Saturday, July 20, 2013

Do Food Intolerances Effect People With Colitis?

If you have Colitis do you have any food intolerances which may be aggravating your symptoms? Do certain foods cause your symptoms to flare up? The answer is most likely yes. If you already have Colitis then the likelihood is that you have a Leaky Gut because Colitis damages the gut lining, and if you have a leaky gut, then you guessed it - you probably have food intolerances because of it.

Food intolerance is a relatively new idea and one which can be very useful to Colitis sufferers as by testing for any foods which you may have an immune reaction to you can find out what foods may trigger your Colitis symptoms. In fact a study recently done at University College London over six months has shown links between food intolerances and Ulcerative Colitis.

In the past it was sometimes quite difficult to actually work out what problem foods were as with this type of food reaction it can often show up a few days after you've already eaten the culprit food. Thankfully now there is a reliable way to assess whether you have any food intolerances and this is by having what is called an IgG antibody test done. It is a simple test which involves you just providing a pin prick of blood which is then sent to a lab for analysis. You will then receive the results in the form of a report in the post which identifies what if any foods you may be intolerant to. This is very useful information because by avoiding foods that don't agree with you, you can help avoid any nasty little flare ups! It is well worth having the test done and avoiding the foods that you are shown to be intolerant to. I have had this done and I now know that Brazil Nuts and eggs whites are bad news for me, so I make sure I avoid them and I have less problems as a result.

Probiotics to the Rescue - How to Relieve Excessive Flatulence and Other Digestive Problems

 Digestive diseases and disorders, such as: IBS, IBD, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, among many others are becoming an epidemic in our country. Probiotics can alleviate and even cure most of the following problems: excessive flatulence, IBS, IBD, and gastritis.

Recent scientific researches point the connection between digestive disorders and an improper balance of beneficial bacteria in our gastrointestinal (GI)tract. There are good bacteria (beneficial to our health) and bad bacteria (harmful to our health when outnumbers good bacteria) living in the human guts, creating intestinal microflora. Intestinal microflora secretes enzymes and digests food. The beneficial bacteria have multiple functions in our health such as:

creating vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, K and Biotin

making essential fatty acids that feed the gut lining

helping digest food  

producing lactase to digest milk

detoxifying dangerous substances

helping remove hormone excess

crowding out harmful bacteria and fungi producing bacteriocins and anti-fungals to fight harmful bacteria

helping to maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels

increasing the number of immune cells

helping cells reproduce normally

reducing inflammatory response

stimulating cell repair mechanisms.  

When bad bacteria start to overgrow the good bacteria, we get all kind of digestive disorders described  above. Probiotics are the good bacteria, and they support the normal activity of the intestinal microflora.

There are different species and strains of bacteria. Depending on the species and strains of bacteria, they work in different parts of the human gastrointestinal tract and have different effects. Some strains of probiotics help to maintain the normal health of the intestinal lining in the small intestine which supports a healthy absorption of nutrients. Other strains reside in the large intestine where they help maintain normal elimination.

The digestive system is a complex system that can be disrupted by disease, bad diet, and emotional stress. Common digestive problems such as heartburn or GERD, IBD, and IBS cause millions of Americans to suffer daily. Digestive problems often result in symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, gas, stomach pains, and stomach cramps. These problems pose a limit to the quality of life for people who suffer from these problems. Some digestive diseases produce symptoms that are not related to digestion, for example: anxiety or depression, fatigue, headache, unpleasant taste in the mouth, backache, sleeping problems (insomnia), sexual problems, such as pain during sex or reduced sexual desire, heart palpitations (feeling like the heart skips a beat or is fluttering), urinary symptoms (frequent or urgent need to urinate, trouble starting the urine stream, trouble emptying the bladder). Symptoms often occur after a meal, during stressful times, or during menstruation. Many of these symptoms can disappear if you find the right probiotic supplement.

There are many probiotic supplements on the market today, but as you've guessed, not all of them are equal. In order for probiotics to be effective they need to have requirements, such as:

Contain more than one strain

Contain prebiotics

Be able to survive stomach acid

Remain potency at the time of consumption  

Some brands fulfill some of these requirements, but if you want to see the results you need the probiotic product that has it all. That being said, the information above is not a substitute for consulting with a medical professional. Always consult your doctor before starting any treatment . If you would like to learn more about probiotics and their effect on your health, you can get your free report "Probiotics for Better Health" at

Colitis Prevention and Treatment

Colitis, also known as ulcerative colitis, refers to a type of inflammatory bowel disease affecting the inner lining of the colon (the large intestine). Inflammation of the intestinal wall, whether chronic or acute, causes ulcers to be formed in the top layers of the lining. These ulcers may bleed and produce pus. A patient of colitis experiences an uncontrollable urge to empty the bowels frequently as in diarrhea (loose motions), in many cases accompanied by abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, painful spasms, appetite loss, fatigue and fever. The condition can affect people of all ages, but it is more commonly found in the 15 to 30 age group.

What Causes Colitis?

There are many theories about what may cause colitis. Contrary to popular belief, colitis is not a direct consequence of mental stress or an allergy to certain foods âEUR" though these factors may trigger or worsen the symptoms of colitis in certain people. It is found that people suffering from colitis present some abnormalities in their immune system, which supposedly starts reacting abnormally to some virus or bacteria present in the digestive tract, causing inflammation in the intestinal wall. But this may possibly be a consequence rather than the cause of colitis.

Research has also shown that family history, certain viruses and protozoa, and toxins-producing bacteria like Salmonella, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium and Shigella species may play a strong role in causing colitis. Patients undergoing radiotherapy treatment in the pelvic region may develop local colitis. Sometimes strong doses of some antibiotics can also trigger colitis. In the elderly, a drastic decrease in the blood supply (ischemia) to the colon is another factor contributing to colitis.

Detrimental Effects of Colitis

Persistent inflammation of the colon lining can cause extensive damage of the cells in the lining, and has been found to lead to colon cancer in about 5% of the patients suffering from chronic colitis. Obviously, the risk of colon cancer increases with the duration of the disease and the extent of damage caused to the colon lining. For example, if the damage extends to the entire colon then the risk of cancer may be as much as 32 times the normal, but if only the lower colon and rectum are involved then the risk is no higher than the normal. Also, people showing dysplasia (precancerous changes in the colon lining) are more prone to develop colon cancer from colitis.

Is Colitis Preventable?

Strict hygiene and sanitation measures while handling, cooking and eating food can go a long way in preventing colitis associated with infective germs. Other than that, as goes for any other health problem, incorporating healthy lifestyle and diet changes in your daily routine helps to make your body as disease-free as possible by strengthening your immunity to keep at bay not only colitis but also other diseases. Adopt the best health mantra: moderate exercise combined with a healthy diet consisting of whole grains, lentils, fruits, vegetables and water in plenty, and animal-origin foods in as restricted amounts as possible.

Diet Recommendations for Colitis

Diet goes a long way in helping you manage colitis. First and foremost, since fluid loss is substantial in colitis, make sure to drink 2âEUR"3 liters of water and lots of clear fluids like light soups, lemon tea, lemonade, etc., in order to prevent dehydration. Avoid greasy and fatty foods.

Also alcohol, highly seasoned foods and high-fiber foods may aggravate the problem of colitis and are best avoided. Naturopathy recommends a 3- to 5-day juice fast based on juices of fruits and vegetables like papaya, cabbage, carrot, sweet gourd, etc., and a post-fast diet of steamed vegetables and soft fruits along with plain yogurt. And a thorough chewing of whatever you eat.

To conclude, colitis can be managed and controlled with diet recommendations and restrictions, in addition to treatment with drugs prescribed by a specialist.

Common Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms and What Changes You Can Make in Your Diet to Get Relief

Do you have the common irritable bowel syndrome symptoms? IBS can cause different symptoms in different people. It is a very common digestive system problem in the world today. Diet recommendations can vary since what may work well for one person, may cause an attack in another.

It may be a good idea to see a doctor to rule out other more significant illnesses, since some of the symptoms are similar to more serious disorders. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are examples.

Symptoms to watch out for include: gas, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation and/or diarrhea. Even though these are very uncomfortable, they are not indicative of an unhealthy or diseased bowel.

Let's consider some of the dietary recommendations that can be helpful.

  • Eat soluble fiber first if your stomach is empty.

  • Take small bites and chew your food thoroughly - helps control gas.

  • Eat small meals and reduce abdominal pain and bloating.

  • Be care of insoluble fiber like wheat - eat with soluble fiber and in small amounts.

  • Be wary of dairy products and pay attention if they adversely affect you.
  • Symptoms of irritable bowel do vary from one person to another. Attacks may last a few days, weeks or months. During these times, everyday activities become problematic. Having to deal with diarrhea for example may hinder work, or make it too embarrassing to go out to eat. Constipation, abdominal pain and bloating may also rear their ugly heads.

    You need to try and figure out the triggers for bringing on your symptoms. While there are drugs that can bring some relief, they may cause some serious side effects and bring only temporary relief.

    There are some natural and alternative methods that can get to the root of the problem and reduce or eliminate your IBS symptoms.

    Of course, if you have IBS, you really want to find out what is going to relieve your symptoms. While there are drugs you can get for treatment, they can cause some unpleasant side effects. It can be difficult to get an accurate recommendation for which type of drug to take or know how long it will be effective.

    Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms are so uncomfortable and embarrassing that you will want to do your best to get rid of them. Your best bet is to find out as much as possible about what is triggering your IBS and learn to treat it naturally.

