Saturday, July 13, 2013

Alexander Disease - A True Horror

With all the pain and suffering in this world, you would think that eventually we'd just run out of horrible things to inflict people with. You can make your own list, but Alexander Disease is right up there at the top of mine as one of the truly horrible diseases that any human being should have to suffer from. In this article, I'm going to explain what this very rare disease is, how it effects people and what the treatments and prognosis is for those suffering from this disease. I warn you in advance. This article is not for those who are sensitive to the suffering of others.

Alexander Disease is a very rare disease that effects the nervous system. It is genetic, degenerative and progresses at an extremely rapid rate. This disease is actually just one of many genetic disorders called leukodystrophies. These diseases destroy the covering of the nerve fibers in a person's brain. The disease itself, usually hits at a very early age of about six months or so. The symptoms are outwardly noticeable, such as retardation and an enlargement of the head. Even though this disease usually strikes very young babies, there are forms of this disease which strike adolescents as well.

The sad part about Alexander Disease is that there is no cure and there is absolutely no treatment since this is a genetic degenerative disorder. The only thing that we can do at this point in time is treat the symptoms of the disease. For the symptoms, there is also very little that we can do.

People who suffer from this disease, sadly, or maybe mercifully, do not survive very long. It is rare that somebody suffering from Alexander Disease lives past the age of six. With older sufferers, it is rare that anybody lives past ten years after diagnosis is made.

As of now, nobody really knows what causes this disease. It is a gene mutation, but the problem is that nobody understands what exactly causes the gene to mutate as it does. The frustrating part is that many times this disease will develop with absolutely no family history of it. Both parents can be absolutely normal and yet have a child who develops Alexander Disease. This kind of genetic defect is called sporadic, meaning that it just happens spontaneously and for no apparent reason, which is one of the most frustrating things about this disease.

Fortunately, for patients and families suffering from and affected by this disease, there are support groups all over the world and many online. They provide information on how to deal with this disease both physically and emotionally.

Alexander Disease is truly one of the horrors of this world.

It seems like we never run out of them.

To YOUR Health,

Steve Wagner

Signs and Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky gut syndrome also known as intestinal permeability are terms used to describe the inability of the stomach lining to process or absorb protein molecules. Instead of being absorbed and digested, these proteins flow throughout the bloodstream. Here, they stimulate the immune system, and in turn, the immune system reacts to their existence as they would to any foreign bodies by starting an inflammatory reaction that leads to autoantibody production and autoimmune disease development. Evidence for this theory includes the presence of stomach damage seen in patients with a number of different auto-immune diseases including IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's condition, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, thryroiditis, vasculitis, and dermatitis herpetiformis. In many of these conditions, a reduction of digestive inflammation correlates with a reduction or remission of autoimmune symptoms.

Common causes of leaky gut involve alcohol, medications, parasitic organisms, caffeine, bacteria, some food preservatives and additives, allergic states such as gluten understanding and lactose intolerance, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, adrenal cortical steroids, enhanced sugars, oral birth control methods, and fungus. Serious swelling from these sources damages the protective coat of Immunoglobulin A, which interferes the body's normal capability to inhibit these substances. The resulting toxins then interfere with the liver's ability to detoxify these substances. One result is increased sensitivity to environmental agents such as cigarettes, chemical cleaners and strong fragrances. Early signs involve a tendency toward hay fever.

Stage 1 Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

• Bloating
• Constipation
• Diarrhea
• Depression
• Intestinal Gas
• Heartburn
• Gum Disease

Leaky gut, in its beginning period, makes severe swelling in your intestinal tract producing significant harm to the abdominal coating. As that coating becomes more damaged, your body no longer can make the necessary enzymes to not only digest, but also absorb food.

Stage 2 Symptoms

• Pain in the joints
• Migraines and other headaches
• Digestive problems
• Dermatitis, Psoriasis and Eczema
• Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
• Apparent Food Allergies

At this stage, it is causing intestinal lining cells to break down and form large gap junctions. These gaps allow the partly consumed food and substances into your bloodstream instead of sending them through your digestive tract to be further digested.

Stage 3 Symptoms

• Ulcerative Colitis
• Arthritis
• Systemic Candida, nail Fungus, ringworm, etc.
• Celiac's Disease
• Severe Skin Conditions
• Colitis
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Crohn's Disease
• Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Without treatment, your immune system will eventually become fatigued - this is what causes the development of autoimmune problems. When this happens, Leaky Gut is even more problematic.

It is crucial to not allow Leaky Gut Syndrome to progress very far because it becomes even more difficult to cure. The earlier you start to study on how to heal leaky gut, the more good it will do.

Also, keep in mind that even though it is relatively easy and typical to use other issues as the reason for such serious symptoms, the reality is that your body is basically trying to tell you that there is something wrong. If you pay attention to your signs and symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome, they will take you to the actual problem.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - What To Do Next

Piles and bloodloss aren't always seen in the identical case, but it's often the component that brings the problem to people's attention - at least where they begin taking action to cure the problem. This piece will look into bleeding hemorrhoids.

"It doesn't matter what the scenario, bloodloss is a serious case. Piles is certainly no different."

Both internal and external hemorrhoids can bleed, so what causes this stressful and, needless to say, embarrassing side effect?

See below, for the the different symptoms leading up to bloodloss:

Different Levels of Hemorrhoids/ More Explanation

1. Hemorrhoids propagate to life generally as a result of your lifestyle - your eating choices, your daily activities and your general health. All of these factors culminate in the strain that is placed on your varicose veins - examples could be recently giving birth, your diet, your weight and whether your suffer from bowel problems (constipation).

2. These elements cause the veins to swell and evolve into hemorrhoids - Can be either internal or external

3. When the vein is put under constant stress beyond protruding into the anal canal, it becomes punctured and starts to bleed.

Hemorrhoids can most often be remedied before the point of blood loss but what happens if, for whatever reason, you only found you had piles when the lavatory turned red?

If you are that person don't be too concerned. Early symptoms of hemorrhoids can easily be mistaken as other issues. Most of the time, it's when you begin to feel pain that hemorrhoids find their way into your mind.

Healthy And Organic Approaches For Hemorrhoids That Have Bleeding As A Symptom

Natural Treatments/ Details

Comfrey - This well-received plant has organic healing properties and produces new cells fast.

Dried Mango Seed - Half a gram of dried mango seed with honey - delicious and good for you!

Cotton Ball Dipped In Vinegar - Apply this to mitigate itching and burning sensations.

Aloe Vera - I've been using this for years, it's great for inflamed areas.

Witch Hazel - This is another alternative you have when it comes to inflammation.

Dry Figs - An under-used home cure for piles is soaked figs for breakfast. Leave them to soak in water for atleast two hours and then eat on an empty stomach - lovely!

Herbal Sitz Baths - For a long time sitz baths have been considered a natural remedy for hemorrhoids.

Kegel Exercises - While the muscles in your pelvic are strong over the period of a lifetime they do get knocked around a lot. Aside from fending off hemorrhoids, kegel exercises give you greater control of your bladder - very important as you get older as coughing and sneezing often leads to incontinence.

Lastly, eat your fiber!

Other Approaches/ Notes

Surgery -

I would recommend that having an operation should be your last port of call for treating hemorrhoids. I won't discuss surgery in this article because it would be too long. There are, however, many articles online specifically about the topic of hemorrhoidal surgery.

Creams/Ointments -

These are often the first choice for people when they come down with hemorrhoids. Namely, because they are available over-the-counter and many don't require a prescription from your physician. Once again, this topic is fairly large but you can find other articles online easily enough if you wish to explore further.

Bleeding Explained...

Chronic Constipation -

A common reason for people suffering from hemorrhoids is long-term bowel irregularity. Short-term it is almost harmless, but over a lengthy plot of time it can cause big issues such as hemorrhoids. I even go so far as to equate it to strain experienced through child birth. It can be linked to unhealthy levels of exertion.

Pregnancy -

Strain is the foundation of the problem, as I have stated. Women have evolved to take a high level of strain, but the sort of every pregnancy, of course, is dissimilar.

We can endure only up to a certain level, and child birth is a perfect example of when our bodies can reach their limit.

Little Exercise -

I would hazard a guess that this is the main reason why people suffer with hemorrhoids - A lack of exercise leads on to so many problems health related. Just so you know, this isn't related to that day you boycotted the 10 mile jog you promised to do with your best friend... I would argue that unless you make daily exercise a part of your daily routine, it's benefits will be lost on you. Enjoy it! For many folks, exercise is the nature of their work, for others, it's based in and out of work, or perhaps you head to the gym every weekend for a heavy duty regime. No matter what you opt for, just make sure it's good for both your mind AND your body - enjoy running to the gym, don't haul yourself to the gym!

Sub-par Circulation -

This is certainly an issue you want to resolve both because there are medicines that can resolve it quite easily, and there are many disadvantages to poor circulation. Your reactions to stimuli slow down, you suffer with acute pains in the extremities of your body and gradually your muscles waste away - not healthy at all.

Of course, poor circulation can also result in hemorrhoids but you can alleviate the problem with prescription drugs by seeing your doctor.

Other Tips:

* Water is truly the elixir of life - drink it, then drink it some more

* Spacious clothes are highly recommended

* Stand up every now and then if you are sitting down for long periods of time; definitely when you are sitting on the lavatory. Being stationary in the bathroom for too long means that your rectal veins begin to struggle for circulation. Make it easy for them and make the toilet as quick an affair as you can.

Scenarios That Invite Rectal Bleeding:

Potential Issues/ Info

Veins (varicose) - Piles can be encouraged by over-stressed varicose veins, as I've already explained.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease -

-- Diverticulitis, this is when small pockets can be formed in the intestines.

-- Colitis, wearing away of the rectal and colon wall until ulceration causes pain and bleeding.

Celiac Disease -

This is an autoimmune failure of the small intestine making nutrient extracting near impossible.

