Saturday, June 8, 2013

Ulcerative Colitis Medications

Ulcerative colitis disease affects about 500,000 people in the United States alone. It seems to be more prevalent in women than in men. The cause or causes are unknown. Treatment for the disease typically includes one of the ulcerative colitis medications, as well as alternative or complimentary therapies. Choosing an ulcerative colitis medication depends on known allergies and how much of or to what extent the colon is inflamed.

One ulcerative colitis medication that has been used for over thirty years is an aminosalicylate. There are many brand names. These medications are considered effective treatments for Crohn's and ulcerative colitis disease.

Sulfasalazine is another one of the ulcerative colitis medications. It is used to treat mild to moderate Crohn's and ulcerative colitis disease. Studies show that this ulcerative colitis medication is effective 80% of the time when used regularly to prevent flare-ups. However, those who are allergic to sulfa drugs cannot take sulfasalaine. Most people who cannot take sulfasalazine can take mesalamine, olsalazine or balsalazide.

An ulcerative colitis medication is typically prescribed to put the disease into remission, meaning to prevent recurring symptoms. Ulcerative colitis disease is chronic. The only known cure is surgery to remove all or part of the colon. Those with mild to moderate symptoms are typically successful using ulcerative colitis medications and/or alternative or supplemental therapies.

As with any prescription drugs, ulcerative colitis medications cause side effects in some people. These side effects may include nauseau, vomiting, diarrhea and headache. One ulcerative colitis medication, sulfasalazine, may reduce sperm count in men while they are taking it. These and other side effects often send people looking for other choices.

Botanicals such as aloe is often recommended as a supplement to ulcerative colitis medication. One study suggests that omega-3 supplementation may reduce the need for ulcerative colitis medications. Chripractic treatments have been effective for some people in reducing the symptoms of ulcerative colitis disease. Massage therapy and acupuncture have providing relief for some who suffer from the disease. Avoiding certain products that contain caffeine, alcohol and anything that may have a laxative effect is typically recommended for persons using ulcerative colitis medication. These products can worsen symptoms and side effects.

Many people who have ulcerative colitis disease have found that following a special diet has relieved their symptoms. Some report that their need for ulcerative colitis medications has been reduced. Others claim that they do not need any ulcerative colitis medication at all, as long as they follow their special diet. Most people who make these claims are either selling a cookbook, newsletter or special report. This is not to say that their claims are false, but if your doctor has prescribed an ulcerative colitis medication for you, it is not wise to stop taking it, no matter what other therapies you are trying, without consulting with him/her first.

Treatments for Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease. It is considered a serious ailment and requires medical attention.

Ulcerative colitis is an ailment that causes inflammation in the bowels. The word "colitis" refers to inflammation (-itis, as in dermatitis, hepatitis) of the colon (col-). It is characterized by ulcers and open sores in the colon. More than a quarter million people in America are affected by it. While it is a form of inflammatory bowel disease, it is not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome which is also a bowel related ailment but is not serious in nature. Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic ailment characterized by bowel pain, irregular bowel movements, discomfort and bloating.

Ulcerative colitis is very similar to Crohn's disease. Crohn's disease can affect any part of the digestive system from mouth to anus. The causes for ulcerative colitis can be attributed to many factors like genetic factors, diet and food habits, environment and some also classify it as an autoimmune disease - that is, the body's immune system turns against the body itself.

There are many treatments for ulcerative colitis that depend on the extent and severity. While irritable bowel syndrome can be treated rather swiftly by a few simple drugs, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease require serious medical attention. Chemotherapy is used more commonly than any other form of treatment and is used in more than 70% of the cases. It involves an initial drug course to initiate the cure, followed by maintenance drugs. A class of drugs known as aminosalicylates is used. Aminosalicylates include mesalazine, sulfasalazine, balsalazide, olsalazine and dipentum - although sulfasalazine has been known to cause side effects like nausea; vomiting; reduced sperm count; damage to blood cells, liver, kidneys, pancreas, nerves and hearing.

Corticosteroids are also used. Corticosteroids include cortisone, prednisone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone and budesonide. Apart from these, immunosuppressive drugs and TNF inhibitors are also used. Also, some new drugs like Methotrexate, hepagrin and anti-integrin anti-bodies are being tested with varying degrees of success. Sometimes, surgery is also recommended for ulcerative colitis treatment. Besides there are many alternative treatments for this and nearly a fifth of the cases rely on these alternative treatments like dietary control, consumption of certain fats and oils, herbal medicine and bacterial recolonization.

Aloe Vera - Cure For Anything the Stomach Churns Out

Have you always wanted to know more about aloe vera? Are you interested in getting to know all about the medicinal uses of aloe? Here is a look at aloe vera and its use in the treatment of bowel related diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

Aloe vera is a plant of African origin with fleshy and succulent leaves. Its pulpy structure is arranged in a rosette pattern. This miracle drug is used in many forms as cure for various ailments. Its gel is made out of the fluid in its leaf, its extract by removing the water contained in the gel, juice made from pulping the leaf and aloe vera latex from the yellow syrupy liquid found within the leaf. It is also available in the market in the form of capsules. Aloe-vera gel contains enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids within it.

Aloe has many medicinal attributes. It is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, astringent, anti-itch, anti-viral, antioxidant, laxative and analgesic. There are many ailments that aloe helps reduce the symptoms of: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), Crohn's Disease, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), Ulcerative Colitis, constipation, Psoriasis, minor burns, Eczema, mouth ulcers, Seborrheic Dermatitis and Type 2 Diabetes (supposedly not tested).

There are many more uses that aloe vera is used for. Some of its uses have been listed below. Aloe juice is used to treat minor insect bites and minor wounds. It aids better and faster recovery by forming a plaster like covering over the injury. Because of its anti-inflammatory and astringent qualities it works miraculously on skin ailments and cosmetic treatments and is also a preferred cure for hemorrhoids (piles). Aloe's antioxidant abilities have been found to control cases of skin cancer and other skin damage.

Aloe-Vera gel makes an excellent cure for ulcerative colitis thanks to its anti-inflmamtory and calming functions. Studies have suggested that aloe when used as a cure for ulcerative colitis has showed 47 percent improvement of symptoms.

5 Nutritious Add-Ins for Your Crohns Recipes

Crohns recipes can play an important role in preventing Crohn's symptoms or flare ups, regardless if a person suffers from Crohn's ileitis or another form. It is no secret that the food a person ingests can have positive or negative affects on their digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.

However, just because a person with Crohn's has to watch what they eat, and omit various food products from their diet, doesn't mean they can't enjoy the foods they eat. The following are five foods that are generally considered safe for a Crohns recipes diet and can provide extra nutrition and/or flavour.

1. Honey - Honey is a natural sweetener that has healing properties. It is a good source of antioxidants and is ideal for treating diarrhea, as it encourages rehydration in the body and soothes the stomach. In addition, honey has free sugar molecules which actually improves brain function and reduces fatigue.

It is imperative that you purchase local raw honey to ensure you are receiving all of its nutrients and enzymes in your crohns recipes. The best place to look for this honey is in health stores.

Recipe tips - Honey is perfect for sweetening your tea and other beverages. Also consider using honey as spread for your bread, and as an alternative to sugar required in certain recipes.

2. Coconut oil - Coconut oil contains a significant amount of lauric acid. This acid is easy to digest, and also works to strengthen the immune system, allowing protection against bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

In addition, Coconut oil detoxifies the liver, and aids in building fats, lipoproteins, bile and hormones which are needed for digestion; thus creating a healthy digestive tract. Coconut oil encourages the absorption of food nutrients, and speeds up metabolism.

Recipe tips: Use coconut oil for cooking. Use coconut oil as the substitute in crohns recipes that call for margarine, butter or other unhealthy oils. In addition, when left in room temperature, virgin coconut oil solidifies and can be used as a spread for bread in place of butter or margarine.

3. Soy Products - Soy products such as soy milk, soy burgers, soy meats, and soy cheese, tempeh and tofu, are excellent sources of protein and are ideal replacements for dairy. Some believe soy helps to reduce bowel inflammation associated with Crohn's disease.

Recipe tips: Soy products come in many forms such as meats, burgers, cheese and milk. By substituting regular meat and dairy products for soy, and including dark leafy green vegetables, you can enjoy the meals you've always liked, and still obtain the nutrients you need. Try adding soy milk or soy vanilla milk to cereal, in tea or fruit smoothies, and top off your salad with soy cheese.

4. Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Extra virgin olive oil is vegetable based and an excellent addition to crohns recipes. This oil helps to protect your intestines as it contains potent antioxidants. Olive oil also increases the body's absorption of a number of vitamins including A, D, E, and K. Furthermore, it encourages faster healing and increases metabolism.

Recipe tips: Olive oil is a flavor enhancer and is a fantastic alternative to margarine or butter for recipes and as condiment. For instance, you can use it as a salad dressing.

5. Essential Fatty Acid Foods - Be sure to spice up your recipes with foods that are high in essential fatty acids, as they are known to prevent inflammation within the bowel. Good sources of such foods include dark green leafy vegetables, rapeseed, walnuts and flaxseed.

Recipe tips: Introduce salad to your diet, and don't be afraid to add nuts and seeds to recipes. For instance, if you have a cookie recipe you love, add some walnuts.

Remember, not everyone's Crohn's symptoms are triggered by the same foods. Therefore, make sure you find out what foods aggravate your condition, so you can avoid them. If you are having a difficult time finding crohns recipes that work for you, it's a good idea to take your concerns and questions to a qualified dietitian who can help you find answers, and start you on a diet that works for you.

Bioflavanols Are Your Secret Agent For Crohn's Disease & Colitis

For centuries it has been known that Bioflavanols or OPC has the ability to counteract the effects of autoimmune diseases like Crohn's Disease and Colitis. Pharmaceutical companies have made information on them a best kept secret for years. Bioflavanols aren't made in laboratories; they occur naturally in plant compounds, as plant pigments and powerful antioxidants that fight against inflammation and the production of histamines in our body. inflammation of course is the main culprit in causing the painful symptoms in Crohn's/Colitis like cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea.

