Tuesday, June 11, 2013

What Can You Eat With Crohn's Disease? I'll Tell You!

Many people who have just been diagnosed with crohn's disease are wondering that exact question: What can I eat with crohn's disease? Well the good news is that there is a lot of good information on the internet that can help you. So without further ado, let me tell you exactly what YOU CAN EAT with crohn's disease!

One of the best things to eat if you have crohn's are foods that have been labeled "low residue foods". These are foods that will not leave residue behind that can inflame and irritate your intestines. Some of these foods include:

White Rice

Fruit juices (w/o seeds or pulp)

Jelly, Syrup

Eggs, Poultry, Fish

Milk And Milk Products (Ice Cream, Yogurt)

Low residue foods are typically foods that are not fortified or high in fiber. A diet high in fiber does not sit well with your intestines and you should stay away from it if you have been recently diagnosed with crohn's. Eating low residue food can relieve most of the symptoms associated with the disease. The diarrhea and the abdominal pain for instance. Ignoring your doctor's advice and continuing to eat as you once did will only make the symptoms worse.

Look, just because you have been diagnosed with crohn's doesn't mean that it's the end of the world. With your doctor's guidance and a continued vigilance on your side you can beat it. There may not be a cure for this disease, but you can control its symptoms. And when you control its symptoms, you essentially control the disease.

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