Fistulas -

Fistulas are abnormal contacts between two parts inside of the body. They can usually be fixed through long-term change in your diet.

Fissures -

Generally speaking, a fissure is a rip within the body

Polyps -

These are potentially cancerous growths within the body.

Prolapses -

In casual language they are known as external hemorrhoids. The elasticity of the varicose vein has been diminished and it becomes physically visible.

Going into detail about these topics is out of this articles purpose but it's definitely advisable to do some further enquiry into these.

However, when it comes to hemorrhoids varicose veins and prolapses are most connected with the condition.

The best course of action for bleeding of an unknown kind is to see your doctor first.

Get Rid of Ulcerative Colitis in a Painless Way

This article gives you information about ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease etc. You can get information about the various symptoms of this disease.

All of us know that ulcerative colitis is a painful condition. Many people mistake it for Crohn's disease. The reason is that both the diseases affect the intestine. But the difference is that colitis affects the colon part of the intestine, the later affects ileum, or small intestine. Some people confuse colitis with irritable bowel syndrome also. In ulcerative colitis, inflammation of the lining of colon results in ulcers. As a result pus is formed and sometimes bleeding also occurs. So, the patient has diarrhea with bleeding.

It is difficult to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This is because both the diseases have more or less the same symptoms. One of the main difference of Crohn's disease is that it affects the ileum, esophagus and even mouth. This disease can affect any person irrespective of sex and age. Usually it affects people between 15 to 40. Some clinical studies reveal a hereditary factor. According to some clinical studies, this disease runs in some families. So, if you have a case history, you should try to take care to prevent it. Many theories exist for the colitis, though the real reason behind it has not be proven yet. It is known to be an autoimmune disease.

The common symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, diarrhea, joint pain, anemia, etc. The most important thing about the symptom is that they occur in periodic intervals. Some may experience muscular cramps, loss of fluid from body etc. In children, it results in growth failure. Whatever the symptom may be, it causes severe irritation in the patient. So, it is better to treat it as soon as possible. Moreover, it is important to rule out the other two diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Usually doctors do a physical examination followed by a blood sample. A stool check follows. Finally, an endoscopy is done to diagnose the disease.

Once it is diagnosed as colitis, the treatment varies. This is because severity of the disease also varies from person to person. The common treatment is of course drug therapy. Here the patient is administered tablets like aminosalicylates; Sulfasalazine is usually given as tablets, injections or enemas. Corticosteroids are also given to reduce inflammation. In severe conditions, hospitalization may be necessary. And if the patient does not react positively to drug therapy, a colonoscopy is advised.

Overcome the Symptoms of IBS With Hypnosis

The quality of life diminishes for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Studies show that this health issue effects over 20% of the United States population with women being the most affected. Those who suffer, experience multiple symptoms, and have turned to techniques such as hypnosis for IBS.

IBS hypnosis is an effective use of mind and body techniques to help in the reduction of these symptoms. Symptoms can include diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and constipation. When these symptoms flare up, many miss work, for they are unable to focus on maintaining tasks that are needed in completing their job functions.

Many of these sufferers have tried numerous treatments with medication and diets with little to no relief. While being prescribed medication, most only treat one symptom leaving the rest unattended. These symptoms have cycles that can last for days, months to even years. As of today, many are now using hypnosis for its amazing mind healing power with no negative effects.

The diagnosis of IBS is not easy, for there are many other disorders to rule out due to the irregularity of the GI tract. These other disorders include ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, and lactose intolerance, dumping syndrome, crohn's disease, gallbladder and celiac disease.

So what form of a treatment program for irritable bowel syndrome hypnosis is offered, and how long will treatments be available. The majority of these treatment programs may include 8 sessions or longer aiding the individual in managing the symptoms of this disorder. Research has shown that most individuals who partake in this hypnosis treatment, have reduced flare-ups as well as improvements in their everyday life activities.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome hypnotherapy provides the person with a better physical comfort level, reduced severity symptoms, relaxed and easy treatment, no negative side effects, signs of possible improvement with tension headaches as well as migraines, and provides the individual a longer lasting relief.

Success with IBS hypnotherapy rates range in the area of seventy to ninety-five percent with relief lasting close to two years. Hypnosis processes the subconscious thoughts for which beliefs, habits, patterns and values exist within. Here, our mind controls our body, which regulates a variety of metabolic functions that are continuously used in our everyday activities.

IBS hypnotherapy is not a magic cure and requires the individual to be able to open up and become accountable for his or her own recovery. Relief can involve months of treatment which can include listening to a CD of recorded hypnosis sessions at home. These programs are geared to provide a relaxed state as well as a soothing and calming effect on clients.

Hypnosis is a terrific tool that can be applied to various types of psychological, emotional, and physical challenges. With programs addressing multiple symptoms, related stress and anxiety issues will also slowly diminish. Utilizing hypnosis, people who suffer with IBS now have a natural alternative to the many medications and diets that at times are unable to yield positive results.

Secrets of How to Tackle a Colitis Flare Up

When the inevitable colitis flare up does happen it can be a very distressing period of time. It has the capacity to alter all of the normal daily routines of the sufferer's life and therefore it is important that knowledge is gained of how to face the consequences of a flare up and manage it to ensure the best possible chance of returning to remission as soon as possible.

Each sufferer has different methods of coping with a change to their circumstances due to the appearance of a flare up, with many recognising that any change to their bowel health requires immediate medical attention. There are other sufferers who stop their daily routines and rest completely for a period of a few days to a week or more in order to try and not antagonise the bowel and reduce any pressure put upon it. If this is unsuccessful, it is usual for the doctor to be made aware of the circumstances of the flare up and additional specific medication requested. Colitis symptoms that are caught early can often be easier and more responsive to treat due to their low intensity, although this unfortunately is not always the case. The sufferers that just carry on life trying best to cope often exacerbate the problems and are ultimately delaying the inevitable downtime.

It is very important to understand and appreciate those dramatic changes in bowel habits over a short period of time, where there is greater frequency in movements and the appearance of blood, signals that the opinion of a doctor should be sought. If this is then coupled with other symptoms such as the onset of fever, increasing abdominal pain, the feeling of nausea with or without vomiting, then the sooner a doctor is contacted the better as this normally signals that a full relapse is happening to the sufferer.

Through the increase in the prescribed amount of medication already being taken is usually the first step a doctor will take, additional medication such as steroids will be prescribed specifically to counter the active inflammation in the large bowel. It is very important to withdraw from daily activities to ensure enough physical and mental rest is had plus also a normal diet cannot be continued. The bowel requires a rest as much as possible from its usual functions and this must be accommodated through a complete change of diet during the flare up to very low quantity simple food.

There will be instances where a colitis flare-up does not respond adequately in a reasonable amount of time to the increased dosages of medications that are prescribed. Where severe flare-ups occur, this can result in nutritional deficiency due to lack of food being eaten plus also the danger of dehydration due to the amount of diarrhea, a period of hospital care maybe required in order for the symptoms to be stabilised. Thankfully this will only happen to a very small number of people who require intensive assistance to first stabilse then reduce the symptoms. The vast majority of those who experience a colitis flare up will be treated in their home with back up from their doctor.

It is recognised that at any time a colitis flare up occurs is a worrying period of time for the sufferer and their family. By adopting a recognised path of taking the medications, rest, adjusting and reducing diet and being aware of the progress of the symptoms, the sufferer should be able to manage the flare up themselves with support from their doctor. The most important issue to note though is that once a flare up appears, it just cannot be wished aware. It has to be faced up to and dealt with in a responsible way.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Remedy - Stress At Work

It's been proven that stress can, without a doubt, have an impact physically. Stress related health problems occur when the body is in a frequent and prolonged state of mental or emotional stress. During stress the fight or flight reaction is triggered within the body causing physiological changes.

This is especially significant for those who suffer from autoimmune diseases such as Ulcerative Colitis, because the fight or flight mechanism specifically affects two parts of the Ulcerative Colitis equation: the digestive system and the immune system. When you are stressed it takes a toll on your physical health. If you have Ulcerative Colitis this means that symptoms of flares can intensify due to stress or that a flare can be triggered by stress if you were currently in remission. Stress is especially dangerous because it isn't nearly as tangible as other factors that can be problematic in managing disease such as diet, medication, physical fitness etc.

For this reason it is important to take steps to manage stress. In today's fast paced, high pressure world it seems almost impossible that stress could be altogether eliminated. It is important, however to recognize stressors and then take steps to manage stress to keep it at bay. One major source of stress is the workplace. In this article I will outline some suggestions for managing/avoiding workplace stress specifically.

1. Shut up and work

As if work isn't stressful on it's own. Add office drama to the mix and it becomes even worse. For some it is very difficult to keep work and personal life separate, but from experience let me tell you it's a good idea. It is all too easy for stress to creep in especially when you consider office gossip, negativity towards employer and coworkers discussed among employees, and the all time greatest source of unnecessary stress - office relationships. Most office and workplace environments generate plenty of stress naturally. Workloads, scheduling, deadlines, labor all of these are challenging enough. By keeping personal interactions to a professional standard while in the workplace you can go a long way towards eliminating a source of stress that really isn't even necessary to begin with.

2. Work with your employer to facilitate an understanding of your condition

Ulcerative Colitis will inevitably interrupt your professional endeavors. Unfortunately this comes with the territory. In order to be able to function with as much normalcy as possible its a good idea to make a plan of action while at work. In some cases you may have to suddenly leave a meeting or your workstation without warning. When things are at their worst you may be forced to call in or take off early. It's embarrassing to talk about Ulcerative Colitis, but it may be difficult to explain such situations otherwise. By sitting down with those who will be affected by these occurrences you can help them to know exactly why your behavior is as such. This will aid in helping make you and them more comfortable when the sudden emergencies are unavoidable. Not to mention this will protect you from possible disciplinary consequences that may result if your employer doesn't realize that your behavior is not your fault. By overcoming your fear of discussing an embarrassing topic, you'll be surprised at the stress and worry that will be lifted as a result.