We can find limited amounts of OPC in foods like apricots, blackberries, black currants, broccoli, cantaloupes, cherries, grapefruits, grapes, black/green tea, oranges and lemons. But the highest levels of the Bioflavanol - OPC are found in pine bark, grape seed, and grape skin. OPC by itself is not found in enough abundance in our daily diets (especially the pine bark and grape seeds) to approach any therapeutic value to us. Any of the bioflavanols we can get from OPC is purely from the raw foods we eat.

The natural potency provided from that OPC is however usually lost in the cooking process. However, supplementation with OPC, extracted from pine bark and grape seeds and processed into a fast absorbing powder form, has been shown to be a very effective free radicals inhibitor. Using OPC as a dietary supplement has been proven to be a natural secret agent effective in controlling the inflammation that occurs with Crohn's and Colitis. It also works equally well with other inflammation related illnesses such as hay fever, allergies or hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus and ulcerative colitis.

Very much like Crohn's and Colitis, allergies follow the same process of inflammation known to be a disorder of the immune system, better known as an autoimmune disease. In a correctly functioning immune system, our cells have the natural capacity for recognizing, evaluating and neutralizing or eliminating alien material called free radicals from the body. However for Crohn's/Colitis sufferers we need the help provided from OPC or Bioflavanols to neutralize the free radical activity and inhibit the harmful effects of those inflammatory enzymes in our bodies.

With a bettor functioning immune system, everything works bettor, your stomach doesn't hurt anymore, your joints don't hurt like they used to, you stop running to the bathroom numerous times a day, and even your energy level increases significantly. These powerful secret agents Bioflavanols are secrets no more. Effective OPC supplementaion can truly help you get back to the pain-free and active lifestyle you once enjoyed before Crohn's and Colitis.

Clinical Examination in Respiratory Disorders

Cough with or without expectoration, chest pain, dyspnea and hemoptysis are the most frequent respiratory symptoms. Cough with expectoration is a prominent symptom in inflammatory lesions such as bronchitis and pneumonia or in irritative and allergic lesions of the respiratory tract. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and early stages of bronchitis give rise to cough without expectoration. In some infections like Bordetella pertussis and Klebsiella, paroxysms of cough are followed by a long inspiratory whoop caused by laryngeal spasm. Cough elicited by change of posture (Postural Cough) is characteristic of bronchiectasis, lung abscess, and bronchopleural fistula, "Bovine Cough" or "gander Cough" is the term used to denote cough devoid of its explosive (tussive) phase. This occurs in bilateral adductor paralysis of the vocal cords. In asthma cough and dyspnea tend to recur regularly at night. In left sided heart failure with pulmonary edema, cough occurs in the recumbent posture. Development of a sudden and uncontrollable paroxysm of cough in an otherwise healthy person should suggest the possibility of an aspirated foreign body.

Cough is generally a protective reflex designed to keep the airway patent and clear the exudates. Sometimes irritant cough becomes troublesome, interfering with sleep and causing severe annoyance to the patient. Other unto-wards effects of cough include syncope (cough syncope), penumothorax, mediastinal and surgical emphysema and rib fractures (cough fracture). In children paroxysmal cough may lead to sub-conjuctival hemorrhage.

The material expectorated from the respiratory tract is called sputum. In healthy individuals the secretion of the respiratory passages is less than 100ml in 24 hours. And this is just adequate to provide a protective lining, and there is no expectoration. Expectoration in excess of 10-25 ml of sputum in 24 hours, should raise the possibility of disease. Copious amounts in excess of 300 ml are seen in bronchiectasis and lung abscess. Character of the sputum often suggests the underlying pathology. Sputum is serosanguinous in pulmonary edema, mucoid and sticky in asthma and chronic bronchitis, thick and purulent in bronchiectasis and lung abscess, creamy yellow in pulmonary tuberculosis, blood stained in carcinoma, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, mitrial stenosis and pulmonary infarction, rusty in pneumonia and black in coal worker's pneumoconiosis. Foul smelling sputum is suggestive of bronchiectasis, lung abscess or gangrene of the lung.

Presence of blood in the sputum is termed "hemoptysis". In true hemoptysis blood is derived from the airways or the lungs. The quantity of blood may be small as in mitral stenosis or massive as in cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis or neoplasm. Sometimes blood is derived from the upper respiratory passages or mouth and this is termed "spurious hemoptysis". Hemoptysis is a manifestation of serious underlysing disease warranting full investigation. Though rare, massive hemoptysis results in considerable loss of blood demanding emergency management in non-respiratory hypertension occurring in mitral stenosis, acute pulmonary edema, pulmonary infarction, trauma and hemorrhagic diseases. Rarely massive and fatal hemoptysis may develop when an aortic aneurysm erodes into the trachea or a bronchus. Spurious hemoptysis is commonly resorted to by hysterical individuals to attract medical attention.

management of hemoptysis:
The patient should be hospitalized as an emergency and a rapid clinical examination is done to determine the cause. It is important to avoid percussion, which may worsen the hemoptysis. The patient is put to bed and sedated with diazepam 10mg administered intramuscularly. Respiratory depressants such as morphine should be avoided since they impair expectoration. Blood loss and its effects are assessed by monitoring the volume of blood expectorated and the pulse, respiration and blood pressure. If the blood loss exceeds 200-300ml in 24 hours and it is persistent, blood transfusion is indicated.

In the majority of cases the underlying cause can be made out by clinical examination and chest radiography. Specific treatment is instituted early (e.g antituberculosis drugs in abscess, etc) in conditions where such treatment is available, majority of cases subside with rest, sedation, and blood transfusion. In conditions like pulmonary neoplasms, bleeding tends to persist, In such cases emergency bronchoscopy is done to locate the lesion and bleeding is located and the opposite lung is normal, induction of collapse by artificial pneumothorax serves to arrest bleeding promptly.

Digital clubbing (Hippocratic fingers)
This is caused by increase in the volume of soft tissue in and around the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes, especially the nail beds. This leads to increased curvature of the nails. Severity of clubbing varies and this has been graded for clinical purposes.
Grade 1: Fluctuation of the nail can be elicited on the nail bed.
Grade 2: The normal angle between the nail and nail bed is lost.
Grade 3: The terminal portion of the phalanx and nail appears as a drumstick or a parrot beak.
Grade 4: In addition to digital clubbing, other regions show pulmonary osteo-arthropathy.

• Respiratory diseases- suppurative lesions like bronchiectasis, lung abscess, emphysema, and infected cysts; advanced tuberculosis with bronchiectatic changes, bronchoganic carcinoma, pneumoconiosis, fobrosing alveolitis, and pleural fibroma.
• Cardiovascular disorders- Cyanotic congenital heart diseases and infective endocarditis.
• Alimentary disorders- Malabsorption states, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis of the liver, hepatomas and amoebic live abscess.
• Miscellaneous groups- Clubbing may develop in thyroxicosis. At times it may occur nonpathologically in several members of a family (familial clubbing). Repeated trauma to the finger tips as occurring in carpenters and blacksmiths leads to occupational clubbing.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Can Being Too Clean Cause Crohn's Disease?

Researchers at a tiny company by the name of Coronado Bioscience, based in Burlington, Massachusetts, say they have enough information to show that this is true and plan to be introducing a new and radically different product in the next few years to fight autoimmune diseases like Crohn's Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis and even Multiple Sclerosis.

Studies have shown that the incidence of autoimmune disease tends to be highest in the developed world, and particularly the highest upper-income groups. Researchers hypothesize that the elimination of certain intestinal parasites may have led to the loss in some individuals of a key mechanism for modulating their immune systems.

The technology behind Coronado's new product was developed by Dr. Joel Weinstock, chief of gastroenterology and hepatology at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, and advisor to Coronado Bioscience, along with researchers at the University of Iowa. It is based on the "hygiene hypothesis," which holds that many developed countries have, in some ways, become too clean for their own good.

Today in many parts of the modern world organisms or parasites, are kept at bay with an array of antibacterial soaps, detergents and sanitizing gels. However in third world countries where few if any of these sanitation aids are present, millions of organisms, including viruses, bacteria and worms, freely enter the body through contact with dirt. However, Researchers believe many of these organisms are needed to train the body's immune system to recognize and fight disease. That is why the poorer countries have very few Crohn's Disease suffers.

Coronado Bioscience is developing what it hopes will be the first in a new class of treatments for autoimmune conditions. Each dose of the drug consists of thousands of microscopic parasite eggs, culled from pig feces, suspended in a tablespoon of saline solution to be swallowed.

In a pig, the eggs would grow into mature whipworms and reproduce, without harming their host. In humans, the same eggs barely survive two weeks. Yet in that short period they appear to modulate a patient's immune system and prevent it from attacking the body's own tissues and organs. Better yet, according to Coronado's chief executive officer, Bobby Sandage Jr., "With the pig whipworm, there is no permanent infection, no real possible side effects".

Coronado's partner, German drug maker Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH, is conducting a midstage trial of the drug, known as trichuris suis ova (TSO), in Europe. The two companies plan to share data when filing for marketing approval in 2016 or 2017

The company is also preparing to enroll 220 patients with Crohn's disease in a midstage clinical trial. Participants will receive either a dose with 7,500 eggs from a pig whipworm or a placebo once every two weeks for 12 weeks.

However, the big question remains: If you had a chronic and potentially debilitating condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease, and swallowing the eggs of a pig parasite could help, would you do it?

The team at Coronado Biosciences Inc. is betting you would. Here are a few reasons why:

"It really does take a bit of getting used to. But once you talk to patients and they understand the theory, they accept it. We have had no trouble recruiting," said Dr. John Fleming, a professor of neurology at the University of Wisconsin who is testing the drug in patients with multiple sclerosis. Humans and their parasites have evolved in tandem for millennia. Most parasites have found ways to feed off humans without killing them, and some have become important for health.