    Telltale Signs Of An Ulcer

    The metaphoric sign of an ulcer would have to be 666, the Number of the Beast. I say this because an ulcer truly is a demonic creation and condition to be forced to deal with. Scores of people have to deal with the brutal pain and discomfort of an ulcer, yet, unfortunately, many of these people are totally unaware that they even have an ulcer. This is due to the society we are in today being totally uninformed when it comes to ulcers, their causes and their treatments.

    The sign of an ulcer can sometimes be as innocuous as a stomach ache. Because of this, people often pay little attention to this as a sign of an ulcer and cast it away as indigestion. In many cases, this is the case, however in some stomach pain can be an indicator of cancer, so just because it is a seemingly unobtrusive pain, it should never be disregarded, especially if it persists over an increased period of time.

    Often, even when faced with the sign of an ulcer, people will prefer to be in denial and not seek treatment. It is as if these people feel if they believe the condition is not serious then it will somehow remain an unserious condition. This is, of course, both a foolish and dangerous course of action. Many times, the idea of the stress of treatment provides more anguish and pain to a person than the actual condition. Of course, this type of anguish is perceived and mental. The actuality of the situation is that a life threatening condition could be occurring.

    If the symptoms or signs of an ulcer occur, seek medical attention quickly and eradicate the problem before it gets much worse. It is always easier to treat a problem when it is caught early and is minor, than if it is left unattended and gets worse.

    Crohn's Disease Pregnancy: Can I Still Have Children When I Have Crohn's Disease?

    Being male or female the good news is that you can have children safely when you have Crohn's Disease. Fertility rates for women with Crohn's Disease are around the same as woman that are in normal health. If you have a flare up, being a woman your fertility could be lower than normal.

    Some medications can affect your fertility which can make having children harder. Medications like sulfasalazine (Azulfadine), can cause temporary infertility in about 60% of men. When you stop using this medication for around two months fertility should be back to normal again.

    If you want to have children and you are on medication, talk to your doctor first so you take the correct steps, to ensure the best chance of you or your partner getting pregnant. Working with your doctor in this area is best to be sure you are doing what you need to ensure your safety and that of your baby.

    Risks for miscarriage, still births and congenital abnormality are the same as everyone else in the population, no increased risk has been found due to Crohn's Disease. Keep in mind that normal couples can have issues getting pregnant, about 1 in 7 couples have issues with fertility. If you are having trouble getting pregnant, it may not be because you or your partner has Crohn's Disease.

    The best time to try and get pregnant is when you are in remission as your body is stronger. When you have a flare up, if you are not eating properly and are quite thin, this can affect fertility. Having a baby is not as easy when your body is in this state. Falling pregnant when you have bad inflammation or a flare up could make for a more problematic time for you throughout your pregnancy.

    You can go through pregnancy and get on just fine, be sure to take the right steps with your doctor or other health care professional to ensure the process will be a smooth one.

    If you do have fears about Crohn's Disease pregnancy, go to your local CD and Ulcerative Colitis support group. They will be able to give you information about pregnancy. Ask them if they could put you in contact with some women who have already been through the pregnancy process. This could help to settle any fears and put your mind at ease about the whole pregnancy process.

    Friday, July 19, 2013

    Who Else Wants To Fix Irritable Bowel Syndrome And Get Instant Relief?

    Suffering from the irratable bowel syndrome can be very annoying. The IBS is a gastro intestinal condition that manifests through episodes of diarrhea and/or constipation, associated with acute abdominal pain. Medics find it quite difficult to set up a diagnosis as there is no apparent cause and the symptoms can be associated with a series of other gastro intestinal conditions.

    People between 20 and 30 years old are more affected by this disorder and studies have shown that women present these symptoms twice as often as men do. There are four main types of manifestation of the condition: abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and diarrheic episodes alternating with constipation. Between 10% and 20% of all the people in the U.S. suffer from the irratable bowel syndrome. However, specialist believe that the incidence rate is actually higher that the official numbers, as many people try to self-medicate or believe that they suffer from other affections and do not consult a medic.

    Medics also refer to the irratable bowel syndrome as spastic colon, spastic colitis, nervous diarrhea, nervous colon or nervous bowel. However this condition should be distinguished among other gastro intestinal disease called "colitis, such as ulcerative colitis (colitis describes the inflammation of the colon, whereas the colon is not inflamed in people suffering from irratable bowel syndrome).

    There are several symptoms depending on the person and the actual cause, but the main ones are abdominal pain and occasional diarrhea, often alternating with constipation. The person suffering from IBS may feel bloated, full, as the digested food travels at an abnormal rate through the intestines. Sometimes the person may witness abdominal swelling or tenderness. Anxiety can be another symptom associated with the condition, as the person is aware of the gastro intestinal problem and he gets annoyed.

    The movement of the digested food and fecal material through the intestines and the colon is dictated by a series of rhythmical muscular contractions (the medical term for these actions is peristalsis). When a person is suffering from the irratable bowel syndrome, the peristalsis is more frequent, thus leading to a noisier and abnormal bowel activity. That is what causes the discomfort of the IBS and what may determine people to be embarrassed with these symptoms.

    Abdominal pain is another frequent symptom and it appears mostly in the lower left corner of the abdomen. Going to the toilet can relieve pain associated with this condition.
    Also, there may be traces of white mucus in the sufferer's stool sample.

    Other symptoms include burping, bad breath caused by an abnormal digestive activity, gas production, nausea and headache. It is important to go the doctor if you witness any of the above syndromes in order to have the proper medication prescribed.

    Ulcerative Colitis - What to Do About It

    Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic disorder in which the mucous membranes in the gut become inflamed which causes ulcers. This leads to symptoms such as gas, bloating, pain and diarrhoea. The condition can also cause the stools to harden which means the colon has to work overtime to try and remove the hardened stools. As a result, another condition called diverticulitis can occur. Diverticulitis is small pocket like projections in the intestinal wall.

    Although the actual cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown there are many factors that can contribute to it and these are bacteria, poor dietary choices, allergies and stress. If the diet lacks fibre and there is a high consumption of meat, this may cause inflammation because meat contains arachadonic acid which is highly inflammatory.

    In extreme cases, the ulcers may become cancerous so regular checks ups are critical.

    In order to help manage the symptoms of this condition, the first port of call is with what you eat. In Chinese medicine, good health starts in the digestive area so the most important food(s) to begin with is fibre. Fibre creates bulk, as well as softens and gently massages the intestinal wall. This increases muscle contraction which allows waste to be easily removed. Fibre is best in the form of vegetables, fruit, pulses and beans, green leafy vegetables and seed sprouts. Also include oats, brown rice and quinoa. Avoid harsh fibres such as wheat germ or bran which may aggravate the intestinal wall.

    The next most important step is to increase fluid intake. When eating more fibre; this is critical and prevents further complications such as constipation. Avoid fried fatty foods and carbonated drinks - these will only increase inflammation and find alternative sources to cheese and milk as these may worsen diarrhoea.

    Herbs that are soothing to the intestines include aloe vera and slippery elm. Both help by soothing the mucous membranes.

    If you have or know of anyone who has ulcerative colitis, try implementing these simple steps for 30 days and monitor what happens.

    Colon Ulcer - The Colon's Worst Enemy

    There are a few conditions and disorders that are quite serious, however people do not panic as they are so commonplace and familiar that the "fear of the unknown" has all but been eradicated and thus reduced the stress that a lack of familiarity can bring.

    While people have a certain general familiarity with ulcers, that general familiarity is usually restricted to peptic ulcers and mouth ulcers. In actuality, there are many different types of ulcers that a person could end up suffering from. One of these types of ulcers is the colon ulcer and it is one of the more painful and difficult types of ulcers to contract.

    Of all the causes of a colon ulcer, the most common is "ulcerative colitis". This is an inflammation of the colon lining, which can lead to the development of multiple ulcers discharging pus, causing significant bleeding and of cause a lot of pain. Obviously, ulcers in the colon are a serious matter.

    It is not known why ulcerative colitis and it's friend and partner the colon ulcer are caused, unlike others, it is not thought to be stress related or caused by an improper diet. The most likely cause would normally be a disorder of the bowel. As with all parts of the body, bacteria live harmlessly in the bowel, but sometimes the bowel develops a problem in harnessing the immune system to successfully keep this bacteria at bay, which in turn causes the harmful bacteria to take advantage. This causes inflammation, which is what we know as the ulcer.

    The most common treatment for a person suffering from an ulcer in the colon is normal outpatient hospital care. Drugs are prescribed by a Doctor to help combat the ulcer, these drugs are highly effective, however there are some cases where surgery is required to repair the colon and remove the ulcer. Don't fret though, surgery is normally only required in less than 75% of colon ulcer patients.

    Crohn's Disease and Social Security Disability

    Crohn's Disease is a severe inflammation of the bowel tract that can cause a variety of symptoms that interfere with daily life - including work activity. Crohn's can be found in both men and women, and it is believed to run in families, with 20% of people diagnosed with the disease having a blood relative with some form of inflammatory bowel disease. Although people of all ages can suffer from Crohn's, the disease is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 to 30. Here, the cause, symptoms and treatments of Crohn's will be discussed in addition to applying for Social Security Disability benefits when Crohn's interferes with one's ability to work.

    About Crohn's Disease

    Crohn's disease is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract, therefore leading to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea and possibly malnutrition in severe cases. The inflammation caused by Crohn's disease often spreads deep into the layers of bowel tissue. Crohn's disease can be both painful and debilitating and sometimes may lead to life-threatening complications. There is no known medical cure for Crohn's disease.

    The exact cause of Crohn's disease remains unknown. Previously, diet and stress were suspected as causes. Today, doctors know that although these factors may aggravate existing Crohn's disease, they do not cause it. Now, researchers believe that a number of factors, such as heredity, specifically mutations in a gene called NOD2, and a malfunctioning immune system unable to fight a virus or bacterium that may cause Crohn's, play a role in the development of the disease.

