Irritable Bowel Syndrome, commonly referred to as IBS, is a disorder that afflicts the intestinal tract. It creates abdominal discomfort or abdominal pain. This condition results in frequently irregular bowel movement patterns, which may occur as constipation, diarrhea or both successively.
A patient may often report a sudden urge to go to the bathroom. Sometimes, if IBS is so severe, a person will not be able to function at social events or at work. Even traveling a short distance can be a problem.
This disorder is sometimes known as nervous indigestion. An individual with IBS can say they have irritable or spastic colon. Emotional stress associated with IBS can complicate and exacerbate its effects.
Symptoms and Causes of IBS
The occurrence of irritable bowel syndrome has not really been clearly explained. There is a hypothesis that suggest it occurs as a result of stretching or muscle movement of the intestine but no single cause seems to explain this illness. This condition is prevalent among adolescents and post-adolescents, especially females. IBS occurs sometimes after an infection of the intestine, but its connection with the infection is not really clear.
There are a lot of symptoms that characterize the manifestation of IBS but not all of these symptoms occur in each patient. They are mostly manifested in the abdomen. Patients often have abdominal pain besides to the bloating or fullness sensation or gassing. Diarrhea or constipation or both is also seen in most patients.
The symptoms associated with this condition are upsetting. The lack of control aggravates the concern and stress caused by the intestinal discomfort. It is not uncommon that people with irritable bowel syndrome suffer from depression due to embarrassment caused by its symptoms which are difficult to hide in public like uncontrollable bowel movements, gas, and sharp abdominal pain that occur at the same time.
Diagnosis and Treatment
For those who believe that these symptoms accurately describe their condition, they should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Irritable bowel syndrome may sometimes be diagnosed without any test. In some cases, it may encourage a doctor to do further tests to evaluate if there is another explanation like lactase deficiency or ulcerative colitis. If the patient is an elderly, a colon screening and endoscopy may be recommended.
Irritable bowel syndrome isn't curable. Treatment will only ease the symptoms. Often the doctor will just suggest lifestyle adjustments such as diet change. Exercise and improved sleep pattern are also suggested. Doctors may prescribe drugs to stimulate the intestines in cases of constipation or diarrhea medications if a patient has diarrhea.
With adequate medical support, a patient can sometimes get back the quality of life he or she experienced before the symptoms become apparent. A patient can successfully alleviate the worst symptoms as long as he or she willingly follows the physician's advice.
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