Another reason that Crohn's and other autoimmune sufferers could be convinced to drink this stuff was offered by Coronado CEO Sandage saying, standard drug treatments for autoimmune disorders carry many risks to use "standard treatments for autoimmune disorders include injectable drugs that block a protein known as tumor necrosis factor. They include Amgen's Enbrel and Abbott's Humira. These depress the immune system and send its army of infection-fighting cells back to their barracks. They also raise the risk of serious infection, including tuberculosis, and some types of cancer". This is a big reason why patients with serious Crohn's conditions would choose the company's drug despite its radical departure from the normal medicines offered for years.

Clinical Presentation and Investigation of Crohn's Disease

The presentation depends mainly on the site of the disease but also on whether there is a tendency to perforate or fistulate rather than to fibrose and stricture, probably determined by genetic factors. Terminal ileal and ileocolonic disease present with right iliac fossa pain, often with an associated mass. This can present acutely, mimicking acute appendicitis or - more commonly - chronically, when symptoms may closely mimic the irritable bowel syndrome. It can also present subtly, as short stature III a child or adolescent, as weight loss with minimal abdominal symptoms or even as nephrotic syndrome due to amyloidosis.

Colonic Crohn's disease is distinguishable from ulcerative colitis by the presence of skip lesions, rectal sparing, perianal skin tags or fistulas and/or granulomata on biopsy, but in up to one-third of cases the distinction is unclear and in this situation it is usually better not to be dogmatic about the diagnosis.

Initial diagnosis is usually made by barium studies and/or endoscopy. Radiolabelled white cell scanning may be helpful if radiological evidence of small-intestinal disease is equivocal. Serum C-reactive protein concentration is raised in about 95% of cases with active disease. Magnetic resonance scanning is very useful for evaluation of perianal fistulas and abscesses.

Extra-intestinal manifestations of the disease include erythema nodosum, episcleritis and reactive arthritis. With the exception of ankylosing s ondylitis, for which Crohn's disease - like Ulcerative Colitis - is a risk factor, the other extra-intestinal problems usually resolve with appropriate treatmenfofthe underlying bowel disease and do not usually require specific treatment. Sclerosing cholangitis is extremely rare, particularly if colonic disease is absent.

Untreated Peptic Ulcer can Lead to Serious Complications

Peptic ulcer is a common disorder of the digestive system that causes inflammation, irritation and lesions to internal tissues and organs. Peptic ulcers generally occur on the premises of infection with Helicobacter pylori (bacteria that often populate the interior of the stomach), triggered by an overproduction of gastric acids and pepsin. Helicobacter pylori weaken the internal organs' mucus-covered protective walls, enabling digestive fluids to cause ulcerations and lesions.

The natural physiologic factors that can prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcer are: appropriate production of mucus, good mucosal blood circulation, appropriate production of bicarbonate, alkaline tide and a thick hydrophobic layer. If the balance of these natural defenses is perturbed, the risks of developing peptic ulcer are considerably increased.

Peptic ulcers can be developed either at the level of the duodenum or at the level of the stomach. Duodenal peptic ulcers are generally less serious, while stomach peptic ulcers can lead to serious complications. In the absence of an appropriate medical treatment, stomach peptic ulcer can lead to perforated ulcer or bleeding ulcer, disorders that require immediate medical intervention.

Peptic ulcer occurs in people of all ages and it affects both sexes equally. Although at first the disorder may be mild, peptic ulcer can progress over the years, sometimes even becoming life-threatening. However, nowadays peptic ulcer can be effectively overcome with medication treatments, rarely requiring surgical intervention. When it is timely diagnosed, peptic ulcer is highly curable.

Peptic ulcer usually generates symptoms such as abdominal discomfort and soreness, which usually intensify after meals or during the night. It is important to note that antacids can only provide temporary symptomatic relief, being unable to prevent the progression of peptic ulcer. Peptic ulcer can only be overcome with the means of an appropriate diet and specific medical treatment. When suffering from peptic ulcer, it is very important to pay regular visits to your doctor in order to receive medical examinations and a correct treatment.

The best means of preventing the progression of peptic ulcer are a healthy lifestyle and an appropriate diet. A good ulcer diet can ease the symptoms of peptic ulcer and can also keep the disorder under control. Ulcer diets should only contain non-acidic foods and beverages. When suffering from peptic ulcer, you should limit the intake of citrus fruits, processed foods and some dairy products. Although milk is known to provide relief for peptic ulcer, it can actually aggravate the disorder.

Avoid smoking, alcohol and coffee when suffering from peptic ulcer. Smoking affects the blood circulation at the level of the stomach and it also slows down the process of healing, while coffee and alcoholic beverages stimulate an overproduction of pepsin and gastric acids. In order to minimize the risk of complications, it is best to abstain from smoking, alcoholic and caffeine beverages when suffering from peptic ulcer.

Ulcerative Colitis - Effective Alternatives to Prescription Drugs

Anyone who has suffered from a severe case of Ulcerative Colitis that does not consistently respond to conventional treatments knows how much of an inconvenience and hassle it can be. There is the urgency where you suddenly know you have to go to the bathroom right away and one is not available, can you hold it... hopefully. There is the embarrassment of being at someone else's house knowing that their bathroom is going to be uninhabitable for awhile after you leave. There is the fatigue, lack of ability to concentrate, and weakened immune system that happens from anemia caused by blood loss and malnutrition caused by bleeding ulcers and diarrhea.

After almost 10 years of enduring this disease with almost constant flares of inflammation, the only drug treatments which have been able to bring it under control were Prednisone, a steroidal anti-inflammatory and Cipro a powerful anti-biotic used to treat Traveler's diarrhea among other conditions.

The question I wondered then was this. Why is it that an anti-biotic could help me? Does that imply that bacteria plays a role in the cycle that causes inflammation?

Over time I discovered books, like the Specific Carbohydrate Diet which offered a solution to the problem and explained the theory of how undigested food is at the start of a cycle that leads to inflammation. Unfortunately this diet is highly restrictive and was very hard to stick to in my experience. I had the experience where I was literally wasting away from not getting enough calories even as symptoms started to improve.

Over time I have managed to combine several concepts to help myself become healthier and able to get off of Prednisone. Here are some non-pharmaceutical drug solutions which have proven to help significantly, more than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Asacol.

One theory about what causes digestive track inflammation is that it is caused by an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria from food that was not properly digested because people lack the necessary digestive enzymes. Undigested food begins to putrefy or rot within the digestive track and this provides food for pathogenic bacteria. With this theory or undigested food in mind and the need to counteract malabsorption, there are some actions that I have taken to successfully improve my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms to almost complete remission.

1) Eat an almost elemental gluten-free diet, basically meat, rice and products made almost exclusively from rice, fresh fruit and vegetable juice. I have also experimented with avoiding anything with dairy and corn but now have added them back in to my diet.

I found a discussion forum run by Peter Thomson in the UK, where I found many stories from people who had remarkable improvements in UC by removing gluten and sometimes other foods from their diet. This is interesting because mainstream western medicine has yet to acknowledge a link between gluten intolerance and UC, however there is a well established link between Celiac disease, malabsorbtion and inflammation in the small intestine caused by gluten intolerance and Crohn's Disease, inflammation of the small intestine.

2) Eliminate alcohol and caffeine, at least until you have gotten symptoms mostly under control. Alcohol and caffeine are irritants for your colon and the rest of your digestive track. However both are free of gluten, so if gluten intolerance is playing a role in UC then you might be able to reintroduce them sparingly when you are not in the middle of a flare.

3) Juicing fruits and vegetables for nutrition. This is key because in the midst of a flare of Ulcerative Colitis you can help get the vitamins you need without the fiber in fruits and vegetables. Fiber in the midst of the symptoms of a flare is not your friend. By juicing you also make it easier for the body to absorb a higher proportion of vitamins and nutrients, because it does not have to attempt to extract them from the plant fibers.

4) Digestive enzyme supplements (products I have used include Wholefoods Wholezyme). One theory is that food intolerance is caused by a lack of certain digestive enzymes. By aiding proper digestion you reduce or eliminate undigested food in the digestive track which can breed pathogenic bacteria.

5) Water-soluble fiber supplements, (Benefiber). This can help with symptoms, both diarrhea and constipation as well as by protecting the intestinal walls. The fiber also provides space for "good" bacteria to grow and help protect the intestinal walls and aid in more complete food digestion.

6) Pro-biotic supplements including VSL#3, a pharmaceutical grade combination of 8 different strains of Lactic acid bacteria which is shipped to you in an ice chest. VSL #3 was recommended by my GI Dr., Dr. Robyn Chutkan in Chevy Chase, MD and is the only probiotic supplement with scientific research documenting its effectiveness.

There are other pro-biotic supplements out there that are less expensive however all of the ones I found also had significantly less bacteria per serving, and oftentimes were not refrigerated to ensure the highest possible amount of active (live) cultures. When comparing products, look at the bacteria count per serving and make sure that the product is kept refrigerated to make sure the highest percentage of bacteria are active. Generally if the product has a higher bacteria count and whether it is kept refrigerated, it will be more expensive.

The theory for why is works: some "good" bacteria help digest foods like dairy products, other bacteria kill or prevent "bad" bacteria from growing, and other pro-biotic bacteria just take up space and "crowd out" any "bad" bacteria.

7) Enteric-Coated Peppermint oil capsules. I use Pepogest which I got at Wholefoods. Peppermint oil helps relieve gas, cramps and urgency. The capsules are more convenient and more powerful than tea and the label on the bottle says peppermint oil is better tolerated and more effective when protected from stomach acid. Plus it has the added advantage of contributing to fresh breath.

So there are a couple things that I have done which have been helpful to me. Hopefully there will be more advances made in understanding how Ulcerative Colitis happens and better ways to treat it with fewer harmful side effects.

Ulcerative Colitis Nutrition

Often in cases of Ulcerative Colitis patients can become malnourished and need better nutrition. This is because often eating can be a painful experience when in a Flare up and at the other end everything is being evacuated as fast as it goes in!

Good nutrition can help in many ways. Patients need good nourishment to build themselves back up after a Colitis episode, the right kind of diet which is nutritious and helps reduce inflammation is very useful. Many people find eating a Paleo type diet helpful. Vitamins are often very helpful in recovery; a good multivitamin as well as Vitamins C E & D can be very helpful in treating Colitis.

