you to be ready for your colonoscopy screening. All in all, don't be nervous as this test only lasts for approximately 20 minutes and is not painful. By following all these suggestions for the examination, you will undoubtedly make the procedure a lot faster and much easier.

Colon Disease Symptoms - Do I Have Any Colon Disease? Check the Symptoms

With the passage of time it has been witnessed that lifestyles of people have changed a lot. In fact their hectic schedule rarely gives them time to concentrate on healthy diets. Further the intake of the junk foods and sugar seem to increase the health related issues a lot. The most prominent among them can be the clogged constipated colons. The symptoms of colon disease rarely show up.

Some of the common symptoms can help you identify Colon Disease are :

* Blood in your stool

* Irregular stomach pain or cramps

* You experience change in your stool habits

* Weight loss

In case, if you are suffering from these symptoms, then you must immediately consult your doctor.

Do I have Colon Disease? Check out the Symptoms:

There are various types of colon diseases. You can check out the symptoms so that you can pick up the appropriate treatment option in a wise manner. Check them out:

* Colon Polyps: It more or shows no symptoms at all. In most of the cases they are found incidentally during the x-ray or endoscopy of the bowel. However, in some cases you would find symptoms like mucus discharge, bleeding, abdominal pain and change in the bowel function.

* Crohn's Disease: In such a case, symptoms might include fever, bloating, skin lesions, joint pain, weight loss, bloating, rectal abscess and cramping etc. Bleeding might be dangerous in most of the cases as it would lead to anemia. This disease might even cause infection in the bladder or skin.

* Ulcerative Colitis: In this case you would experience abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss, fever, bloating etc. Kids suffering from such a disease won't grow properly.

* Deverticular disease: Most suffering from this disease won't experience any symptoms or discomfort. However, the most common symptom which would disturb you a lot is the abdominal pain. Further, if you are suffering from infection then you would suffer from nausea, vomiting, cramping, constipation, chills etc.

A Holistic Approach To Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the ways the body responds to stress. Stress to the body can come in different forms such as an illness or a physical injury. While inflammation can be helpful initially, too much of it is not good for the body. For example when you have a cold, your body may respond initially with inflammation in the form of a fever. This can help to kill the virus, but then the inflammation should go away. If the body is constantly stressed and there is continuous inflammation, this can take a toll on the body over time.

After a period of time, the body may develop chronic inflammation. This is commonly associated with numerous health problems. Chronic low grade inflammation is known to be linked to disease and premature aging. There are several diseases with inflammation including arthritis, asthma, infection, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and cancer to name a few of them.

If you have any one of these diseases, you are likely to have accompanied inflammation. Inflammation can cause free radicals which cause cell destruction and other problems in the body. If you want to have better health, a good strategy is to minimize inflammation. Decreasing inflammation has been shown to help lower the effects of disease and improve function in the body.

There are several different methods to reduce inflammation in the body. Some methods are more invasive including medication or even surgery. These methods often carry side effects that can lead to other health problems. It is wise to seek natural and holistic methods to deal with inflammation that support the body's ability to heal itself. Simple methods to improve inflammation include getting proper rest and plenty of exercise.

There are certain foods that we can consume that effectively reduce inflammation in the body. It is also important to control our caloric intake to avoid weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight can help avoid inflammation. Eating processed foods, red meat and junk food are likely to cause more inflammation and should be avoided. It is also good to avoid refined flours and eat whole grains instead which help reduce inflammation. They also are better to maintain a healthy weight instead of refined flours which are easily converted into fat in the body. You should also avoid sugar, candy and desserts.

It may seem easier to eat processed foods and junk food in the beginning, but continuing this lifestyle can lead to disaster in the end. Developing a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will help to minimize inflammation and keep your body healthier.

Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Colitis

A nagging stomachache, diarrhea and nausea are symptoms that can lead to a number of different diagnoses from food poisoning to the stomach flu. Those symptoms can also indicate Colitis, an inflammation of the colon (large intestine) that can be caused by an infection, poor blood supply, or an autoimmune reaction. Additional symptoms can include abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody stools and fever. Because these symptoms can often be associated with other medical conditions, here are ten things you might not know about colitis:

1. Colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's Disease are chronic conditions that can last from years to decades. There is no known cure for colitis, therefore the goal of treatment is to keep the condition in remission.

2. There are several different types of colitis. Infectious colitis occurs when disease causing bacteria are ingested and get into the intestines. Ischemic colitis occurs when the colon loses its normal blood supply and becomes inflamed. Diabetes, high blood pressure and smoking can trigger ischemic colitis. Ulcerative colitis is thought to be caused by over activity of the immune system and its symptoms include abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea.

3. Colitis affects about 500,000 to 2 million people in the US, and affects men and women equally. Colitis typically begins during adolescence and early adulthood, however the condition can also begin during childhood or later in adulthood. The most common age range is between 15 and 40 years old.

4. In addition to a physical exam and a family history, tests to establish a diagnosis may include a colonoscopy with biopsy and barium enema. Other tests may be done depending on the symptoms.

5. Although the condition is found all over the world, colitis is most prevalent in the United States, England and Northern Europe. Interestingly, the incidence of colitis in developing countries is low.

6. Many colitis patients have been able to minimize their symptoms by avoiding certain foods like soft drinks, alcohol and caffeine, and limiting others such as spicy foods, dairy products and foods that are high in fat.

7. Colitis is not contagious. Although it can be caused by an infection that is contagious, a person cannot "catch" colitis from someone else.

8. Colitis is hereditary. A person is more likely to suffer from colitis if they have an immediate relative who suffers from colitis. Approximately 25% of people with ulcerative colitis have a first-degree relative with the disease.

9. Complications of colitis can involve other parts of the body. About 10% of patients develop arthritis and lower back pain. Colitis can also cause inflammation in the joints, skin, eyes and the liver.

10. Colitis cannot be cured; however it can be treated with medications such as antibiotics and anti inflammatory drugs, and in some cases, surgery. Adequate hydration is a key element in the treatment of colitis and in some cases IV fluids are required.

Ulcerative Colitis - Will Diet Have An Effect?

Ulcerative colitis is a disease that is very similar to Crohn's disease. Both these diseases fall under a category of diseases that are classified under the blanket term "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" or IBD for short. Ulcerative colitis refers to inflammation of the colon. Endoscopic images show ulcerative colitis as patches of red inflammation. The symptoms of this disease, that's right, I used the word disease, not ailment because it is not a minor ailment like irritable bowel syndrome. It is quite serious and requires medical attention. Like I was saying, the symptoms of this disease are constant diarrhea and sometimes bloody stools. The severity of the disease varies from person to person. Sometimes, the symptoms just disappear on their own. But sometimes they keep getting more serious and require medical intervention.

Crohn's disease is also a type of inflammatory bowel disease that can affect any part of the digestive system from the mouth to the anus. It is an auto-immune disease, that is, a disease where the body's immune system starts fighting against the body. Crohn's disease is said to be a man-made disease - a disease caused by the excesses of modern life and the demands it places on our health. This conclusion was made based on the fact that the more industrialized western countries report more cases of Crohn's disease. About half a million people in North America are affected by Crohn's disease and in Europe and about 30 people for every 100,000 people in Europe are affected.

The point is, there is definitely a link between Crohn's disease and modern, unhealthy lifestyles. So the question is, will diet help cure Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis? Actually, rather than cure, you should prevent ailments and diseases like ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and crohn's disease by following a healthy diet. There is no arguing the fact that a healthy diet indeed helps overall health and prevents many ailments, not the least of which are stomach and digestive system ailments. So yes, a healthy diet can help you fight these diseases. Cut down on fat, oil, grease, sugar, refined starch, white bread, artificial and processed foods full of sugars and artificial colors and sweeteners and preservatives and chemical. Eat more of whole grain bread, lean cuts of meat, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, nuts and legumes. Just follow a few basic universally accepted rules of healthy lifestyle and you'll do just fine.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The Function of Magnesium in Our Life

Magnesium, an alkaline earth metal, is the ninth most abundant element in the universe by mass. It constitutes about 2% of the Earth's crust by mass, and it is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater.

Magnesium is the 11th most abundant element by mass in the human body; its ions are essential to all living cells. The free element (metal) is not found in nature. Once produced from magnesium salts, it is now mainly obtained by electrolysis of brine and is used as an alloying agent to make aluminium-magnesium alloys, sometimes called "magnalium" or "magnelium".

A balance of magnesium is vital to the well being of all organisms. Magnesium is a relatively abundant ion in the lithosphere and is highly bioavailable in the hydrosphere. This ready availability, in combination with a useful and very unusual chemistry, may have led to its usefulness in evolution as an ion for signalling, enzyme activation and catalysis. However, the unusual nature of ionic magnesium has also led to a major challenge in the use of the ion in biological systems. Biological membranes are impermeable to Mg2+ (and other ions) so transport proteins must facilitate the flow of Mg2+, both into and out of cells and intracellular compartments.

Key Functions of Magnesium

  • Formation of bone - About two thirds of magnesium resides in bone. Researchers have found that this bone magnesium plays two very distinct roles in the support of health. Some of this magnesium contributes to the physical structure of bone, being part of the bones crystal lattice, its "scaffolding", along with calcium and phosphorous. The other portion of magnesium is found on the bone surface and acts as a storage site for magnesium that the body can draw upon during times of inadequate magnesium intake.

  • Relaxation of nerves and muscles - Magnesium and calcium act in conjunction to help to regulate nerve and muscle tone. In many nerves, magnesium serves the function of being a chemical gatekeeper; when there is enough magnesium around, calcium is blocked from rushing into the nerve cell and activating the nerve and the nerve is kept in a state of relaxation. If dietary magnesium is inadequate, the gate blocking can fail and the nerve may become overactivated. When certain nerve cells are overstimulated, they send too many messages to the muscles causing them to overcontract. This series of events helps to explain why magnesium deficiency can cause muscle soreness, tension, spasms, cramps and fatigue.