    Signs and symptoms of Crohn's disease can range from mild to severe and may develop gradually or come on suddenly. Signs and symptoms may include the following:

    • Diarrhea. Diarrhea is the most common problem for people with Crohn's.

    • Abdominal pain and cramping. Inflammation and ulceration may cause the walls of portions of your bowel to swell and eventually thicken with scar tissue. Blood in your stool.

    • Ulcers.

    • Reduced appetite and weight loss.

    • Fever

    • Fatigue

    • Arthritis

    • Eye inflammation

    • Skin disorders

    • Inflammation of the liver or bile ducts

    • Delayed growth or sexual development, in children

    The goal of treatment for Crohn's is to reduce the inflammation that triggers the signs and symptoms. In the best cases, this may lead not only to symptom relief but also to long-term remission. Treatment for Crohn's disease usually involves drug therapy or, in certain cases, surgery.

    Doctors use several categories of drugs that control inflammation in different ways. But drugs that work well for some people may not work for others, so it may take time to find the appropriate medication for the individual. In addition, because some drugs have serious side effects, the benefits and risks of each treatment will need to be considered. Some of these medications include anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, and antibiotics.

    Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits based on Crohn's Disease

    Crohn's disease is not differentiated by diagnosis in the Social Security Disability Impairment Listings. However, the symptoms and degree to which someone may suffer with the symptoms classified in listing 5.06 Inflammatory Bowel Disease must be considered; therefore, this does not mean that those who suffer from Crohn's disease cannot qualify for social security disability benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a federal program designed to pay monetary benefits to qualified applicants who have worked long enough and paid their social security taxes. Based on medical evidence, work history, and education history, the Social Security Administration determines whether or not applicants qualify for benefits and how much each applicant can receive.

    In cases where Crohn's disease is interfering with one's ability to work, medical evidence and work history are important in assisting Social Security with determining one's monetary claim. The degree to which the symptoms of Crohn's disease, or the side effects of the medications taken to treat the symptoms of Crohn's disease, limit one's ability to work must be clear in the evidence presented in the case. Evidence needs to include medical records, employment records, medication lists, and statements from supervisors and/or co-workers. Once this information is collected, it is presented to the Social Security Administration for consideration in whole for determining a monetary award for benefits.

    Treatment for Leaky Gut Syndrome

    There are several different treatments for leaky gut syndrome but they can be split into three different categories. While most doctors would prescribe pharmaceutical cures and treatments, these are not recommended due to their effects on the body and the side effects that might be felt.

    Two recommended treatments for leaky gut are homeopathic and diet based - both of these cures are not only more gentle for your body, but being natural have less unfortunate side effects.

    Herbal Homeopathic Cures

    There are several different herbs that can be taken to treat leaky gut syndrome. In fact many of these herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat gastrointestinal problems and they have been extremely effective.

    The four suggested herbs for the treatment of leaky gut syndrome are slippery elm, marshmallow root, echinacea and goldenseal. Slippery elm and marshmallow root are especially effective in treating digestive issues and slippery elm forms a coating to sooth irritated throats, stomachs, and intestines. This coating serves to protect the intestinal lining and helps deal with the irritation being experienced.

    Echinacea is an extremely powerful herb that has been used for centuries in the treatment of a variety of ailments and illnesses, and while it does not specifically target the digestive system, it helps to build up the body's own defenses better enabling them to deal with the issues and problems leading to the irritation in the intestines.

    Herbal Teas

    As one of the leading causes of leaky gut syndrome is stress, herbal teas are especially effective in dealing with this illness. The simple act of drinking tea is a natural way to relax and unwind and there are two main teas that are recommended to help deal with the symptoms of leaky gut syndrome.

    Peppermint Tea - Peppermint tea not only calms the stomach but also acts as an antiseptic as it promotes the flow of bile in your system. This tea works to help fight infection and is especially effective.

    Chamomile Tea - Chamomile tea is has been used for centuries to treat stomach issues and is a very good treatment for relieving symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome such as excessive gas, bloating, cramping and pain.


    One of the causes of leaking gut syndrome is the food that you ingest. As your body struggles to deal with foreign bodies and toxins, the autoimmune system creates antibodies to fight the invaders. With continued exposure to toxic substances, the autoimmune system can become overwhelmed and start to irritate and inflame the intestines themselves. The best cure for treating leaky gut syndrome in this instance is changes to your diet. By removing specific fruits and vegetables from your diet over a period of 30 days, your body is able to recuperate and recover from the ravages of leaky gut syndrome. After 30 days you should gradually start reintroducing foods back into your diet, giving yourself three days between each new foodstuff so that you can track any changes or issues appropriately.

    The Causes of Extreme Lower Back Pain And How You Can Cure It Successfully

    Causes Of Extreme Pains In the Lower Back.

    Extreme lower back pain has a number of causes. This type of pain becomes more common as we age. This is due to changes in bone density, muscle strength and disc structure. Although back pain can occur anywhere, it is most common along your lower back in the lumbar region. Quite often, it is due to lifting objects that are too heavy that in turn causes your muscles or ligaments to overstretch generating great pain. Lower back pain may include dull, sharp or persistent pain that may be chronic or acute.

    When the spine is overworked, this may cause a disc (connective tissue pad between vertebrae) to rupture or bulge. This type of damaged disc may place pressure on nerves/blood vessels of the spinal cord sending pain signals to the brain as well as generate a malfunction of the body part they innervate.

    Extreme lower back pain may also be caused by muscle damage or bone lesions due to injury. Scar tissue may develop from injury that may generate a weak spot. Other causes may include arthritis, osteoporosis, viral infections, joint disease or congenital spine malformations. Being over weight, pregnancy, lack of exercise and improper sleeping positions can contribute to lower back pain as well.

    In some cases, extreme lower back pain may be caused due to an internal medical condition. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, kidney dysfunction and pancreatitis may contribute to lower back pain. If you are diabetic, you may experience bad back or leg pain related to nerve damage. All of these symptoms require immediate medical attention as this may develop into permanent damage.

    Treatments For Extreme Pains In The Lower Back.

    With extreme lower back pain, you should be properly diagnosed by a physician to make sure the appropriate treatment is applied. Listed below are some simple treatments that are recommended to get relief from extreme lower back pain.

    • Rest

    More often than not lower back pain is due to some form of muscle strain. Resting the spine for a few days

    is good to prevent further damage to your muscles. However, more than a few days of rest will do more harm than good. You will need to begin physical therapy as soon as possible. Exercise is necessary to strengthen the muscles that are damaged.

    • Anti-inflammatory Medications

    Over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) such as aspirin are helpful in reducing the amount of inflammation and decreasing the amount of pain, you may experience. Your doctor may prescribe a stronger NSAID depending on the severity of your pain.

    • Warm Compresses

    Heat packs or a warm bath will help relieve tension in the muscle as well as increase blood circulation to the area. Greater blood circulation to the affected area will bring in more oxygen and nutrients and carry away wastes allowing for rapid healing.

    • Exercise

    The most important part to relieving back pain for the long-term is to exercise. You need to increase muscle strength and flexibility. It's a good idea to consult a chiropractor or physical therapist initially so that you learn the right exercises to do as well as do them properly. Later you can exercise on your own.

    • Muscle Relaxers

    Physicians will sometimes prescribe muscle relaxers to keep your damaged muscle from tensing. This may also happen with other muscles that have not been damaged because they are trying to take over lost function. Either way, this will allow you to continue your exercises with greater ease.

    • Epidural Steroid Injections

    These injections are often used around the spinal nerves to decrease inflammation at the site of damage.

    • Spinal Surgery

    If medications and physical therapies are not giving you the relief you need, you may have to consider surgery. Back surgery is considered the last resort and requires serious consideration. Your doctor will help you determine if this is right for you.

    With any kind of back pain that persists, you should see a doctor to get a proper diagnosis. This will determine proper treatment. Even with extreme, severe lower back pain, proper exercise, warm compresses and pain/inflammation medications may work wonders. If the pain isn't responding to these treatments, you may require some form of surgery.

    Thursday, July 18, 2013

    Aloe Vera Cures Mouth Ulcers

    Patients of Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) including Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease usually have certain symptoms like mouth ulcers. Two of them are Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) and Recurrent Intra-oral Herpes (RIH). It is not exactly clear why ulcers occur along with IBD but they are usually concurrent with flare ups and remissions of the disease.

    Mouth ulcers can be caused due to microbial causes like herpes, infectious mononucleosis and chickenpox; gastrointestinal causes like Coeliac, Crohn's, and Ulcerative Colitis; skin causes like erythema multiforme and liche planus; blood causes like neutropenia and leukaemia; rheumatoid causes like systemic lupus erthematosus, Reiter's syndrome and Behcet's disease or due to drugs like Nicorandril, cytotoxic agents, NSAIDs and oral nicotine replacement therapy. Other than these ulcers are also related to nutritional deficiencies or food sensitivities.

    As a part of the macrobiotic food regime followed by ulcer patients in which nutritious yet bland soft foods are included patients are increasingly resorting to topical application of aloe vera. British Journal of Dermatology has published a study report confirming that use of aloe vera can aid treatment of mouth ulcers. The healing properties of aloe vera has been found to exceed expectations in terms of oedema control, pain control and quick healing.

    Aloe vera has also been used in inflammation control. Due to its anti-bacterial attributes its been used in chemical burns, after tooth extraction, traumatized gum tissue, periodontal surgery sites etc to soothe the area and prevent violent swellings. As medication for mouth ulcers depend on contact time, Aloe users should keep this fact in mind. Aloe in any form should be given at least five minutes to engage the area before it is washed out. These are only few of the many medicinal properties of aloe vera. It is also used for its anti-fungal, laxative, astringent, anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties.