3. Allot yourself extra time

No matter what it is you're doing Ulcerative Colitis will interrupt. For example, when you are trying to get ready for work or on your commute. For this reason it's a good idea to plan for extra time. Wake up early, leave a few minutes before you need to. If you find yourself constantly running behind because your symptoms are causing interruptions, you will become stressed and feel overwhelmed. By giving yourself a little extra time to cover an interruption that may occur, you can keep your day running more smoothly and ultimately with a little less stress. Also, being early is a simple and powerful example of professionalism and will gain you respect from your colleagues. If you plan for extra time and aren't bothered by an interruption your effort has not been wasted by any means.

4. Familiarize yourself with your organization's leave structure

Time off often becomes a problem for those with Ulcerative Colitis. Many in the past have been punished at work for attendance when Ulcerative Colitis was the reason. This is unfair because symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis can be debilitating and those who have been diagnosed also need more time off for medical appointments, surgeries etc. There is good news though. Since 2008 Ulcerative Colitis has been included in the Americans With Disabilities Act. Also known as the ADA. This means that employees with Ulcerative Colitis are afforded certain protections when it comes to work attendance. These include programs such as FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act), STD (short term disability), and LTD (long term disability). There are strict guidelines, however, to protect the system from abuse. Study and know your options and resources for these programs. Knowing that your job is protected at times when you cannot work due to illness will be a huge stress reliever in every case.

5. Remind yourself that stress, to some extent, is a state of mind

It's important to know when stress is coming on and to make a conscience effort to stop it in it's tracks. In most occupations stress will be a factor. By recognizing and confronting those things that stress you at work you can begin to try to release that stress in attempt to manage it. If you have a particular task that stresses you each time it is presented learn ways to be your own comfort when you feel the stress working itself up. Tell yourself you've done it before, remind yourself that you were successful last time and you've "got it" this time as well. This is just one example, but the idea is that instead of just letting stress run it's course make it a priority to identify it before it takes hold. By doing this you can devise ways to turn the stressful thought patterns around. You may still have to take those stressful responsibilities on but by denying stress it's power over you, you may find that it is more manageable than you realized.

6. Identify those tasks that stress you most and determine if you can eliminate some of them altogether

It may be that you are taking on tasks that you really don't have to. Talk to your employer. Tell them the situation and see if the task can be given to other employees, divided, or even outsourced. Some tasks are more stressful for some than others and it may not be nearly as stress inducing for someone else to do if possible. This may not always be an option but every effort to eliminate stressors is a step towards less stress in your work life.

7. Consider a transfer of positions or even a career change

This isn't always very easy to do, but it should be examined as a consideration. Also, this is an option within the ADA protections. Another reason to become as familiar as possible with how the ADA and your employers leave structure is set up.

Work is a reality for the majority of us. It isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Don't make the mistake of just going in and telling yourself that there is nothing you can do to improve the amount of stress that you experience. Take a direct, informed, systematic approach to defeating stress. the outcome can be very liberating and beneficial to your health and well being.

Reasons and Remedies For Blood in Stool

There are many reasons you may discover blood in your stool, and some of them are life threatening. Some are less so, but finding the cause is very important.

How do you know there's blood?

Seeing something red is one way, but that is not the only thing to watch for. If the blood has been in or through the stomach, it won't be red. It'll be black and have the consistency of tar or coffee grounds. Both types can be a sign of something bad.

What causes it?

1) Medications and herbs: Aspirin, willow bark and blood thinners can cause bleeding in the intestines. Anti-platelet medications can do the same thing. This is something you should speak to your doctor about, as you may need a change in these medications.

2) Ulcers: Whether it's in your stomach or your intestines, an ulcer can bleed. Stomach ulcers can cause this to exit on both ends of the alimentary canal. This is a potentially life threatening problem, so getting treatment fast is important.

3) Hemorrhoids: This burning, itching problem around the anus can actually rupture. If so, the color will be fairly bright red. Diverticulitis (an abnormal pocket in the intestines) can also bleed.

4) Crohn's Disease: Another name for this is ulcerative colitis, and as the name suggests it causes ulcers in the digestive tract.

5) Colon Cancer: This is obviously not something that can be treated at home, and one of its symptoms is bloody stools.

Some of these problems can be dealt with using herbal remedies and lifestyle changes. Others may need the help of your doctor, especially if cancer is the cause. It's always best to consult your doctor, especially in the above cases. The doctor can give you a diagnosis and help you come up with a plan that will be beneficial for you.

For ulcers and Crohn's Disease, you may be able to use marshmallow or licorice root to coat the digestive tract. You will probably also need an antibiotic, at least in the case of regular ulcers. Don't take any medications at the same time as the herbs, as it can prevent proper absorption. Don't use licorice root if you have high blood pressure.

Hemorrhoids may be eased by sitz baths, witch hazel and aloe vera. The witch hazel acts as an astringent, and may shrink the hemorrhoid. Aloe will help reduce inflammation. Don't drink the juice, as it can cause explosive diarrhea, which would be an irritant.

Colon cancer, as mentioned above, cannot be treated at home. If the doctor approves, oats and marshmallow may be useful. Due to the side effects, licorice root would be a bad idea.

There is one more thing to consider if you see an off-color stool. Some of the things we eat can change the color and not be a threat. Black licorice and pepto-bismol, lead, iron tablets and blueberries can turn the stool dark. Tomatoes can give a reddish color, especially if a great many are eaten.

Digestive System Disorders

The function of the digestive system is to take the food and liquids that we put into our mouths and then either turn them into nutrients and energy needed by the cells of our body, turning what the body doesn't absorb into waste products to be expelled by our body as bowel movements. Digestive system disorders happen when there is a faulty function during the process of digestion which prevents some part of the digestive system from working as it should do. There are many common digestive system disorders.

Colon and Rectal cancer is a malignant cell in large intestine, which consists of the colon and the rectum. Colon and rectal cancers share so many common features that they are referred to as the same cancer which is how the name colorectal cancer came about. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death by cancer in the U.S.A. If you have symptoms of colorectal cancer you should consult your doctor right away. Common symptoms include: a change in normal bowel habits, blood on or in the stool that is either bright or dark, unusual abdominal or gas pains, very narrow stool, a feeling that the bowel has not emptied completely after passing stool, unexplained weight loss, and fatigue.

Stomach cancer, or gastric cancer, affected approximately 21,700 Americans in their 60s and 70s in 2001. The risk factors for developing stomach cancer are increased by a diet that consists of eating large amounts of smoked foods, salted fish and meat, foods that are high in starch and low in fiber, pickled vegetables, and foods and beverages that contain nitrates and nitrites.

Diarrhea is watery stool, or an increased frequency in bowel movements, or both as compared to the normal amount of stool passed by the individual. Diarrhea can be short-term, which can be related to a bacterial or viral infection, or it can be long-term which is usually related to a functional disorder or intestinal disease.

Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection which occurs in small pouches that bulge out in the colon. There is a tendency for these patches to catch and trap food particles, which can lead to infection.

Gas in your digestive tract is often caused by swallowing air or during the breakdown process of certain foods by the bacteria that is present in the colon. Everyone has gas, but if you have a gas problem it can be uncomfortable and certainly embarrassing to pass the gas.

Heartburn is what most of us get from time to time. Chronic, problematic heartburn is a digestive disorder called gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is caused by gastric acid that backs up from the stomach and into the esophagus, where it can burn sensitive tissue, and can lead to cancer.

There are several different diseases that fall under the category of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), all of which require a doctor for treatment. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are two of these diseases. Ulcerative colitis can be difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to other intestinal disorders and to Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease differs because it causes inflammation deeper within the intestinal wall and can occur in other parts of the digestive system including the small intestine, mouth, esophagus, and stomach. Crohn's disease symptoms can be different for each person. The most common symptoms of Crohn's disease are abdominal pain and diarrhea. Some people have bleeding in the rectum, which is the lower end of the GI tract, just before the anus, which can be serious and may not stop without medical help. Bleeding can lead to anemia, the loss of too many red blood cells. Anemia makes a person feel tired. People can also have weight loss, skin problems, and fevers. Children with Crohn's disease may develop and grow slower than most other children or they may not reach their expected full height.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS, also called spastic colon, irritable colon, or nervous stomach) is a condition in which the colon muscle contracts more readily than in people without IBS. A number of factors can trigger IBS including certain foods, medicines, and emotional stress. Symptoms of IBS include abdominal pain and cramps, excess gas, bloating, and a change in bowel habits such as harder, looser, or more urgent stools than normal. Often people with IBS have alternating constipation and diarrhea. The primary causes for IBS include: eating a diet low in fiber, not drinking enough water or other fluids , not getting enough exercise, traveling or other changes in routine, eating large amounts of dairy products, being stressed, resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, overusing laxatives that, over time, weaken the bowel muscles, taking antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum, taking certain medicines (especially antidepressants, iron pills, and narcotic pain medicines), and pregnancy.

Lactose intolerance is a condition caused by the lack of an enzyme called lactase, which is needed by the body to digest lactose (a sugar found in milk products). Adults and children can be affected by this intolerance. Digestive diseases or injuries to the small intestine can cause this intolerance. Individuals can experience different symptoms but the common ones are: cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and nausea. The symptoms will worsen when milk products are consumed.

Stomach ulcers, or gastric ulcers, and duodenal ulcers are open sores or lesions found in the mucous membranes of areas of the body. Lifestyle, stress and diet may have a role in ulcer formation; however they are not the main cause of them. Scientists now know that ulcers are caused by hydrochloric acid and pepsin that are contained in our stomach and duodenal parts of our digestive system and that these acids contribute to ulcer formation; many stomach ulcers are caused by the bacteria H. pylori, and can be cured with antibiotics.