  • Other functions of magnesium - Many chemical reactions in the body involve the presence of enzymes, proteins that help to catalyze chemical reactions. Since magnesium plays a role in over 300 different enzymes, its physiological functions are very extensive and include (but are certainly not limited to) being involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, storage of energy in muscle cells and the proper functioning of genes. Since the metabolic role of magnesium is so ubiquitous, it is difficult to identify a body system that would not be affected by a magnesium deficiency. The digestive system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, muscles, kidney, liver and brain all rely upon magnesium to carry out their metabolic functions.

Food Sources of Magnesium

  • Pumpkin and squash seed kernels, Brazil nuts, Bran ready-to-eat cereal (100%), Halibut, Quinoa, Spinach, Almonds, Spinach, Buckwheat flour, Cashews, Soybeans, Pine nuts, Mixed nuts, White beans, Pollock, walleye, Black beans, Bulgur, Oat bran, Soybeans, Tuna, Artichokes, Peanuts, Lima beans, Beet greens, Navy beans, Tofu, Okra, Soy beverage, Cowpeas, Hazelnuts, Oat bran muffin, Great northern beans, Oat bran, Buckwheat groats, Brown rice, Haddock

The magnesium content of plants varies considerably with how much magnesium is in the soil where the plants are grown.

Much of the magnesium content in food is lost during processing - milling removes approximately 59% of the magnesium from whole wheat.

Cooking foods in water also causes magnesium to leach out during the cooking process.

  Recommended Daily Usage

  • 0-6 months - 50mg

  • 6-12 months - 70mg

  • 1-10 years - 150-250mg

  • 11-18 years - 300-400mg

  • 18 years + - 300-400mg

  • pregnant / lactating - + 150mg

  • Therapeutic Range: 50mg - 2500mg+

Nutritional Safety

  • Deficiency (Not enough Magnesium): Poor dietary intake of magnesium is a common cause of deficiency as are gastrointestinal tract problems such as malabsorption, diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. Physical stresses such as trauma, cold stress and surgery can also contribute to a magnesium deficiency as can kidney disease and alcoholism. The symptoms of magnesium deficiency can impact many physiological processes since this mineral plays such a wide variety of roles in the body. Common symptoms involve changes in muscle and nerve function such as muscle weakness, spasm and tremor. Since the heart is a muscle it can also experience compromised functioning concomitant with magnesium deficiency which can result in arrhythmia, irregular contractions and increased heart rate. Softening and weakening of bone can be the result of a deficiency since magnesium plays an important role in the maintenance of bone structure. Included among other symptoms of magnesium deficiency are imbalanced blood sugar, elevated fats in the bloodstream, elevated blood pressure, headaches, seizures, depression, nausea, vomiting and lack appetite.

  • Toxicity (Too much Magnesium): Diarrhea is the most commonly experienced toxicity symptom associated with high intake of magnesium. It is most frequently seen when magnesium is taken as a dietary supplement rather than from food sources. While diarrhea can occur at lower supplemental doses, in research studies the doses of magnesium associated with diarrhea range from 1,000-5,000 miligrams. In addition, generalized symptoms such as increased drowsiness or a sense of weakness may be attributable to magnesium toxicity.

Crohn's Disease Definition - What Does Crohn's Disease Mean For You?

Crohn's disease definition: It is a chronic inflammatory disease which mainly affects the small and large intestine. Crohn's can affect any part of the digestive system, right from the mouth through to the anus. It is named after Burrill Crohn, an American gastroenterologist who first described the disease in 1932.

Crohn's Disease falls into the broad category of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Another such illness called Ulcerative Colitis belongs to the same group of illnesses and is similar to Crohn's but only involves the large bowel, not the whole digestive system.

A person can be diagnosed with Crohn's at any age but is most common when you are a teenager and in your twenties. Crohn's can be a chronic reoccurring condition, but it can also cause very few symptoms in some cases and not really need any treatment at all.

Around 0.02-0.04% of the population has Crohn's Disease, with both equal numbers of men and women affected. White people are more affected with Crohn's than any other racial group. Crohn's or IBD can run in families and there is around a 20% chance that you will have a relative that also has Crohn's Disease.

Some of the symptoms of Crohn's Disease include abdominal pain which can often be in the lower right side of the abdomen, diarrhea, weight loss, rectal bleeding, tiredness, vomiting, as well as loss of appetite. You may not experience all of these symptoms but they are possible.

If you think that you may have Crohn's Disease or are showing several of the symptoms, then the best course of action you can take is to see your doctor for some tests to see if that is indeed the case. When you know what you are dealing with you can then make informed decisions about what to do next.

There are many great ways that you can help your Crohn's Disease using natural means and can help you to stay off drugs. Some of these include diet, exercise and keeping on top of stress.

Ulcerative Colitis Diet: Foods You Must Eat

Ulcerative colitis is a form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It causes inflammation and ulcers-which are sores-in the lining of the large intestines [or colon] and rectum. These afflicted areas are red and swollen. The ulcers form when inflammation kills the cells in the lining. It is also characterized with pus and bleeding. At times, the patient may also experience diarrhea as among its symptoms. Men and women are at risk to such disease. It is more likely to occur in teens and young adults than in individuals at age 50 and above.

There are many factors that can cause Ulcerative Colitis. Experts say it may be caused by a combination of few factors like the environment, genes, and weak immune system. There is also no established connection between foods and Ulcerative Colitis because there have been very few studies done. The reason for this is because studies are only conducted if they show a profit motive, such as treating UC with drugs.

Nonetheless, patients should monitor their diet closely. Foods that may trigger the symptoms or worsen the condition must be avoided. In addition, foods for Ulcerative Colitis should be healthy and balanced.

The immune system plays a crucial role in the body's natural defense against disease-causing bacteria. For good health, the immune system should be strong. Foods that are rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber are among the best choices.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of these nutrients. Fruits to include in daily diet are oranges, grapefruit, grapes, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, apples, and bananas. They contain high amounts of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system, and antioxidants and phytonutrients to fight off free radicals and other toxins.

Meanwhile, leafy vegetables provide fiber to aid in digestion. Some of these are lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli, to name a few. But, be careful with cabbage because it has been known to give many people with IBD problems. Nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, macadamia, and Brazilian nuts contain antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium, phytonutrients, and fiber. They are also good for the heart, and provide plant-based protein.

Organic fruits and vegetables have become more popular today because of how they are cultivated. Unlike the traditional and commercial fruits and vegetables, the organic produce does not use any artificial chemicals for pesticides and fertilizers. Experts claim that the nutrients in organic food are found to be 50% higher. The best thing about organic foods is the absence of harmful chemicals and toxins which can be detrimental to the health.

Besides fruits and vegetables, meats and other livestock food products like eggs can also be organic. This means that they are not fed with commercialized feeds. Rather, they are fed with natural foods. Organic chicken is one of the highest quality sources of protein around. In preparing chicken, it is best not to include its skin due to high fat content.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential unsaturated fatty acids found in flaxseed oil and algal oil and in fish oils. These essential acids are good in reducing the inflammation in patients with Ulcerative Colitis or IBD.

Part of a healthy diet is the fluid consumption. Water is efficient in removing harmful bacteria, toxins, and free radicals. Fresh fruit juices are also recommended.

Natural Treatment for Joint Pain

Pain in your joints can be caused by inflammation, arthritis, or degeneration of the cartilage. More and more people today are concerned with the harmful side effects of taking pharmaceutical drugs. There are many products that offer natural joint pain relief and one substance that is very effective is n-acetylglucosamine, or NAG for short.

Benefits of NAG

N-acetylglucosamine is one of the eight essential sugars your body needs. After hearing that, you may think that must be wrong because sugar is not good for us. The essential sugars are called saccharides and are not fructose or sucrose. When your diet includes these eight essential sugars, your body will be better able to ward off disease and infection. Studies have shown that they lower your cholesterol levels, diminish allergy symptoms, and lower body fat while increasing lean muscle. The essential sugars can also help detoxify your body of wastes and can help treat autoimmune conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis.

NAG is found in the shells of shrimp, shark cartilage, shitake mushrooms, and even grasshoppers. Fortunately it is available in supplement form. NAG can reverse cell damage and rebuild cartilage, thus offering natural joint pain relief. Since it can repair certain types of cell damage, it also helps with inflammation and the damage caused by it. Nag is an effective treatment for diseases like interstitial cystitis, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Other Supplements That Offer Natural Joint Pain Relief

There are numerous products on the market today that may or may not offer relief from pain and stiffness in your joints. Here is a list of some of the best ones at reducing pain and inflammation.

• Ashwagandha has been used in India for centuries to strengthen the immune system. Joint problems are relieved because it inhibits the 5-Lox enzyme.
• Annatto Bean Powder
• Boswellia
• Curcumin (inhibits the Cox 2 enzyme)
• Eucommia Ulmoides
• Ginger Powder
• MSM (helps to rebuild cartilage)
• Yucca

What About Glucosamine?

You may be wondering why glucosamine was not included in this list. That is because both glucosamine HCL and glucosamine sulfate can only be utilized by your body if you have a certain enzyme in your gastrointestinal tract. Many people do not have the right enzyme so the glucosamine is prevented from relieving joint pain.

When the enzyme is present in the GI tract, then the glucosamine is transformed into NAG or N-Acetyl-Glucosamine. NAG is then used by the body to reduce inflammation and pain in your joints.