    Need For Colon Cleansing - The Symptoms of Unhealthy Colon

    The first thing that needs to be established is that an unhealthy and malfunctioning colon doesn't only affect one's digestive system; it actually takes its toll on the whole body.

    The primary function of the colon is to remove excess wastes from the body. This mainly involves the excretion of feces that needs to be eliminated to ensure that the body is able to function effectively, without any unnecessary hindrances. However, an unhealthy colon means that it is likely that the excretion of the feces is hampered, causing a build up of unwanted toxins in the body. These harmful toxins remain in the body and are circulated in the bloodstream which makes the body react. This is the point where people start getting sick.

    Although it may begin with a simple allergic reaction or a series of loose bowels, these toxins continue to accumulate over time. Unless they are removed, they can lead to more severe conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease. Even worse, these toxin build ups are also known to have ties with the development of grave illnesses such as colon and bowel cancer.

    The Symptoms of Unhealthy Colon

    There are a lot of ways to tell if one's colon is unable to get rid of the body's wastes effectively. It is necessary to learn and understand these symptoms in order to realize the need for a colon cleanse as soon as possible. Here are a few tell-tale signs that simply demand a detoxification program.

    People that have unhealthy colons usually wake up sluggish and tired despite the fact that they've had more than 7 hours of sleep. The inability to lose weight is also a problem for these individuals even though they stick to healthy, low calorie diets. Skin problems such as pale skin with spots or acne are also common among this type of people. They may also experience irregularity in their bowel movements and have stools that are either liquid or have paste-like consistencies. Unhealthy colons may also cause bad breath and body odor even if best hygienic practices are done.

    If two or more of these symptoms are present, then it may be time for a colon cleanse.

    The Causes of Unhealthy Colon

    Although there are dozens of different reasons why people tend to have unhealthy colons, one of the main reasons is a bad diet. Unhealthy diets are usually constituted by low levels of fiber. The lack of fiber in the system leads to blockages and feces that are moved at an irregularly slow rate. Fiber is needed by the body because it is indigestible and easily goes through the digestive system. It works like a broom that sweeps the bowel and excretes it together with the feces.

    Low fiber diets may eventually lead to a build up of internal sludge in the colon. This gluey harmful substance takes up so much space and causes so many blockages that nothing is able to pass through. This then usually results to constipation. A healthy body will have high levels of fiber that act as magnets that take with them any unnecessary wastes out of the entire system.

    The question now is how to ensure that the colon is clean. The answer is a combination of a high fiber diet and a simple colon cleanse procedure.

    Ulcerative Colitis and Depression

    Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic disease. As such, any chronic health condition being a long term illness, invariably causes stress and anxiety. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes not only pain, but also symptoms such as diarrhea and gas that are not easy to deal with in social and professional situations. This leads to continued mental stress and has every tendency to lead the patient towards the risk of depression.

    Recent research findings suggest patients who show symptoms of depression and anxiety report a lower quality of life and could perhaps be at an increased risk of a relapse. Another study showed that patients with Crohn's disease who received some psychological treatment spent fewer days in the hospital and took fewer sick days. What is important is to break the seemingly vicious cycle of depression increasing the IBD and vice versa. Counseling plays an important part in making the patient aware of his illness and that he can play an active part in treating is depression.

    The best known treatment for Ulcerative Colitis is with natural Aloe Vera which has been showing promising results. Its anti inflammatory action on the inner linings of the intestines plays a major role in arresting further irritation of the bowels as also in regenerating dead cells in the inner linings of the intestines. Aloe Vera heals, and if taken regularly, it restores your digestion and absorption. This increases nutrition intake in the body. Simultaneously, the patient can be put on a course of mild anti depressants and weaned off after a few months.

    Treating irritable bowel syndrome with drugs may give short-term relief but always lead to severe side-effects. Knowing that there is no identified cure for this illness and that all drugs give only temporary relief should lead the doctor and the patient to a smart management of the disease as well as weaning oneself away from drugs. As said before, preference should be given to treating the patient with Aloe Vera juice, since this not only manages the overall condition of the body, but also improves the general well-being of the body.

    Once the patient experiences a prolonged period of absence from the symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, his general mental condition improves considerably. Instead of giving in to depression and anxiety, he begins to experience hope and relief from a chronic illness. As his mental attitude turns positive, his mood generally remains more cheerful than before, leading to a gradual improvement of his health.

    Psoriatic Arthritis Along With Pustular Arthritis & Steps For a Cure

    Psoriatic arthritis, a chronic disease, is characterized by inflammation or swelling of skin (psoriasis) and joints (arthritis). It features patchy, red areas of human skin with inflammation and scaling. Psoriasis frequently affects the tips of our elbows and knees, the scalp, around the genital areas and the navel. Approximately 30% of patients who get psoriasis also develop an inflammation of joints. And patients having inflammatory arthritis and psoriasis are mostly diagnosed for having psoriatic arthritis.

    The beginning of psoriatic arthritis is generally found in the fourth and fifth decade of human life. Gents and ladies are equally affected. The skin disease and the arthritis often appear separate. In fact, the psoriasis precedes the joint disease in about 80% of patients. But sometimes the arthritis also precedes the psoriasis in 15% of patients. In some people, the diagnosis of this arthritis may become difficult if the joint disease precedes psoriasis by long years. In fact, some patients have arthritis for more than 20 years before psoriasis actually appears! But also, patients have psoriasis for more than 20 years prior to arthritis development, leading to the diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis. This type of arthritis is nothing but a systemic rheumatic disease that can cause inflammation in body tissues other than the skin, such as in eyes, lungs, heart, and kidneys. It shares several other arthritic conditions, like ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis (formerly known as Reiter's syndrome), and also arthritis associated along with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. All these conditions may cause inflammation or swelling in the spine and other joints also, and the eyes, mouth, skin, and various other organs. According to their similarities and tendency to give rise to inflammation of spine, these conditions are conjointly called as "spondyloarthropathies."

    Genetic problems, disorder in immune system as well as atmospheric changes are the most important causes of this disease. In patients with the above cited disease who have arthritis of spine, a gene named HLA-B27 is frequently found. Blood testing is now available to test this. Several others are also found to be more common in patients with this arthritis. Some changes in immune system may be important sometimes in its development. For example, the decline in the number of helper T cells in AIDS patients plays a role in the development and progression of the disease psoriasis in patients. Now-a-days the importance of these infectious agents and also other environmental factors in the cause of this arthritis is investigated by researchers.

    Pustular psoriasis is also one of the several types of psoriasis which causes parts of our skin to redden, expand and covered by pus-filled blisters called as pustules. There are also several subtypes of this psoriasis. It may stay confined to small areas of patients' body; some times, just on the palms of our hands, the soles of our feet, or the fingers and toes are harmed and this is called the focal form of this disease. But It also can cover larger areas of the body as well. The generalized form which is also called as von Zumbusch psoriasis is more serious, and this form can also be fatal. For its cure we have to follow the same steps as in normal psoriasis like, reducing stress, smoking, drinking and dealing a healthy life. Its treatment also follows the three processes that are, topical, light therapy and systemic.

    What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Why is it Dangerous?

    Many people mistake inflammatory bowel disease for irritable bowel syndrome. They are actually two completely different issues, although they both affect overall colon health. Inflammatory bowel disease can encompass many different disorders which are different types of bowel irritations that include Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Both of these are ulcer causing conditions where Crohn's contains ulcers in the intestines and ulcerative colitis means ulcers in the colon.

    What Can Cause Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

    There is a great deal of speculation on what can bring on this condition. Some feel it is genetic and others believe that the immune system is not working properly. Finally, it may be caused by germs or other foreign material in the body.

    What are the Indications of Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

    Unfortunately, there are no cut and dry indications that one is suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. This is because the symptoms depend upon the type IBD that is present. Some of the most prevalent indications are urgency to evacuate the bowels, cramping, and pain in the stomach. In some cases there can be loose stools with blood. Many lose their appetites.

    While these symptoms can be very uncomfortable, there can also be some serious consequences if this condition is left without treatment. There can be bleeding in the colon and bowel and in some cases, toxic megacolon can be present. Toxic megacolon can be dangerous because is characterized by a very dilated colon and accompanied by abdominal bloating and pain, along with fever and even shock.

    Those who are diagnosed with ulcerative colitis are going to be more likely to acquire certain types of cancer. In some cases, there can be other complications associated with inflammatory bowel disease. The following are some of the possible complications:

    Pain in the Joints

    Loss of Bone Structure

    Problems with Eyes

    Liver/Kidney Issues

    Skin Problems

    There are two ways that a physician can determine if a patient has inflammatory bowel disease. The first is testing stool samples. The other is checking the colon via a camera which can detect if there are any lesions on it.

    How to Treat IBD

    This first recommendation for treating IBD is changing the diet of the patient. Lowering fiber and dairy foods is going to be the first step. De-stressing and taking better care of the overall health is also a must.

    In some cases, medications that help to reduce irritation and swelling may be offered to the patient as a way to get relief. Others may need antibiotics. Finally, pain medications can help to ease the discomfort of having inflammatory bowel diseases.

    Because of the loose bowels and the diarrhea, many people with IBD can become dehydrated. This is a major concern. In severe cases, a hospital stay may be in order to get fluids quickly into the body. Sometimes, an operation is the only option for restoring the patient to a healthy, normal life.

