Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blood in Bowel Movements

It can be a horrifying thing, to see blood in your bowel movements. The shock of seeing your own blood is bad enough, but to see it in such an unexpected place is even worse. However, there are several different things that can cause this to happen, and believe it or not, they are not life-threatening. They are short-lived conditions that are entirely treatable.

Terms for Bleeding

Terms used in diagnosis refer to the color of the stools. If the stools are black and like tar, they are melena. If they are bright red or maroon colored, it's called hematochezia. The rectum itself may not be bleeding, but it's called rectal bleeding because that's where the blood leaves the body.


While inflammation is the body's way of healing an injury, chronic or ongoing inflammation in the intestines or colon can cause its own problems. Proctitis is inflammation of the colon that, when it persists, can weaken the lining of the colon. If you have ulcers in your colon, they can cause proctitis. This will cause blood in bowel movements, and you need to see a doctor. While this condition is easily treatable, if allowed to continue untreated, the lining of the rectum could develop holes.


A fistulae is sort of like a tunnel. If you have a fistulae of the anus or rectum, it means there is an opening connecting that organ with the outside or with another organ. In other words, you've got a crack inside. It's actually another one of the inflammatory bowel diseases, as the one mentioned above. Proctitis, Crohn's disease, and colitis all can cause this condition. With fistulae of this sort, it is actually possible for bowels or urine to leak out of places they wouldn't normally. Pus from an infection and blood in bowel movements can be the result. While the bleeding itself is not an emergency situation, if your condition has reached this point, you are probably already under a doctor's care, anyway.

Torn Anal Opening

This is usually caused by constipation. Physical exertion during a bowel movement can cause spasms in the sphincter. Considering that you have 2 of these muscles, the spasms can be quite painful. The inner and outer sphincters must be relaxed for the bowel movement to take place. If you're constipated, the spasms of the sphincters can cause cracking, which will induce bleeding. This can be eased by increased water consumption and a healthier diet with a little more fiber. Anti-inflammatory medicines can ease the swelling and pain, as well.

Rectal Prolapse

Usually affecting older women, it's when the rectum falls partially out of the anus. It's caused by weak muscles and ligaments, and from a fallen pelvic floor. Often, surgery is the only treatment.


The most common cause of blood in bowel movements is hemorrhoids-both inner and outer. These can be treated topically, or removed through surgerya and with Colon Cleanse Tablets.

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