How to Deal With Colitis Symptoms During a Relapse

You will enter a period when the pain and discomfort remains the same, where your condition is not deteriorating any more but is not getting any better. This does not mean to say that the medication that you have been prescribed is not working and is not garnering strength to reduce the colitis symptoms that you are suffering from. Quite the opposite in fact.

It just takes time to bring the strength of this disease under control. This period is the toughest time. You are tired physically due to less sleep and the effects of this disease on your body, tired because of having to go to the toilet so often, tired because you are not eating normally and mentally tired ensuring you keep going.

This can be a period when you may start to lose your fight, lose your strong will to see an end to the relapse. It may also be the time when you just want a quick reminder that the outside world exists. Going outside will require effort, movement and strength. None of these your body has or needs right now. You think about eating something you shouldn't and in quantities that you know will have serious repercussions. Keep a firm grip against such temptations as they will only bring self induced pain and trouble. There will be plenty of time later on when you can enjoy such things and not put yourself at risk.

The problem of hunger is never far away. Whilst you are feeling very poor with the pain and the tiredness you may still have some form of appetite, maybe not on the scale as before, but oh for some food. Don't be surprised if you start to imagine a plate of your favourite food just waiting to be eaten as the pangs of hunger become ever stronger. Now you maybe are wondering "why don't you just have something to eat?" It is not that eating stops entirely, it is just the awkward matter of what goes in must come out. And in the process of the waste reaching the inflamed part of the bowel and then being passed out, pain and discomfort have to be endured. Therefore, the amount and what you eat changes during an attack.

It is vitally important not to give into temptation during this period. Whilst you do require taking on some nutrition during a colitis attack, too great a quantity or eating food that will only exacerbate the symptoms will if anything be a retrograde step and will only deliver yet more uncomfortable or extremely painful consequences. It is essential to understand what is a sensible eating plan during a colitis relapse and the how to achieve the required nutrients without the worst of the possible resultant symptoms.

Ulcerative Colitis - Does Stress Matter?

No matter what anyone else says I find that stress does have an impact on my Colitis, I don't know why but that doesn't matter. All I need to know is that by staying calm and relaxed I can stay well. Feeling refreshed and alert. Now that's not to say that I have to be in a permanent state of chilled out bliss! Although that would be nice. I am realistic and realize that life can throw things my way which will get me worked up, so I take a practical approach to staying relaxed.

What I aim to do to beat stress in my life is to have a period of half an hour a day which I set aside for myself to do something which will if you like unwind any stress I may have accumulated.

There are several things I do -

- Going for a Walk - I find having a walk in the countryside near my home for half an hour or maybe longer if I feel like it is a fabulous way to unwind. It also has the benefit of being gentle exercise which is promoting movement in my abdomen, and this can also help to remove any abdominal cramps.

- Chi Kung - There is a wonderful form of Chi Kung exercise which is great for the digestive system. It is called Zhan Zhuang or in English this is best translated as standing exercise. This is a great exercise to do and very easy to learn, it has many health benefits and is a great way to de-stress at the end of the day. I personally stand for 20 minutes every day and find that the benefits are many.

- Bin-aural Beats - This is a type of relaxing music which can put you into a state of deep meditation without any effort on your part! Its a really quick and easy way to do some stress busting. I've got a CD which I put on an mp3 player and whenever I need to I can use this to get in the most amazingly relaxed state for about 20 minutes, then I just wake up feeling refreshed and alert.

Blood in the Stool: Explanation of Various Terms for Gastrointestinal Bleeding or Hemorrhage

Gastrointestinal bleeding:

Bleeding in the GI tract is very common. It should not be ignored because of its potential serious causes and life threatening results. Understanding basic terms and definitions used in GI bleeding will make it easier for you to recognize GI bleeding in yourself or a family member, communicate more clearly to your doctor about your symptoms, and search more effectively and accurately for information. You will also be a more educated and effective advocate for yourself so that the cause can be diagnosed and treated accurately and in a timely manner.

Blood in the stool:

Blood in the stool or gastrointestinal tract may take various forms or appearances depending on where it is coming from and how brisk the bleeding. There are common medical terms and definitions for blood in the gastrointestinal tract or stool that may not be familiar to the lay public but can be helpful to know if you or a family member experience gastrointestinal bleeding.

Hematemesis is vomiting blood:

Red hematemesis is vomiting red blood. Coffee ground's hematemesis is vomiting blood altered by stomach juices.

Blood in the stomach is quite nauseating usually resulting in vomiting. Vomiting blood is called hematemesis. It can be bright red if occurring briefly after the blood enters the stomach or when the bleeding is brisk. Stomach acid and digestive juices alter any blood that remains in the stomach. If the altered blood is vomited, it usually appears like old coffee grounds, hence the term "coffee grounds like" hematemesis. Blood may originate from the stomach, be swallowed, or regurgitated from the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine just after the stomach.

Melena and blood as a very potent laxative:

If blood in the stomach is not vomited completely the altered blood passes into the intestine where it usually triggers diarrhea. However, the diarrhea is usually black, tarry and foul smelling. This is termed melena or melenic stool. Though many doctors mistakenly refer to such stool as melanotic that is an incorrect term. Melanotic refers to containing melanin, the dark skin pigment present in moles and the malignant skin cancer, melanoma. Melena or melenic stools indicate an upper gastrointestinal tract bleed or source of blood because it has been altered by digestive juices only present in the stomach and upper small intestine. Such bleeding usually originates from a site reachable by an upper scope though occasionally the site is beyond the reach of such a gastroscope.

Lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage and rectal bleeding:

Red blood passed rectally usually indicates the source of bleeding is in the lower colon or rectum, or lower GI bleed, except in massive hemorrhage from the upper tract. Bright red blood on toilet paper or dripping in the toilet bowl is usually from the anus or rectum, most commonly from hemorrhoids or an anal fissure, though can occur with rectal cancer.

Bloody diarrhea and colitis:

Bloody diarrhea, often with mucus, is typical of colitis. Colitis is inflammation of the colon or large intestine from any of a number of causes that may include infection, poor blood flow to the intestine (ischemia) and the chronic inflammatory bowel diseases ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Occult blood in the stool:

It takes about 50-100 ml blood to turn the stool black or melenic. Less than 2 cups of bleeding is therefore not usually visibly detectable and is termed occult blood in the stool. Various chemical tests for occult blood in the stool exist that can be done on evacuated stool or stool obtained by a gloved finger exam by a doctor. Occult blood in the stool is concerning for cancer and necessitates an evaluation for the cause. Ulcers, acid reflux, Celiac disease, polyps, colitis and Crohn's disease, hemorrhoids and aspirin type medication injury to the gastrointestinal tract are all common non-cancer causes of occult blood in the stool.

Bleeding in the GI tract should not be ignored.

Now that you understand these basic terms and definitions it will be easier for you to recognize GI bleeding in yourself or a family member and communicate more clearly to your doctor about your symptoms. You will also be able to be a more educated and effective advocate for yourself as well as search more intelligently for the cause, diagnostic options and treatments available. Future articles will go into more detail about the causes and treatment of upper, lower and occult GI tract bleeding. Also, see for more information on digestive conditions and food related illness as well as to subscribe to my blog for cutting edge up to date information on the gut, food and health.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to Prevent a Peptic Ulcer

A proper lifestyle may reduce the symptoms of a peptic ulcer, so we should keep ourselves away from spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, smoking, taking NSAIDs and paracetamol, lose excess weight if overweight.A certain medication will be prescribe by your doctor, in order to reduce the amount of acid produced by the stomach.There are two kinds of medicine available to do this.One are so called H2-antagonists for example the ranitidine (Zantac) and cimetidine (Tagamet).The other known as proton pump inhibitors seems to be more powerfuly in reducing the production of stomach acid. These are omeprazole (Losec) and lansoprazole (Zoton).

If a person is found positive with H. pylori, she will need some prescribed tablets to get rid of it. In most cases the treatment is a combination of three drugs: a proton pump inhibitor and two antibiotics, taken daily for one week.The existence of persistent ulcer symptoms even after a test where H.pylori has not been found leads to further tests, such as gastroscopy or barium swallow.

There are also severe cases when the peptic ulcer causes serious problems, especially the perforation of the stomach or duodenum. A severe pain is caused and needs emergency treatment. A well known complication is the bleeding of the ulcer. In this case appear the following symptoms:vomiting fresh, red blood, or vomit containing dark brown bits of older blood; blood which is usually dark red in the faeces and black,tarry faeces.

An anemia can be caused by a slowly bleeding ulcer, where the red cells can be found in a small number, so are unable to transport oxygen around the body. The narrowing in the duodenum sometimes let scars produced by healed ulcers.

Actualy surgery is very rarely needed for the peptic ulcers.Severe complications may appear such as bleeding from the ulcer or perforation of the duodenal or stomach lining, which maybe resolvable by a certain surgery.The development of the peritonitis needs an emergency hospital treatment. Through a gastroscope certain operations in treating a bleeding ulcer is required, but a sedative can be given.

To avoid surgery and to protect ourselves from the appearance of a peptic ulcer we should pay attention to what kind of food we weat and also to have a proper lifestyle.

Risk Factors in Bowel Cancer

Most of us flirt with the risk factors for bowel cancer. How many of us don't exercise enough; eat the wrong foods and have bad habits such as drinking and smoking that are not conducive to good health? How many of us are stressed in our high powered lifestyles and don't seem to have enough time to exercise or prepare healthy meals?

So what are the risk factors for bowel cancer and what can we do about them.
The main risk factor of bowel cancer is age.

* 83% of people who get bowel cancer are over the age of 60yrs.
* Poor diet.
* Lack of exercise.
* Smoking.
* Being over the age of 50. (risk increases with age)
* You have a family history of bowel cancer.
* If you have ever had Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.
* If you have previously had polyps called adenomas in your bowel.