    Coping With a Colostomy Bag

    I suffered with ulcerative colitis from the age of 23, I had many symptoms that where undetected and mistaken for other things such as piles. My symptoms included loss of weight at a fast rate for no reason, blood in stools or just passing of pure blood. My symptoms went undetected for about six months which left me anemic and very tired all the time.

    My worse nightmare was when I found out I had ulcerative colitis was the thought of having a colostomy bag as I hadn't saw one but a user of them had described them to me and carried around a massive holdall bag around with her saying that she had to take it everywhere with her. This really upset me as being only young I thought that I couldn't go out parting with friend's carrying a massive bag around. With this in mind when they told me that I would need a colostomy bag I was devastated and thought that maybe life was not worth living as at the time I was also single. I had lots of issues with having the bag and was upset for a few days until the operation.

    The day of the operation came and I went down for the colostomy bag still with terror in mind still not having seen a colostomy bag yet as the operation was an emergency.

    Coming round a few days later I was really scared about seeing the bag that was now going tho be part of my life, I remember a nurse coming and changing it for me which was not as strange as I had originally thought. Being inquisitive I asked if I could help so we did it together then after that I started changing it myself with confidence. (Bearing in mind I can now change it even after having a few drinks on a night out it is that easy.)

    The surgery took a while to heal but I felt really well and was amazed by the way my life had changed with what felt like just a bag. It is the best thing that I could of had done to make my life become normal again and if people didn't know that I wore a colostomy bag then you would never know as it is really discrete.

    If you show any signs of blood in your stools or a fast weight loss than be sure to ask for your doctor for tests as they are sometimes to quick to pass any tummy troubles off with IBS. If your do have to have a colostomy bag then I would advise you to ask your stoma nurse if you could have the number of someone who has had one so you can talk to them about any concerns you have, I have had the pleasure of meeting people who have had to have the surgery or might have to so they can ask questions as who best to ask than someone who as gone through it all and can give you first hand experiences that they have experienced during the surgery and after care.

    Fish Oil's Role in Reducing Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) And Crohn's Disease

    With each passing medical and scientific study the benefits of fish oil and fish oil supplements, are finding their way into the spotlight. Many studies have shown a correlation between reducing the possibility of heart failure, heart attack and different vascular diseases, but it has only been recently that a connection between Omega-3 fatty acids and helpful benefits for patients suffering from Irritable Bowl Diseases (IBDs) such as ulcerative colitis and Chrohn's disease.

    Many of these studies are double-blind studies that are further validated with cultural studies of Inuit and Eskimo populations that have a diet high in fish that contains Omega-3 fatty acids and a very low occurrence of ulcerative colitis and Chrohn's disease. As the evidence mounts, further studies will be needed to pinpoint with any accuracy how much the dietary intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can help in patients suffering from these gastrointestinal diseases, but on the surface the smaller studies that have been done are very promising.

    Ulcerative Colitis and Chrohn's Disease Overview

    Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease are two types of inflammatory bowel diseases. These diseases are believed to be caused by several factors. First, genetic and non-genetic causes are believed to be the culprit in many cases. The other possible cause is environmental factors such as infections that cause an immune reaction in the gastrointestinal area. The body then generates a large amount of white blood cells in the intestinal lining. These white blood cells release chemicals in the process of fighting the infection that inflame the intestinal tissue. It should be noted, though, that the exact causes of IBDs, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are currently unknown.

    In general, an ulcerative colitis attack or Crohn's disease attack will consist of severe intestinal inflammation, which can cause bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, anemia, bleeding from the ulcers, rupture of the bowel, obstructions and strictures, fistulae, toxic megacolon and malignant cancer. In the last instance, the risk of colon cancer in patients that have had ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease rises significantly. Generally, after an attack, the disease will go into a remission stage that can last weeks or even years. If you are suffering from these symptoms you should see your physician immediately for a proper diagnosis.

    Until recently, the treatment for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease was, first and foremost, a healthy diet. If symptoms require it, physicians will ask their patients to limit their intake of dairy and fiber. While it is true that diet has relatively little to no influence on the actual inflammation process within ulcerative colitis, it could have influence on the different symptoms associated with it. On the other hand, diet does have an impact on the inflammatory activity in Crohn's disease and one of the main ways of treating these symptoms is a diet that consists of predigested food. It should also be noted that in both diseases, stress has been shown to be a factor in causing flare-ups. Because of this, physicians will also emphasize the importance of stress management.

    Secondarily, medical treatment for these two diseases involves suppression of the high level of inflammatory response mechanisms of the immune system within the intestinal tract. By suppressing this response, the intestinal tissue can heal and the symptoms of abdominal pain and diarrhea can be relieved. After the symptoms have been controlled, further medicinal treatment helps to decrease flare-ups and lengthen or maintain remission periods.

    Conventional methods of medicating these two diseases involve a stepped approach. Initially, the least harmful of medications are given in as low a dosage as possible and are taken for a short time period. If these medications provide little or no relief, the dosages are either increased or the medications are changed.

    The lowest levels of medications, or Step I, are aminosalicylates and antibiotics. Corticosteroids make up the set of Step II drugs. Step III drugs involve the use of immune modifying medications or a drug called Infliximab for patients suffering from Crohn's disease. These medications are not used, however, during acute flare-ups due to the length of time that a flare-up can last. Only after Step III medications fail completely are Step IV drugs introduced because at this time, they are experimental.

    A final alternative in treating ulcerative colitis is surgery. Because ulcerative colitis is limited to the colon, surgery can completely cure it. Crohn's disease, unfortunately, is not restricted to the colon and can exist anywhere in the digestive tract. Because of this, surgery will often complicate matters more.

    Limitations of Medical Treatment

    Nearly one-quarter of all patients diagnosed with some form of IBD, either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, will not respond to medical treatment. In about three-quarters of cases of Crohn's disease, surgery (even though it is not curative) will be required. Regardless of current medical treatment, a person suffering from ulcerative colitis will have a 50% chance of having remission end within a two-year period after the last flare-up. Even if the initial diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is limited to the rectum there is a 50% probability of the disease becoming more extensive over a twenty-five year period. If a patient has ulcerative colitis that involves the entire colon, that patient stands a 60% chance of requiring a colectomy and most patients will require surgical intervention within the first year after diagnosis of the disease.

    It's obvious that Intestinal Bowel Disease can be debilitating. Continued treatments with progressively harsher medications and surgeries that may help in some cases but not others become the norm for these patients. Further, the complications like strictures and fistulas associated with IBDs, can ultimately lead to colon cancer. Many times, these complications create a feeling of hopelessness among those who suffer from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

    There is hope, though. New studies are presenting strong evidence for the use of Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil and fish oil supplements) in the prevention and treatment of IBDs. These studies are shedding new light on the multi-faceted health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and ultimately may present new methods for the treatment of these painful diseases.

    The Case for Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    Traditionally, the Inuit populations of Alaska have existed on diets high in fatty fish, specifically, types of fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Past studies of these cultures have shown that the large majority of these groups do not suffer from heart problems, heart disease or other forms of vascular disease. Less known, however, was the fact that the majority of people within these cultures also do not suffer from any form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This has led some scientists to postulate that there is a strong connection between the dietary intake of fish oil or fish oil supplements and the prevention of IBDs.

    Take, for instance, one example of a symptom of both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: inflammation. Fish oils high in Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce its occurrence in patients suffering from IBDs. The reason for this is that when Omega-3 fatty acids are introduced into the body it suppresses the production of leukotriene B4. Omega-3s have also been shown to inhibit interleukin 1Beta. Both leukotriene B4 and interleukin 1Beta are major players in the inflammation of mucosa lining the gastrointestinal tracts.

    With regular dietary intake of fish oil supplements high in DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), inflammation can be reduced by up to 50% in the intestinal tissues of patients who suffer from ulcerative colitis. Fish oils that have anti-inflammatory properties are only effective in reducing inflammation, but not preventing it. Results in patients with Crohn's disease haven't been quite as promising, but this area of research is still in its infancy.

    Recent studies show tremendous promise in fish oil's effectiveness in preventing and reducing the effects of IBDs. These studies show that there is an increase in the manufacture of less powerful prostaglandins at the sacrifice of the more potent ones. Patients with active ulcerative colitis who were given fish oil supplements have also shown significant improvement versus patients who were given placebos. Further study with larger control groups is needed, though, in order for more accurate data to be gathered.

    As further evidence of the link between Omega-3s and relief from the symptoms and inflammation of IBDs, a 12-week study involving patients who knew they were taking fish oil supplements showed a significant decline in the disease. This study was further bolstered by the results from samples of the intestinal mucosa that were found to have increased amounts of eicosapentaenoic acid. These results increase when the supplement given to the patients is encased with an enteric coating, which allows the fish oil to be released lower into the intestinal tract. This further alleviates side effects such as fishy breath, burping and flatulence related to taking fish oil supplements. Because of the fewer side effects associated with these supplements, treatment over the long-term is more tolerable.

    A Worldwide Phenomenon

    With more notice being taken of the effects of Omega-3 fatty acids on the health of people who take them on a consistent basis, the worldwide scientific community has opened up more to the idea of this supplement being used for effective treatment of IBDs. For instance, in Italy, a study was conducted using enteric-coated fish oil supplements and a notable reduction in the rate of relapse in Crohn's disease remission was noted. The patients involved in this study showed evidence of inflammation at the beginning of the study and were suffering from the symptoms related to Crohn's. In this study, patients suffering from the disease received either three fish oil capsules three times per day or a placebo three times per day. Those patients receiving fish oil supplements showed a significant reduction in the inflammation.

    Among 39 patients in the placebo group, almost 70% of the patients who were in remission, relapsed. Out of the 39 patients supplementing their diet with fish oil capsules, only 28% relapsed. Further, after a year, nearly 60% of the 39 patients being given fish oil supplements were still in remission while only 25% of the patients given the placebo were in remission.

