Apple Cider Vinegar is a vinegar type made by fermenting apple cider. In this process the sugar present in the apple cider gets broken by the yeast and bacteria into alcohol and vinegar. Apple cider vinegar consists of acetic acid as well as citric, lactic and malic acids. Apple cider vinegar is yellow brown in color and is sold unfiltered. This unfiltered apple cider vinegar is available in the health food stores and also in grocery stores. The other vinegar types are white vinegar, red wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar and rice wine vinegar. They are used in cooking as well as are good for health purposes. Apple cider vinegar was believed to have been used by Hippocrates as health tonic and the American soldiers also made use of the same to combat indigestion ad pneumonia. The intriguing aspect of this vinegar is that it has abundant health benefits. It can decrease the blood glucose levels. It is effective for people suffering from diabetes and weight loss.
Bioperine is derived from the extract of Piper nigrum L (black pepper) or Piper longum L (long pepper). Bioperine activates the thermogenesis process that generates energy at the cellular level. This process also helps in burning of fats. It also increases the absorption of nutrients and vitamins. It ensures that the body benefits and is able to efficiently use the nutrients from the food. It also boosts the metabolism that makes it effective in weight loss and maintenance. Because of the boost in metabolism, it also provides the body an increased supply of energy. It also aids in the proper digestion.
Caffeine is a powerful and very common alkaloid supplement used in Zylean primarily to increase the body's ability to lose weight quickly, boost energy and stimulate the brain into more activity with better clarity. It also fuels the body's metabolism for increased fat burning qualities. This allows users to have more stamina for exercise and more focus for weight loss initiatives. Caffeine anhydrous is found naturally in many different beans and plants and works successfully as a stimulating supplement for those needing increased energy, focus, and alertness. When taken as a supplement for health or weight loss reasons, caffeine anhydrous should not be combined with other traditional forms of caffeine, such as soft drinks, energy drinks, coffee, or tea, because the supplement form is concentrated and powerful in itself.
Cayenne, which contains Capsaicin, a thermogenic substance. A thermogenic raises your core temperature, which allows you to burn more calories from food, particularly when eating a high fat meal.
Chromium Picolinate is a nutritional supplement that treats and helps prevent chromium deficiencies and has shown a reduction in carbohydrate cravings making it another weight loss product as well.
Citrus Aurantium is the Latin name for a citrus tree which grows bitter oranges. Traditionally being used by Chinese medicine and herbologists, the extract of the orange and the peel was used as a dietary supplement in concoctions with other herbs to suppress appetite. While other active ingredients of the citrus aurantium may contribute and even promote the effect, the main ingredient used in all weight loss products is synephrine, an alkaloid similar to ephedrine. It is a phenethylamine; it influences the alpha1 adrenergic receptor, constricting blood vessels, additionally increasing the heart rate and the blood pressure. In most cases the use of synephrine is paired with a diet and body building plan, where weight loss and muscle building is essential.
Fennel Seed or Sauf is derived from the herb Foeniculum vulgare. It is commonly used for digestive problems such as relieving gas, cramps and indigestion. It is very rich in minerals particularly magnesium. It also has anethol that inhibits muscle spasms particularly in the intestinal tract. Fennel Seed also helps in increasing the production of bile. It may also be used for de-worming and ridding the intestine of other such parasites. Fennel Seed also possess anti-microbial properties and may act as a decongestant. It may also be used as diuretic. It is also effective in aiding weight loss because it suppresses appetite and food cravings. It also reduces water retention in the body.
Ginger Root has been used as herbal medicine in India, Asia, and Arab countries for a long time. People in China have been using this knotted, thick, underground stem or rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale to improve digestion for over two thousand years. Ginger was also found effective in the treatment of health conditions such as heart problems, arthritis, colic, and diarrhea. Ginger is also a popular cooking spice in different cuisines. The magic herb can also help a great deal in pregnancy, motion sickness, and cancer chemotherapy since it aids in preventing or treating nausea and vomiting associated with it. Many women consume ginger to reduce the pain during menstrual periods. Ginger is also used to reduce inflammation and combat inflammation-related problems such as arthritis and ulcerative colitis. You may buy fresh ginger root or go for other variations like ginger extracts, capsules, and oils.
Green Tea Extract is currently being promoted by the health conscious community as a weight loss product, which does not do this incredible concoction of helpful ingredients justice. Many green tea extracts nowadays exclude caffeine, to avoid the associated side effects and lower the ingestion of this legal addictive stimulant. The main characteristic of the green tea extract should be the antioxidative effect, which surpasses Vitamin C twentyfold. But the other traits are not to be forgotten, it is anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogen and anti-radiation. The unique combination of green tea catechins, derivatives of apicatechin, and flavonoids, which belong to the same family, are proven scavengers of free radicals and an unavoidable addition to any dietary supplement combination, body building or weight loss as the target objective.
Gymnema Sylvestre is an herb that has shown to reduce blood sugar and is used by some to reduce sugar cravings as it seemingly reduces the sugar taste when placed in the mouth.
Hydrocitric Acid or HCA is a compound that may be derived from the extracts of the fruit Garcinia cambogia which is found in India. It helps suppress the appetite and aids in digestion. It activates the thermogenesis process that burns the fat. It increases the conversion of the carbohydrates in glucose, allowing a large amount of fats to pass through the body without storing it. These fats are also burned to be used as energy that helps increase the endurance and strength, and replenish the supply of energy. It also helps control the blood sugar level that prevents conditions of hypoglycaemia. HydroCitric Acid is also used as a purgative to treat worms and parasites.