So, if 83% of people who get bowel cancer are over the age of 60 years and I'm well under that, I'm safe, right? Not exactly, there's still17% left who get bowel cancer below that age and some in their 20's.

So what to do? For a start, if you are approaching 60years old, book yourself in for a colonoscopy. Who knows they may find nothing, on the other hand they may find something that can be dealt with before it gets serious. For those younger, be vigilant and look for any signs and symptoms that may manifest themselves.

Fortunately bowel cancer is fairly slow in developing; unfortunately it doesn't show symptoms until it's developed. Therefore, the earlier you go to the doctor, if any symptoms do occur, the better for your long term survival.

Poor diet, something a lot of us suffer from. Whether it be fast food for convenience sake or those yummy snacks we eat when we are probably not even hungry, it doesn't matter, they take their toll. For a start this type of food will probably be high in fat or processed to death. Take your pick, neither is good. Fresh vegetables and fruit are a good start on the road to good eating habits. Plenty of fibre and water to get the flow going is another plus on the road to good eating habits. There are plenty of books on the subject, go out and find them and educate yourself.

Lack of exercise, another pastime we often ignore, especially when we are asleep in front of the TV. You don't have to be a marathon runner to exercise. Walking is extremely good for you.10,000 steps a day is fantastic. Get yourself one of those step counters and clip it to your belt and see how much you walk in a single day. Some will be pleasantly surprised and some will be disappointed. The good thing is it's a simple way to define and reach your goal. Be good to yourself and use the stairs, walk the dog, walk to the shops and leave the car at home. Do any sort of walking to get your 10,000 steps and you are heading toward the healthy zone.

My next article will finish off the risk factors we started in this article.


What is an ulcer? Basically, an ulcer is an external or internal sore or lesion that is a sign of necrosis (death of the tissues at a cellular level). Most ulcers that plague people are called "gastric" ulcers which are internal in nature. However, there are several kinds of ulcers and they include: decubitus ulcer, peptic ulcer, serpent ulcer, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, bed sore, and canker sore (herpes).

Internal ulcers usually occur on the mucous membranes (the internal skin) in the gastrointestinal tract.

Peptic ulcers occur where the lining of the stomach have been eroded away due to extreme acidosis. Like peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, and ulcerative colitis occur in the digestive tract or gastrointestinal tract. However, gastric ulcers in the stomach are the most common ulcers.

The symptoms of internal ulcers include inflammation (chronic burning), stomach pain, and bleeding (from the rectum). Internal ulcers are the result of ACID, too much acid in the body. And where does this acid come from? Answer: degenerate diet and lifestyle!

Eating meat, dairy, and starches all contribute to acidosis, for meat converts into URIC ACID, dairy converts into LACTIC ACID, and STARCH converts into CARBONIC ACID.

And lets not forget about the acidic beverages Americans greatly consume which plays a major role in acidosis - soda pop (which has a pH of 2 - GREATLY ACIDIC!), orange juice (processed and boxed); milk, Kool Aid; coffee and hot cocoa, various fruit punches, beer (devil's brew), wine and other spirits to name a few.

And then there's stress! Stress makes the body acidic. Stress is very detrimental to human health, but many people are under it due to being misaligned or disconnected with God, Nature and the Universe predicated upon finances (the lack thereof), job insecurity and/or unhappiness, marital/relationship problems, living a lie or chronic lying; debt (credit cards, behind on the home mortgage or car note, etc.); living unrighteous (fornicating, adultery, scheming, stealing, etc.), legal situations and litigation (usually as the defendant); and unemployment to list just a few of the things that causes stress.

You see, when you have to digest or process so much stuff in life, it usually results in digestive problems, that's why gastric ulcers are the most common form of ulcers.

Stress creates too much acid in the body. Stress and a very poor diet will undoubtedly lead to stomach or digestive problems and many times this will lead to headaches, bilious or migraine headaches. And what do most people take for headaches? Answer: drugs in the form of aspirin. Aspirin converts into ascetic acid and literally eats up your red blood corpuscles (just like white vinegar does). Aspirin is so caustic on the internal lining in the stomach and digestive tract that it literally burns a hole in the lining of the digestive tract causing gastric ulcers which eventually leads to internal bleeding which many times is manifested in blood in the stools.

And eating and drinking acidic things does not help the situation, but only exacerbates the situation. This is why people with "acid reflux" usually are prescribed "antacids." An antacid is an "anti" acid or that which counteracts acid. And what counteracts acid? Answer: ALKALINITY! Although the antacids are alkaline in nature, they break down into the body as acids and further the problem. Antacids only "mask" the problem (acidosis, ulcers), but does not heal the problem.

So now we have an idea of what causes ulcers, what can be used to heal ulcers?

Healing ulcers naturally

The best remedy for healing ulcers, especially gastric (stomach) ulcers is a diet rich in natural green foods - eating plenty of green cruciferous vegetables and drinking vegetable juice daily or as often as possible. Green foods are very healing! Parsley, kale, spinach, broccoli, cilantro, Roamine and green lettuce, watercress, asparagus, etc. are some of the best green foods available. And remember, green foods are naturally antacid without any adverse or negative side effects such as Tums or Rolaids and other OTC (over the counter) drugs.

Cabbage juice is probably the best instant healing remedy for ulcers. I usually tell people suffering from ulcers to drink 2-4 ounces of cabbage juice daily.

One day Stevie Wonder called me and asked me to help a friend in dire need of help and healing from ulcers. Stevie's friend was in Philadelphia, PA, a very long distance from California and needed help right away. I told the person to overdose on cabbage juice and watch the instant results. Two weeks went by and then I received a call from this person who was so elated and grateful and who told me the cabbage juice regimen worked wonders. His ulcer problem was gone! I told him to stay on that drink for preventative measures and to keep eating raw and green as long as he could.

Aloe vera juice is also excellent for healing of ulcers. Two ounces of aloe vera juice should be added to each glass of drinking water. Aloe vera is very soothing to internal sores (ulcers) and also helps to stop internal bleeding.

The herbs White Oak Bark, Witch Hazel Bark, Goldenseal Root, Cranesbill (Alum Root), Shepherd's Purse, Solomon's Seal, Dragon's Blood, Cayenne Pepper, and Manjistha help to stop internal bleeding, especially when used in combination with each other. However, Cayenne may cause irritation due to its natural heating effect and therefore should be used sparingly.

The herbs White and Black Willow Bark, Meadowsweet, Birch, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Spearmint, and Balm of Gilead can be used (as a tea) in place of anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin.

Stress reduction and elimination are mandatory in healing ulcers. The herbs Kava Kava, Valerian Root, Chamomile, Jatamansi, Blue Vervain, Lavender Flower and Passionflower are great nervine herbs that help in stress reduction and elimination.

Yoga/deep breathing exercises, transcendental meditation, crystal therapy, positive thinking, aromatherapy (essential oils of Lavender, Bergamot, Neroli, Valerian, and Davana); Tai Chi, massage therapy, colon therapy, relaxation, deep sleep, living righteously and standing on and for truth can all help to reduce or eliminate stress - Guaranteed!

DHERBS.Com provides five formulas that can physically help an ulcer sufferer. Our Ulcer Buster formula, Nervine formula, Bio-Salicin (Headache & Pain) formula, Digest-Aid, and Electric Greens Cell Food formula used during a short duration (in conjunction with a green foods diet and cabbage juice therapy) can help an ulcer sufferer rid him/her self of ulcers in a matter of days.

Ulcers are a degenerative disease which means they are a preventable and reversible disease and can be prevented or reversed through proper diet and lifestyle.

This health article is compliments of http://www.DHERBS.Com and Djehuty Ma'at-Ra, The People's Herbalist


Ulcerative Colitis, the Bowel Disease of Chronic Inflammation

A chronic inflammatory bowel disease in which the inner lining of the large intestine (colon or bowel) and rectum become inflamed, Ulcerative colitis is a serious disorder which is characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain, fever, chills and profuse diarrhea.

Ulcerative colitis causes both inflammation and sores, also called ulcers, in the lining of the colon and rectum. The ulcerated areas occur in the areas where inflammation has killed off the protective cells that usually line the colon. The inflammation and ulcers lead to pain, bleeding, and the hallmark symptom of profuse and nearly uncontrollable diarrhea.

The inflammation typically begins in the rectum and the sigmoid or lower colon. It may then spreads upward throughout the entire colon. However, except for the lower section, call the ileum, this disease rarely invades the small intestine. Other names for ulcerative colitis include proctitis, enteritis, ileitis and colitis.

Currently the cause is unknown, although many theories exist. Some researchers believe that it is hereditary; others believe that it is due to a bacteria or viral invasion, and still others believe it is a defect in the immune system in which the body's antibodies actually attack the colon.

The most common symptoms of ulcerative colitis are abdominal pain and bloody or pus-filled diarrhea. Other symptoms include loss of appetite, fatigue, weight loss, rectal bleeding, anemia, loss of body fluids and nutrients and fever.

Patients may also experience joint pain, rashes, skin lesions, and abscesses. Typically the onset of ulcerative colitis is gradual. However, in some cases the onset can be rather severe with the diarrhea and bleeding being much more significant. Because many of these symptoms can mimic other disorders it is important to see your physician so that an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment can begin.

There is currently no known cure for ulcerative colitis except for removal of the colon. Some helpful treatments include medications such as steroids designed to control or lessen the inflammation of the colon can help to improve the diarrhea and cramping. Antibiotics may also be used to help control the disorder.

Other medications may be used to control the pain and diarrhea of ulcerative colitis. Dietary changes can also help. For example, during an acute attack of ulcerative colitis, your physician may suggest that you avoid milk, milk products and bulky, heavy fiber foods.