    Given the small size of the study group it is only possible to speculate on the efficacy of treatment for Crohn's disease patients, however, the results of this study are promising. If scientists are given the opportunity to produce a study with a much larger group of patients, better and more accurate data could be gathered which could lead to even more positive results. More research would also allow scientists and doctors to understand the ways in which the EPA works to help increase time of remission.

    There is strong speculation that patients suffering from IBDs lack a particular enzyme found in Omega-3 pathways and that when this enzyme is present, remission and even prevention of IBDs is possible. In a sense, adding an Omega-3 supplement to the diet of a patient suffering from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis appears to be a type of enzyme replacement therapy.

    In Japan, medical researchers at Shiga University of Medical Science conducted a study in which the diet of Crohn's disease patients was altered to include a meal of rice, cooked fish and soup. Prior to the establishment of this diet, the occurrence of relapse within one year was 90%. After implementation of the diet the occurrence of relapse dropped to 40% within one year. Results like this are encouraging other countries to do similar studies.

    In the United States, research conducted at Boston University Medical Center shows that patients with chronic IBD have unusual fatty acid profiles that were generally lower than control subjects who did not suffer from any type of chronic intestinal disorder. Because of this lack of fatty acids, it is believed that these patients are more prone to these problems. The study also suggests that the addition of Omega-3 fatty acids via a diet that adds fish oil or fish oil supplements can help reduce and correct this shortage.

    Another study in San Francisco that involved patients with ulcerative colitis showed that there is an increase in leukotriene B4 in the colonic lining. The hypothesis in this study is that an increase in fish oil supplements in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis could inhibit the synthesis of the leukotrienes. If this is possible, fish oil supplements would be responsible for a reduction or elimination of the symptoms associated with inflammation of the bowels in this disease.

    The final results of the study show that the hypothesis was accurate. Patients in the study were randomized and placed into two different groups. The study group received regular daily doses of fish oil containing 2.7 grams of eicosapentaenoic acid and 1.8 grams of docosahexaenoic acid. The second set of patients were placed into a control group and given placebo capsules filled with olive oil. Over a three-month period, patients receiving the fish oil supplements showed marked improvement in the severity of the symptoms of the disease. In fact, 72% of the study group taking the supplements was able to reduce or completely terminate their anti-inflammation and steroid medication schedules. The final outcome of the study was that fish oil supplements were integral to the improvement of patients suffering from ulcerative colitis.

    A similar study done at Mount Sinai School of Medicine shows that the regular use of fish oil supplements in patients suffering from ulcerative colitis diminishes the severity of the disease. Fully 70% of the patients involved in the study showed moderate to significant improvement and 80% of the patients in the study were able to reduce their intake of prednisone, an anti-inflammatory used to help alleviate symptoms of the disease, by up to 66%.

    Taking the Next Steps

    Studies are showing positive results and it's obvious that the Omega-3 fatty acids inherent to fish oil supplements are beneficial to our intestinal health. The obvious thing to do is find out what types of fish oil supplements are the best. Personal research will aid you in finding the correct supplements and additionally, if you suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, you should consult with your physician about the benefits of adding a fish oil supplement to your diet and what dosage you should take. There is, however, some basic information about fish oil supplements that you need to know.

    First of all, not all fish oil supplements are created equal. Cod liver oil is, by far, the most inexpensive form of fish oil that contains Omega-3 fatty acids. However, it does not contain the highest amounts and in most cases it cannot be taken in high doses because of impurities such as mercury that are left in it. It also has an extremely powerful taste that most have trouble tolerating.

    A much better choice for supplementing your diet with fish oil is a health food grade supplement. These supplements have been purified using a process called molecular distillation. This process eliminates nearly all of the impurities and is very safe when taken in the doses necessary to help alleviate the symptoms associated with IBDs.

    The purest form of fish oil supplements is pharmaceutical grade. These supplements have also been processed using molecular distillation, however, at a much higher level. The process used in filtering out the impurities gets rid of all of them down to the particulate level. These supplements, of course, are also the most expensive, but will have the greatest impact on your ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

    The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are proving to be phenomenal and it is anyone's guess as to the limits of what these supplements can do for our health. With few side effects that are relatively minor, fish oil supplements are a good choice to help you improve your overall health. The fact that they can be used to inhibit the relapse of the symptoms of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis is even more exciting. Omega-3 fatty acids are carving out a healthy niche in the diets of individuals worldwide and everyone is all the better for it.

    Wednesday, July 17, 2013

    Bowel Movement Bleeding - 6 Possible Causes in the Rectum

    Bloody (not the expletive) pertinently depicts bowel movement bleeding. Down the legs and into the toilet bowl, bright red drops of blood drip. Red blood oozes from the surface of stools. Toilet tissue may be stained by scarlet red blood. Our hearts may skip a beat in alarm. What is going on?

    There is no need to be unduly alarmed yet as the hemorrhaging (technical jargon for bleeding) may be the result of any one of 6 likely reasons. As annoying as they are to our daily lives, most of the 6 causes are not severe and treatable if approached correctly. Nevertheless, complacency is not wise. Monitor closely. If bleeding persists more than a week, accompanied by pain, visit a medical doctor right away.

    A proper diagnosis will identify the exact cause so that correct treatment can be administered to solve the problem. More alarmingly, bowel movement bleeding may be the consequence of some form of cancer.

    Melena or Hematochezia

    Rectal bleeding is referred to medically as melena (tarry or sticky black colored stools) or hematochezia (maroon colored or bright red blood). Termed as rectal because the bleeding exits the body via the rectum, the 6 causes are proctitis, anorectal fistulae, anal fissures, rectal prolapse, internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.


    Proctitis is medically listed in the IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) group which includes the small intestine and the colon or large intestine. Inflammation by itself is a positive bodily reaction to heal wounded tissue. Inflammation is a double-edged sword, triggering off healing of wounded tissue but causing tissue weakening if left unfettered. Ulcers cause proctitis in the rectum by eroding the mucous membrane lining.

    Among other symptoms, bowel movement bleeding is a common encounter. The elimination of proctitis as the cause of rectal bleeding is critical as at an advanced stage, the rectum can become perforated.

    Anorectal Fistulae

    Between two or more unconnected internal organs, an anorectal fistula is a passageway that cuts right through. It can continue all the way until it reaches the surface of nearby skin. An anorectal fissure has its opening at the anal surface. The discharge of urine and stools via this fistula is not unheard of.

    The leading causes of anorectal fistulae are inflammatory bowel diseases, chiefly Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and ulcerative proctitis. Apart from infection pus, bowel movement bleeding is also one of the symptoms.

    Fistulae must be accurately diagnosed as it can be due to peritonitis (abdominal lining inflammation) which can be life-threatening. Surgery and antibiotic therapy are usual treatment methods following tracing of the fistula's complete path.

    Anal Fissures

    Fissure or tear, they mean the same thing. Undue physical strain during constipation usually result in an anal fissure, a tear around the opening of the anus. Hassle-free bowel motion is contingent upon the external and internal anal sphincter muscles being in a relaxed state. Fissures may worsen as they cause the internal sphincter muscle to break into bouts of spasms. A dangerous cycle develops resulting in added pain and bowel movement bleeding.

    A change in diet to reduce constipation coupled with medication (lidocaine or hydrocortisone) may relieve the pain, inflammation and the harmful spasms.

    Rectal Prolapse

    An ancient sickness, the earliest recorded rectal prolapse was in 1500 B.C.! Afflicting largely aged women, this condition is characterised by the rectum hanging visibly out of the anus. Weakened muscles, including external and internal sphincter muscles, and ligaments fail to hold the rectum in its place.

    Constant constipation, persistent diarrhea, severe pelvic floor descent and strenuous bowel movements are common attendant symptoms. Frequently, the only solution is surgery.

    Internal & External Hemorrhoids

    Notwithstanding the above weighty narration, it may be ironic relief that the most frequent reason for bowel movement bleeding is hemorrhoids, both internal and external.

    Ulcerative Colitis And Aloe Vera Treatment

    Aloe vera is used as a natural remedy for treatment of grave ailments like ulcerative colitis along with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

    Ulcerative colitis is a kind of disease that takes place in the lining of the large intestine and it generally causes inflammation and sores, which is known to us as ulcers. The inflammation occurs in and around the rectum region and in the lower parts of the colon. Ulcerative colitis seldom affects the small intestine except the end section, which is known as the terminal ileum. Ulcerative colitis can also be referred to as colitis or proctitis. This is an irritable bowel syndrome and it is hard to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to another type of intestinal disorder known as Crohn's disease.

    Aloe vera is extremely effective in the treatment of the ulcerative colitis. It is generally found in Africa. It is a green plant which is like cactus with long leaves and it comprises of a gel and a yellow residue known as latex. The gel of this plant is the place where all its medicinal values can be found. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides is the particular area where all its medicinal features can be found. Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides are long chains of sugar molecules that consists of separate glucose sugar molecules and mannose all linked together.

    The reason why ulcerative colitis is treated with the help of Aloe vera is simply because it includes Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides or AMP and every tissue, cell and organ of your body is benefitted by it. Primarily the AMP or the Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides is a highly potential anti-inflammatory drug. It tackles directly with the inflammation in the digestive tract and it also helps in the removal of constipation and diarrhea. Aloe vera detoxifies your body by using its intercellular antioxidant and helps in natural repairing and rebuilding of the protective mucosa membrane along the walls which deals with bowels and fixes the damaged tissue from mouth to rectum.

