Did you know that every day you may be consuming foods that are doing incredible harm to your body? These aren't poisonous foods, or even illegal foods, they are worse than that! They are foods that have become such major ingredients that most processed, supermarket or pre-packed food contains many of these deadly ingredients.
In this article, we look at the top five foods that should never enter your mouth. Five foods that are responsible for much of today's chronic illness and disease. If you regularly consume any of these foods, stop now and see what a powerful difference you can make to your health.
Wheat is the number one food on our list, one that single handedly is responsible for most forms of digestive distress and discomfort. If you have not yet removed wheat from your diet this is an absolute must.
The protein gluten, found in wheat is particularly damaging to the lining of the digestive tract. The regular, frequent consumption of wheat based products is one of the key factors behind digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn's Disease and Celiac's. If you find yourself regularly affected by any of the below symptoms, removing wheat from your diet is particularly important:
- bloating or abdominal discomfort after eating,
- frequent bouts of diarrhoea or constipation,
- regular problems with gas and wind.
Recurrent eczema or hard to beat psoriasis is a key indication you are eating too much wheat.
Wheat, and it's damaging protein gluten, is a common filler ingredient in many prepacked and prepared foods. Be sure to read labels carefully and choose products that are free from both wheat and gluten.
Cow's Milk
Wheat's partner in crime is cow's milk. The protein casein found in cow's milk has a similar effect to gluten. A dietary change as simple as removing gluten and casein is one of the key natural interventions for many chronic conditions including:
- arthritis and auto immune conditions,
- digestive conditions such as Crohn's, Celiac's, IBS, and ulcerative colitis,
- childhood disorders such as Autism,
- common allergies and asthma.
Try replacing cow's milk with rice milk or almond milk which are commonly available in supermarkets. Many people have reported that purchasing A2 Cow's milk has seen a reduction in symptoms. Don't be fooled by lactose reduced, or low lactose milks. While some people are lactose intolerant, it is the protein structure more than the sugar that causes problems.
The culturing of cow's milk in products such as kefir, yoghurt, and many soft cheeses, also helps to remove the damaging aspects of casein.
Called "white, sweet, and deadly", sugar is one of the most damaging ingredients in the modern diet. Often overlooked however, is that white, refined, breads and pastas are also simple sugars and have the same effects and cause the same problems.
Commonly known as a key factor in obesity and diabetes, simple sugars are also the preferred food for cancers and a major contributor to auto immune and degenerative joint conditions. Removing sugar from the diet is one of the quickest and easiest ways to:
- lose weight,
- control blood sugar levels,
- improve cholesterol and metabolic risk parameters,
- improve immune function and prevent colds and flues.
Like wheat, look carefully at food labels. Sugar is a cheap flavouring and makes its way into many foods that you would not expect.
Refined Salt
Not quite sweet like sugar, but definitely white and deadly, the use of salt has exploded in our modern diets. Some salts are good, others are bad. Refined table salt definitely falls into the bad category and has been directly linked to:
- heart disease,
- hypertension,
- and diabetes.
The salt refining process also sees the addition of many chemical nasties such as aluminium. Although aluminium may make your salt easier to pour and more resistant to clumping, excess aluminium has been associated with many adverse health outcomes.
Try replacing refined table salts with good quality, unprocessed, Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt. These salts have not been stripped of important trace minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iodine, during processing. These full spectrum salts are powerful foods in maintaining health and wellbeing.
Trans Fats
If your plans for ageing don't include heart disease, cholesterol, or diabetes, reducing your intake of trans fats is a step in the right direction.
Trans fats, or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, are plant based unsaturated fats that are artificially stabilised. Trans fats are often found in margarine, cookies, baked goods, pastries, take away foods, and other processed foods, where the hydrogenation prevents rancidity. It is the high consumption of trans fats, rather than saturated fats that is one of the leading drivers of high cholesterol levels.
Make sure the fats and oils in your diet are of the healthy variety by increasing intake of olives, avocado, nuts and seeds, and purified fish oils. Don't be scared of saturated fats from meat, eggs, and cheeses, as modern research places the blame for adverse outcomes on trans fats.
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