A healthy diet with sufficient calories and adequate protein will help in overall well being. Hospitalization may be necessary in order to correct malnutrition, dehydration or mineral imbalances and to stop the diarrhea.

Surgery may also be required for difficult cases of ulcerative colitis. In cases of excessive bleeding, a perforation of the colon or even a debilitating lifestyle impact from the disease may all be appropriate reasons for surgery to remove the colon. Surgery is generally looked to as a last resort option after all other treatment options have failed.

Ulcerative colitis mimics several other bowel disorders and must be aggressively managed in order to avoid long term damage to the colon and a significant impact on the overall health of the sufferer.

Talk with your physician today and determine the best and most aggressive course of treatment for your disease.

What You Need To Know About Intestinal Biopsies

Failure to obtain biopsies during endoscopy misses important treatable intestinal conditions

Thousands of people are undergoing endoscopic exams daily without having tissue samples obtained. Sadly, though their exams may visually appear normal, under the microscope there are often microscopic findings that explain the symptoms that will respond to directed therapy. The gut is lined with superficial cells that contain a few immune cells that release chemical mediators that attract other cells to the area and fight off foreign invaders.

Several cells only seen microscopically play a role in digestive symptoms

Lymphocytes, eosinophils and mast cells are the immune cells that are normally present in small numbers in the surface cells of the gastrointestinal tract. A few lymphocytes are present in the tips of the surface cells that are a type of epithelial cell. These lymphocytes act as the body's scouts. They survey the barrier of the gut to the inside of the body, looking for signs of potential invading infectious agents. Once an attack is perceived, they signal reinforcements to join them on the front lines.

Lymphocytes are immune cells detected early in celiac disease and cause bowel symptoms

When persistent increased numbers of lymphocytes are present in the surface cells, a chronic inflammatory condition of the gut exists. In the duodenum, autoimmune reaction to gluten in genetically susceptible individuals is a common but frequently missed cause of chronic inflammation known more commonly as celiac disease or Sprue.

Eosinophils and mast cells are allergy cells that cause bowel inflammation often due to food

Eosinophils and mast cells are types of immune cells involved in allergy reactions in the body. They are less commonly present in the gastrointestinal lining except when there are parasites, food allergies, or chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders are less common and a newly recognized condition, mastocytic enterocolitis, is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel and colon. However, mast cells may be difficult to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells that are immunologically activated.

Allergic esophagus condition may mimic reflux but is due to food and eosinophils

The esophagus normally contains no eosinophils. The two exceptions gastroesophageal acid reflux in which small numbers, up to 6-7 usually and no more than 10-12 per high power field (40X magnification) are found in the lower esophagus only not in the mid or upper esophagus. Allergic eosinophilic esophagitis is diagnosed when 15 or more eosinophils per high power field are found in more than two fields or more than 20 to 24 per high power field in one field are seen or lesser numbers are present in the upper esophagus. Mast cells that are activated have also been found associated with allergic eosinophilic esophagitis and their presence supports allergic esophagitis over reflux as the cause of the increase eosinophils though it is believed some people have both conditions coexisting.

Allergy and immune cells in the stomach and intestines found microscopically cause symptoms

In the stomach and small intestine more than 10 eosinophils per high power field defines eosinophilic gastroenteritis. In the small intestine and colon more than 20 mast cells per high power field found in association with otherwise unexplained diarrhea is now termed mastocytic enterocolitis. This newly recognized and described entity is previously unrecognized cause of diarrhea in some patients diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome who may have been told they have a normal colon exam though no biopsies were done. Similarly, more than 20 lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells in the colon are found in lymphocytic colitis, another form of microscopic inflammation of the intestine resulting in diarrhea that may be inappropriately diagnosed as IBS.

Gluten grains wheat, barley and rye cause increased lymphocytes with normal blood tests

In many of these patients, gluten sensitivity is to blame and the lymphocytic colitis is felt to represent a colonic form of celiac disease. In celiac disease, 30 or more lymphocytes in the tips of the villi per 100 epithelial cells is the earliest sign of gluten injury occurring before the villi become flattened or blunted. This finding may noted before the specific blood tests, anti-endomysial (EMA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG) antibodies appear in the blood even though the intestine is damaged enough to result in nutrient malabsorption and diarrhea. Anti-gliadin antibodies are often present however when significant intra-epithelial lymphocytosis is present along with symptoms that respond to gluten free diet. Lesser degrees of intra-epithelial lymphocytosis have been proposed as highly suggestive of early celiac disease and or gluten sensitivity, in the range of 20-25 per 100 epithelial cells.

Colon can be affected early with microscopic signs only

In the colon, the presence of eosinophils is considered one of the earliest findings of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. In the right colon more than 20 eosinophils per high power field and in the left colon greater than 20 per high power field is considered abnormal and suggests eosinophilic colitis, chronic inflammatory bowel disease or a parasitic infection.

Allergy cells release chemicals causing pain, diarrhea, and sometimes constipation

Eosinophils and mast cells release chemicals that irritate the bowel, increase permeability (cause leaky gut), increase contractions of the gut, increase intestinal secretions and heighten pain. Both cells are related to allergies including food allergies. It is therefore not difficult to conceive of a link to adverse food reactions in the development of intestinal irritation.

Most digestive symptoms should be evaluated by scope examination and blood tests

The important point to be aware of if you have gastrointestinal symptoms and are undergoing or have undergone an endoscopic examination is that a normal appearing intestinal lining does not exclude the presence of damage or irritation sufficient to cause symptoms of pain, bloating, gas, and diarrhea nor exclude impaired digestion and absorption. Blood tests exist that can help screen for celiac disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis but biopsies of intestinal lining is usually required for definitive diagnosis.

Normal appearing gut lining may not be normal, make sure you get biopsies

Only through obtaining tissue samples that are examined under the microscope can abnormal types and number of inflammatory cells be identified. It is through biopsies of normal appearing intestinal lining that the correct diagnosis of various microscopic forms of gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases is confirmed. So, if you are preparing to undergo an endoscopic exam, I encourage you to insist that your doctor perform biopsies even they believe your exam looks normal. Based on the information I have reviewed above, a normal exam should be tip off that one of these microscopic conditions might be to blame for your symptoms.


Al-Haddad S, and Ridell RH. "The role of eosinophils in inflammatory bowel disease." Gut 2005; 54:1674-1675.

Guilarte M et al. "Diarrhoea-predominant IBS patients show mast cell activation and hyperplasia in the jejunum." Gut 2007; 56:203-209.

Jakarte S et al. "Mastocytic enterocolitis. "Increased mucosal mast cells in chronic intractable diarrhea." Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2006; 130:362-367.

Kirsch R et al. "Activated mucosal mast cells differentiate eosinophilic (allergic) esophagitis from gastroesophageal reflux disease." Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 2007; 44: 20-26.

Liacouras CA. "Eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders." Practical Gastroenterology March 2007. 53-67.

Rubio CA et al. "Lymphocytic esophagitis: a histologic subset of chronic esophagitis." Am J Clin Pathol. 2006; 125(3): 432-437.

Yousef MM et al. "Duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytes in disorders of the esophagus and stomach." Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2006; 4:631-634.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Juicing Wheatgrass for Health and Vitality

Anyone with a juicer can easily discover the health benefits of juicing wheatgrass, the young grass of the wheat berry. Wheatgrass is easily grown and juiced at home, and has benefits for a variety of health ailments and for preventing illness.

Wheatgrass contains all of the essential amino acids required for protein synthesis in our bodies. It also potentially possesses detoxifying capabilities, which is a desirable trait in today's polluted world. Some people find it also reduces fatigue or exhaustion.

Studies have shown that wheatgrass is promising as a treatment for a variety of illnesses. Wheatgrass juice contains a large amount of chlorophyll which may benefit human health in a variety of ways, including lowering the incidence of colon cancer. Wheatgrass may help reduce rectal bleeding in ulcerative colitis. In patients with thalassemia, a serious hereditary type of anemia, wheatgrass juice lowered the need for blood transfusions. Breast cancer patients may need fewer medications during chemotherapy if consuming wheatgrass juice regularly.

Wheatgrass increases the levels of hemoglobin in the blood thanks to chlorophyll, which helps transport oxygen. It also promotes cell regeneration due to its antioxidant capacities. It may also suppress the appetite, making it useful for weight loss.

Wheatgrass is safe to consume for most individuals. In some people it may cause an allergic reaction with typical allergic symptoms such as itching, hives, throat swelling, headaches or nausea. It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

Wheatgrass is easily grown in the home kitchen, the safest and most budget-friendly way to obtain wheatgrass for juicing. It can grow indoors in trays in as little as an inch of soil, which will save you a lot of money compared to purchasing already-grown wheatgrass or pre-juiced wheatgrass juice.

When growing your own wheatgrass, be careful to avoid overcrowding seeds and allowing un-germinated seeds to grow moldy, as this mold may spread to the grasses. Ensure good ventilation to reduce the risk of mold.

Juicing wheatgrass requires a masticating juicer, a type of electric juicer that slowly rotates while crushing the juice out of the fruit or vegetable and extruding the remaining plant fibers ("pulp"). Any masticating juicer should work.

When the grass is run through the juicer, pulp is also extruded. This pulp can be run through the juicer one more time to extract any additional juice. It is normal for white or greenish foam to be found on top of the fresh juice, and this is edible and healthy.

Wheatgrass juice is best combined with:

• Carrot juice

• Apple juice

• Ginger juice

• Beet juice

• Orange juice

• Lemon juice

• Ginger juice

One example of a delicious recipe including wheatgrass juice is:

Wheatgrass and Carrot Juice

3 large carrots, greens removed

3 inch diameter bunch of wheatgrass

1/2 apple

Try combining with the above list of ingredients until you find the mixture that tastes best to you. Sweet or tart flavors complement wheatgrass's grassy taste. Wheatgrass has a distinctive flavor that may take some getting used to, but you will eventually acquire a taste for it.