Calcium - often after a Flare up which has been treated with steroids it is a very good idea to take calcium supplements if you doctor is not already providing them. Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis as a side effect of steroids. It can also help reduce Diarrhea.

Iron - If there has been bleeding during a flare up you may become anaemic and need topping up with an Iron transfusion as Iron supplements can sometimes upset colitis.

Omega 3 Fish Oils are very good for staying in remission as they are anti inflammatory and our diet in these modern times is deficient in Omega 3 Fatty Acids.

Herbs - such as Boswellia, Turmeric and Ashwaganda can be very useful in reducing inflammation in the body as a whole which helps colitis as well.

Probiotics - Either as supplements or in the form of Kefir or homemade Probiotic Yogurt made with Goats Milk. Probiotics are excellent at improving the good bacteria in the Gut and reducing inflammation.

Digestive Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease

If you are experiencing digestive issues, you are likely to be concerned about it and wonder what's going on and what's causing it. One possibility is that you are suffering from inflammatory bowel disease, which is a term used to describe a group of different inflammatory conditions that affect the colon and small intestine. The two most common of these inflammatory conditions are Crohn's Disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn's disease is thought to be an autoimmune disease, and it causes a host of problems, from diarrhea to vomiting and weight loss. Some people with Crohn's disease also experience skin rashes, arthritis, eye inflammation, fatigue and more. Ulcerative colitis causes similar issues, but is mainly characterized by bloody diarrhea, because it causes ulcers and lesions in the colon that can bleed.

Though the different conditions under the inflammatory bowel disease umbrella are separate and distinct, with separate and distinct causes, they do share some of the same symptoms and someone suffering from IBD of either sort is likely to experience them. These symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and rectal bleeding. There are other associated complaints with these diseases, as well, that aren't specific to your digestive tract, such as arthritis.

Inflammatory bowel disease is diagnosed with a colonoscopy and a biopsy of any lesions that are found. Once you have been diagnosed, there are many treatments available to you. Inflammatory bowel disease sufferers often opt for natural treatments to control their condition and repair their bodies, because these natural remedies do not come with the long term negative side effects that prescription medications for inflammatory bowel disease can bring. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease, it is important to get checked out as soon as possible so you can begin treatment to find relief and prevent further damage from occurring.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Colon Cleansing Supplements

The main function of colon is that it re-absorbs the nutrients and water into our bodies and also eliminates the toxic wastes through regular bowel movements. When the bowel is impacted, some problems arise such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. Some of the common symptoms resulting from gathering of toxins in the bowel can include headaches, bad breath, allergy symptoms, PMS, fatigue, depression, irritability, bloating, and frequent infections. In order to prevent such problems, it is very much important to cleanse their colon, small and large intestine regularly.

The five major ways by which the colon can be cleansed can be named as follows, Colon Hydrotherapy which is also know as colonic irrigations, Enemas, Herbal supplements, Laxatives, Oxygen-based Cleansers. Colon hydrotherapy is the process in which warm, filtered water being gently amalgamated into the colon through the anus via disposable plastic tubing. This procedure must be performed by a certified or licensed professional with a view to get the optimum results and safety. Enemas are actually a treatment which has been used for many centuries to care for constipation. As a matter of fact their effectiveness depends on the type of enema that is used. Generally, enemas remove material from the lower part of the colon. They are seriously useful for emptying the rectum, which is the lowest 8 to 12 inches of the colon. But it is different that many people do not want to insert the enema into their rectal cavity. The different types of enemas are named as water enemas which is similar to hydrotherapy except using a bag as much less water, coffee enemas, and clay enemas.

There are some Herbal Supplements which has tried to venture into this area, some of these contain psyllium husk. These are classified as herbal supplements and usually come in pill or capsule form. Psyllium is a bulk-forming laxative and is high in fiber as well as mucilage. The laxative properties of psyllium are due to the swelling of the husk as soon as it comes in contact with water. The work of psyllium can be seen as a hard sponge as it works it way down. This often causes a vacate of the bowel. Laxatives are something which is used as temporary treatments of constipation. They are often effective at clearing but they do not cleanse. There are some serious contraindications including dehydration and loss of muscle around the colon lining. If the case is to treat temporary blockage, in that case a laxative can be helpful.

Oxygen-Based Colon Cleansing is another way to get a thorough colon cleanse. The oxidation reduction reaction is the only true way to melt away that compacted matter. These cleansers mainly use specialized ozonated magnesium oxidesto which reduce the solid toxic mass into a liquid or gas form. Among them the good ones work in the whole system, apart from the large intestine as the other forms of constipation treatments. The ozonated magnesium oxides are able to clean the entire intestinal tract and also deliver much needed oxygen along the way. Some of the important oxygen cleansers which are available on the market include: Homozon, Oxy-Powder®, Oxy-OxC, Oxy-Mag, Oxy-Mega, Aerobic Mag 07, Colozone and Colosan

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Why Do We Need Colon Cleansing?

Crohn's Disease? There's Crohn's Help Now

Crohn's disease typically impacts the very last section of the small intestine, but can also affect other locations in the gastrointestinal tract. Ulcerative Colitis affects just the large intestine ( colon ). Crohn's disease is a bit more common in women versus men. It is usually a persistent disorder, often called -inflammatory bowel disease. The condition will cause ulcers within the intestinal area and could be anywhere between the mouth area and rectum.

Symptoms Signs or symptoms of Crohn's disease include things like fever, low energy, abdominal and cramping pains, rectal bleeding, recurrent looseness of the bowels and lack of appetite which ultimately cause weight-loss and poor nutrition. As this is a persistent issue, which means it is continual, scar tissue formation can accumulate within the intestinal tract and even result in obstruction and may also bring about holes in the affected area, referred to as fistulas.

Cause of Crohn's Disease The factors that cause Crohn's disease aren't entirely understood. Nevertheless, the top features of the illness would suggest an autoimmune dysfunction. Although additional studies are necessary, the top present-day way of thinking is that the microorganisms within the intestinal tract get inadequate access into the intestinal wall, which activates an immune response against bordering tissue. What may cause Crohn's disease is often a fiercely argued and controversial subject. Many notions are plentiful about the sources of Crohn's disease. Some say it's a condition brought on by the body's very own defense mechanisms, while some feel it's a genetic issue. Others however, believe that dietary practices and inadequate nourishment, in fact, bring about the disease. Although, many more point to bacteria and fungi as the trigger.

Inflammation Crohn's disease brings about inflammation deep within the lining of the intestinal tract. Some studies have shown that present and past tobacco users have higher risk of developing Crohn's disease than non-smokers do. Among the individuals with the disease, tobacco is linked to a increased rate of relapse, repeat surgical procedures, and immuno-suppressive therapy. Why cigarette smoking raises the potential risk of Crohn's disease is not known. However, many theorists are convinced that cigarettes may decrease the intestine's defenses, reduce the circulation of blood to the intestines, or bring about the body's defense mechanism alterations that lead to inflammation.

Treatment Treatment may well include things like drug therapies, natural health supplements, surgical procedures, or a mixture of these options. The desired objectives of treatment approaches are to manage the inflammation and correct nutritional deficiencies. Treatment may help manage the condition by minimizing how frequently an individual experiences a recurrence, but it is said there no cure. Side effects of conventional medication for Crohn's It is crucial that an individual is aware that pharmaceutical medications have possible side effects.

Immune Modifiers The immune system modifiers work by suppressing the body's defense mechanism to minimize inflammation. Typical unwanted side effects include things like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, higher possibility of an infection, diminished white blood cell count, and liver deterioration. Anti-inflammatory prescription drug, including drugs like Infliximab, also have side effects. Infliximab suppresses the body's defense mechanism to allow it to control inflammation. By doing this, affected individuals encounter weakened immune systems which makes them susceptible to microbial infections and bacterial contamination including TB.

Alternative Treatment Method Unless of course, you've been hiding inside a cave over the past few years, you most likely are aware of the growth in the alternative health industry. With diminishing confidence in modern-day medicine, consumers are stepping into a virtual time machine and looking to solutions of earlier times for remedies of the future. Dealing with Crohn's disorders obviously is no exception.

Managing The Symptoms Side effects and additional complications that occur with Crohn's disease are the major objectives of most physicians and health care professionals. Precisely the same results however, can be obtained through the use of less hazardous, far more gentle compounds in the human body, as opposed to the generally approved prescription drugs. There are numerous herbal plants and herbal solutions which, rather effectively, respond to minimizing, and in many cases, eradication Crohn's disease symptoms and unwanted side effects.

Digestive Health: Why You May be Suffering from 'the Leaky Gut Syndrome' and How You can Fix It

"Life and Death are in the Power of the Gut. They that master it shall prosper in health thereof. They that do not shall gnash their teeth in dis-ease." -Uzo Onuwkugha, MD.

You are not just what you eat; you are what you ingest, digest and assimilate. Everything you've ever eaten since you were a baby all contribute to your overall health and well-being up till this point. All the cells in your body have an immunological memory and imprint of all that you have eaten. The law of sowing and reaping works behind the scenes. Some people don't even understand that there are dietary laws that govern optimum health. We should stop focusing on the type of disease and start asking, "What type of person has the disease." Your cells tell the story better because it has a record (biological time clock) of your state of health even when it has not manifested with symptoms and no medical test could pick it up.

Well, you are as healthy as your individual cells. There is a law in Science that says that in a closed system, any phenomenon in a large scale is also repeated in a smaller time frame. Therefore, your cells hold the key to your overall health. To be precise, the focus is on the cells of your intestines. My zoom lens is on your small intestine where the majority of absorption and digestion of food materials take place. The word 'gut' is somewhat vague because it could refer to the digestive system, part of it or even the stomach.

Now, do you know the best selling drugs in America? It doesn't matter if it is over-the-counter or prescription drugs. The best selling drugs are antacids or drugs for intestinal disease remedies. You probably know all the brand names: Gelusil, Sucralfate, Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol, Tagamate, and all kinds of laxatives. Please note that taking antacids worsen the problem because these patients are suffering because of lack of acid. This is because their enzymes that manufacture acid (hydrochloric acid) are depleted. Neutralizing the little acid you have give symptomatic relief and tend to worsen the problem.