Constipation is the difficult passage of stools or the infrequent (less than three times a week) or incomplete passage of stools. Constipation is usually caused by inadequate roughage, or fiber, in the diet, or a disruption of the regular routine or diet. Constipation causes a person to strain during a bowel movement. It sometimes causes anal problems such as fissures and hemorrhoids. The body needs two types of fiber: soluble fiber (dissolves and acts like a sponge) and insoluble (does not dissolve and acts like a wisk broom). We have recently recognized the need for a third kind of fiber, macrofiber; macrofiber is not only insoluble, it is indigestible, and it carries water through the digestive tract with your food. We used to get a lot of macrofiber 100 years ago; we called it chaff, and a little dirt from the garden, and bug parts....

Structural disorders are those in which the bowel looks abnormal and doesn't work properly. Sometimes, the structural abnormality needs to be removed surgically. The most common structural disorders are those affecting the anus, as well as Diverticulitis and cancer.

Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels that line the anal opening caused by excess pressure from straining during a bowel movement, persistent diarrhea, or pregnancy. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids are normal structures cushioning the lower rectum and protecting it from damage by stool. When they fall down into the anus as a result of straining, they become irritated and start to bleed. Ultimately, internal hemorrhoids can fall down enough to sink or protrude out of the anus. External hemorrhoids are veins that lie just under the skin on the outside of the anus. Sometimes, after straining, the external hemorrhoidal veins burst and a blood clot forms under the skin. This very painful condition is called a pile.

Anal fissures are splits or cracks in the lining of the anal opening. The most common cause of an anal fissure is the passage of very hard or watery stools. The crack in the anal lining exposes the underlying muscles that control the passage of stool through the anus and out of the body. An anal fissure is one of the most painful problems because the exposed muscles become irritated from exposure to stool or air, and leads to intense burning pain, bleeding, or spasm after bowel movements.

Colitis is a condition that causes an inflammation of the bowel. There are several types, including infectious colitis (caused by bacteria), ischemic colitis (caused by not enough blood going to the colon), radiation colitis (after radiotherapy), ulcerative colitis (cause not known), and Crohn's disease (cause not known). Colitis causes diarrhea, rectal bleeding, abdominal cramps, and urgency (frequent and immediate need to empty the bowels).

Celiac disease is a condition of intolerance to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley, and in some medicines. In people with celiac disease, the body's immune system reacts to gluten by attacking and damaging the lining of the small intestine. Eating foods containing gluten can produce severe abdominal pain. When the lining is damaged, the body cannot get the nutrients it needs. Over time, celiac disease can cause anemia, infertility, weak and brittle bones, and other health problems. Celiac disease tends to run in families.

Rapid gastric emptying, or dumping syndrome, occurs when undigested food empties too quickly into the small intestine. Early rapid gastric emptying begins either during or right after a meal. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, dizziness, and fatigue. Late rapid gastric emptying occurs 1 to 3 hours after eating. Symptoms include hypoglycemia, also called low blood sugar; weakness; sweating; and dizziness. Experiencing both forms of gastric emptying is not uncommon.

Smoking can harm all parts of the digestive system, contributing to such common disorders as heartburn and peptic ulcers. Smoking increases the risk of Crohn's disease, and possibly gallstones, which form when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. Smoking also damages the liver.

Many diseases of the colon and rectum can be prevented or minimized by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and practicing good eating, exercise, and bowel habits:

Eat to live, rather than living to eat. Choose foods that will nourish your body, the fresher the better; keep prepackaged foods and snacks down to a minimum; there are healthy snacks!

When you eat, stop, sit, relax, slow down, and chew well. Try not to overeat; many small eatings are much better for our digestive system than three large ones, especially if you also snack.

To get the most out of the foods you eat, it is best to avoid drinking lots of liquids 20-30 minutes before and after your meals. Drinking too much liquid with meals dilutes the concentration of hydrochloric acid and enzymes needed for proper digestion.

Find your best time of day to have a bowel movement, usually a half hour to an hour after breakfast or after lunch.

Eat all of your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at a predictable time each day. The bowel functions best when food is introduced at the same regular intervals.

Eat a high fiber diet.

Drink plenty of fluids, ideally 64 ounces a day or 8 glasses of water. Keep caffeine to a minimum; it is a diuretic which draws fluid from your colon and leaving your stools hard.

Exercise daily. Bowel function is helped most when exercise is at a consistent daily time.

It is generally accepted that you should take only a minute or so to empty your bowel. Never strain or hold your breath. Hemorrhoids can result from straining.

Avoid relying on laxatives and use them only when needed - ask your doctor or continence adviser for help.

Regular exercise, drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of fresh high fiber foods should keep your bowel healthy. Believe it or not, try chicken soup; it is not just a Jewish myth. Half a cup or so of chicken broth sipped with meals is a great digestive aid.

Disclaimer: The above article is educational in nature, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician.

Prostate and Colon Cancer: Secrets to Healing and Understanding

This article will tackle the cause of two pandemic forms of cancer, cancer of the prostate and colon cancer. Scientists have determined that prostate cancer is an epidemic so vast that nearly one autopsy in two of older men reveals the presence of this cancer. Fortunately, this cancer is usually so slow growing that most men die of other causes, even as the cancer grows slowly within the prostate gland. Yet deaths by prostate cancer and the debilitating effects of prostate surgery still affect thousands of families today. In addition, nonmalignant enlargement of the prostate afflicts millions of American men with such symptoms as painful and frequent urination. As a therapist who specializes in discovering the underlying causes of disease, I have discovered, once again, the reasons for this pandemic can be found in the cultural habits of our society.

First, let's ask the obvious question: what is the prostate's job in a healthy individual? Although prostate conditions including cancer usually show up as problems with urination, the prostate gland is mainly about sex. The prostate's job is to mix sperm with its own liquid secretions to produce semen, then through contractions associated with male orgasm, it propels this semen into the penis. When I have worked with men who have any prostrate condition I nearly always find that these men feel subconsciously frustrated and often guilty about their sexual behavior. Each case has unique elements. Therefore I will not claim that it is always one particular feeling or trauma. But my experience is that it always is about sex.

One client feels guilty about years of being unfaithful to his wives. Another feels remorse over years of visiting prostitutes, and having meaningless sex. Still another feels badly that he had sex with a wife he didn't really love. So far I have not met any man whose prostate is complaining because it didn't get enough sex. While I can't rule out this possibility, it seems that wasting of one's procreative life force is the issue which is locked into the prostates of most of my clients. (Incidentally, I always use open ended questions, and never use direct suggestion or leading questions in my work with cancer patients in order to minimize the influence of my own beliefs on the subconscious minds of my clients. In addition, when I began this research, I had no clue as to what might be found in the prostates of my clients)

This discovery of loose sexual behavior among the vast majority of my prostate clients is consistent with the "sexual revolution" of the 1970s, in which sex went from being a form of recreation reserved exclusively for married couples, at least theoretically, to becoming a free for all. The Playboy philosophy, birth control, and the hippie and women's lib movements combined to create unprecedented opportunities for men and women alike to spread their seeds to the four winds. While I too had the chance to celebrate and enjoy this new freedom, it is our prostate glands, concerned with such "obsolete" concepts as romantic love, families, and children that I have discovered are in rebellion among so many men today.

As a hypnotherapist it is my job to listen to this prostate gland in a way that the client has never done. Indeed most clients are shocked to discover this throwback to conservative values living inside their bodies. Sometimes tears of remorse, dedication to a new lifestyle, even acts of atonement performed for women can help heal this condition. At other times, committing oneself to seeking a loving partner, even to reaching out to ones lost or grown children has proved valuable. I really don't know what my client's prostate needs to heal itself ... but fortunately that prostate always does.

Another kind of cancer epidemic is colon cancer. Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the why of this epidemic either. We know that the colon is the place where waste is produced, and the water we need is pulled out. I have occasionally found unprocessed waste emotions in the colon, including anger, of which the client is often in denial. One client of mine who suffered severe ulcerative colitis screamed at me in a purple faced rage "Damn it! I am NOT angry!!" when I attempted to point out, very politely, what I was feeling from him. Even residual traumas from toilet training can be found in there sometimes.

But the culturally common causes of colon cancer I have found is connected to the diet and lifestyle choices pursued by most Americans. All of these eating habits have been scientifically proven to have debilitating effects on the colon: large amounts of animal fat in the diet, too much melted cheese and white flour products, all of which stick like glue to the colon walls, where they rot and produce inflammation, too little vegetable fiber, including the raw roughage like lettuce and carrots that clean the colon like a bottle brush, and too little water. (okay, how many of you really drink the 8 glasses a day minimum recommended by doctors?) Also critically dangerous to the colon is our lifestyle choice of sitting for most of every day on our sedentary butts. Remember that as a species homo sapiens evolved to spend many hours every day in physical movement.

So any proposed solution to this epidemic requires a radical revision of our diet and lifestyle. Fortunately the services of a clinical nutritionist and hypnotherapist can be combined to make the transition to a healthy diet and lifestyle much easier. Hypnosis can help build motivation for exercise and can help strengthen our new dietary choices. It can also help uncover and heal the emotions that are stored in the colon. Combined with the latest in medical treatments, such methods offer far more promise for recovery than we could have hoped for 20 years ago.

Discover the Best Natural Cure For Ulcerative Colitis

If you are among the millions of people searching for a natural cure for ulcerative colitis then you are in luck. There are ways that you can help to manage the symptoms of this very insidious condition. Ulcerative colitis is a condition that involves inflammation of the large intestine. It normally affects people between the age of 15 and 40 and is attributed to heredity or to an autoimmune disorder. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis, which can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and cramping can make taking care of your day-to-day activities very difficult. In the most serious cases, the symptoms may even make functioning impossible since it can manifest itself in joint pain and anemia.

There are many medications that your doctor can prescribe that will help you with the symptoms of the disease. These are medicines, such as corticosteroids, that are designed to treat the inflammation. Unfortunately, these medicines just don't work for everyone or you may not want to take another prescription medicine. That is why so many people are searching for a natural cure for ulcerative colitis. There are many natural remedies available. Among the most effective of these are herbal treatments which have proven to help control the symptoms of ulcerative colitis.