Wheatgrass juice, like all green juices, should not be consumed in excess. Start with one small shot per day and consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

You are likely to start noticing the benefits of this green elixir quite quickly. You will soon realize why so many people are juicing wheatgrass for its plentiful health benefits.

Ulcerative Colitis Cure?

If you have Ulcerative Colitis and are looking for a cure then there is hope. However there isn't yet a magic pill you can take which will cure you in 10 minutes. Ulcerative Colitis is an autoimmune condition which causes inflammation of the colon. To cure it you have to reduce this inflammation and then there is no colitis. This is exactly what Doctors try to do with Pharmaceuticals such as Prednisolone, which is a steroid and steroids reduce inflammation in the body, unfortunately once you stop the drugs the inflammation tends to come back, all the drug is doing is masking the symptoms not addressing the root cause. But if you can find a way to stop your body from becoming inflamed in the first place then it will mean that you will probably never have a flare up again. In fact there are many promising non pharmaceutical treatments available today which have no side effects and can keep colitis at bay by reducing inflammation naturally.

· Probiotics are anti inflammatory and have been shown in several studies to be as effective as Mesalazine in maintaining remission. They have also been used to induce remission in one study and were very successful.

· Elemental Drinks- these are a type supplemental food in the form of a liquid diet which in studies have been shown to induce remission as effectively as steroids.

· Boswellia is an anti inflammatory herb from India which in one medical study was shown to be as effective as Mesalazine in maintaining remission and has no known side effects.

· Ashwaganda is another herb which in studies has proved to be more effective than steroids in reducing inflammation.

· Diet can play a huge role in Colitis, and there may be trigger foods that you are not aware of which may trigger a flare up; if you avoid them then you may never have a problem again.

· Regular exercise has been shown to have an anti inflammatory effect on the body, especially short burst of high intensity exercise.

So whilst there is no magic cure for colitis the solution is quite straightforward, once we reduce the inflammation in our bodies through diet, exercise, probiotics and possibly some herbs if required then we will no longer suffer from Colitis.

Do I Need Ulcerative Colitis Surgery? - Your Guide to Relieving Ulcerative Colitis Pain

For anybody that has dealt with the effects of ulcerative colitis, they know that it can one of the most painful and difficult medical situations to deal with.

Despite the fact that the discomfort may feel like it comes from the intestine, it's actually a breakdown in how the immune system is working. Small organisms that actually help the body with digestion are attacked by an over-vigilant autoimmune system--thereby causing pain.

At some point, if you've experienced the painful symptoms of this condition, you've probably considered surgery--and wondered if it could help you.

Here are some tips to both learn more about this procedure and decide whether it's the right thing for you.

Tip No. 1: Don't Just Get One Opinion

Many people who believe they suffer from ulcerative colitis may actually be suffering from Crohn's disease. Though both have similar symptoms--and both affect generally the same area of the body--they do have some major differences.

The biggest difference is that colitis affects a specific area of the small intestine, while Crohn's afflicts the entire intestinal tract. Because colitis affects such a specific area it makes it a great candidate for surgery.

Because they can both be difficult to diagnose be sure to get numerous medical opinions to certify that ulcerative colitis surgery will benefit you.

Tip No. 2: Exhaust All Options

It's true that ulcerative colitis surgery can provide immediate benefit to sufferers of the disease. Still there are serious consequence from such a procedure, namely the fact that you will probably not have a normal bowel movement again.

Considering this, it's a good idea to try every non-surgical remedy available to you. This includes:

Anti-inflammatories: These include medications like ibuprofen can reduce painful swelling.

Immunosuppresives: Can interrupt the internal damage the body is doing to itself.

Diet: Some people have found dramatic relief by changing their diet.

Tip No. 3: What Kind of Surgery Do You Need?

If nothing seems to have worked then surgery may be the next logical step to bring back a pain-free life.

Generally the procedure comes in 2 forms: small and large intestine.

With the small intestine, diet will have to change but prognosis is usually good for reducing pain permanently.

With the large intestine, it's more of a dramatic event to the body and may require more recovery. But it will be worth it for the relief of pain you'll feel.

Be sure to counsel your doctor that you want to keep as much intestine as possible. This will help you lead a normal, pain-free life. Which is the goal, isn't it?

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms - Gastrointestinal Disorders

In a previous article, we discussed the high risk groups for vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms; vegetarians, pregnant and lactating women (especially those that are also vegetarian), adults over 50 and people with gastrointestinal disorders. Each of these groups is naturally at a higher risk for vitamin B12 deficiency since their digestive process is altered. They should monitor themselves more closely and consider nutritional supplements to prevent symptoms from a B12 deficiency.

In this article, we want to focus on the needs of gastrointestinal patients. Since vitamin B12 is absorbed in the small intestines, with the help of acids and proteins produced in the stomach, any disruption to their natural state will decrease absorption. Most adults need 2.4mcg per day or they could start to experience B12 deficiency symptoms.

Gastric Bypass Surgery:

This is a great life altering surgery for many people to lose weight and live a longer life. However, because the stomach is much smaller after this surgery it is unable to produce enough acid and proteins needed to help the body absorb the B12. The acids break the B12 away from the animal proteins of the foods (dairy, eggs, red meat, chicken, fish, etc.). The "intrinsic factor" protein created in the stomach then combines with the B12 to assist in the absorption process in the intestines. In this case, the intestines are fine, but the stomach fails to prep the B12.

Gastrointestinal Disease:

Many people suffer from Chron's disease, ulcerative colitis, or celiac disease. These all create flare ups in the intestinal tract that damage the lining of the intestine walls or remove all the probiotics that aid in the further breakdown of foods. The body fails to absorb everything, let alone the vitamin B12. Vital nutrients are literally flushed straight through the body. In this case, the stomach is fine and properly prepping the B12, but the intestines can't absorb it.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptom Prevention:

Both of these groups need to find alternative ways to obtain B12. Any nutritional supplement; that is swallowed will still fail to be absorbed in the system. Supplements that get around this include ear patches, injections and even nasal sprays.

Stress Management - When to See Your Doctor

Stress is such a common experience and it's important to learn ways to manage your stress effectively. A somewhat confusing thing about stress is that some of the symptoms can be very similar or even identical to symptoms of physical disease, so that it's not easy to tell them apart. However depending on the cause of your symptoms you may need to do very different things to deal with them.

Although you may hesitate to seek help, hoping the problem will go away on its own, it's wise to see your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms which may be due to stress or some other medical or mental health trouble:

• A change in your sleep pattern, especially early-morning waking or difficulty in getting to sleep because you may have clinical depression or sleep apnoea or it may be your worries which prevent you sleeping adequately.

• Excessive weight loss or weight gain because you may have an overactive or under-active thyroid or diabetes or it may be because you are dealing with stress by comfort eating especially eating too many sweet and fried foods.

• A change in your bowel habits because you may have cancer, irritable bowel or ulcerative colitis or stress itself may be affecting your bowels and making them become more active.

• Constant tiredness because you may be anaemic or have a heart problem or stress may be stopping you sleeping enough hours so you are tired during the daytime.

• Shortness of breath, a chronic cough, or coughing up blood, especially if you smoke because you may have bronchitis, lung cancer or emphysema or if you are smoking as a way to relieve stress then the smoking can cause the symptoms.

• Drinking alcohol throughout the day because you may have become dependent on it or if you are drinking more alcohol as a way to cope with your stress.

Some of these symptoms may be due to the stress itself such as lack of sleep, tiredness or increased bowel action and others from the way you have chosen to deal with the stress, such as smoking more, drinking heavily or eating too much.

Many times it's almost impossible to separate one from the other so even though you may want to try some self help methods initially, if these don't bring about any improvement within a short tie then it's best to visit your doctor for a full examination and appropriate investigations which might include blood test, X-ray ECG or whatever is indicated by your symptoms.

The Medicinal Properties Of The Red Clover For Detox Purposes

Cleansing your body begins on the cellular level which may be stimulated through the use of Red Clover for detox purposes. The body is introduced to many harmful substances through the environment and also through some foods that are consumed. Artificial additives are commonly applied to many foods during processing which is actually unhealthy for our bodies on the cellular level. Your body needs ample amounts of antioxidants to flush out harmful substance which cause cellular damage and deterioration. When this occurs the body is able to heal itself thoroughly inside and out which actually reduces the signs of aging throughout the body.

How Red Clover for detox techniques works in your body

Free radicals are substances that attack cells and cause degeneration, interruption in biological processes and more. Using Red Clover for detox methods truly works well to cleanse your body because of its natural constituents. This alternative health supplement is full of natural vitamins, minerals, and key ingredients which provide the body the energy it needs to perform anti-oxidizing functions. It combines forces with the kidney and liver to expel harmful substances from the body to promote cellular cleansing that is needed for total body health.

Health benefits associated with Red Clover for detox purposes

The anti-inflammatory and sedative effects brought on by this key ingredient can dissolve symptoms of degenerative or chronic health conditions such as ulcerative colitis, nephritis, bronchitis and many more. All organ systems benefit from cleansing effects of Red Clover for detox goals. The effects of this ingredient target muscles that may become impaired due to cellular damage and weakness, such as when the digestive system is not able to work optimally. The medicinal use of this natural alternative health supplement allows nutrients to be absorbed and dispersed throughout the body to promote cellular strength and proliferation.

Clinical observations associated with Red Clover for detox methods

Clinical studies performed on the efficacy of this ingredient prove that it boosts energy levels in the body through different physiological mechanisms. When the immune system is optimized, this allows all organ systems to work optimally which reduces interruption in biochemical reactions. Using the Red Clover for detox enhancement is essential because it also has antispasmodic properties which alleviate cramps and indigestion when digesting foods. This key ingredient is a safe and effective remedy to many imbalances and illnesses while not causing adverse reactions throughout the body.