The target diseases include heartburn, gastritis, flatulence dyspepsia, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, colorectal cancer, chronic constipation and other forms of digestive ailments. Some of the diseases may not even have a well defined symptom or signs that fit into a definite clinical pattern. That's why they are often called syndromes.

Many times, clinical tests will reveal nothing, and yet the patient continues to agonize. What is the underlying cause of these diseases? The answer is not what you think. It is an uncharacterized phenomenon most doctors don't talk about. The name is 'the leaky gut syndrome.' It is simply saying that your intestines are ailing because they are short of energy as such has become porous. I prefer a more scientific term called 'intestinal permeability disease.'

The onset coincides with depletion of functional enzymes in the body. This is the time when the resilience of youth tends to wean. Depending on your dietary habits, it peaks around late twenties or early thirties. Rapid aging seem to pick up at this point. It is a process that sneaks in on you. At this time, your hairs begin to thin and fall off. Bald head set in. Some of your hairs may even start graying because of nutrient depletion especially the B-complex Vitamins. Symptoms of intestinal malady seem to worsen at the same time. People begin to notice bloating, gas, belching, constipation and lactose intolerance.

The key to explaining 'leaky gut syndrome' lies at the cellular level. The small intestine has the hardest working cells in the human body. These complex cells may even work harder than brain cells. (No wonder they are called 'brain in the gut' because they have all the chemical messengers found in the brain.) In fact, the gut is regarded as the center of life and intuitive thinking. People tend to called it gut instinct--a meeting point of supernatural and physical energy. The Japanese call it the 'power center.' The cells of the gut are arranged in finger-like fashion called villi--designed to increase the surface area for absorption of nutrients. This process is an energy-dependent mechanism called active transport. (Water is absorbed by osmosis and is not energy-dependent).

Thus 85% of our life-time energy is used in digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. You could imagine that only 15% is reserved for the rest of the body for active work and other functions. Do you see why your digestive health is very important? Everything about life is energy and sickness is nothing but lack of force. It is either you take care of your digestive health or live at the mercy of the medical community. Most times they are confused because most doctors are not trained in nutrition therapy.

Furthermore, the gut acts as a semi-permeable membrane. In other words, it has a gating mechanism that allows some nutrients to pass while eliminating others. For instance essential nutrients like minerals, vitamins, and essential fats are absorbed while toxins, bacteria, parasites, and partially digested or allergic foods are prevented from entering the blood. These wastes are eliminated through the stool. However, if the linings become porous like an old filter, everything goes into the blood without restrictions. The gut is now said to be leaky. Note that most of the junk food all full of nutrient-depleted, energy deficient elements called oxidants or free radicals. Because these substances lack electrons, they are very reactive and attack the cell membrane lipid bi-layer. The tight and gap-junctions between cells also give way creating more holes on the membranes.

As the unwanted substances and chemical toxins pass through, they now set up a chain reaction. The body hates these intruders just like you hate spam. The body tries hard to fight off these free radicals as foreign bodies. Often there is no help from the victim who continues to eat junk, nutrient-depleted food causing more free radical damage. The stage for auto-immune reaction has already been set by these allergens and carcinogens (allergens are foods that cause allergy and carcinogens are risk factors for causing cancers). At this time, the body's defense mechanisms are also down giving rise to all kinds of degenerative diseases or even cancer depending on the end organ and nutritional deficiency involved. Leaky gut also triggers premature aging process. The victim also suffers from chronic fatigue. (Food is should give energy and not deplete your reserve).

Foods that cause leaky gut include fast sugars, partially hydrogenated and trans-fats, wheat gluten, yeast, bacteria, viruses, canned nuts, dairy products, cigarette smoking, alcohol, corn-syrup solids, food additives and flavors. Acidic foods and free radicals worsen the whole scenario. All non-living foods, chemicals, processed foods and all junks food deplete the body of the existing enzymes and leave it open for attacks with all kinds of illnesses. For instance one teaspoon of sugar shuts down your immune system for two hours. Also if you eat in a hurry without chewing your food or meat very well, you are a candidate for leaky gut syndrome. Digestion is a process and it starts in the mouth coupled with your state of mind. Stress is a powerful contributory factor.

Here is the good news: "Anything that can prevent a disease can also help to cure it," said Dr. Bernard Jensen. These foods boost your immunity, attack free radicals, strengthen your intestinal walls, help digestion and absorption, cleanse and detoxify you, give you energy, and add more years to your life and more life to your years. The list of healthy alternative is many. But my favorite is a bunch of green super foods--barley grass, wheat grass, chlorella, green kamut, wheat grass, alfalfa and spirulina. Please add avocado to your staple diet. Also essential fatty acid blend (omeg-3, 6 and 9), multivitamin and mineral supplements, aloe vera-papaya, periodic fasting and colon cleanse. Avoid junk and processed food. Drink eight glasses of water per day. Our body is 70% water. Water supports metabolism and help to eliminate toxins that cause diseases and ravages of premature aging. Don't forget the recommendation of at least five servings of green leafy vegetables daily. Minimize acidic food eat more of alkaline food. Practice food combining to make it easy on your digestive enzymes. Don't eat for at least 3 hours before you go to bed. (The body heals itself at night). Otherwise the body will use the energy for regeneration and repair to digest food. This makes you tired when you wake-up.

I must add that I take lemon juice and green tea regularly. Just cut off taking coffee it can worsen the leaky gut. Lemon is excellent because all the bacteria that cause disease hate anything bitter. They love sugar because they can multiply in nanoseconds. Both lemon juice and green tea help digestion (has life enzymes) and boost your immunity and strengthen your enzyme reserves while cleansing your system. Both are potent antioxidants that combat free radicals that cause lack of energy and aging. Lifestyle of regular exercise should be added.

Exercise is so important that it requires a special emphasis. Lack of exercise causes intestinal paralysis of some sort. This gives undigested food more transit time to sit in the gut and for toxins to leak into the blood triggering degenerative changes, allergy and stagnant immune system. However, when you exercise, nature cooks the food twice-- both in the stomach (more acid is mixed with the food) and in the intestines. This improves digestion and elimination of wastes. Overall, many people notice bowel movement during or shortly after exercise. Also exercise draws air into the body which is more efficient in combating the bugs that cause diseases. Disease does not exist in aerobic environment. All cells start to age when they don't get enough oxygen. Many other benefits of exercise are beyond the scope of this article.

In a nutshell, if you do these basic things, including adding raw food to your diet you will improve the quality of your life and enjoy optimum health all the days of your life. The key is to take responsibility for your own health. Watch what goes into your mouth. Educate yourself on how your body works. Listen to your body. Give it what it needs to serve you better. Your life is in your hands; not the doctor. Don't kid yourself. You don't put water in your gasoline tank. Do you? Don't think you're a machine. Even machines break down. Before you blame God and your parents, change your eating habit first. There are healthy alternatives to the junk you see all around you. Good health is lifelong journey. The earlier you start the better. Good luck in your quest for optimum health!

Colitis Cure - Natural Remedies That Work

Many people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis have already tried prescription drugs and often surgery to combat their illness. In most cases, the medical treatments only work to suppress the symptoms for a while. But since they don't heal the underlying causes of colitis, it is nearly impossible to effect a cure using medical methods.

Ulcerative colitis is usually caused by one or several of the following factors combining synergistically to produce disease. If you go back over your own personal health history, I think you'll find a mix of the following damaging events, that singly or in combination have degraded the health of your gut and immune system:

  • Antibiotic Use - any antibiotic therapy that is not followed by full-spectrum probiotic therapy causes lasting, pervasive damage to the bacterial flora of your gastrointestinal tract (from mouth to anus), which in turn leads to increased infestation of yeast, parasites, viruses, bad bacteria and other pathogens. These pathogens degrade the mucosal lining and damage the intestinal wall (symptoms include bloating, gas, inflammation, bleeding, etc.) which leads to Leaky Gut Syndrome, which then triggers allergic and auto-immune response. Certain antibiotic drugs can cause ulcerative colitis all by themselves (like Novo Clindamycin), and the pharmaceutical information that comes with these products even explicitly warns of this. Yet medical doctors continue to prescribe them and also don't follow usage with probiotics.

  • Environmental and Food-borne Toxins - processed foods with preservatives, monosodium glutamate (MSG), artificial sweeteners and flavors, nitrites and other proven toxins and carcinogens, microwaved foods, toxins contained in skin care products, shampoos, cosmetics, furniture, carpets, and the air (to name a few sources) all cause cellular and systemic damage.

  • Vaccination - childhood, adult, flu vaccines, etc. Causes direct damage to bacterial flora of the gut and long-term, immune system damage. See my article, "Should I Vaccinate My Child?" for details and scientific references.

  • Emotional Trauma or Abuse - don't underestimate the damaging effects of abusive or traumatic emotional experiences on the body, and the gut in particular. For some of you, this may be damage from your past that was never resolved/healed, and/or ongoing emotional patterns or experiences that continue to degrade your health daily. Remember that 60% of your body's neurotransmitters are in your gut, not your brain! An excellent book on this topic is When The Body Says No by Gabor Mate, MD.

  • Parasites & Pathogenic Microorganisms - if your gut ecology is already weakened or imbalanced, travel to a foreign country or ingestion of tainted food/water can be the 'straw that breaks the camel's back'. If your bacterial flora is already imbalanced with a deficit of beneficial bacteria, then it's very easy for parasites, yeast, molds, bad bacteria, or fungus to flourish. These pathogens then degrade the health of your intestinal mucosal lining, which can result in ulceration, inflammation, bleeding and subsequent damage to your systemic health.

Each of these causative factors - including lesser factors like whether or not you were breastfed, your mother's health while you were in utero, hereditary/genetic weaknesses, heavy metal levels in your body, mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, pesticide exposure, etc. - will contribute in varying degrees and combinations to your particular pathology. Different people are susceptible to different factors and something that strongly affects your friend adversely, may only mildly affect you adversely. There is seldom just one factor (pathogen) in isolation that causes ulcerative colitis. However, I believe each of us is capable of identifying our own particular pathology, or the causative factors, of our own ill health and then taking the steps that will be particularly healing to each of us.

