Thursday, May 9, 2013

Insomnia Facts

Insomnia is a growing problem for many people around the world. 30% of the US population now suffer from some sort of sleep deprivation. With a huge 17% of the world's population suffering from some degree of insomnia. Insomnia is described as the inability to sleep. In this article I am going to go through some of the top causes for insomnia as if you can eliminate the causes this can be the best cure for insomnia. So if you have insomnia or you simply want to prevent yourself from getting it read through the top causes for insomnia in this article.

The cause for insomnia that strikes around 78% of all insomnia victims is stress, no surprise there. To avoid stress is very difficult in modern life as you control so little over your environment. Getting to work can often be a stressful experience, if you wake up a bit late you are then stressed as you have to rush around, you then wait for the train which may be delayed or your car may have a problem all leading to growing stress. And this stress is felt by your body as well as your mind.

The other 22% of insomniacs usually get some sort of hereditary insomnia gene. This simply means that they will naturally struggle with sleep more than the average person. This cannot be cured by any normal methods as there is a genetic cause which cannot be reversed. The most effective method for curing genetic insomnia is hypnotherapy, this is because if you have never slept for longer than 4 hours a night and you are taking pills to keep you alive pretty much then you need to first of all get out of the mindset that you can never sleep and then you can move on to other methods.

Some of these other methods can include getting into a fixed routine, such as setting your biological clock correctly so that when you need to get to sleep you will be able to as you will tell your body that it is "sleep time" this is a very difficult technique but can be achieved. Other methods include stretching the major muscle groups before you go to bed as this not only relaxes you but also puts you into a sleep ready state. Yoga and meditational exercises can also be very effective if you suffer from insomnia.

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