Our tips on getting the most from Red Clover for detox techniques

There are many ingredients that can be found in detoxifying solutions, however, only those that contain high amounts of organic constituents will assist proper cleansing of your whole body. When the immune system and digestive system are optimized the body can then expel wastes at a faster speed which allows for cellular rejuvenation to take place. The therapeutic use of healing Red Clover for detox results in the enhancement of total body health and endurance beginning on the cellular level. When you use this substance, you will be sure to meet your health and anti-aging goals with ease.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies

Although there are many products on the market which claim to be ulcerative colitis remedies, it is important to follow your doctor's advice. Products containing aloe are often recommended by many doctors, but taking other products without consulting your doctor, including activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis symptoms may worsen.

Some companies are advertising activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis remedies as alternatives to medicines which have been proven to keep ulcerative colitis under control in the majority of people who suffer from the disease. While it is understandable that some people may not be able to take certain of the most commonly prescribed medications for the control of ulcerative colitis, remedies like activated charcoal and other home remedies may be ineffective. Home treatment may be effective for those people who have mild symptoms, but it is important to focus on overall health and nutrition, rather than relying on a product like activated charcoal.

Activated charcoal is a material that attracts and bonds with the molecules of other substances. It is used to treat poisoning and to prevent or relieve gas and bloating. There have been no clinical studies supporting activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control. In fact there are concerns about using activated charcoal on a regular basis, because it may inhibit the absorption of essential nutrients. It is believed that people who suffer from ulcerative colitis may not be getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that they need from the food that they eat, so to introduce a product into this equation that may reduce absorption of nutrients even more may not be a good idea.

Of the ulcerative colitis remedies available without a prescription, products containing aloe are generally considered safe and may be effective. Aloe is known to be an anti-inflammatory and it is known to promote healing. It is used as a topical ointment to relieve the pain from and promote the healing of burns and other skin irritations and sores. In cases of ulcerative colitis, it is known that the lining of the colon is inflamed, irritated and sores may be present. It is believed that aloe products designed for use as ulcerative colitis remedies reduce inflammation, pain and promote healing of affected parts of the colon.

While some people may have had success with activated charcoal and ulcerative colitis control, it may not be the best choice. There are other ulcerative colitis remedies on the market. It is important to investigate the ingredients in a product and consult with your doctor, before you buy.

For more information about ulcerative colitis and other digestive problems, visit

5 Ingredients That Fight Cold and Flu

Chicken soup can cure anything! Or so it seems. Chicken soup as a cold remedy has been used not only from the times of your great grandmother; but, did you know in 60 A.D., an Army surgeon to Roman emperor Nero wrote of it in his journals. Chicken soup is great, but there are more ingredients that can help get rid of flu and cold symptoms.

And as a bonus, the same herbs that treat cold and flu can help prevent it.

We've all heard the cure: when feeling cold or flu symptoms, rest and drink plenty of fluids. But what are the best fluids? How about power-packing those fluids with ingredients that have been proven to fight cold and flu symptoms! Here they are:

  • cranberries

  • garlic

  • ginger

  • peppermint

  • tangerines


  • super food (nutrient dense while low in calories)

  • strengthens immune system

  • fights infection (sore throats and colds)

  • fights cancer

  • protects against inflammation

Cranberries, blueberries, and concord grapes were all native to America. Cranberries were used by North American Indians to treat wounds. Later American sailors carried cranberries on sea voyages to prevent scurvy.


Garlic was highly esteemed by ancient Egyptians. They fed it to their soldiers to strengthen them before battle. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties which help the immune system fight infection and boost the immune system. Garlic combines well with Echinacea and together help fight infections.


  • enhances natural resistance for cold and flu

  • reduces inflammation

  • supports prostate health

Ginger has been used since ancient times as a medicine in Asia, India, and Arab countries. Ginger is believed to help treat headaches, painful menstrual periods, and to fight cold and flu symptoms, motion sickness, nausea, heart disease, ulcerative colitis, and arthritis.

Side Effects Side effect associated with ginger are not common especially when taken in moderation. Some may experience mild heartburn, diarrhea and irritation of the mouth, belching.

Warning People with gallstones should consult a doctor before taking ginger or undergoing surgery or if you will be placed under anesthesia for any reason.


  • calms digestive spasm

  • fights bacteria

  • fights most general cold and flu symptoms

  • decongestant

  • soothes stomach

  • relieves headaches

  • relieves cramping

  • eases tissue inflammation

  • relieves insomnia, stress, and anxiety

  • reduces fever

  • relieves nausea

Peppermint is a natural expectorant which helps treat colds, flu, bronchitis, and headaches. It also reduces fevers by inducing sweating which cools the body.


One small tangerine has more usable vitamin C than some large oranges. Many people who have trouble tolerating oranges do well with tangerines. Eat or juice two a day to fight colds during inclement weather.

Ways to use these flu fighters

Juices -

  • cranberries, tangerines, apple juice, and ginger root

  • tangerine, orange, and ginger root

  • carrot, apple, and ginger root

Cooking -

  • pancakes or waffles with mint added to a fruit topping or syrup

  • garlic chicken with ginger

  • compote (cooked fruit) with cranberries, tangerines, pears, and ginger or peppermint

Tea -

  • peppermint tea

  • ginger tea

  • cranberry or cranapple tea

  • hot water with a slice of ginger root

  • hot water with a slice of tangerine

Other cold fighting remedies

Other favorites are almost all citrus (orange, grapefruit, lemons, lime). Try different things and see what works best for you. We are all unique and what works for someone else may not work, or work as well, for us. To your health!

When is the best time to fight cold and flu symptoms? Use these recipes anytime you are exposed to someone who is ill, when around a large number of people, when traveling, or just to boost your immune system.

More about the common cold

The common cold is caused by a virus (could be one of 200 different types). When the virus causes the respiratory tract walls to swell which produces excess mucus. Symptoms range from sore throat, runny nose, watery eyes, nasal congestion, headache, fever, and hacking cough. Most colds last 7-10 days. Colds spread from by hand-to-hand contact, coughing, and sneezing. The virus can live for several hours on common surfaces.


Health information in this article and on my website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical guide for self-treatment. It does not constitute medical advice and should not be construed as such or used in place of your doctor's medical advice.

More Information The Juiceman's Power of Juicing, Jay Kordich, 1993 The Folk Remedy Enclyclopedia, Frank W. Cawood, 2004

Crohn's Disease Fistula - What Are They and How Can They Effect You?

If you have Crohn's Disease something that you may not be aware of is what a fistula is. Even though I have had Crohn's for many years I am very lucky to have never have had a fistula. A fistula is an abnormal tunnel connecting two body cavities that are not normally connected, such as the rectum and the vagina. A fistula can also be a body cavity to the skin such as the rectum to the outside of the body.

One way that a fistula may develop is through an abscess, which is a pocket of pus in the body. If the abscess is always filled with bodily fluids, like urine or stools this can prevent healing from taking place. Fistulas are more common in Crohn's Disease than in Ulcerative Colitis, about 25% of people with Crohn's will develop a fistula.

Some of the symptoms that you can get if have a fistula are things like pain, fever, tenderness, itching, and generally not feeling very well. It may also drain pus or a foul smelling discharge, these symptoms vary depending on the severity and the location of the fistula.

A common place to get a fistula when you have crohn's is in the perianal region. They can be internal, around or between the intestine and other organs such as the bladder and abdominal wall. A fistula in the colon or rectum may cause the contents of the intestine to seep into the bladder, vagina or even drain through the skin. Fistulas can be common causes of sepsis in Crohn's disease, in some cases sepsis can be life threatening.

Fistulas are usually treatable and the treatment varies depending on the location. Around half of fistulas can heal themselves, but if you think that you have a fistula then it would be best for you to see your doctor and follow the recommendations that they give you to remedy the problem.

The Crohn's Bowel Disease

The Crohn's bowel disease is a continual inflammatory ailment that can have an effect on any part of the gastrointestinal tract in the digestive system of a person, from mouth to the anus, as well as affecting other organs of the body. Crohn's disease is a kind of inflammatory bowel disease. The Ulcerative colitis also belongs to this group and shares some similarities with the symptoms and effects of the Crohn's disease. Nevertheless, ulcerative colitis only causes problems to the large intestine while Crohn's disease affects the small intestine. Crohn's disease affects the three layers of the bowel wall that are the inner lining, muscular layer and outer lining. The difference between these two diseases further is that the ulcerative colitis only affects the mucosa (inner lining). The prototypes of intestinal connection in Crohn's ailment are separated into large bowel (colonic) (around 25%), small and large bowel (ileocolic about 40%), and small bowel (30%). The duodenum is infrequently involved (at only 2%). The main pathological facets of the Crohn's disease are ulcers (which can be shallow and deep), correlation of the bowel lumen with adjacent structures (fistulae) and scar tissue, which may lead to contraction of the bowel lumen (strictures which can cause lumen stumbling block). The extra-intestinal structures engaged in Crohn's illness could either be local or systemic. Local can take place when fistulae are at hand, such as between the excrement and the vagina or the bladder. Systemic extra-intestinal manifestations can be pronounced in the skin, mucous membranes (shallow ulcers of the mouth and vagina), eyes (iritis, swelling of the iris), liver and gallbladder (arthralgia and arthritis, hepatitis and cirrhosis)

Crohn's disease fatality is an important cause of morbidity in the Australia continent as it affects about 50 people per 100 000 of the inhabitants. The rate is set to pile up in the coming years. The disease is prevalent among the adolescents and young adults with up to 60% of patients being detected of having the ailment 25 years of age or below. Nonetheless, Crohn's bowel disease can take place at any age. Females have a slight edge over their male counterparts as far as involvement with the disease is concern

The reasons of having this disease is not yet known as of this point of time, but a variety of genetic and environmental factors are considered to having a role in acquiring the disease. Moreover, a proof for a genetic component is present as siblings of Crohn's patients are 20-35 times more probable to have a Crohn's disease. Smoking, and higher sugar content in the diet may augment the threat of having the disease. A rudimentary diet or the so-called Crohn's Diet may control the Crohn's Disease symptoms. Crohn's ailment is more widespread in Western nations and more frequent in Caucasians in contrast to black-skinned populace.