Once you've identified the underlying root causes of your colitis, you can seek out potent natural remedies to heal each of those causative factors. If infection is the cause of your colitis, then your medical doctor will likely already have put you on antibiotics to wipe out the bad bacteria that are infecting your colon. However, unless this was followed by therapeutic-grade probiotics, then your colon is likely infected again, plus overrun with yeast (Candida albicans), which flourishes following antibiotic usage.

So in this case, you would need a potent natural antibiotic like wild oregano oil, followed by high dose, therapeutic-grade probiotics and a low-sugar diet to prevent relapse. You may also need targeted supplements to repair the damage done to your mucosal lining and intestinal wall - like L-glutamine, aloe vera, N-acetyl glucosamine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, slippery elm, marshmallow root, etc.

Lastly, you need to keep in mind that natural healing is not quick. Since it is healing the actual cause(s) of your colitis (which no doubt took a long time to build up in your body), this healing and balancing will take some time. You know that if you cut your finger open, for example, it will not heal immediately, but takes time to heal. In addition, your body will simultaneously be cleansing and detoxing from pathogens, drug residues, and other toxins, and this also takes time.

But if you truly want to 'cure' your colitis - not just suppress the symptoms, or experience short-term remissions - then natural, holistic healing is the pathway to success. Yes. it takes time. This is why I call it a "Healing Journey", but it is so very worth it.

What is the Difference Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease?

Irritable bowel syndrome has similar symptoms to ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease. However, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's Disease are bowel disorders with inflammation and IBS is not.

Ulcerative colitis is when the lining of the colon becomes inflamed and develops ulcers. The chronic symptoms of this disorder may include bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances, achiness, joint pain, itchiness, flatulence and bloating.

Crohn's Disease is an inflammatory bowel disorder that commonly affects the small intestine. Inflammation of the bowel lining is severe and deep in the intestinal wall. Scar tissue can build up from sores and ulcers and cause blockages in the intestines. Symptoms may include abdominal cramping, diarrhea, rectal bleeding, anorexia, nausea, food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, vomiting, headaches, itchiness, flatulence, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Diagnosis of these digestive disorders can be complicated because of the similarity of symptoms.

Is prescription medication my only option for controlling bowel disorder symptoms?

The television is filled with prescription medication commercials vowing to "give" people their life back from painful disease symptoms. The problem with this picture though is that the use of synthetic chemicals is only an attempt to "relieve" illness symptoms, and they do not "fix" the underlying cause. Also, there are significant side effects when taking drug medications.

Initially, drugs may seem to be making you better, because the painful symptoms have diminished or have subsided altogether. However, what has really happened is your body's warning system has been shut off. The underlying cause of the symptoms is just being ignored.

When a problem is not truly dealt with and resolved, it will rear its ugly head at some point in the future. Your own experience may have taught you this, and it is why you are looking for a natural solution.

IBS and other bowel disorders can be addressed through natural holistic means. You won't only be addressing the symptoms, but you will be healing your body at the core.

Symptoms and Treatment of Colitis in Dogs

Chances are every dog owner has had to deal with some bouts of canine diarrhea. At times, though, the condition can seem to last longer than a day or two, which may be a sign of something more significant. Just like humans, dogs can develop an irritable bowel condition known as colitis.

In the simplest terms, colitis is an inflammation of the colon, which causes persistent (and sometimes painful) diarrhea. For some dogs, this may be an actual irritable bowel syndrome that may require medication. For other dogs, simple changes to the diet can relieve the symptoms.

There are many causes of colitis, both acute (which may resolve in 1-3 weeks) and chronic (which could be there for life). Whipworms, bacteria, fungi, and diet are all perpetrators. Allergies can also play a role, so it's good to have your dog tested.

For most dogs, antibiotics and a change in diet can help. The most common diet remedy is to feed your dog a hamburger and rice diet - 2 parts rice to 1 part hamburger. Vets call this a "bland diet." It soothes your dog's stomach and keeps it away from some of the grains and fillers that are in store-bought dog food, which can sometimes cause digestive issues with your pooch.

It's important to note, though, that the diet remedy will not help to prevent your dog from having continued trouble with colitis.

When my dog had her first problems with colitis, the vet had me put her on antibiotics for a week and a bland diet for two weeks. This did work, but within a month, she was having more diarrhea. If you find yourself in a similar position, consider putting your dog on probiotics.

One of the problems dogs face is that diarrhea from colitis will also flush the good bacteria from your dog's digestive tract. Giving your dog probiotics will restore that good bacteria to your dog's system, giving it the ability to fight off any future inflammations.

As always, you should consult with a vet before doing anything, but I have found that Purina's Fortiflora works exceptionally well. It's simply a packet of powder each morning. Since my dog has been on the probiotics, she has not had any trouble with colitis or diarrhea. In fact, she seems to enjoy the powder, as it's not unusual for her to lick the food pieces with the powder first.

Anything you can do to help your dog's digestive system is certainly much appreciated by your canine companion. My dog is healthier and happier now.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Constipation - A Rock-Hard Problem

Constipation, also known as irregularity, is a condition of the digestive system in which stools are hard and are difficult to pass.

In some cases, constipation may be quite painful, and in severe cases the hardened stool or feces, can be nearly impossible to pass resulting in a fecal impaction. There is often a decreased urge to have a bowel movement. If it occurs frequently, constipation can lead to hemorrhoids because of the straining associated with passing a hard stool.

What is a normal amount of bowel movements I should have each week? This common question is one asked to family physicians and gastroenterologist daily.

Family Practice Physicians and Gastroenterologist, physicians specializing in the practice of diseases dealing with the stomach and intestines, both explain that the normal amount of bowel movements each week depends solely on what is normal for you.

The frequency of one's bowel movements depends on a variety of factors, including, diet, exercise and fluid intake. Poor diet seems to be primary cause of constipation most often. Even though constipation is routinely defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week, it is important to remember that some people may have less and yet have no symptoms of constipation.

Constipation is a frequent complaint of patients visiting their physician.

It seemingly is most often reported by women and senior adults, over the age of 65. It is also often reported by pregnant women. However, when you realize the most often determined cause of constipation is dietary then it is also easy to realize that constipation can be fairly easily remedied.

Dietary changes are often some of the easiest lifestyle changes to implement in order to find relief from constipation.

One of the easiest dietary changes to make includes increasing dietary fiber so that daily intake equals 20-35 grams of fiber per day. Foods high in dietary fiber include beans, fresh fruits, whole grains, bran cereals and fresh vegetables, such as carrots, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

Avoid foods with little or no dietary fiber is also important. These foods include things like processed foods and meats.

Constipation might be a common problem but it is certainly not one that you have to live with. Talk with your physician in order to determine the cause of your constipation and your best course treatment.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a disorder of the intestines causing abdominal pain, discomfort, cramping, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation. This condition can usually be diagnosed when a person has the typical symptoms of this disorder and other causes have been ruled out by routine tests.

Irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic but manageable condition. Since the symptoms vary from person to person, the treatment has to be tailor-made for each patient. Changes in diet and lifestyle are very important. Foods that trigger symptoms should be best avoided. Stress management also plays an important part in controlling symptoms.

Ayurvedic medicines are very useful in managing the symptoms of this condition. For patients with abdominal pain, bloating and constipation, medicines like Arogya Vardhini, Shankh Vati, Sanjeevani Vati, Lashunadi Vati, Hingashtak Churna, and Gandharva Haritaki are extremely useful. For those with chronic diarrhea as the main symptom, medicines like Kutaj Ghan Vati, Laghu Sutshekhar, Sunthi (Zinziber officinalis), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Bilva Avaleha, Panchamrut Parpati, and Bilva (Aegle marmelos) are used. Those having mainly indigestion, loss of appetite and abdominal bloating benefit with medicines like Chitrakadi Vati, Aampachakadi Vati, and Panchakolasav.

Medicines containing Kuchila (Strychnos nux-vomica) like Agnitundi Rasa and Vishtinduk Vati are useful in improving the overall functioning of the intestines and have to be given for about three to six months. These also improve the communication between the brain and the intestinal tract, which is believed to be faulty in irritable bowel syndrome.

Once the main symptoms are controlled, medicines like Panchamrut Parpati and Suvarna Parpati are given for one to three months along with Pippali (Piper longum) to reduce recurrence of symptoms and improve the digestion and absorbing power of the intestines.

Medicines like Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi), Jayphal (Myristica fragrans) and Sarpagandha (Raulwofia serpentina) are used to reduce stress. Yogic Asanas and breathing techniques called "Pranayam" can also be used to reduce stress and improve intestinal function.

This is, thus, a comprehensive treatment and management of irritable bowel syndrome.

Ulcerative Colitis - Common Abdominal Inflammatory Abnormality

Ulcerative colitis is a disease characterized by a chronic inflammatory reaction involving the mucosa and submucosa of the large intestine. It occurs in both sexes and in all age-groups. It is basically a disease of young adults, although close to 15% of the cases begin in children younger than 16 years. The peak onset in children is between ages 10 and 19. This disorder and Crohn's disease are together referred to as inflammatory bowel disease.

The cause of ulcerative colitis is unknown, although infectious, nutritional, immunologic, and psychogenic etiologies have been proposed but not substantiated. At present the feeling is that Ulcerative colitis is an organic disease caused by combination of physical and emotional factors. Psychologic influences, such as stress, significantly affect the exacerbation and chronicity of the illness. Several genetic and environmental factors influence the incidence of ulcerative colitis
• There is a familial tendency in about 5% to 15% of the cases,
• Individuals from higher socio-economic evels and more whites than nonwhites are affected
• The incidence is four times greater in Jewish populations than in the general population, and
• There is a higher occurrence of allergic disease in relatives of these patients

The mucous membranes of the bowel become hyperemic and edematous with the formation of patchy granulations over the intestinal surface ulcerations. In longstanding disease, the bowel becomes narrowed, smooth, and inflexible with thin or absent mucosa heavily infiltrated by scar tissue. The greatly reduced absorptive surface results in loose, watery and sometimes bloody stools.