    Apart from treating ulcerative colitis, Aloe vera also helps in digestion and better absorption of digested food and also in the better assimilation of absorbed food into the body. It also helps in the restoration and balancing the optimum functioning of the immune system. Due to its incredible medicinal values and properties, it is used in the treatment of colitis, irritable bowel syndrome and crohn's disease and all these ailments are caused due to the inflammation of digestive tract between rectum and intestine. Aloe vera is considered as a natural remedy for the treatment of these diseases.

    Benefits of Spirulina, One of the World's Most Nutritious Antioxidant Foods

    Spirulina is one of the most familiar of the single-celled plants known as blue-green algae. They are usually found in warm and alkaline waters all over the world, predominantly in South America, Africa, and Mexico. The name "spirulina" is derived from the Latin word for "helix" or "spiral"; reflecting the physical configuration of the organism as it forms swirling, microscopic strands.

    Blue-green algaes contain significant nutritional content, including polysaccharides, antioxidants, nucleic acids and peptides. Spirulina contains about 70 percent protein, vitamin E, vitamin C, beta carotene and B complex and chlorophyll. Spirulina also contain essential fatty acids, and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc.

    Protein Content. Spirulina is the world's most digestible natural source of high quality protein, far surpassing the protein bioavailability of beef. The protein found in this algae superfood is complete, containing all eight essential amino acids, unlike beans and other plant foods that typically lack some of the essential amino acids.

    Spirulina's predigested protein is absorbed almost immediately, without the energy-draining effects of breaking down meat protein, and its simple carbohydrates give you immediate yet sustained energy. Its protein-bonded vitamins and minerals, as in all whole foods, assimilate better than the synthetic variety. Spirulina is a great supplement for those who exercise vigorously, as evidenced by the many world-class athletes who use it.

    Spirulina is the ideal food source for people looking to get more protein into their diets:

    • people on low-carb, high-protein diets like the Atkins Diet or the South Beach Diet.

    • people who workout vigorously or engage in strength training.

    • people who are frail, have trouble gaining weight, or who are generally malnourished.

    Essential Fatty Acids (EFA). Blue-green algaes--especially spirulina--are some of the best sources of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid with many healthful properties that is missing in most people's diet. GLA has been shown to help prevent conditions such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and even cancer.

    Health Benefits of Spirulina

    Studies reveal some of the most common benefits of spirulina:

    • inhibits the infectious power of many viruses--including HIV, flu, mumps, measles, and herpes

    • helps diminish allergies such as hay fever

    • helps protect the liver from toxins

    • helps boost the immune system

    • reverses the signs of aging

    • helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol

    • helps control symptoms of ulcerative colitis

    • exerts strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects

    • helps with weight loss

    Spirulina has been found to have significant positive effects on people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Studies show that spirulina has the ability to reduce fasting blood sugar levels in the body after 6 to 8 weeks of intake.

    Spirulina has long been established to have cancer fighting ingredients.

    Spirulina helps support the healthy pH balance of the body. Western diets tend to be highly acidic, due to the heavy reliance on foods like animal proteins. These acidic foods can be effectively countered by the alkaline nature of spirulina.

    Cleansing & Detoxification. If you engage in intense physical training, you'll find the chlorophyll in spirulina especially valuable. Anytime you put your body under stress, toxins and free radicals are released from your tissues. The chlorophyll in spirulina helps eliminate these waste products, and cleanses your liver, kidneys and blood. When the liver and kidneys are working more smoothly, everything else in the body works better, too.

    This cleansing effect is also important if you're on any sort of low-carb diet (Atkins diet, South Beach diet, etc.) since such diets can place a heavy burden on the liver and kidneys. (Eliminating excess ketones puts your body under additional stress.)

    The cleansing effect of spirulina is also of great benefit in protecting you against environmental toxins, air and water pollution, and other contaminants that you're being exposed to every day.

    Spirulina is a Whole Food. Think of spirulina as a nutrient-dense green food, rather than a nutritional supplement. The more of it you can get into your diet, the better. You can't eat too much, and one tablespoon has the nutritional value of 5 or 6 servings of common vegetables. This is a great way to ensure that you get enough phytonutrients into your diet, especially if you avoid dark green leafy vegetables.

    Leaking Bowels

    Leaky bowels, also known as increased intestinal permeability, happen when the coating of the colon becomes irritated and infected. Your abdominal coating will generally prevent materials from passing through it, but if infected, will not do its job properly. The surfaces of the intestinal tract become permeable or broken. The result of this is that the intestines leak toxins such as fungi, bacteria, fat, waste, parasitic organisms, and partly digested parts of food into the blood vessels.

    Due to the body's defense reaction, food allergies or sensitivities sometimes happen. When your antibodies attack certain food molecules, they look for them to show up once again. After you have taken more of the same food already assaulted by your antibodies, it is recognized as an enemy and attacked again.

    Moreover, if a person's body is constantly creating an auto-immune response, the system rapidly becomes over worked and may exhaust itself. Your colon in fact contains 70 percent of your immune system. This region of the auto-immune system is named G.A.L.T. or gut-associated-lymphatic-tissues. These cells are situated in the coating of the colon and in the abdominal mucous.

    Leaky bowel is evident in loads of ways in your system. Those who suffer from Leaky Gut Symptoms frequently grumble skin rashes, bed-wetting, kidney attacks, persistent muscle discomfort and joint pain. A quantity of risky conditions might also happen like pancreatitis, septicemia, milk products intolerance, acne, fibromyalgia syndrome and sometimes even cancer.


    Your body's defense reaction may also be the source of many of the symptoms of Leaky Bowels. You might encounter stomach ache, pain and extreme gas. Once your auto-immune system becomes weary from dealing with these toxins, you may experience reduced digestive function, low energy, fitful sleep, problems focusing and lack of ability to deal with stress.

    Once you have discovered that you are suffering from leaky bowels, you are able to complete the steps necessary to beat it. Simply changing your diet is the simplest way to accomplish this. To do this, you must eliminate certain food from your diet for a month - the foods that usually give the nausea.

    What to Avoid?

    These foods involve peanut, coffee, citrus fruits, bananas, strawberries, foods with yeast, milk products and chocolate. You should also involve oatmeal, spinach, apple, carrots, beets, lettuce, figs and grapes. During the first month, you may want to also involve pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and pine nuts. As it was your diet that created the issues with your colon, it is sensible that a change in your diet will be what works best in mending you.


    Altered intestinal permeability continues to be the main cause and fortunately there are several nutrients and herbal remedies present, that helps to decrease swelling of gut. Stress reduction therapies can be very effective in the treatment. It is essential to recover the healthy ecology of gut.

    1. Nutrients like glutamine which is essential for production of intestinal mucus, Vitamin A for generation of antibodies, Zinc for development and treatment of epithelial tissue play big part in treatment.

    2. Herbs like Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice, Silymarin or milk thistle, Aloe, Slippery Elm are used more commonly an effectively to heal the damaged lining of intestinal wall.

    Find Relief From Digestive Disorders Through Chiropractic Care

    Billions are spent on medication - whether prescription or over-the-counter - to hopefully alleviate digestive complaints. Symptoms may present themselves as diarrhea, gas, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, as well as other issues of a digestive origin. If it goes untreated, digestive issues can harm one's immune system, social life, job productivity, and overall quality of life. Conversely, steroid medications and other drugs for the treatment of digestive ailments bring on side effects that adversely affect the body.

    Although digestive disorders incite disturbing symptoms, there are drug-free means to treat the underlying factors which are causing the problem in the first place. Chiropractic care, for instance, has been shown to be quite efficacious in the treatment of digestive disorders.

    Chiropractic Care of Digestive Conditions
    One's nervous system presides over digestive function, controlling it from different bodily parts. One's vagus nerve traverses the brain stem to the atlas bone, inciting the organs of digestion and its subsequent process. The sacral parasympathetic nerve fibers and the sympathetic nerves of the thoracic and lumbar region are in charge of the pacing of digestion.

    As well as affecting the neurological process, spinal misalignment in these regions hinder the adequate functioning of the bowel. What chiropractors do is determine the precise location of the spinal misalignment, aka subluxations. Spinal adjustments are done to realign the affected areas, and restore nerve supply to the impaired organs. Chiropractic care acknowledges the self-healing capability of the body. As a result, the chiropractic way is to restore conditions by looking at organ function. Once the organ function is working properly, medication is not needed.

    Chiropractic care has been shown effective in the treatment of patients with digestive problems. As shown by one study, infants with infrequent bowel syndrome under chiropractic care demonstrated almost instant relief of their symptoms after a few sessions.

    In yet another study, it showed a verifiable link between misalignments of the spine and the onset of Crohn's disease. Affecting any region of the digestive tract, Crohn's disease causes inflammation along the small intestine. As well as pain, the resulting inflammation leads to diarrhea and frequent emptying of the intestines.

    The dominant theory of the reason behind Crohn's disease is that the immune system is responding to a virus or bacterium. To treat the inflammation of Crohn's disease, the traditional approach is to use corticosteroids. Side-effects of corticosteroids are of concern, however, for they can cause greater vulnerability to infection. Also used are medications that block the immunological system. In a search for drug-free treatment approaches, researchers explored methods that assisted the immunological system, as opposed to blocking it.

    In another study, spinal misalignments were linked with many different types of disorders; among them are Crohn's disease, irritable bowel disorder, and ulcerative colitis. The study indicated that adjusting these displacements may prompt improvement, and in some cases, remission of Crohn's disease symptoms. Research indicates that there's added value to chiropractic care. Chiropractic patients don't only receive relief of their digestive disorders but also experience an enhanced quality of life.