What Can You Eat With Crohn's Disease? I'll Tell You!

Many people who have just been diagnosed with crohn's disease are wondering that exact question: What can I eat with crohn's disease? Well the good news is that there is a lot of good information on the internet that can help you. So without further ado, let me tell you exactly what YOU CAN EAT with crohn's disease!

One of the best things to eat if you have crohn's are foods that have been labeled "low residue foods". These are foods that will not leave residue behind that can inflame and irritate your intestines. Some of these foods include:

White Rice

Fruit juices (w/o seeds or pulp)

Jelly, Syrup

Eggs, Poultry, Fish

Milk And Milk Products (Ice Cream, Yogurt)

Low residue foods are typically foods that are not fortified or high in fiber. A diet high in fiber does not sit well with your intestines and you should stay away from it if you have been recently diagnosed with crohn's. Eating low residue food can relieve most of the symptoms associated with the disease. The diarrhea and the abdominal pain for instance. Ignoring your doctor's advice and continuing to eat as you once did will only make the symptoms worse.

Look, just because you have been diagnosed with crohn's doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. With your doctor's guidance and a continued vigilance on your side you can beat it. There may not be a cure for this disease, but you can control its symptoms. And when you control its symptoms, you essentially control the disease.

How to Defend Yourself Against Early Colitis Symptoms

It is a virtual certainty when someone is diagnosed with colitis that at some point of time in the future, once a period of remission has been enjoyed after the initial attack, a flare up will occur. By being aware of what can be contributing and exacerbating factors, the sufferer does have the opportunity to reduce the chance and severity of the dreaded colitis symptoms building into a full relapse.

The most important action that a sufferer can take right at the point when they experience the first appearance of colitis symptoms is to ensure they benefit from prompt advice and treatment. This means that contact with the doctor is made immediately as they will want to undertake an examination, ask questions and prescribe the appropriate medication. In addition to this, as the sufferer will have their own experience of taking medication, they should have a readily available stock of it to take immediately upon the appearance of the symptoms. This is important as it will ensure that very precious time is not lost during the inevitable wait to see the doctor when the inflammation will have an opportunity to strengthen without medication fighting it.

Furthermore, it is essential that these medications are taken as directed by the doctor. Being guilty of forgetting to take the additional medication in the first week of symptoms can result in a flare up for definite when there could have been a chance to avoid major strength symptoms. It does not mean that over a period of a few days where the symptoms do not appear to be gaining hold or may even seem to recede, the taking of the prescribed medication should be halted. The full course should be taken as colitis has a habit of luring the sufferer into a false sense of security. Plus it has to be remembered that it is not advisable to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen due to the fact that they have been associated with flare-ups of colitis.

There is now the immediate necessity of reducing the daily activities of work and leisure as colitis just loves the sufferer to carry on with their lives. Though it may not be realised, everyday life activities carry stress and strains and this will feed through to exacerbating the symptoms. It is in the interest of the sufferer that total rest, both mental and physical, is taken to try and ensure that the small amount of symptoms appearing at the beginning do not strengthen to become a full blown relapse. This will involve getting rest including much more sleep and ensuring others take care of the daily requirements.

There is also a requirement to alter the diet from the normal one enjoyed to a much narrower specific kind that won't enflame the symptoms. This includes eliminating non soluble fibrous foods such as wheat bran, skins of vegetables and fruits, broccoli, cabbage, beans plus also a reduction in dairy products. It should be recognised that the amount of food consumed requires to be drastically reduced with the pattern of eating restricted to very small snacks but only when the hunger pangs emerge. This will have the effect of taking the pressure off the bowel both in quantity and also foods that can exacerbate the inflammation.

It is never an easy time when, often out of nowhere, colitis symptoms make an appearance. By recognising the fact that this has happened, the sufferer should immediately start their own colitis management program to ensure that they are giving themselves that best opportunity to reduce the chances that a full blown relapse will actually happen.

Crohn's Disease and Joint Pain

Many people suffering from Crohn's Disease complain of join pain in their elbows, knees, wrists and ankles. Although Crohn's Disease is best known for inflammation and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, it is often the source of different types of arthritis as well. In fact, joint pain and Crohn's disease almost always go hand-in-hand. The natural supplement OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidin), a natural antioxidant has been proven to control both.

When an autoimmune disorder like Crohn's Disease occurs, there is a release of inflammatory chemicals in the body, namely histamine. Histamine triggers inflammation in the intestine and other side effects like hay fever, joint pain, and even skin disorders. OPC naturally reverses or reduces the formation of histamine. OPC is a powerful natural antioxidant that is fifty times the strength of Vitamin E and twenty 20 times the strength of Vitamin C. OPC users often report obtaining the same benefits as listed for traditional antihistamine drugs but without the fatigue and lethargy side effects. Actually they experience a surge in energy and vitality when taking OPC. This is because of the high content of natural free radical scavenging OPC does when it's in the body. Since OPC is a 100% safe and natural antioxidant, made from wine/grape seed extract and pine bark, there is nothing in it to cause negative side effects for joint pain suffers.

With less free radical activity in the body there is an accompanying reduction in inflammation and pain in the joints, leading even to the elimination of joint pain and an overall bettor quality of life for joint pain suffers. Additionally, there are no known reports of any side effects in the use of this product...even when consumed in large amounts.

That is why many people with Crohn's Disease are switching to the safe and natural supplement OPC because of the way it controls not only the inflammation and pain directly related to Crohn's, but also their joint pain. Being free from chronic joint pain offers people a second chance to get their life back and enjoy the kind of active lifestyle with family and friends that they once so treasured prior to getting sick.

One testimony is from a lady in Canada who, after having a knee replacement, reported that she had improved range of motion from 80-85 degrees following surgery...which further increased to 115 degrees after just four months of taking OPC. Additionally, she was able to run down her stairs, not just walk! Another lady suffering from another painful autoimmune disease joint condition and unable to walk without assistance for 30 years is now able to take daily walks with her friends around the block and is even climbing stairs again, without pain, after taking OPC.

Therefore, if you are suffering from Crohn's Disease AND also from related joint pain, know that there is a natural and safe solution...remedy without the harsh and long term side affects of prescription drugs

Monday, June 10, 2013

Crohn's Disease Explained

Crohn's disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the colon. Most patients also experience abdominal pain and weight loss. The treatment for Crohn's disease is similar to that of ulcerative colitis in the sense that it can be treated with sulfasalazine, mesalamine preparations, glucocorticoids and 6 mercaptopurine, as well as crohns herbal remedies.

Antibiotics such as Ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole can also be effective for the complications that come along with Crohn's disease. Metronidazole is very useful in treating fitulous disease in some patients.

The origin of Crohn's disease is still a mystery in the medical world, however some researchers believe that overeating, chemical poisoning, bacterial and a lack of response by your own immune system may all be connected to Crohn's disease.

Crohn's disease can often be confused with regional ileitis, which is also a severe, progressive, inflammatory disease of the bowel. Its symptoms include diarrhea with pain. Bowel movements usually contain blood, mucus and pus, brought on by the infection. What makes Crohn's different is that it can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract and does not necessarily involve constant unhealthy bowel movements, sometimes bowel movements are regular, other time they are not.

No symptoms are noticeable when your Crohn's is in remission. In fact, most patients in remission may think that they are healed. But the truth of the matter is that there is still chance for the disease to reoccur, unless you take all necessary precautions and pay close attention to your health. If surgery becomes necessary for Crohn's your disease, you can rest assured it is a well tolerated, reasonably safe procedure, with an operative mortality rate of only 6%.

Since diarrhea is one of the main symptoms of Crohn's disease, it's not unusual for patients to have some fissures, fistulas or thickening of the anal skin. The skin may also become swollen and discolored around the anus.

Crohn's can also bring about biochemical disturbances in the liver. Many patients hat exhibit this symptom have a family history of allergies that includes hives and asthma. Additional symptoms can include enlargement of the ends of the fingers (called clubbing), thrush in the mouth, lesions in the eyes and arthritis that effects the large joints.

Even today there is no effective cure for Crohn's disease. Although the disease may exhibit relatively mild symptoms, it still can interfere with work and your personal life. Medications that treat the disease can sometimes end up causing other problems.

Many Crohn's patients were found to be eating a similar diet -- lots of refined sugars, less dietary fiber, less raw fruits and vegetables. The trouble is that sugary foods tend to contain chemical additives that influence intestinal bacteria, causing them to produce toxic substances that end up, over time, destroying the intestinal lining. This is the reason sugary foods should be avoided (or limited) by Crohn's patients.

Seasonings as well as cold liquid are also not well tolerated. It's also common for a milk sugar mal-absorption to cause milk intolerance in most Crohn's patients. Crohn's disease is also believed to be responsible for providing favorable conditions where substances that produce allergic reaction can develop, especially if the Crohn's has penetrated the lining of the bowel.

If you suspect you have Crohn's disease, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps, such as self diagnosing crohns herbal remedies. Careful diagnosis and monitoring are the key to living comfortably with Crohn's.