Clinical manifestations
The most common feature of ulcerative colitis is persistent or recurring diarrhea. In acute, fulminating disease there is bloody diarrhea preceded by cramping abdominal pain and followed by abdominal distention. Diarrhea may be very severe with marked urgency and frequency (20 to 30 stools daily). It is usually associated with fever, weight loss, anorexia, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Pallor and anemia may result from bleeding and reduced dietary intake, and the numerous watery bowel movements often cause depletion of water and electrolytes.

The clinical course varies markedly in terms of severity, response to therapy, and prognosis. In general the disease follows one of two patterns: acute remitting type or chronic continuous course. Children afflicted with either type have usually been healthy before the onset of the disease. The acute remitting type is more common and follows a pattern of remissions and exacerbations. During the period of remission, the child is usually well, with few or no symptoms of disease. However, periods of exacerbation are severe and acute, although they usually respond well to medical treatment, The disease may terminate in a permanent remission or ultimately follow the course of chronic colitis.

In chronic continuos colitis, there are no definitive periods of severe disease with intermittent good health. Intestinal symptoms tend to be less severe, but chronic malnutrition and anemia are common, These children often respond poorly to medical therapy and are more likely to suffer from complications, especially carcinoma of the colon.

Therapeutic management
Medical treatment is based on a combination of therapies:
1. dietary managements to allow the colon a rest and improve the child's nutritional status,
2. medication to reduce the abdominal pain and rectal spasm
3. steroids to reduce bowel inflammation, and
4. antibacterial agents (sulfasalazine) to prevent infection.

The child is usually hospitalized both to ensure proper medical management and to reduce the familial environmental factors that may be contributing to the disease. Other medical therapies that may be warranted include intravenous fluids, to correct dehydration and associated electrolyte imbalances, and parenteral alimentation when malnutrition is severe and the colitis is further aggravated by oral diet. Emergency surgical intervention is required for complications such as perforation, massive hemorrhage, or toxic megacolon (fulminating distention of the colon with progressive inflammation).

In some instances a poor response to medical treatment necessitates elective surgery either to allow the bowel a period of rest, in which a temporary colostomy is performed, or to arrest the disease process by removing the entire section of ulcerated bowel, in which case a total colectomy or ileostomy is usually required. In which case a total colectomy or ileostomy is usually required. In some centers a prophylactic colectomy is considered in those children with chronic colitis of 10 years of more duration to eliminate the high risk of colonic cancer.

A possible alternative to a permanent colostomy or ileostomy is the continent (Koch) ileostomy. In this procedure an intraabdominal puch or reservoir is constructed form the terminal ileum. The feces are stored in the puch until the patient drains it with a catheter. A surgically implanted valve prevents leakage of feces. The stoma is less than a inch in diameter, is almost level with the skin and requires no appliance. These are obvious advantages, especially to an adolescent who is concerned with body image and self- identity.

Psychotherapy or family counseling may also prove helpful in reducing stresses that existed before the disease and those that have resulted from the colitis. A particularly difficult stress for these children to cope with is the consequence growth retardation and delayed sexual maturation from chronic colitis. Supportive therapy may also be of benefit to those children facing the adjustment of a permanent ileostomy.

10 FAQs To A Detox Diet

1. What is detox?

Detox is the popular short form for detoxification. It describes a natural process that goes on in your body. The detox process neutralizes toxic wastes which accumulate in your bodies, chemically transforming them into relatively harmless compounds and then eliminating them from the body via stools or urine. Toxins enter your body when you breathe in air full of pollutants, consume junk food, smoke cigarettes or use products that are harmful. The removal of toxins from your body is a crucial process in order to maintain good health.

2. What is a detox diet?

Detox diet is a diet that helps our bodies to eliminate harmful toxic wastes. There are many types of detox diets. In general, many people refer the term "detox diet" to mean a dedicated detox diet plan program that is undertaken to remove toxins from a specific part of the body. For instance, there can be detox diet programs for cleansing of the colon, liver or the GI tract.

Dedicated detox diet programs are short-term diets. Detox diets are also recommended for losing weight. They work by giving your body various organic chemical compounds required for detoxification, such as vitamins, antioxidants and other necessary nutrients. Some of these organic compounds help elimination of waste products from your body by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.

3. Why undergo a detox diet program?

Regular consumption of unhealthy food substantially reduces the natural ability of your body to detoxify and eliminate toxic chemicals. There are certain indications when you have a toxic body. They include feelings of sluggishness, frequent colds, digestive problems, allergies, eczema, etc. The presence of toxins further lead to conditions like hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency and inefficient metabolism. Undergoing a detox diet program can help repair, maintain and maximize the natural detoxification abilities of your body.

4. What are the benefits to adopting a detox diet program?

Some of the benefits of detox diets include increased stamina and energy, enhanced mental alertness, clearer skin, better immune system, improved digestion and lots more.

5. When is a detox diet program not advised?

You should not be going through a detox diet program if you are pregnant. Also, if you are suffering from diseases such as anemia, diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, lowered immunity, hypothyroidism, low blood pressure, ulcers, epilepsy, cancer or ulcerative colitis, some detox diets may not be appropriate for you. Detox diets are also not meant for children.

6. Are there any side effects to a detox diet?

Yes, there can be a few. For example, within the first few days of starting a detox diet, you may suffer from headaches. Or you may feel extremely exhausted especially if you need to purge a few times. Most side effects or symptoms should disappear after a few days.

You may also experience excessive diarrhea, if you are doing a detox diet program for the first time or if the detox diet program is too harsh for you. Hence it is best that you go under the guidance of a health care practitioner for this.

7. Do I need to consult a doctor before trying a detox diet program?

Yes, you are advised to. Just because you are facing symptoms like tiredness, irritability, acne, weight loss, and hunger, it does not mean that you need a detox diet. Sometimes, there might be other medical reasons that require different treatment. Therefore, do consult a doctor and get a thorough check up done before you start taking detox diet.

8. What foods are normaaly included in a detox diet?

A detox diet includes high fiber foods and consumption of adequate amount of water. It normally includes fresh and green vegetables like broccoli, spinach etc and other healthy foods like garlic, artichokes, beets, cauliflower, rice, beans, nuts and seeds. It also includes plenty of fresh fruits except grapes.

9. Can I continue medication during a detox diet?

No, you should generally be undertaking a detox diet program during a period when you are feeling well. As such, if you are having your period, do not go on a detox diet program either during this period.

10. What can I eat once the detox diet is over?

Once you have finished a course of a detox diet, you should not be eating unhealthy foods like deep fried chicken wings for the first meal. You should gradually ease back into a less restrictive yet healthy diet.

Foods that Cause Bloating

Bloating is a very common symptom that people often experience after eating a meal. The bloating is usually felt in the lower part of the abdomen and sometimes in the upper section. Bloating usually feels as if there is pressure being applied from the inside and people often report that they can look up to six months pregnant. Bloating after eating is often different to the bloating experienced with menopause, pregnancy and PMS. Bloating after eating feels gassy and is usually relieved after passing wind or burping. This kind of bloating can be caused by certain foods. However, if it happens frequently, it can also indicate a digestive problem such as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, candida overgrowth, intestinal parasites, celiac disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and general food allergies and intolerances. Apart from bloating after eating, a common symptom of all of these conditions is chronic tiredness. This is because your digestive system is responsible for the breakdown and absorption of nutrients from the food you eat. If there is a digestive problem, its easy to become nutrient deficient and this commonly causes chronic tiredness.

So, how do you know if you are bloating because of foods that you are eating, or because you have a digestive problem? A person with a healthy digestive system will experience far less bloating, even with foods that commonly cause bloating. However, the list of foods below commonly causes bloating in many people.

1. Raffinose - a sugar found in beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, other vegetables and whole grains. Eaten raw, these foods cause more bloating than when they are cooked.

2. Lactose - a natural sugar found mainly in milk and milk products, such as cheese, cream, yoghurt and ice cream. Lactose levels are much higher in milk and non-fat milk than in cheese and yogurt. Lactose is commonly associated with irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Fructose - a sugar found in fruits and honey. It's also used as a sweetener in some soft drinks, fruit drinks and processed foods. Fructose is also considered to be an important contributing factor to irritable bowel syndrome for many people.

4. Sorbitol - a sugar found naturally in fruits, including apples, pears, peaches, and prunes, and is also used as an artificial sweetener in many dietetic foods and sugar-free candies and gums.

5. Starches - most starches, including potatoes, corn, rice, bread, noodles and any products made from flour produce gas as they are broken down in the large intestine.

6. Wheat - in particular, wheat appears to be a major source of bloating and gas. Most people find that if they eliminate wheat and flour products, their bloating nearly always improves.

7. Soluble fibre - this type of fibre dissolves easily in water and takes on a soft, gel-like texture in the intestines. It's found in oat bran, beans, peas and most fruits.

8. Insoluble fiber - this type of fibre doesn't dissolve in water and passes unchanged through the intestines and therefore produces less gas than soluble fibre. It is found in wheat bran and most fruit and vegetable skins.

9. Legumes commonly cause bloating and gas due to their complex structure of starch and protein. Soaking and cooking legumes well helps to reduce bloating.

Please note: The information in this article is not intended to take the place of a personal relationship with a qualified health practitioner nor is it intended as medical advice.

Benefits of Turmeric for Weight Loss

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of turmeric, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from turmeric - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.

Turmeric, an herb used to spice many Middle Eastern and Asian recipes, is also known as curcumin. Powdered turmeric is made by grinding the curcurmin plant, a type of parsley. The deep yellow color of curry powder is attributed to turmeric.

Turmeric is a rhizome that is smaller than ginger. Its flavor is delicate and pleasing. Turmeric comes in a number of varieties and colors - from white to deep orange. It is the dark, orange color of curcumin that causes soups, stews, curries, and rice dishes to have a deep, yellow color. The flavor of turmeric is gingery, peppery, and earthy.