A readily available natural cure for ulcerative colitis that has proven to be very effective in many cases is the juice of the aloe vera plant. Aloe vera juice is available in quantity and can easily be incorporated into your daily diet. In addition to aloe, other herbal products are used as a natural cure for ulcerative colitis. These include chamomile, turmeric, and boswellia. All can be incorporated into your daily routine and greatly help to alleviate symptoms and can be found at most health food stores and online.

Nutritional supplements can also greatly reduce the need for traditional medicines. Folic acid, fish oil, and soluble fiber have been shown to not only help people with the disease but are helpful in improving health overall. When combined with herbal remedies and dietary changes you can develop a comprehensive program that is a true natural cure for ulcerative colitis.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis can also show up in other serious diseases so it goes without saying that you should consult your doctor before making big changes to your treatment plan. Many doctors are well informed on homeopathic methods of treating the disease and give you good advice on your natural cure for ulcerative colitis. They can also ensure that you are diagnosed correctly. Once you are certain that your condition is indeed ulcerative colitis, you can begin to make the necessary improvements to your diet and begin to incorporate your natural cure into your daily routine and before you know it you'll be back to your old self.

Ulcerative Colitis - Healed Naturally!

A Testimony by Mrs A.J.

In May 2004, my husband and I flew to Florida and I started bleeding rectally. The bleeding continued for the two weeks we were there. I rang a colonic specialist when we got back and he said it might be the flying that caused it. It didn't clear up, so I got in touch with my GP practice and they treated my case as an emergency.

The Medical Merry-Go-Round

The emergency doctor said they first had to eliminate cancer (great start that!). He referred me to the sigmoidoscopy clinic where I had a sigmoidoscopy (a test which looks inside the lower part of the large bowel). This showed that I had colitis and very sore piles.

Because I was so inflamed they suggested I went in for a colonoscopy (this test looks at the whole of the inside of the large bowel). While I was waiting for the colonoscopy, the bleeding continued. Some days it was horrendous and other times it wasn't so bad. I couldn't eat anything without being in a lot of pain. I was passing a lot mucous and had a very windy tummy. All in all, pretty awful!

After the colonoscopy, they confirmed I did have colitis and told me to take some drugs called Asacol to reduce the bleeding. By the end of 2004, the bleeding, mucous and pain hadn't got any better. If anything, it was worse.

Early in 2005, I started getting severe pain under my ribs on the right hand side. My GP said I was constipated and she gave me some laxatives. I suggested it might be my gall bladder, but she didn't agree. I continued to struggle on... One morning I'd been having severe pain under my ribs on the right side but went to work anyway.

It was about 9am when I wandered into my boss's office to say I felt dreadful and would be going home. As I was talking to her, the pain started again. She helped me to stand up, thinking it might alleviate the pain. I passed out. I don't remember much after that. When I came round, we decided to call the company doctor as I wasn't having any joy with my GP.

The company doctor was 99% sure it was my gall bladder. I was told to go and see a surgeon at the London Bridge Hospital. They did a scan and told me they couldn't see any gallstones. They suggested it was my bowels causing the problem. I was then asked to come back in for a second colonoscopy, so they could take a look at was going on. They were concerned that my bowel was 'kinked' in some way.

After the second colonoscopy, I went back to see the surgeon who promptly told me that I didn't have cancer, but that I did have ulcerative colitis. He then showed me the coloured pictures he had taken of my bowel while doing the colonoscopy. My bowel looked like it had 'chicken pox'.

I actually had hundreds upon hundreds of ulcers with big ulcers in between. This was really shocking for me to see, although I was relieved of course that I didn't have cancer. He gave me the highest dose of Asacol that you could give someone and sent me off packing. He said "don't come back unless you have any pain". I wish... !!

The Asacol didn't seem to have any effect. The pain came back again. The surgeon referred me to another colon specialist. He wanted to do yet another (third) colonoscopy to have a look himself. He thought I might have Crohn's disease - what next! The surgeon insisted I have the third colonoscopy on a local anaesthetic. I was in terrible pain half way through the procedure, so he 'topped' me up so I got sedated again.

I came round feeling sleepy. He told me they couldn't get to examine the colon fully because I had such a long bowel. I'd have to go back in and have another (fourth) one done. Looking back I don't know why I didn't kick up a fuss!

When I went for the repeat procedure I had the full anaesthetic! Thank the Lord! Didn't want to go back through that again! After the procedure, the surgeon confirmed... "You don't have Crohn's disease, but you definitely have ulcerative colitis". Steroids were offered as the only remedy, to try to calm down my poor inflammed, ulcerated colon. These I took for a couple of weeks and then I went back to the whacky doses of Asacol.

Did I improve? - No. Did the bleeding calm down? - No. Did the mucous stop? - No. The pain under my ribs came back a couple of times too. The docs didn't know what to do with me. The medical doctor at work sent me back to see the surgeon. He did a further scan of my gall bladder, but nothing showed up. What a complete waste of time!

A Lucky Discovery

Meanwhile, my husband discovered a book by David Klein whilst surfing the net called Self Healing Colitis and Crohn's (image right).

In the book, David says you can email him about your problems. Then you can arrange a phone consultation if you like. Finally I started to talk to someone who understood what I was going through. He was amazed that I was even functioning at any level.

He recommended I see Dr. Gina Shaw in Devon, England and said I didn't need to go to California. He gave me her email address and that was the beginning of a life changing process.

I'd organised time off from work for 3 months to make sure I had enough time to do this properly. I was sure in my heart of hearts that this would work because it made so much sense. Gina and David are both 'Natural Hygienists' I was led to understand, and they believe in natural healing by means of fasting, juice diets and other methods. Other than that I really didn't have a clue as to what was involved, but I had more of an idea once I had read David's book a few times.

Natural Healing

Gina assessed me with an 'iridology' [1] examination and within weeks I underwent a distance supervised fast. I spoke with Gina twice a day from home and I took my own blood pressure, pulse and temperature. I told Gina about any symptoms and sensations as they arose and told her how my day had been -- physically and emotionally and so on.

I'd been warned that when you start this process, you don't just go through a physical healing, you go through an emotional healing process too. So you really don't know how you're going to be from one day to the next. Each day you have different symptoms as your body starts to heal itself, but I was guided in times of need by Gina.

I stayed on a juice diet for a few weeks and I was amazed when the blood and mucus started disappearing from my bowel movements for the first time in years and, at last, I became pain-free again!

A New Woman!

It took a little while to get my strength back after the fast, but since then, I feel great. I can't remember the last time I felt so well - it's been amazing. I have had not bleeding at all. I'm off all drugs. I look so healthy that everyone keeps commenting on how good I look. People are even saying I look so much younger. My skin is clear, my eyes are clear. I can eat and have no pain, no bleeding. Amazing!!

I can now go out in the evening with my husband and enjoy having dinner out. I've started playing sport again after years of not being able to. My energy levels are so different -- I have bags of it. Even my husband can't keep up with me. Life has just taken on new meaning.

From the medical merry-go-round to natural healing, it's been quite a journey. Thankfully for me, it has a happy ending but I feel for the poor souls who are suffering unnecessarily when a simple solution is available. I hope my story will inspire folks with ulcerative colitis to go the natural route to healing and onwards to health. ~ Mrs. A. J.

[1] Iridology - The iris of the eye is inspected as an aid in determining a person's state of health or in diagnosing a health problem.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Remedies

The inflammatory bowel disease denotes a group of idiopathic chronic gastrointestinal disorders and is characterized by the inflammation or swelling and ulceration of the gastrointestinal tract. The other symptoms of this medical condition include abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, bloody stool, and weight loss. Irritable bowel syndrome is another abdominal disorder that is characterized by many symptoms, including abdominal bloating, cramping, pain, and diarrhea. This is not a serious disease, but can cause constant uneasiness and agony to the patient.

The most widespread inflammatory bowel diseases are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Unlike irritable bowel syndrome, the inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are very serious medical conditions and at times can result in life-threatening situations. Ulcerative colitis typically causes inflammation and ulcers or sores on the inmost lining of the large intestine or colon. This is a hereditary disease and is usually found in the age group of 30s, although it can happen at any age, even in fifties and sixties.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure to this disease. However, certain kinds of therapies are useful to achieve the long-term remission of this condition. The symptoms can be controlled with various types of medications, including anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppression medications, pain medications, anti-diarrheal medications, and antibiotics. It should be noted that a medication that is effective for some patients might not be perfect for other patients. Hence, the treatment for ulceration should be done under the care and management of a qualified gastroenterologist.

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis also can be managed by following some dietary and lifestyle changes. Certain food items can worsen the condition. People with ulcerative colitis are recommended to follow a low-fiber diet and to avoid or limit the intake of all types of gassy foods, carbonated beverages, alcohol, fruits, fresh fruit juices, caffeine, cabbage, broccoli, beans, and popcorn. Instead of raw vegetable and fruits, they can use steamed or baked vegetables. They should also try to drink large quantities of water every day. The Mayo Clinic has proposed that the patients suffering with this condition consume five or six small meals a day instead of having three or four heavy meals.

It has been noted that stress can trigger symptoms in individuals with ulcerative colitis. Hence, it is suggested that the ulcerative colitis patients should perform mild exercises and practice stress reduction techniques and breathing exercises to reduce stress.

Cure For Yeast Infections - 2 Top Essentials

1. Flaxseed oil is a great part of an overall cure for yeast infections and is a good source of omega-3- and omega-6-EPA fatty acids. Evening primrose oil, borage oil, and black currant seed oil are excellent sources of omega-6-EPA fatty acids. All are antifungal. Flaxseed oil has many important roles in the creation of health.