    For a comprehensive evaluation of your digestive condition, contact a chiropractor
    What chiropractors do is correct misalignments that get in the way of nerve function. Such issues are corrected in a painless way. The problematic symptoms tend to disappear once the misalignment is corrected.

    Patients with digestive conditions are helped by chiropractic care, for it can restore the natural digestive process. Along with spinal manipulation, a doctor of chiropractic could also offer nutritional counseling. Complementary methods like mineral supplements, healing herbs, and vitamins may also be recommended.

    Tuesday, July 16, 2013

    Aloe Vera is the Perfect Cure For Crohn's Disease

    In Crohn's disease ulcers and inflammation occur deep in the layers of the walls of the intestine. This is concentrated in the second half of the small intestine and first half of the colon. However, rarely, it is found to occur in the upper portions of the stomach and intestine, along with ulcerations in the food pipe, stomach and beginning of the small intestine.

    Crohn's disease's helpless victims would be interested in knowing the incredible capabilities of Aloe. After ages of painful abdominal cramps, bleeding, diarrhea, fever, weight loss and several other symptoms you must surely be tired. The last thing you would be want to do is try yet another medication. But aloe vera is a naturally occurring, non-toxic drug without side effects.

    Intestine is a very complex organ that serves many functions. It controls allergy and provides immunity against many diseases. Its role in the daily functioning of our body is very important. Therefore it is very important that the intestine is in perfect shape. Our intestine has the fastest growing cells in our body which are replaced once every four days. In order to regenerate them fast enough we require amino acid I-glutamine which is poorly included in our diet.

    This is where Aloe vera comes to the rescue. It contains copious amounts of the said compound and helps in repairing the intestine. Aloe vera is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties which are used to relieve abdominal pain caused due to intestinal spasms. It also contains long chain polysaccharides which repair tiny holes that appear in the intestine due to leaking gut syndrome. Complete with vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and minerals aloe vera contains about 200 nutrients that help our body stay in shape. As all the ingredients are natural they are easily processed by our body in promoting good heath.

    How Does Stress Aggravate Ulcerative Colitis?

    Ulcerative colitis is also a type of inflammatory bowel disease. It affects the intestines, especially the large intestine or colon. There are ulcers or open sores in the colon. The main symptom is a nagging diarrhea with blood. Ulcerative colitis is similar to Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but it is not that serious a condition. It is an intermittent disease. It has phases of exacerbated symptoms and phases that are free of symptoms. The symptoms might disappear on their own, but usually this disease needs treatment. The symptoms are abdominal pain, mild fever, cramping, diarrhea, loss of appetite and anemia.

    There are drugs to combat this disease. Coping with stress is not a substitute to medication, but it can ease the emotional anxiety that accompanies this disease. People suffering from ulcerative colitis are prone to stress. Their overactive immune system needs to be pacified. When an individual is under stress, the body starts secreting hormones like adrenalin, and molecules called cytokines. They are stimulants. This triggers inflammation as the immune system is stimulated. This aggravates ulcerative colitis. This phenomenon is called flare-up. Living with this disease is stressful. The patient has to be aware of the bathrooms when he visits someone's house. While others are enjoying the visit, he is full of anxiety owing to his precarious situation. Stress is bound to occur in such situations making the scenario worse.

    Stress does aggravate ulcerative colitis. You will be tensed and unhappy if you are a victim of this disease. Try to cure yourself from it. It is a painful illness and an embarrassing one. Try to remain stress free and be on medication to cure yourself completely.

    Crohn's disease is another type of inflammatory bowel disease which is a disease of the intestine that can affect any portion of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. It gives rise to abdominal pain, weight loss, diarrhea and vomiting.

    Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease of the large intestine and it has an effect on the colon and the rectum. Irritable bowel syndrome is a bowel disorder which is identified by abdominal pain bloating, discomfort, and changes in bowel habits without a proper cause. Sometimes this discomfort is relieved by bowel movements. There is alternating diarrhea and constipation. It may be the outcome of a stressful life, onset of maturity or the effect of an infection.

    The Advantages of Taking Supplementary Lactobacillus Acidophilus

    It is known to everybody that bacteria are dangerous to human health. Bacteria is the root cause behind many diseases some of which are life threatening. However, there are also some good bacteria; meaning bacteria which do us good. But very little is known about them. The good bacteria are as good to the human body as the bad ones are dangerous. The good ones help the body to acquire better health and aid the body in its different functions. Acidophilus is one such good bacteria.

    The bacterium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, lives in the gastrointestinal tract of the human body and produces lactic acid, which is supposed to help in digestion and the overall health of the human body. This bacterium is found in yogurt and other dairy products listed under the name, probiotics.

    Acidophilus helps in the digestion by producing lactic acid. However, numerous reasons such as narcotics, alcohol, diet deficiencies, aging, antibiotics, drugs, medications, nicotine, and stressful living can result in the decrease lactic acid producing bacteria.

    Digestion begins in the mouth, alimentary canal, and stomach and continues right up to the intestines where the continuous work of numerous microorganisms metabolizes the food. When the number of digestion friendly bacteria like L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, and L. bifidus is small then the process of digestion will be hampered and the body will not be able to derive full nutrition from the food. This will also affect the synthesis of vitamins in the body and lower the immunity of the body.

    Acidophilus is known to help in a number of health problems such as constipation, diarrhea, mucous colitis, diverticulitis, skin disorders, and vaginal infection. It also helps in alleviating candidiasis and may prevent cancer. These claims, however, have not yet been scientifically proven. But Acidophilus is called "the second immune system of the body" because of its ability to conquer or put a stop to the growth of harmful bacteria such as shigella, which causes dysentery, diarrhea, and salmonella.

    Acidophilus is used to treat the following ailments:

    • Easy irritable bowel syndrome; acidophilus cures bloating, diarrhea and cramping.

    • Reduces flatulence

    • Fights vaginal yeast; combats the overgrowth of Candida.

    • Fights bad breath.

    • Treats urinary tract infections.

    • Fights viral infections by helping to produce cells for the immunity system.

    • Reduces hypersensitivity among infants with food allergies.

    • Also helps to fight cancer cells, cardiovascular disease, constipation, colon cancer, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, heartburn, indigestion, stomach ulcers, thrush, and ulcerative colitis.

    Acidophilus might have some side effects the signs of which are difficulty in breathing, swelling of lips, face, tongue, throat, or hives. If you have any of these symptoms consult your doctor immediately.

    You might also feel an increase in gassiness for a few days after taking acidophilus supplements but there is nothing to worry about since it is only your intestines, which are adjusting to the bacteria shift.

    3 Important Factors With Your Ulcerative Colitis Diet

    The correct ulcerative colitis diet can be the difference between living your life or simply existing with the often excruciatingly painful disease. You can decide if you want to be proactive and make sure you cut down or even eliminate your symptoms or if you are willing to put up with taking pills for the rest of your life, with never knowing when your next attack will be and with the fear that one day you will have grown immune of your pills and surgery is the only option. Surgery means removing your large intestine and all of the complications which come with that.

    To most people the idea of using an ulcerative colitis diet simple means eating the right foods and avoiding the wrong ones but it actually is not as simple as that. In my experience it is actually a combination of 3 factors which serve to totally eliminate your symptoms.

    1. Obviously it is important to avoid certain foods which make your colitis flare up. However, a lot of doctors rather inconsiderately give a much too broad answer when asked what to avoid. You will find that if you were to attempt to avoid everything they told you it is extremely difficult to find a meal that isn't boring and bland.

    2. There are essentially 3 types of food. Depending on the types of digestive enzymes you need to break them down is what separates the 3 types of food. Basically food is broken down either with alkaline digestive enzymes, powerful stomach acids or simply pass through your digestive system without needing much digestion at all. The important thing is to avoid eating a combination of foods where on requires alkaline digestive enzymes and the other requires stomach acids. What happens is that they neutralise each other and the food doesn't get properly digested. This is what causes most types of digestion problems.

    3. Eating the correct way is extremely important. Take note the next time you eat. Do you take the time to chew your food? Do you wolf your food down? Do you keep eating even after you feel full? The way we eat can have a massive effect on our digestive system. Sometimes if we eat too fast we take in as much air as food and this can lead to bloating and other problems.

    Intestinal Gas: Causes and Remedies

    Carbohydrates are made of sugars either alone or in combinations (starches) and before they can be absorbed, they must be broken down into single sugars. Vegetables, beans, nuts, cereals and other foods contain starches and sugars that should be absorbed in the upper intestinal tract. However, some of the carbohydrates cannot be broken down. If they are not absorbed in the intestines, they pass to the colon where bacteria ferment the carbohydrates to release gas.

    Half of the world's population develops gas and cramping after drinking milk because they lack the intestinal enzyme that is necessary to break down the double sugar in milk called lactose. If lactose is not absorbed in the upper intestinal tract, bacteria ferment it in the colon to release gas. If you are lactose intolerant, you can avoid dairy products, but no one should avoid vegetables, beans and whole grains.

    If you are bothered by gas when you eat beans, whole grains or vegetables, you may not have an adequate colony of friendly bacteria in your colon to break down the resistant starches in plants. If you have recently changed your diet to include more of these foods, give yourself a few weeks or even months to build up the bacteria you need to digest them without excessive gas. Recent research shows that normal intestinal bacteria make up approximatly 95 percent of the total number of cells in the human body. The good bacteria help to prevent bad bacteria from infecting you, and may help to prevent intestinal diseases such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease or cancer.

    If you have waited a reasonable time and are still bothered by excessive gas, check with your doctor. One study showed that Rifaximin, an antibiotic that cannot be absorbed from the intestines, can control many cases of excessive intestinal gas. However, this antibiotic is not available in North America; ask your doctor about using metronidazole instead.