Saffron is more expensive that turmeric, so turmeric is often used in its place. You can find powdered turmeric for sale throughout the year at your local market. You can find fresh turmeric rhizomes in specialty Asian markets and sometimes in the grocery store.

Fat Burning Benefits of Turmeric

It is a healthy and powerful spice that helps to burn fat.

You will find dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, iron, and manganese in turmeric.

Both potassium and manganese are helpful in reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure, as well as regulating bodily fluids. Potassium aids in blood glucose metabolism and it helps the body to produce energy.

Hemoglobin contains iron. Hemoglobin is very important for carrying oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream.

We need iron for the function and development of the brain, as well as to regulate body temperature, metabolize muscle activity, and protect the immune system, among other things.

The fiber in your diet will make stools bulkier to get rid of toxins quicker. When you eat foods that are high in fiber, you will feel full without overeating.

Curcumin is the main ingredient in turmeric. It is this that causes turmeric to be such a deep yellow color. This is also the ingredient that imparts health benefits.

In Ayurvedia Medicine and Chinese Medicine, turmeric has been traditionally used to treat the following: menstrual difficulties, toothaches, colic, chest pains, bruises and hemorrhage, blood in the urine, jaundice, and gas. Those are only a few of the conditions it helps treat.

What does turmeric contain that makes it so good for health?

Curcumin is the yellow orange pigment found in turmeric. An overwhelming number of studies have proven that this is the main anti-inflammatory agent found in this spice. As a matter of fact, the anti-inflammatory nature of curcumin, combined with curcumin's antioxidant and cancer-preventing qualities, is absolutely phenomenal.

Curcumin contains an anti-inflammatory property that can be compared to strong prescription medicines and readily available over-the-counter drugs. And it doesn't have any of the harmful side effects.

Researchers have reported that curcumin might be able to help in treating inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Curcumin contains antioxidants that can help in the metabolism of free radicals before they can harm the cells of the body. The harmful effects of free radicals is evident in such diseases as arthritis.

There are many suffering from arthritis who report relief of symptoms when they add turmeric frequently to their foods. This relief of symptoms may include the being able to walk further and longer without pain, a reduction in the severity and duration of morning stiffness, and reduced swelling of the joints.

According to a 2004 issue of Science, animal research indicated that curcumin might be capable of correcting the genetic defect that is mainly accountable for causing cystic fibrosis, a deadly disease of the lungs that is identified by thick mucus that triggers an extremely dangerous infection.

Mucus is damaging to the pancreas and also interrupts the body's digestive processes and the proper absorption of necessary nutrients.

Curcumin's antioxidant characteristics help the colon to ward off the harmful effects of free radicals, which are responsible for damaging the DNA composition found in cells; this damage can lead to cancer of the colon. Curcumin can actually destroy mutated cancer cells as well as preventing them from moving throughout the body.

Curcumin also improves liver function.

Frequent use of turmeric has been linked to a lower instance of the formation of tumors, as well as cancer of the colon, prostate, lung, and breast.

A study done at the University of Texas suggests that curcumin has the ability to slow down the growth of breast cancer cells found in mice, even when the mice had already contracted the disease.

Turmeric and Quercitin (an antioxidant found in onions) are both phytonutrients which, when combined in recipes, have demonstrated an ability to lessen precancerous lesions in the intestinal tract. There was a reported reduction in both the occurrence and size of these lesions.

Turmeric contains curcumin and phenethyl isothiocyanates, two phytochemicals that are plentiful in vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family (brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, kohlrabi, and kale), and these phytochemicals are very helpful in limiting the development of cancerous prostate cells in human beings. They can even help in preventing the spread of prostate cancer that has already become established in the body.

And even more than this, current research shows that eating foods with turmeric can decrease the chances of getting childhood leukemia.

Turmeric helps your body to increase detoxification, which leads to faster fat burning, as well as offering a general improvement in your health to its life-saving anti-oxidant properties.

Curcumin, which is found in turmeric, might be helpful in preventing the oxidation of cholesterol in the body, which helps to prevent the plaque build-up in arteries that often leads to heart attacks or strokes; it can also help in reducing symptoms of arteriosclerosis and heart conditions due to diabetes.

Turmeric is gaining support for its potential protection against Alzheimer's Disease, too.

Preparing Fresh Turmeric

It is difficult to find fresh turmeric, but you can find ground turmeric in many places. It is often found in the spice aisle at your grocery or super store. Look for this item in ethnic markets and spice stores. It may be possible to buy turmeric fresh. Naturally, it is preferable to get turmeric that is organically grown. Don't be swayed by the color - the color may differ because there are many turmeric varieties.

Fresh turmeric should be stored in a container with a tight seal. Store it somewhere cool and also free of dampness and direct light. Be sure to keep your fresh turmeric rhizomes refrigerated.

Take precautionary measures with this spice, because the dark yellow color can readily stain your hands or clothes.

The following are a few ideas for cooking with turmeric.

It has an intense taste, so take care to use sparingly. Turmeric is great in pasta, seafood, tomato dishes, egg salad, or just sprinkled over eggs.

Try turmeric mixed with sour cream as a sauce for shellfish. It is delicious.

You might discover that turmeric is frequently an ingredient in pickles and mustard.

Include some turmeric when you prepare dressing to pour on salads. The taste and appearance will both benefit from the bright yellow color.

You can use turmeric in relishes, marinades, and savory breads.

Try adding a bit of the spice to legumes such as lentils, or to some cooked winter squash; Thai cooks use turmeric extensively in appetizers, stir-fried dishes, curries, soups, and desserts.

You can spice your green tea with turmeric to enhance its cancer fighting properties.

You can try turmeric with tofu recipes.

You can sprinkle turmeric on a variety of dishes to add a cheerful burst of color and an array of healthy, fat burning benefits.

Serving Size

Approximately 2 teaspoons is appropriate, unless the recipe indicates otherwise.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Health Benefits of Reishi For the Respiratory System

The Reishi mushroom is hailed as the king of all mushrooms, as it has many benefits on the overall health of the body. One area, where the Reishi mushroom is effective in, is the respiratory system. It has proven itself to be effective in helping with the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and allergies.


Asthma is a very common disease that affects the airways. It can make it difficult to breathe and cause a tightness in the chest. It can also cause coughing and wheezing. Conventional medicine does not have a cure for this condition, but Reishi is said to help ease the symptoms. According to studies the mushroom is effective against the inflammation that builds up in the airways that bring about the symptoms of asthma.

Other inflammatory conditions that can be helped with Reishi include rheumatoid arthritis and HIV.


Bronchitis is another inflammatory disease that affects the airways. The symptoms are similar to that of the common cold, which include a cough. During chronic bronchitis, the cough brings up mucus and can last for months. Once again, Reishi's powerful anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the inflammation, allowing the individual to find relief from the symptoms.


Allergies are very common in the Western countries. They are often aggravated by substances that the body feels threatened by. These include pollen, dust, pet dander, chemicals and smoke. Food allergies are also common, which can cause digestive issues. Common symptoms of an allergic reaction are sinus pressure, sneezing and a stuffy nose, skin rashes and watery eyes.

An allergic reaction is simply an overreaction of the immune system. When the system is weakened by other toxins, then something as little as dust can cause the defense system to overreact, simply because it feels threatened. As a result, the immune system produces extra mucus to help eliminate the foreign substances from the body.

Reishi is effective in eliminating toxins from the body, which in turn strengthens the system so that it no longer has to feel threatened. As a result, the inflammation and other symptoms begin to disappear.

Other health conditions that are helped by a strong immune system include cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes mellitus type 1, graves disease and ulcerative colitis.

Reishi mushroom is available in a supplement form, as well as in a dried form. Due to its powerful medicinal ingredients, pregnant women, and those who are allergic to other mushrooms are advised not to take it, unless prescribed by a physician.

Mastocytic Enterocolitis - A Patient Guide to Mastocytic Inflammatory Bowel Disease (MIBD)


Mastocytic enterocolitis (entero=small intestine, colitis- colon + -itis= inflammation) is a newly discovered disorder defined by the presence of increased mast cells in the intestine. Mast cells are a type of immune cell. They are involved in allergy reactions, infection fighting and nerve regulation in the body. They have numerous granules that contain a variety of chemicals that mediate body reactions i.e. chemical mediators. Histamine is one of the main chemical mediators in mast cells that are released when mast cells are triggered. Mast cells present in the superficial intestinal lining or mucosa in small numbers except when there are parasites, food allergies, increased stress or the presence of other chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. When mast cells release histamine and other chemicals, this irritates or inflames the bowel making it more permeable or leaky. This can set up a vicious cycle of pain and further gut injury.


The most common symptoms are diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. However, constipation may occur due to gut paralysis. Nausea, vomiting and various non-GI symptoms such as flushing, headaches, and fatigue may also commonly occur. When histamine is released, it can cause leaky gut, increased contractions of the gut or decreased contractions, increased secretions and increased pain.


When you have an endoscopic procedure, the doctor takes samples of tissue, called biopsies, from the lining of your intestines. The tissue is then sent to a pathologist who looks at it under the microscope. Mast cells may be hard to see on biopsies without a special stain for tryptase, an enzyme present in mast cells. Mastocytic enterocolitis is diagnosed when excess mast cells are present in the small bowel or the colon.


There are medications that can reduce or block the release of the chemicals by the mast cells. The most common are antihistamines, both type I and type antihistamines. Type I antihistamines are typically used for allergies symptoms such as Zyrtec, Allegra, Claritin etc. The type II antihistamines are also acid blockers such as Zantac, Tagamet and Pepcid. The most specific therapy for mastocytic enterocolitis is a medication that stabilizes mast cells known as cromolyn sodium (Gastrocrom). This drug prevents the release of chemicals including histamine from mast cells. It is typically prescribed four times a day for about 4-6 weeks. Along with medication, you should have allergy testing done for the most common allergies, work on reducing or coping better with stress and consider taking a probiotic supplement.

Copyright 2008 Dr. Scot M. Lewey, "Dr Celiac, the Food Doc" All RIghts Reserved

This may be reprinted for non-commercial patient use provided the contact information above is included.