Its major properties are:

o natural anticoagulant: helps prevent blood clots
o reduces risk of heart attack and stroke
o protects arteries from damage
o reduces blood triglycerides
o lowers LDL blood cholesterol
o lowers blood pressure
o improves symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, and scleroderma
o helps migraine headaches, asthma, gastritis, and colitis
o anti-inflammatory agent
o prevents cancer

2. Glutamic acid hydrochloride is a part of a cure for yeast infections and is a stomach-acidifying digestive aid that works better in some individuals than betaine hydrochloride. It is usually effective for improving the absorption of trace minerals and killing off unfriendly microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract.

Glutamine (L-Glutamine) may be very important for those Candida cases where leaky gut syndrome has been identified, such as in severe cases of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. Glutamine is produced primarily in skeletal muscle. Its mechanism of action is to work as an inter-organ nitrogen and carbon transporter. Glutamine is traditionally classified as a nonessential amino acid because it can be made in the body from other amino acids. Regardless of this classification, glutamine is essential for maintaining intestinal function, immune response, and amino acid homeostasis during times of severe stress or greater physical activity.

Glutamine is an important metabolic fuel for all the white blood cells, fibroblasts (cells involved in tissue repair and healing), and enterocytes (cells lining the gastrointestinal tract). Glutamine also functions as a precursor of other amino acids, glucose (blood sugar), purines and pyrimidines (DNA and RNA), and glutathione, the body's most important self-generated antioxidant.

Glutamine as part of a cure for yeast infections can also be an effective treatment for sugar cravings, hypo-glycemia, peptic ulcers, depression, moodiness, poor memory, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, short bowel syndrome, and Crohn's disease. It also has been shown to enhance stamina and exercise performance. The usual aches and pains after heavy exercise are significantly reduced by regular use of this supplement.

Glutamine is used for HIV wasting, abnormal intestinal permeability in people with HIV, chemotherapy-induced mucositis, protection of the immune system and gut barrier function in people with esophageal cancer undergoing radiochemotherapy, cystinuria, ulcerative colitis, and sickle cell anemia; for improving recovery after bone marrow transplant; and for alcohol withdrawal support. Glutamine is also used for preventing morbidity in and preventing infectious complications in critically ill patients.

Glutamine helps sustain mental ability, regulates brain metabolism, and, along with glutamic acid, is used as a brain fuel. Glutamine is used in the treatment of alcoholism and can protect against alcohol poisoning. It has been documented to benefit both schizophrenia and senility.

Studies show that glutamine is well tolerated and without side effects in doses up to 40 grams per day and is a great part of an overall cure for yeast infections.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet: How It Can Protect You From Disease

Inflammation is a good thing. It is the natural way your body responds to threats such as infections or wounds. We have all seen inflammation at work when we have pain and redness at an injury. We say it looks inflamed, and it literally is, because injury activates the inflammatory response.

When is inflammation a problem?

When inflammation lasts for long periods of time, we call it chronic, and it can cause problems. Some common causes of chronic inflammation include allergies, autoimmune disease, periodontal disease, arthritis and other diseases that activate the immune system over time. Even obesity is inflammatory, because fat cells give off chemicals called cytokines that trigger inflammation.

Why is it a problem?

Chronic inflammation causes damage to the endothelial lining of arteries, which can lead to atherosclerosis and heart disease. There is also evidence that it contributes to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and a growing number of other chronic diseases that are common in modern, western societies.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of inflammation vary with what is causing it. You may even have no symptoms at all, as in the case of obesity. Here are some examples of specific disease related symptoms:

  • Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis ( joint pain, stiffness, swelling)

  • Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis (abdominal pain and cramping, fever, diarrhea)

  • Psoriasis or eczema (redness)

  • Allergies (respiratory symptoms, hives)

More subtle, early indicators of problems could include headaches, muscles aches, fatigue, muscle stiffness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, gas, abdominal discomfort and even emotional problems including depression. These could be related to food sensitivities and intolerances. The most common food intolerances include dairy (lactose), wheat (gluten), yeast, soy, corn, eggs and even some artificial sweeteners.

How can you know if you have chronic inflammation if you don't have symptoms or a diagnosis?

You can find out if you have inflammation by having your C- reactive protein levels tested. The high sensitivity C-reactive protein, is the preferred indicator of chronic, low-grade inflammation.

What should I do if I have high levels of C-reactive protein?

If your C-reactive protein levels are high, you will first want to talk to your doctor to find out if there is an underlying infection, allergy, autoimmune disorder or other contributing disease. If not, your excess weight could be the cause and weight loss is your best line of defense. If you are a smoker, that could also be contributing to the problem.

How do foods influence inflammation?

Inflammation can also be influenced by the foods you eat. Research has shown that certain foods trigger inflammation and others suppress it.

Some of the foods that are pro-inflammatory include:

  • Animal fats (corn-fed beef, dark meat and skin of poultry, pork, duck

  • Hydrogenated fats (trans fat)

  • Fried foods (fried in saturated,hydrogenated or polyunsaturated fats)

  • Sweets (sugar, candy, cookies, cakes, ice cream, donuts, sweet drinks)

  • Refined grains (white bread, pasta, white rice)

  • Processed foods (chips, crackers, fries, cold cuts, hot dogs, canned meats)

  • Dairy products (especially full fat milk, cheese, sour cream, cream cheese, cream)

  • Some people may also need to avoid the nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers)

Here are some of the best anti-inflammatory foods:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, herring, trout and tuna (with omega 3 fatty acids)

  • Grass fed beef also contain some omega 3 fats (unlike corn-fed beef, mostly saturated fats)

  • Nuts and seeds (walnuts, flaxseed, almonds)

  • Monounsaturated fats (olive oil, canola oil, avocados), by replacing polyunsaturated fats

  • Turmeric (part of most curry dishes)

  • Ginger, used in Asian cuisine (also helps control nausea)

  • Whole grains (except wheat, barley and rye if you are gluten intolerant)

Foods that have high antioxidant levels also tend to reduce inflammation, possibly by reducing the damage that stimulates inflammation. Antioxidants are prolific in brightly and darkly colored fruits and vegetables.

Some of the best sources of antioxidants include:

  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, cherries,

  • Beans: Red beans, kidney beans, pinto and black beans

  • Herbs: oregano, basil, sage, marjoram, thyme, dill, garlic, dry mustard

  • Spices: cinnamon, cloves, cumin, turmeric, ginger

  • Nuts: pecans, walnuts, pistachios

  • Green tea is rich in both antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds

  • Coffee, cocoa (or dark chocolate) and red wine (but caffeine and alcohol are inflammatory)

  • Exotic fruits: acai, gogi, pomegranate, papaya, pineapple

Eating more of these anti-inflammatory and high antioxidant foods can help calm chronic inflammation and by doing so, reduce your risk for chronic diseases. Find ways to make these foods a part of your everyday diet and you will not only be protecting your body from disease, but you may find that some of your aches and pains improve.

Irritable Bowel Medication - 5 Steps to Treat IBS

Irritable Bowel Medication Used in Drug Therapy

When speaking about drug therapy for IBS, it is worth mentioning that this therapy is used in cases of moderate to severe IBS patients, those who have been recommended changes in the food they eat and given other medical councils, but with no, or little effect.

In spite of the fact that in the past the first stage treatment for IBS was intended to deal with the main symptom, now there are several therapies that shown their efficiency in dealing with multiple symptoms.

1. Laxative

The first step in approaching the IBS traditionally is dietary fiber. This is part of a group of irritable bowel medication called laxatives. Apart from the dietary fiber, there are other three types of laxatives that are used in case the first doesn't have the expected effect.

This type of IBS medication is used in progressively in an attempt to find a solution for the specific IBS symptoms that a patient might show.

2. Anticholinergic/Antispasmodic agents

If laxatives prove inefficient to fight IBS, then the physician uses a second group of irritable bowel medication called antispasmodic agents. The problem with this type of IBS medication is that there are no significant results in the general population, and also, those have shown some little effect are not available in USA.

3. Antidiarrheal agents

For IBS patients suffering from diarrhea, a GI doctor would next use as irritable bowel medication antidiarrhea agents. The downside of this method is that it doesn't eliminate abdominal pain and it causes constipation.

4. Antidepressant medications

Considering that the gut flora and motility is influenced by antidepressant medications, the medical procedure uses this type of irritable bowel medication. In addition to that, IBS is often present when psychological issues may be involved.

This way can be relived abdominal pain.

5. New serotonin agents

Due to the new research results, now is used another type of irritable bowel medication. These newer drugs have proved to be efficient by high standard clinical tests. We will mention two of these irritable bowel medications that act on serotonin receptors in the body.

Serotonin (5-HT) has an important role for the bowel function. That is why it is used as an irritable bowel medication..

There are several drugs that include serotonin, but the most known are:

  • Alosetron ( Lotronex), which is used for IBS patients with diarrhea, and

  • Tegaserod (Zelnorm), which is used when the IBS patients present constipation symptoms.

Ulcerative Colitis - Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Colonoscopy

Most patients fear colonoscopy thinking that it is painful and postpone getting it done. It is however essential that this procedure is done to diagnose ulcerative colitis so that they can receive treatment soon.

When you are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome either in the form of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, one of the most common medical tests that your physician will advice you to undergo is a colonoscopy. Many people fear just the sound of the word colonoscopy as they feel it is a painful invasive procedure, and postpone undergoing it resulting in their condition deteriorating. Getting the colonoscopy done sooner rather than later will help patients start treatment faster and reduce the possibility of surgery.

Most patients fear colonoscopy for the reason that they think it is a painful procedure. However, this is not the case. It is preparing for the colonoscopy that is difficult when you need to be evaluated to verify if you are suffering from ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. The colon has to be emptied out completely before the colonoscopy procedure. This means not eating any solid foods 12 hours before the procedure. In addition, a laxative is usually prescribed along with fluids that are clear, so that the colon is cleansed completely before the procedure is carried out for diagnosing irritable bowel syndrome.

