Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Holistic Approach To Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the ways the body responds to stress. Stress to the body can come in different forms such as an illness or a physical injury. While inflammation can be helpful initially, too much of it is not good for the body. For example when you have a cold, your body may respond initially with inflammation in the form of a fever. This can help to kill the virus, but then the inflammation should go away. If the body is constantly stressed and there is continuous inflammation, this can take a toll on the body over time.

After a period of time, the body may develop chronic inflammation. This is commonly associated with numerous health problems. Chronic low grade inflammation is known to be linked to disease and premature aging. There are several diseases with inflammation including arthritis, asthma, infection, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and cancer to name a few of them.

If you have any one of these diseases, you are likely to have accompanied inflammation. Inflammation can cause free radicals which cause cell destruction and other problems in the body. If you want to have better health, a good strategy is to minimize inflammation. Decreasing inflammation has been shown to help lower the effects of disease and improve function in the body.

There are several different methods to reduce inflammation in the body. Some methods are more invasive including medication or even surgery. These methods often carry side effects that can lead to other health problems. It is wise to seek natural and holistic methods to deal with inflammation that support the body's ability to heal itself. Simple methods to improve inflammation include getting proper rest and plenty of exercise.

There are certain foods that we can consume that effectively reduce inflammation in the body. It is also important to control our caloric intake to avoid weight gain. Maintaining a healthy weight can help avoid inflammation. Eating processed foods, red meat and junk food are likely to cause more inflammation and should be avoided. It is also good to avoid refined flours and eat whole grains instead which help reduce inflammation. They also are better to maintain a healthy weight instead of refined flours which are easily converted into fat in the body. You should also avoid sugar, candy and desserts.

It may seem easier to eat processed foods and junk food in the beginning, but continuing this lifestyle can lead to disaster in the end. Developing a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables will help to minimize inflammation and keep your body healthier.

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