L-Carnitine is produced from amino acids present in the body. It burns fat for the release of energy for the body to function and is therefore, one of the more well known agents of weight loss. L-Carnitine is also believed to have an effect in the delay of Alzheimer's disease. Conditions, such as angina, cause insufficient production of L-Carnitine. It is commonly found in breast milk, red meat and dairy products. Low levels of L Carnitine can cause cramps in the muscles, low blood sugar and tiredness. When using supplements of L-Carnitine, a person must use suitable amounts of Vitamins C and B, along with iron supplements. Proteins from animals and other foods, rich in nutrition will assist in meeting the required levels of nutrition.
L-Tyrosine, a non-essential amino acid that is used to build protein. It is a precursor dopamine, as well as a precursor to norepinephrine and epinephrine. The body makes L-Tyrosine from the amino acid phenylalanine. Since L-Tyrosine is a precursor of Dopamine, it may raise mental alertness, making it of great use in exercise programs.
Licorice Root is cultivated in southern as well as central Europe. Licorice root is extensively used as flavor in candies and as well as in syrups, cough drops, laxatives and tonics. The licorice root is also useful in flavoring various types of beer, gelatins, meat products, puddings and frozen dairy desserts. Licorice is commonly found in all the Chinese herb combinations so that it maintains other herbs as well as promotes vitality. Licorice is a source of silicon, magnesium and thiamine. It is available in liquid extract and is helpful for people having problems with swallowing capsule. Licorice root capsule can be taken three times a day. Licorice root is useful for various ailments such as baldness, asthma, canker sores, athlete's foot, depression, chronic fatigue, flu, colds, dandruff, coughs, gingivitis, emphysema, heartburn, viral infections, HIV, ulcers, fungal infections, tooth decay and liver problems. This root has anti-depressant compounds and is one of the impressive herbal medicines.
Pantothenic Acid also known as B5 is a natural, inexpensive and safe form of curing acne. It is free from all negative side effects. It is best suited for people with oily skin as it stops the overproduction of oil within our body. It converts the carbohydrates and fats into energy effectively when synthesized with other Vitamin B. Additionally it also helps your body produce red blood cells and metabolizes fats. It plays a significant role in reducing physical and mental stress because it works along with the stress hormone producing adrenal gland. Pantothenic acid is present in all kinds of food and therefore our body gets sufficient amount of it. As it is impossible for our body to become deficient in pantothenic acid, there is no recommended daily amount of it. Eggs, whole grains and milk contain panthothenic acid in large numbers.
Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid that plays an important role in the formation of proteins. It is converted into tyrosine in the body which stimulates the production of dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. It helps treat and manage the symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), depression, and Parkinson's disease. It also alleviates the symptoms from alcohol withdrawal. It also has the ability to reduce pains caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Phenylalanine also treats vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder. Phenylalanine may also help in weight loss because it aids in suppressing the appetite and cravings, and at the same time, it promotes the production of energy.
Vitamin B12- Also called Riboflavin, B2 is a water absorbed vitamin of which the body must replenish its supplies each day as it cannot be stored. It is necessary for the production of red blood cells and, like the other B vitamins, it works at supporting it supports energy production by helping in the metabolism of various foods.B2 is required for healthy skin as well as hair growth, the nails and has a role in regulating the activity of the thyroid gland. It is also necessary in order that the body can process amino acids found in proteins and fats and to activate vitamin B6 and folic acid.
Vitamin B6contains pyridoxal phosphate, or PLP for short, as the active ingredient and is a vitamin belonging to the B complex grouping. It is functioning mainly as a co-enzyme with others in the human body, aiding in the proper function of several metabolic processes. Neurotransmitter synthesis, as well as hemoglobin and histamine synthesis are just some of the functions of PLP, hemoglobin function, gene expression and aiding in the facilitation of decarboxylation, elimination and other reactions, mainly taking place in the liver. Vitamin B6 was found to diminish by 50% the risk of Parkinson's disease. Alternative medicine suggests the use of Vitamin B6 to combat autism, in combination with magnesium. This combination has shown effects with children suffering from attention deficit disorders. PLP also seems to show therapeutic effects for diabetic nephropathy.
White Willow Bark possesses salicin that offers identical effect as aspirin and exhibits no side effects. This is the basis for aspirin synthesis. Chinese healers used it to control pain and the Native Americans also understood the value of it to get relief from headaches as well rheumatism. This also reduces fevers. The advantage of white willow bark is that it also helps in reducing weight and aids the diet goals. It is an anti-inflammatory and is analgesic, anti-rheumatic, fever reducer and gives relief from inflammatory pains such as rheumatism, carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. White willow bark is found in Asia and Europe. Taking one or two capsules at mealtimes is recommended. However, this dosage should not be exceeded. This does not exhibit significant side effects, but the tannins present in the white willow extract may result in stomach upset and may trouble if a person is allergic to aspirin.
Yerba Matte or Ilex paraguariensis commonly grows in South America. It contains about twenty four vitamins and minerals, fifteen amino acids, eleven types of polyphenols, caffeine, and contains a high level of antioxidants. It is considered to be the most balanced stimulant and revered as the "drink of the gods". It contains xanthine alkaloids such as theobromine, caffeine and theophylline, and saponins that stimulate the immune system, enhance the memory and focus, and suppress appetite. Yerba Mate also helps regulate the blood sugar and cholesterol level. It also helps burn the fat and fight free radical damages to cells that may cause cancer and aging. It also helps in cleansing the blood, and may act as a diuretic
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