The actual colonoscopy procedure for diagnosing ulcerative colitis is relatively painless. The patient is usually given a sedative to ease any discomfort felt when the tube like probe with a miniature video camera at the end is inserted into the colon. In certain cases, a pain killer may also be prescribed if the patient requires it. Most patients who have undergone the procedure agree that they felt only a mild discomfort and no pain during the procedure. The test takes only 20 minutes if the inflammation is found to be mild and there are no polyps seen that requires removal. If there are any polyps found or a tissue sample need to be collected for doing a biopsy then the procedure could take approximately 45 minutes or more.

Since undergoing colonoscopy is almost painless, patients should not fear the procedure and postpone getting it done. As with other disorders, early diagnosis of ulcerative colitis is crucial to treating it successfully and keeping it under control. Undergoing a colonoscopy can help patients get diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome - either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease - and could help them receive medication sooner. Postponing the colonoscopy procedure can only lead to further complications and the possibility of surgery, this would be much more painful than the colonoscopy itself.

Safer Drug Treatments for Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis treatments in the beginning tend to revolve around prescribed drugs by a rheumatologist or a physician to stop the progression of the disease, and to overall stop the pain that is associated with Ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

The drugs used to combat AS are generally Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID's), the side effect of such drugs being that they have a negative impact on the digestive lining of the stomach. Research as well as thousands of testimonies from AS sufferers can point to a positive impact on the symptoms by eating a low or non starch diet, based on this it would be safe to make a correlation between AS and the digestive tract. This means that while NSAID's do have their place, as they can reduce inflammation during acute flare-ups, and situations where they are required, they may long term be leading to a further in-ability to combat the disease from it's source, which may likely be digestive system.

As we move into the future we are seeing new drugs that are combating AS in a different way than it has been treated in the past. The drug that is he focus of this article Sulfasalazine.

What is Sulfasalazine used for? it is indicated for the treatement of ulcerative colitis (bowel and intestinal issues). The extended release version of this drug have also been known to help reduce joint pain, swelling and stiffness in those who suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. Sulfasalazine works by affecting the damaged tissue of the small and large intestines, essentially it will reduce irritation and swelling in the intestines. The reason this is looked upon as a positive ankylosing spondylitis treatment deals with the very fact that this drug has limited side effects on the intestinal lining of the digestive system. If you follow the boards at (which I suggest you do) you will find thousands of positive results with sulfasalazine using the extended release version. There are many theories by many medical professionals that ankylosing spondylitis is connected to what is known as leaky gut syndrome.

Leaky Gut Syndrome: Refers to a syndrome that can be associated with an increased chance of toxins, food, and bacteria of crossing over into the blood stream due to the increased permeability of the wall of the intestines. A healthy stomach is like a wall that guards these particles from crossing over, but when the stomach is compromised, we see a host of skin and auto-immune disorders such as ankylosing spondylitis. Many physicians see a connection between AS, and conditions such as IBS, Ulcerative Colitis and crohn's disease. This would point further to the fact that AS may be effected, and possibly caused by issues involving the digestive lining of the intestines.

The reason we talk about Sulfasalazine is that it actually has a positive effect on the digestive lining of the stomach, or as some believe the root cause of AS. Sulfasalazine acts to reduce the inflammation that is causing bacteria and particles to enter into the blood stream. This cross-over into the blood stream is believed to be what invokes the auto immune system response, as the presence of bacteria and food particles are seen as a foreign invader to the body. Treating the symptoms is necessary, but not at the long term cost of the damage it may cause to the digestive tract. Sulfasalazine is like any drug you will find on the market, there is a host of scary side effects that you must be told about, but overall these are very uncommon. You MUST speak with a medical professional about if this is the right drug for you to be taking based on your previous medical history, and your current health. Always have a complete history completed with a medical physician before taking any pharmaceutical drug

It is recommended you speak with your rhuematologist or physician with regards to sulfasalazine, they will be able to tell you if this ankylosing spondylitis treatment is right for you, or if there is another approach. Drugs that combat digestive issues are newer to the treatment protocol for AS, as the future unfolds we are certain to see more drugs that combat the inflammation of the intestinal walls. Our next article will focus on natural supplements that can help improve the digestive system, which once again will improve the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis

Cancer of the Gastrointestinal Tract

Together cancer of the gullet, stomach, bowel and pancreas are the commonest group of cancers, especially in the sixties onwards but they do occur before then.

Cancer of the colon or rectum is the third most common cancer in men, causing about 8,500 deaths a year.

It is more likely if there is a family history of bowel cancer or in sufferers of ulcerative colitis. Cancer of the pancreas causes 8,000 deaths a year, especially in smokers and diabetics.

Cancer of the gullet or stomach affect an older age group and are more common in smokers.

The symptoms of bowel cancer are a change in bowel habit - for example, unusual constipation or persistent diarrhoea or blood in the motions.

Cancer of the gullet causes difficulty swallowing. Stomach cancer begins as persistent indigestion, upper abdominal pain and loss of appetite, possibly with vomiting of blood.

Pain or weight loss are features of more advanced disease of any of the above.

Cancer of the pancreas is notoriously difficult to diagnose early; it may cause a vague abdominal pain, jaundice - and weight loss.


See a doctor if your bowel habit alters for more than two weeks without some good reason. Always take seriously any difficulty in swallowing.

Indigestion beginning for the first time above the age of forty-five should be investigated, even though stomach cancer is relatively uncommon until the sixties.

Never ignore persistent weight loss and loss of appetite.


Surgical removal of early bowel and stomach cancers gives excellent long-term results; this is why you should not delay in having any suspicious symptoms investigated.

The outlook for cancer of the gullet and pancreas is much poorer; even so much can be done to relieve discomfort.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Colon Health Problems - Is Your Health at Risk?

Many people suffer from colon related health problems today. There are so many different types of colon (large intestine) problems it is hard to believe. Did you know that in 2005 in the United States of America, 72,007 men and 69,398 women were diagnosed with colorectal (colon) cancer? Shockingly, 26,781 men and 27,259 women died from colon cancer in that same year. Most people know someone close to them who has suffered from the disease or a similar illness. It has become an epidemic in our society.

It is very important to see a health care provider that can treat and diagnose these problems. But, first, how do you know if you have problems with your large intestine ? Here is a list of common disorders involving this critical internal organ.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, is a disorder that affects the GI tract; it is the most common colon health related problem that doctors see today. The cause is unknown and symptoms include bloating, gassiness, abdominal pain, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, constipation and blood in the stool. These symptoms tend to worsen during times of stress, bad diet and some sexual activities.

Treatment of IBS includes diet change, lifestyle change and sometimes medication. Staying away from certain foods can help avoid bloating and gassiness such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.

Another common treatment is the addition of fiber into the diet. It helps reduce the chances that the digestive tract will spasm as it digests food. Adding fiber to the diet also helps with regular bowel movements and reduces the chance of constipation.

Stress also causes flare ups of IBS to occur. By regularly exercising and eating a well balanced diet, you can reduce some stress and other problems associated with the illness.

Smoking can also worsen symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and some food can make IBS worse.


It is important to understand that constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom. Constipation occurs when a stool is hardened because it doesn't contain enough water. This condition is hardened stools and can also mean difficulty passing said stool. Many people today suffer from this colon related health problem, but it can be treated.

A person with a blockage will experience less bowel movements; usually it will be from three movements a day to three movements a week. If the bowels are not moved for three straight days, there may be pain and difficulty when defecating.

There are many causes of constipation such as not eating enough fiber, some medications, being pregnant, IBS, ignoring the desire to make a bowel movement, and using laxatives too much.

There are many ways to prevent and alleviate this ailment, including eating more fiber (try flaxseeds, rice bran, oat bran, beans, peas, apples, pears, blueberries), regular exercise, drinking lots of fluids most importantly water, avoid using over the counter laxatives and going to the bathroom the same time each day.

There are also many types of colon cleansing products available that you can search for online or at your health food store. Having an enema will clear out the bowels and allow for feces to pass more easily. Enemas can be purchased over the counter and work by inserting a tube into the rectum and flowing water into the bowel. The water is then retained for a period of about ten minutes and then released.

Another colon cleansing choice is a colonic irrigation. A doctor or practitioner performs the colonic; the patient will lie on a table and have a tube inserted into the rectum allowing water to flow in and out of the bowel taking the waste out of the colon. Colonics are generally more comfortable than using an enema.


Diarrhea is the frequent passage of loose watery stools accompanied by bloating and gas. Diarrhea is also a symptom and not a disease although related complications can often cause severe illnesses. The most severe problem caused by diarrhea is dehydration, since stools are commonly watery; it causes the body to lose too much water. Diarrhea is often accompanied by vomiting which also causes the body to lose water.

Diarrhea can be brought on by a number of things such as, viral infections, bacterial infections, and IBS.

This annoying malady usually goes away within two to three days without medical treatment. Many people can treat it at home by drinking plenty of water and eating normally. Some medications can be used to treat diarrhea such as loperamide and some antibiotics.

Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is basically inflammation of the colon. There are many different causes of colitis including poor blood flow, infections and autoimmune reactions. Viruses and bacteria are the cause of many different types of intestinal infections. Most come from food poisoning, E coli, shigella, and salmonella can cause colitis.

Symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, a consistent urge to have a bowel movement, often constant pain, fever and chills.

Treatment for colitis includes antibiotics, intravenous fluids, and a combination of medications that are given to the patient and then monitored for a period of time.

Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease affects around 500,000 people in the United States today. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease or IBD; it causes inflammation and swelling in the digestive tract. It usually affects the small intestine and parts of the colon and is often mistaken for other colon disorders such as ulcerative colitis, IBD, and diverticulitis.

Symptoms of Crohn's illness include persistent diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps and fatigue. There is no cure, but there are many treatments available to help manage the disease and keep symptoms from returning for a long period of time. Treatments include aminosalicylates, corticosteroids, immune modifiers, biologic therapies, and antibiotics.

Some people suffering from the disorder may even have to have surgery at some point in their lives. Surgery can clear the intestinal blockage, treat symptoms medication couldn't, and repair the damage to the intestines.

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal (Colon) cancer occurs when tumors form on the large intestine and or the rectum. Sometimes benign tumors called polyps form inside the intestine, while malignant tumors in the large intestine are called cancers. Benign polyps can be removed during a colonoscopy and they are not life threatening. If polyps are not removed, malignant cancers can form over time.

Colorectal cancer can be inherited or caused by a high fat diet, the presence of polyps in the intestine and chronic ulcerative colitis. As you may already know, it is fatal in some cases, but sometimes can be treated.

Surgery is the most common treatment for this intestinal cancer. During the operation, the tumor is removed. The patient is then watched and tested to make sure that the cancer hasn't spread to any other organs, but if it has, more surgery may be required and, or, chemotherapy will be administered.

Colon cancer is the most fatal of all colon health related problems. That is why it is so important to take care of yourself by eating a well balanced diet, exercising regularly, and reporting any abnormality to your doctor.

Acid Reflux Remedies: A Natural Way To Treat Heartburn

Acid reflux remedies are natural and effective in giving relief from heartburn without any side effects. They are safe as compared to chemically formulated drugs that cause some or the other side effects. The most dreaded symptom of this condition is heartburn, which is the persistent burning symptom in the chest, which is annoying and gives a headache. There are many medicines formulated specifically to treat this condition, but those medicines are not safe and are associated with adverse side effects if taken for a longer time. Natural home remedies are safe as compared to chemically formulated drugs and can be taken even by pregnant women and children. Before we move on to these remedies, let us understand this condition.

Acid reflux is one of the most common yet uncomfortable problems that can happen to anyone. It is a medical condition in which the food pipe becomes irritates due to regurgitation of acid from the stomach. Acid reflux is characterized by symptoms such as heartburn, acid or food regurgitation, bad breath and sore throat. Chronic acid reflux can erode the lining of the stomach wall and can cause ulcers or GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease). Hence it is important to take care of these symptoms right from the beginning by taking home remedies and corrective measures to treat as well as prevent further occurrence.

Some of the effective remedies for acid reflux are:

1. Apple cider vinegar: This is a quick remedy that works during the acute episodes of acid reflux. Mix one tsp of apple cider vinegar in half glass of water and drink immediately. This calms down the acidity and gives relief. You can also slowly sip this water with your dinner to prevent getting heartburn.

2. Ginger: This natural herb has great absorbing properties. It absorbs all the excess acid in the stomach and calms down the nerves. You can either take ginger root capsules daily after dinner or ginger solution (crushed ginger in half glass of water and then strain the liquid).

3. Fennel Seeds: Fennel seeds are effective acid reflux remedies as they aid in digestive conditions. Fennel seeds contain Anethole that helps in controlling the cramping pain or spasms in the stomach. You can chew these aromatic seeds directly after dinner.

4. Aloe Vera juice: Aloe vera has a soothing effect and is used in treating a number of digestive ailments such as indigestion, diarrhea and ulcerative colitis. Drink one glass of aloe vera juice in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. Licorice root: Licorice root is a popular herbal remedy used for centuries for treating gastrointestinal ailments. Licorice works by forming a protective gel coating on the stomach which helps in preventing acid attack. It is available in the form of tincture or tea.

6. Herbal tea: Drinking Chamomile tea soothes the inflamed mucosal lining of stomach and esophagus. Instead of consuming tea in few gulps, slowly sip the tea to increase its therapeutic effects.

7. Pineapple: Pineapple contains bromelain, which helps in digestion and relieving acid reflux.

8. Aniseed and Lavender tea: This herbal tea helps in reducing the amount of acid in the stomach. To prepare this tea, take equal quantities of lavender and aniseed and mix them in 2 cups of boiling water. Strain it and add one tsp of honey to sweeten it. Drink one cup of this tea daily on the morning to get acid reflux relief.

9. Baking soda: Sodium bicarbonate is a natural antacid that gives relief immediately. Just add one tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it before the fizz goes away.

10. Acid reflux preventive remedies: Apart from natural acid reflux remedies, some corrective steps have to be taken to prevent the recurrence of heartburn. Make some dietary changes such as avoiding processed junk food and sugar, eating larger portions and going to bed immediately after dinner. Alter your meal times and take walk after your dinner. Drink plenty of water as it helps in proper digestion and keeps your body hydrated.

Treating the uncomfortable feelings is not that difficult. Making few lifestyle and dietary changes and using holistic acid reflux remedies can help in getting rid of heartburn.

Pain and Inflammation Gone With Serrapeptase

It is amazing how a squirmy silkworm can make a life changing difference from a life filled with pain, painful inflammation or disease and change it to a life of health and happiness. Serrapeptase has been used in Europe and Asia for over 30 years to replace the chemical agents referred to as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Serrapeptase is an alternative to aspirin, ibuprofen and other OTC (over the counter) medications. As a nature created protease enzyme agent that has no known side effects when used, it does not harm your body or organs. Just the opposite is true, it heals and removes many of the disease or harmful deposits that can cause you pain, inflammation, some cancers and arterial blockages.

What is this wonder enzyme? It has been titled and correctly so, "The Miracle Enzyme" by Robert Redfern.

Isolated from the microorganism, Serratia E15, Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme (protease) that will work in the human body to remove scar tissue (dead tissue) and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect within our bodies. We can thank the silkworm for this miracle. This enzyme was originally found in the silkworm intestine. The silkworm uses it to digest the mulberry leaf and also create a hole in its hard cocoon so that it could exit and a moth and fly off. As we know, the outer layer on the cocoon is the origin of silk that is used in thread and then made into clothing. Today this enzyme is a commercial product derived through fermentation. The history and art of making silk is a fascinating story and one I enjoyed reading about.

Serrapeptase has so many case studies and amazing results that it would be difficult not to place it in a healing category all by itself. There are results showing it dissolving dead tissue, cysts, arterial plaque, inflammation and dissolving the substance that holds blood clots together. There does not seem to be many conditions or diseases in our bodies that have not been reported for this enzyme to improve or clear.

I personally have seen the effects of Serrapeptase in the improvement of removing scar tissue from my foot that was so painful I could hardly walk. Now I can go and do most everything without the unbearable pain. The doctor recommended 2 separate surgeries to remove the scar tissue so that I would not loose a toe due to the surgery and lack of blood flow. I also have PMR (polymyalgia rheumatica) a very painful and debilitating disease, requiring a steroid daily treatment to reduce the pain from the inflammation in my body. I have to have blood tests every 6 weeks and since I have been taking Serrapeptase, my blood results have dropped and I am taking less steroids. I will not go into the effects of taking a steroid but believe me, it is not good for the body and organs. I am thankful for the results I have noticed since taking Serrapeptase and expect the results to continue to improve. Oh, by the way, the results I noticed started within 2 weeks of taking Serrapeptase and prior to that, no changes in the pain or inflammation in either condition for over a year.

My sister is taking the enzyme and has also noticed great results. She has for many years had lumps in her legs that have made it very painful to walk or stand. She noticed that after just 2 weeks on Serrapeptase, that in her shopping in Walmart, which normally she can only walk for about 10 minutes, she had been there over 40 minutes and noticed the reduced pain. She has also had several surgeries for her sinus condition over the years and has noticed a clearing of that problem also. She has called several times to thank me for sending her the first bottle. She is a believer and has re-ordered multi-bottles 2 additional times.

I will list some of the conditions that have shown anywhere from a slight, to what is considered a miracle in the results of using Serrapeptase. There many experts and reports that verify the positive results of Serrapeptase, some are documented on my website as examples and I am truly amazed at the wonderful results that have been reported.

1. Cardiovascular Diseases:

Arterial Disease
Blood Clots
Reduce By-Pass surgery
Varicose Veins

2. Pain and Inflammation Problems:

Back Problems - Lower and neck
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Carpal Tunnel
Post operative Scars
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
Fibrocystic Breast Disease

3. Chest and Lung Diseases:

Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Cystic Fibrosis

4. Inflammatory Bowel Disorders:

Ulcerative Colitis,

5. Migraines and Headaches:

Migraines and Headaches

6. Cancer Recovery:

7. Multiple Sclerosis and other Neurological problems:

8. Ear, Nose & Throat Problems:

Swollen Glands

9. Sport Injury recovery:

There are many other diseases and conditions that can be helped or eliminated by the use of Serrapeptase. New results are being reported all the time and I expect to see many new amazing results as time continues. Serrapeptase was so valuable in its results, that in Germany, a prescription was required to get this enzyme. It has been used and researched in Europe and Asia for over 30 years. Serrapeptase was not introduced into the United States until 2002 and now we have it available here to improve our Health also.

It should be noted that like any other natural or herbal supplement, you should talk with your doctor to make sure there are no situations or medications that could affect your health condition while taking Serrapeptase. There are no known side effects with this enzyme and the dosage can vary depending on your personal condition. I personally started with a higher dosage and will reduce the amount to a maintenance dosage once I have reached the improvements in my body.

Serrapeptase can be taken by adults, children, dogs and horses. There have been dramatic results in animals with diseases like Arthritis and tumors. The tablet form can be taken whole or chewed up. The capsule can be taken whole or split and added to juice, water or honey. It is great for sore throats when dissolved and swallowed slowly. It will normally work within 15 to 30 minutes to eliminate the sore throat. To be most effective, Serrapeptase is enteric coated to pass through the stomach and be dissolved in the intestines. It should be taken on an empty stomach and can be taken up to 3 times a day and multiple tablets/capsules may be taken to achieve your maximum goal.

"Serrapeptase may become the most widely used nutritional supplement of all time because of it's effectiveness with such a wide range of conditions"

Robert Redfern, Nutrition Researcher and Author

This article is not intended as medical advice. It is solely informational and educational about health.